95 research outputs found

    A regional scale modeling analysis of aerosol and trace gas distributions over the eastern Pacific during the INTEX-B field campaign

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    The Sulfur Transport and dEposition Model (STEM) is applied to the analysis of observations obtained during the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment-Phase B (INTEX-B), conducted over the eastern Pacific Ocean during spring 2006. Predicted trace gas and aerosol distributions over the Pacific are presented and discussed in terms of transport and source region contributions. Trace species distributions show a strong west (high) to east (low) gradient, with the bulk of the pollutant transport over the central Pacific occurring between ~20° N and 50° N in the 2–6 km altitude range. These distributions are evaluated in the eastern Pacific by comparison with the NASA DC-8 and NSF/NCAR C-130 airborne measurements along with observations from the Mt. Bachelor (MBO) surface site. Thirty different meteorological, trace gas and aerosol parameters are compared. In general the meteorological fields are better predicted than gas phase species, which in turn are better predicted than aerosol quantities. PAN is found to be significantly overpredicted over the eastern Pacific, which is attributed to uncertainties in the chemical reaction mechanisms used in current atmospheric chemistry models in general and to the specifically high PAN production in the SAPRC-99 mechanism used in the regional model. A systematic underprediction of the elevated sulfate layer in the eastern Pacific observed by the C-130 is another issue that is identified and discussed. Results from source region tagged CO simulations are used to estimate how the different source regions around the Pacific contribute to the trace gas species distributions. During this period the largest contributions were from China and from fires in South/Southeast and North Asia. For the C-130 flights, which operated off the coast of the Northwest US, the regional CO contributions range as follows: China (35%), South/Southeast Asia fires (35%), North America anthropogenic (20%), and North Asia fires (10%). The transport of pollution into the western US is studied at MBO and a variety of events with elevated Asian dust, and periods with contributions from China and fires from both Asia and North America are discussed. The role of heterogeneous chemistry on the composition over the eastern Pacific is also studied. The impacts of heterogeneous reactions at specific times can be significant, increasing sulfate and nitrate aerosol production and reducing gas phase nitric acid levels appreciably (~50%)

    Rain in Shallow Cumulus Over the Ocean: The RICO Campaign

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    Shallow, maritime cumuli are ubiquitous over much of the tropical oceans, and characterizing their properties is important to understanding weather and climate. The Rain in Cumulus over the Ocean (RICO) field campaign, which took place during November 2004–January 2005 in the trades over the western Atlantic, emphasized measurements of processes related to the formation of rain in shallow cumuli, and how rain subsequently modifies the structure and ensemble statistics of trade wind clouds. Eight weeks of nearly continuous S-band polarimetric radar sampling, 57 flights from three heavily instrumented research aircraft, and a suite of ground- and ship-based instrumentation provided data on trade wind clouds with unprecedented resolution. Observational strategies employed during RICO capitalized on the advances in remote sensing and other instrumentation to provide insight into processes that span a range of scales and that lie at the heart of questions relating to the cause and effects of rain from shallow maritime cumuli

    The Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Field Campaign

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    The Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) field experiment produced an exceptional dataset on thunderstorms, including their dynamical, physical, and electrical structures and their impact on the chemical composition of the troposphere. The field experiment gathered detailed information on the chemical composition of the inflow and outflow regions of midlatitude thunderstorms in northeast Colorado, west Texas to central Oklahoma, and northern Alabama. A unique aspect of the DC3 strategy was to locate and sample the convective outflow a day after active convection in order to measure the chemical transformations within the upper-tropospheric convective plume. These data are being analyzed to investigate transport and dynamics of the storms, scavenging of soluble trace gases and aerosols, production of nitrogen oxides by lightning, relationships between lightning flash rates and storm parameters, chemistry in the upper troposphere that is affected by the convection, and related source characterization of the three sampling regions. DC3 also documented biomass-burning plumes and the interactions of these plumes with deep convection

    Atmospheric sampling of Supertyphoon Mireille with NASA DC-8 aircraft on September 27, 1991, during PEM-West A

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    The DC‐8 mission of September 27, 1991, was designed to sample air flowing into Typhoon Mireille in the boundary layer, air in the upper tropospheric eye region, and air emerging from the typhoon and ahead of the system, also in the upper troposphere. The objective was to find how a typhoon redistributes trace constituents in the West Pacific region and whether any such redistribution is important on the global scale. The boundary layer air (300 m), in a region to the SE of the eye, contained low mixing ratios of the tracer species O3, CO, C2H6, C2H2, C3H8, C6H6 and CS2 but high values of dimethylsulfide (DMS). The eye region relative to the boundary layer, showed somewhat elevated levels of CO, substantially increased levels of O3, CS2 and all nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs), and somewhat reduced levels of DMS. Ahead of the eye, CO and the NMHCs remained unchanged, O3 and CS2 showed a modest decrease, and DMS showed a substantial decrease. There was no evidence from lidar cross sections of ozone for the downward entrainment of stratospheric air into the eye region; these sections show that low ozone values were measured in the troposphere. The DMS data suggest substantial entrainment of boundary layer air into the system, particularly into the eye wall region. Estimates of the DMS sulphur flux between the boundary layer and the free troposphere, based on computations of velocity potential and divergent winds, gave values of about 69 μg S m−2 d−1 averaged over a 17.5° grid square encompassing the typhoon. A few hours after sampling with the DC‐8, Mireille passed over Oki Island, just to the north of Japan, producing surface values of ozone of 5.5 ppbv. These O3 levels are consistent with the low tropospheric values found by lidar and are more typical of equatorial regions. We suggest that the central eye region may act like a Taylor column which has moved poleward from low latitudes. The high‐altitude photochemical environment within Typhoon Mireille was found to be quite active as evidenced by significant levels of measured gas phase H2O2 and CH3OOH and model‐computed levels of OH

    Ozone production efficiencies of acetone and peroxides in the upper troposphere

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    HOx concentrations in the upper tropical troposphere can be enhanced by the presence of acetone and the convective injection of peroxides. These enhancements in HOx might be expected to increase ozone production by increasing the rate of the HO2+NO reaction. We show however that the convective enhancements of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and methyl hydroperoxide (CH3OOH) above steady state during the PEM West B campaign were largely restricted to air parcels of marine boundary layer origin in which the mean NO concentration was 8 pptv. The ozone production efficiencies of the two peroxides at such low NO concentrations are very small. Their impact on the ozone budget of the upper tropical troposphere during PEM West B was therefore probably modest. Unlike the peroxides, acetone in the upper tropical troposphere during PEM West B exhibited a positive correlation with NO. It also has a much larger ozone production efficiency than either H2O2 or CH3OOH. It therefore has a much greater potential for significantly increasing ozone production rates in the upper tropical troposphere

    Method for the Collection and HPLC Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide and C\u3csub\u3el\u3c/sub\u3e and C\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Hydroperoxides in the Atmosphere

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    An HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography) method was developed to quantify hydrogen peroxide, methyl hydroperoxide. Hydroxymethyl hydroperoxide, ethyl hydroperoxide, and peroxyaectic acid in the atmosphere. Gas-phase hydroperoxides are collected in aqueous solution using a continuous-flow glass scrubbing coil and then analyzed by an HPLC postcolumn derivatization system. The detection system is based on fluorescence, produced by the product of the reaction of hydroperoxides with peroxidase and p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. Reproducibilities are better than 3% for all hydroperoxides in aqueous concentrations of 1 × 10−7–6 × 10−7 M. Detection limits in aqueous concentration are 1.2 × 10−9 M for hydrogen peroxide, 1.5 × 10−9 M for hydroxymethyl hydroperoxide, 2.9 × 10−9 M for methyl hydroperoxide, 16 × 10−9 M for peroxyaectic acid, and 19 × 10−9 M for ethyl hydroperoxide. Corresponding gas-phase detection limits are 5 PPtv for hydrogen peroxide, 7 pptv for hydroxymethyl hydroperoxide, 13 pptv for methyl hydroperoxide, 72 pptv for peroxyacetic acid, and 84 pptv for ethyl hydroperoxide for an air sample flow rate of two standard liters per minute and collection solution flow rate of 4 × 10−4 L min−1. The gas-phase detection limits for the latter three hydroperoxides vary depending on temperature, pressure, air sample flow rate, and collection solution flow rate. This system was used for several airborne and ground measurements and showed reliable performance

    Study on observational systems: A review of meteorological and oceanographic education in observational techniques and the relationship to national facilities and needs

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    Meteorological and oceanographic education in observational techniques and the relationship to national facilities\u27 needs are reviewed. The significance of measurement science and its relationship to national capabilities are examined. Opportunities for the enhancement of national capabilities related to the application of measurement science to meteorology and oceanography are identified and recommendations for action are presented

    An Ion-Neutral Model to Investigate Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Atmospheric Molecules – Application to a Mixed Reagent Ion System for Hydroperoxides and Organic Acids

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    An ion-neutral chemical kinetic model is described and used to simulate the negative ion chemistry occurring within a mixed-reagent ion chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS). The model objective was the establishment of a theoretical basis to understand ambient pressure (variable sample flow and reagent ion carrier gas flow rates), water vapor, ozone and oxides of nitrogen effects on ion cluster sensitivities for hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), methyl peroxide (CH3OOH), formic acid (HFo) and acetic acid (HAc). The model development started with established atmospheric ion chemistry mechanisms, thermodynamic data and reaction rate coefficients. The chemical mechanism was augmented with additional reactions and their reaction rate coefficients specific to the analytes. Some existing reaction rate coefficients were modified to enable the model to match laboratory and field campaign determinations of ion cluster sensitivities as functions of CIMS sample flow rate and ambient humidity. Relative trends in predicted and observed sensitivities are compared as instrument specific factors preclude a direct calculation of instrument sensitivity as a function of sample pressure and humidity. Predicted sensitivity trends and experimental sensitivity trends suggested the model captured the reagent ion and cluster chemistry and reproduced trends in ion cluster sensitivity with sample flow and humidity observed with a CIMS instrument developed for atmospheric peroxide measurements (PCIMSs). The model was further used to investigate the potential for isobaric compounds as interferences in the measurement of the above species. For ambient O3 mixing ratios more than 50 times those of H2O2, O3−(H2O) was predicted to be a significant isobaric interference to the measurement of H2O2 using O2−(H2O2) at m∕z 66. O3 and NO give rise to species and cluster ions, CO3−(H2O) and NO3−(H2O), respectively, which interfere in the measurement of CH3OOH using O2−(CH3OOH) at m∕z 80. The CO3−(H2O) interference assumed one of its O atoms was 18O and present in the cluster in proportion to its natural abundance. The model results indicated monitoring water vapor mixing ratio, m∕z 78 for CO3−(H2O) and m∕z 98 for isotopic CO3−(H2O)2 can be used to determine when CO3−(H2O) interference is significant. Similarly, monitoring water vapor mixing ratio, m∕z 62 for NO3− and m∕z 98 for NO3−(H2O)2 can be used to determine when NO3−(H2O) interference is significant