7,825 research outputs found

    Protostellar Feedback Processes and the Mass of the First Stars

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    We review theoretical models of Population III.1 star formation, focusing on the protostellar feedback processes that are expected to terminate accretion and thus set the mass of these stars. We discuss how dark matter annihilation may modify this standard feedback scenario. Then, under the assumption that dark matter annihilation is unimportant, we predict the mass of stars forming in 12 cosmological minihalos produced in independent numerical simulations. This allows us to make a simple estimate of the Pop III.1 initial mass function and how it may evolve with redshift.Comment: 6 pages, Proceedings of 'The First Stars and Galaxies: Challenges for the Next Decade", Austin, TX, March 8-11, 201

    Translation as a Provider of Models of Sociological Discourse in Nusantara

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    Apports de la traduction au discours sociologique au Nusantara — La sociologie connaît une croissance rapide en tant que discipline académique et instrument de développement national dans les nations de langue malaise de l'Asie du Sud-Est : le Brunei Darussalam, l'Indonésie et la Malaisie. Les particularités de la terminologie et du discours sociologiques posent des problèmes spécifiques pour les traducteurs de textes sociologiques, qui ont été à l'avant-garde des créations linguistiques en raison de l'usage croissant de manuels en langue nationale.En Indonésie, où les études supérieures sont, depuis l'indépendance, conduites en indonésien, les premiers textes sociologiques furent traduits du hollandais. Cependant, après le départ des Hollandais, un soutien américain majeur à l'enseignement de la sociologie de la part des États-Unis, a donné lieu, depuis les années 60, à une nouvelle vague de textes traduits cette fois-ci de l'anglais. En Malaisie, le choix du malais comme langue d'enseignement universitaire a suscité le besoin de traduire les mots-clés anglais. Au Brunei Darussalam, si l'enseignement universitaire se fait en anglais, les étudiants de langue malaise ont ressenti la nécessité de traduire les documents sociologiques pour réussir dans leur apprentissage.Bien que ces trois pays se soient accordés pour standardiser la terminologie et la morphologie, le langage sociologique est dans une certaine mesure devenu divergent. Pendant ce temps, la pénurie de traducteurs qualifés empêche la production suffisante et adéquate de traductions.Cet article aborde (1) les notions de « transparence » et « d'invisibilité » dans l'élaboration de textes cibles en langue indonésienne et malaise ainsi que (2) la possibilité de « domestiquer » les concepts et méthodologies et de fournir des textes cibles qui puissent être utilisés tant pour les études que pour la recherche.Translation as a Provider of Models of Sociological Discourse in Nusantara — The social sciences have seen rapid growth both as academic subjects and as instruments of national development in the Malay language nations of SE Asia: Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Malaysia. The particular nature of social science terminology and discourse has presented special problems for translators of social science texts, who have been at the frontiers of language creation as national language texts have been increasingly used at all levels of education in Indonesia and Malaysia.In Indonesia, where higher education had been Indonesian-medium after independence, the first social science texts to be translated were from Dutch, but, following the departure of the Dutch, extensive American support to social science education by the USA from the 1960s led to a new wave of texts translated from English. In Malaysia the decision to introduce Malay-medium higher education created a need for translations of key texts from English. In Brunei Darussalam, while higher education is English-medium, Malay-medium university students have found it necessary to translate English social science material to succeed in their learning.While the three countries have an agreement to standardise terminology and discourse, social science language has to some extent diverged. Meanwhile a serious shortage of qualified translators has hampered the production of adequate and sufficient translations.This paper discusses (1) the issues of "transparency" and "invisibility" in providing Indonesian and Malay target texts and (2) the feasibility of "domesticating" concepts and methodologies and providing recipient language texts which are usable and developmental

    Multiple Model Adaptive Estimator Target Tracker for Maneuvering Targets in Clutter

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    The task of tracking a target in the presence of measurement clutter is a two-fold problem: one of handling measurement association uncertainty (due to clutter), and poorly known or significantly varying target dynamics. Measurement association uncertainty does not allow conventional tracking algorithms (such as Kalman filters) to be implemented directly. Poorly known or varying target dynamics complicate the design of any tracking filter, and filters using only a single dynamics model can rarely handle anything beyond the most benign target maneuvers. In recent years, the Multiple Hypothesis Tracker (MHT) has gained acceptance as a means of handling targets in a measurement-clutter environment. MHT algorithms rely on Gaussian mixture representations of a target\u27s current state estimate, and the number of components within these mixtures grows exponentially with each successive sensor scan. Previous research into techniques that limit the growth of Gaussian mixture components proved that the Integral Square Error cost-function-based algorithm performs well in this role. Also, multiple-model adaptive algorithms have been shown to handle poorly known target dynamics or targets that exhibit a large range of maneuverability over time with excellent results. This research integrates the ISE mixture reduction algorithm into Multiple-Model Adaptive Estimator (MMAE) and Interacting Mixed Model (IMM) tracking algorithms. The algorithms were validated to perform well at a variety of measurement clutter densities by using a Monte Carlo simulation environment based on the C++ language. Compared to single-dynamics-model MHT trackers running against a maneuvering target, the Williams-filter-based, multiple-model algorithms exhibited superior tracking performance

    The effectiveness of marketing strategy making processes in medical markets

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    This thesis contributes to the understanding of the effectiveness of marketing strategy making processes. It examines how such effectiveness is contingent upon the internal and external environments in which the process operates and, therefore, how the requisite process is contingent upon its organisational and market context. It builds on the fields of strategy content and strategy process and of organisational effectiveness, organisational culture and organisation theory. It tests and develops Burrell and Morgan’s congruency hypotheses as an explanation of the effectiveness of marketing strategy making processes. That work postulates that effectiveness results when the process is congruent with both its internal environment (i.e. microcongruent) and external environment (i.e. macrocongruent) This work takes a pragmatist epistemological perspective. The methodology is qualitative, using multiple-informant case studies. The congruency hypotheses are operationalised using a model and constructs based on the extant literature. The work is restricted to the medical products market in order to optimise insight and understanding. The findings support the congruency hypotheses. Strong strategy is associated with simultaneous macrocongruence and microcongruence. Further, a mechanism for the hypotheses is identified. Interactions between the strategy process and organisational structure, systems and habits provide an underlying mechanism of microcongruence. Failure or success of the process to manage market complexity and turbulence provide an underlying mechanism of macrocongruence. This work contributes to theory, confirming the congruency hypotheses, extending them into marketing strategy making and making a new contribution concerning the mechanism of congruency. To methodology, this work confirms the use of case studies, extends it to consider simultaneously internal and external environments and makes a new contribution concerning the construct of strategy quality. To practice, the work confirms the value of planning in complex markets, extends the concept of a “requisite” process and contributes new ideas for the deliberate management of marketing strategy making processes

    Constitutional Law - Fourth Amendment - Good Faith Exception to the Exclusionary Rule

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    The United States Supreme Court held that the good faith exception to the exclusionary rule applies to evidence seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution due to clerical errors by court employees. Arizona v. Evans, 115 S. Ct. 1185 (1995)

    The Learning of Human Ingenuity Within a Formal, Environmental Education Program: A Case Study of Two Secondary School Programs

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    This thesis explores the implementation of creative pedagogies to determine how creativity as a disposition and learning outcome is pursued in Ontario classrooms. Its focus falls within a broad context of growing interest in Environmental Education and increasing demand for problem-solving skills in the workforce and beyond. The study draws upon participant experiences to examine how creative problem-solving is realized. A case study approach was employed, using multiple data sources in two High School Environmental Leadership Programs. Findings from this research suggest that teachers prioritize the building, comprehension and application of facts and concepts over the use of instructional strategies that develop creative problem-solving and higher-order thinking skills such as synthesis, analysis and evaluation. Students preferred creative instructional strategies and wanted them more often. The study calls for renewed teacher commitment and additional professional development for instructional strategies that nurture student creativity and expand teachers’ pedagogy. Furthermore, policy recommendations call for environmental education to become a multidisciplinary subject of its own, considering the broad scope of content and skills from which it draws and the urgency to solve environmental problems

    The Effects of Carbon Particle Size on Deinking

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    Different carbons deink to different brightness values. Deinking paper printed with inks composed of constant vehicles and different carbon pigments yielded a brightness range of 13.5 points. General trends indicate that deinkability improves as carbon particle size increases and as structure level decreases. These trends are not conclusive, however, and significant variations from these trends were detected. It . appears that the product of carbon particle size and structure level is more closely related to the final brightness than either particle size or structure level alone

    Translation in Brunei Darussalam

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