52 research outputs found

    Magnetic Ordering in Tetragonal 3d Metal Arsenides M2As (M = Cr, Mn, Fe): An Ab Initio Investigation

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    The electronic and magnetic structures of the tetragonal Cu2Sb-type 3d metal arsenides (M2As, M = Cr, Mn, Fe) were examined using density functional theory to identify chemical influences on their respective patterns of magnetic order. Each compound adopts a different antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering of local moments associated with the 3d metal sites, but every one involves a doubled crystallographic c-axis. These AFM ordering patterns are rationalized by the results of VASP calculations on several magnetically ordered models using a × a × 2c supercell. Effective exchange parameters obtained from SPRKKR calculations indicate that both direct and indirect exchange couplings play essential roles in understanding the different magnetic orderings observed. The nature of nearest-neighbor direct exchange couplings, that is, either ferromagnetic (FM) or AFM, were predicted by analysis of the corresponding crystal orbital Hamilton population (COHP) curves obtained by TB-LMTO calculations. Interestingly, the magnetic structures of Fe2As and Mn2As show tetragonal symmetry, but a magnetostrictive tetragonal-to-orthorhombic distortion could occur in Cr2As through AFM Cr1–Cr2 coupling between symmetry inequivalent Cr atoms along the a-axis, but FM coupling along the b-axis. A LSDA+U approach is required to achieve magnetic moment values for Mn2As in better agreement with experimental values, although computations always predict the moment at the M1 site to be lower than that at the M2 site. Finally, a rigid-band model applied to the calculated DOS curve of Mn2As correctly assesses the magnetic ordering patterns in Cr2As and Fe2As

    Identifying a Structural Preference in Reduced Rare-Earth Metal Halides by Combining Experimental and Computational Techniques

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    The structures of two new cubic {TnLa3}Br3 (Tn = Ru, Ir; I4132, Z = 8; Tn = Ru: a = 12.1247(16) Å, V = 1782.4(4) Å3; Tn = Ir: a = 12.1738(19) Å, V = 1804.2(5) Å3) compounds belonging to a family of reduced rare-earth metal halides were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Interestingly, the isoelectronic compound {RuLa3}I3 crystallizes in the monoclinic modification of the {TnR3}X3 family, while {IrLa3}I3 was found to be isomorphous with cubic {PtPr3}I3. Using electronic structure calculations, a pseudogap was identified at the Fermi level of {IrLa3}Br3 in the new cubic structure. Additionally, the structure attempts to optimize (chemical) bonding as determined through the crystal orbital Hamilton populations (COHP) curves. The Fermi level of the isostructural {RuLa3}Br3 falls below the pseudogap, yet the cubic structure is still formed. In this context, a close inspection of the distinct bond frequencies reveals the subtleness of the structure determining factors

    C–H Insertion Catalyzed by Tetratolylporphyrinato Methyliridium via a Metal–Carbene Intermediate

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    C–H insertion reactions between different substrates and diazo reagents were catalyzed by tetratolylporphyrinato methyliridium (Ir(TTP)CH3). The highest yields were achieved for reactions between the bulky diazo reagent methyl 2-phenyldiazoacetate (MPDA) and substrates containing electron-rich C–H bonds. An intermediate metalloporphyrin complex was identified as a metal–carbene complex, Ir(TTP)(═C[Ph]CO2CH3)(CH3) (4), using 1H NMR and UV/vis absorption spectroscopy. The presence of 4 was further supported by computationally modeling the absorption spectra with time-dependent DFT (6-31G(d,p)/SBKJC basis set, PBE0 functional). Kinetic studies for C–H insertion reactions using different substrates showed substantial differences in the rate of MPDA consumption, suggesting that carbene transfer is rate-limiting. Furthermore, primary kinetic isotope effects of 3.7 ± 0.3 and 2.7 ± 0.4 were measured using toluene and cyclohexane, respectively. These data are consistent with a mechanism that involves direct C–H insertion rather than a radical rebound pathway

    A Pilot Study on Cannabidiol (CBD) and Eccentric Exercise: Impact on Inflammation, Performance, and Pain

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 16(2): 109-117, 2023. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid purported to reduce symptoms of discomfort. Individuals are now using CBD to treat symptoms of multiple sclerosis, seizures, and chronic pain. Animal models indicate that CBD may be effective at reducing inflammation post fatiguing exercise. However, little evidence is available to evaluate these findings in humans. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the impact of two doses of CBD oil on inflammation (IL-6), performance, and pain after an eccentric loading protocol. Participants (n = 4) participated in three conditions (placebo, low dose, and high dose), in this randomized, counterbalanced design. Each condition took 72 hours to complete, with a 1-week washout period between conditions. At the beginning of each week, participants were subjected to a loading protocol of six sets of ten eccentric only repetitions in the single-arm bicep curl. Participants consumed capsules of either a placebo, low dose (2mg/kg) or high dose (10mg/kg) of CBD oil immediately following the session and continued every twelve hours for 48 hours. Venipunctures were taken before exercise and repeated at 24, 48, and 72 hours post exercise. Blood samples were centrifuged for 15 minutes in gel and lithium heparin vacutainers. Plasma was separated from cells and stored at -80° until analysis. Samples were analyzed using an immunometric assay for IL-6 (ELISA). Data were analyzed using a three (condition) by four (time) repeated measure ANOVA. There were no differences in inflammation between conditions (F(2,6) = 0.726, p = 0.522, np2 = 0.195) or across time (F(3,9) = 0.752, p = 0.548, np2 = 0.200), handgrip strength between conditions (F(2,6) = 0.542, p = 0.607, np2 = .153) or across time (F(3,9) = 2.235, p = .153, np2 = .427), or bicep curl strength between conditions (F(2,6) = 0.675, p = 0.554, np2 = .184) or across time (F(3,9) = 3.513, p = .150, np2 = .539). There were no differences in pain between conditions (F(2,6) = 0.495, p = 0.633, np2 = .142), but there was a difference across time (F(3,9) = 7.028, p = .010, np2 = .701). There were no significant interactions to note. Although there was no statistical significance between conditions (likely due to the low sample size), there was a visible increase in IL-6 48 (4.88 ± 6.53) and 72 hours (3.12 ± 4.26) post exercise in the placebo condition which was not observed in the low (48: 0.35 ± 2.22; 72: 1.34 ± 5.6) and high dose condition (48: 1.34 ± 1.34; 72: -0.79 ± 5.34). Future investigations should consider implementing eccentric resistance training across a larger portion of the body to improve ecological validity of the exercise. A larger sample would reduce risk of researchers committing a type II statistical error and give strength to detecting differences between conditions

    Шляхи підвищення ефективності використання виробничих ресурсів сільськогосподарських підприємств

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    Single-phase polycrystalline samples and single crystals of the complex boride phases Ti8Fe3Ru18B8 and Ti7Fe4Ru18B8 have been synthesized by arc melting the elements. The phases were characterized by powder and single-crystal X-ray diffraction as well as energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. They are new substitutional variants of the Zn11Rh18B8 structure type, space group P4/mbm (no. 127). The particularity of their crystal structure lies in the simultaneous presence of dumbbells which form ladders of magnetically active iron atoms along the [001] direction and two additional mixed iron/titanium chains occupying Wyckoff sites 4h and 2b. The ladder substructure is ca. 3.0 Å from the two chains at the 4h, which creates the sequence chain–ladder–chain, establishing a new structural and magnetic motif, the scaffold. The other chain (at 2b) is separated by at least 6.5 Å from this scaffold. According to magnetization measurements, Ti8Fe3Ru18B8 and Ti7Fe4Ru18B8 order ferrimagnetically below 210 and 220 K, respectively, with the latter having much higher magnetic moments than the former. However, the magnetic moment observed for Ti8Fe3Ru18B8 is unexpectedly smaller than the recently reported Ti9Fe2Ru18B8 ferromagnet. The variation of the magnetic moments observed in these new phases can be adequately understood by assuming a ferrimagnetic ordering involving the three different iron sites. Furthermore, the recorded hysteresis loops indicate a semihard magnetic behavior for the two phases. The highest Hc value (28.6 kA/m), measured for Ti7Fe4Ru18B8, lies just at the border of those of hard magnetic materials

    Principles of Chemical Bonding and Band Gap Engineering in Hybrid Organic–Inorganic Halide Perovskites

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    The performance of solar cells based on hybrid halide perovskites has seen an unparalleled rate of progress, while our understanding of the underlying physical chemistry of these materials trails behind. Superficially, CH3NH3PbI3 is similar to other thin-film photovoltaic materials: a semiconductor with an optical band gap in the optimal region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Microscopically, the material is more unconventional. Progress in our understanding of the local and long-range chemical bonding of hybrid perovskites is discussed here, drawing from a series of computational studies involving electronic structure, molecular dynamics, and Monte Carlo simulation techniques. The orientational freedom of the dipolar methylammonium ion gives rise to temperature-dependent dielectric screening and the possibility for the formation of polar (ferroelectric) domains. The ability to independently substitute on the A, B, and X lattice sites provides the means to tune the optoelectronic properties. Finally, ten critical challenges and opportunities for physical chemists are highlighted