576 research outputs found

    A Necessity-Based Method for Product Requirement Elicitation and Classification

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    A new necessity-based method for the elicitation and classification of requirements in the early phases of the product design process is presented. The purpose is to guide a design engineer through the process of requirement elicitation so as to compile a more appropriate requirement list and avoid under- and over-constraining a product. The new method is based on the extended Form, Fit and Function approach. Its steps are derived from an in-depth analysis of literature sources. The applicability of the method is shown on a case study on residential solar panels. The method is validated by a case study on an air ventilation register box and by expert opinion. The necessity-based method fills the gap in the well-established methods for requirement elicitation and classification. It gives an insight into which requirements are important for certain product. The elicitation part of the new method reminds a design engineer of important case-related requirements. The classification part helps establishing rules on mandatory requirements

    Mikrobiološke pretrage maslaca

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    Naše mikrobiološke pretrage maslaca ne bi bile potpune, ako ne bismo obradili i pitanja kontaminacije maslaca plijesnima i kvascima. Maslac prije svega iz kiselog vrhnja, predstavlja za plijesni dobar supstrat za razmnažanje. Dakako, moramo biti svjesni da ne djeluju sve vrsti plijesni jednako na kvalitetu maslaca

    Dopamine and its roles in the nervous system

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    Dopamin je jedan od najvažnijih neuromodulatora i neurotransmitera, uz neurotransmitere kao što su serotonin, noradrenalin itd.. Jednostavne je kemijske strukture, spada u monoamine i katekolamine te služi kao prekursor u sintezi noradrenalina i adrenalina. Postoji 5 podtipova dopaminskih receptora koji se nalaze unutar grupe receptora vezanih s G proteinom i dijele se na skupine receptora D1 i D2. Djelovanje dopamina ovisit će o tome koji su receptori prisutni na membrani. Učinak može biti ekscitacijski ili inhibicijski. Dopaminergički sustav uključuje 4 glavna puta koja se nalaze unutar mozga te sudjeluje u regulaciji: motoričkih funkcija, emocija, radne memorije, endokrinih funkcija… U slučaju disfunkcionalnosti dopaminergičkih sustava i neurona, pojavljuju se poremećaji i bolesti poput shizofrenije, ADHD-a i Parkinsonove bolesti.Dopamine is one of the most important neuromodulators and neurotransmitters, alongside with neurotransmitters such as serotonin, noradrenalin etc. It has a simple chemical structure, is classified as monoamine and catecholamin and has a role as a precursor in the synthesis of noradrenaline and adrenaline. There are 5 subclasses of dopamine receptors inside the family of G-protein coupled receptors and they are divided into two subfamilies: D1-like family and D2-like family. The effect of dopamine will depend on which of these receptors are present in the membrane. It can have excitatorious or inhibitious effect on neuron cell. Dopaminergic system includes 4 main pathways which are located inside the brain and it takes part in regulation of: motoric functions, emotions, working memory, endocrine functions... In case of dysfunctionality of dopaminergic systems and neurons, there are disorders and diseases which may appear, such as schizophrenia, ADHD and Parkinson’s disease

    Dopamine and its roles in the nervous system

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    Dopamin je jedan od najvažnijih neuromodulatora i neurotransmitera, uz neurotransmitere kao što su serotonin, noradrenalin itd.. Jednostavne je kemijske strukture, spada u monoamine i katekolamine te služi kao prekursor u sintezi noradrenalina i adrenalina. Postoji 5 podtipova dopaminskih receptora koji se nalaze unutar grupe receptora vezanih s G proteinom i dijele se na skupine receptora D1 i D2. Djelovanje dopamina ovisit će o tome koji su receptori prisutni na membrani. Učinak može biti ekscitacijski ili inhibicijski. Dopaminergički sustav uključuje 4 glavna puta koja se nalaze unutar mozga te sudjeluje u regulaciji: motoričkih funkcija, emocija, radne memorije, endokrinih funkcija… U slučaju disfunkcionalnosti dopaminergičkih sustava i neurona, pojavljuju se poremećaji i bolesti poput shizofrenije, ADHD-a i Parkinsonove bolesti.Dopamine is one of the most important neuromodulators and neurotransmitters, alongside with neurotransmitters such as serotonin, noradrenalin etc. It has a simple chemical structure, is classified as monoamine and catecholamin and has a role as a precursor in the synthesis of noradrenaline and adrenaline. There are 5 subclasses of dopamine receptors inside the family of G-protein coupled receptors and they are divided into two subfamilies: D1-like family and D2-like family. The effect of dopamine will depend on which of these receptors are present in the membrane. It can have excitatorious or inhibitious effect on neuron cell. Dopaminergic system includes 4 main pathways which are located inside the brain and it takes part in regulation of: motoric functions, emotions, working memory, endocrine functions... In case of dysfunctionality of dopaminergic systems and neurons, there are disorders and diseases which may appear, such as schizophrenia, ADHD and Parkinson’s disease

    Air-supported membrane structures

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    V diplomski nalogi so obravnavane zračno podprte membranske konstrukcije. Prikazan je kratek zgodovinski pregled teh konstrukcij in nekaj izstopajočih sodobnih primerov. Razloženo je njihovo delovanje in medsebojna povezava treh osnovnih komponent tovrstnih konstrukcij, ki so zrak pod pritiskom, izvor nadtlaka in zrakotesni ovoj. Obravnavani so materiali, ki se uporabljajo, njihovo stikovanje, tipični detajli, strojnice, vrata in montaža zračno podprtih konstrukcij. Predstavljen je proces načrtovanja. Na konceptualnem nivoju so razloženi procesi, kot sta iskanje oblike in krojenje membrane, nato so obravnavani še vplivi na konstrukcijo, pri čemer so prevladujoči notranji pritisk, sneg in veter. Opisani so nekateri standardi, ki so veljavni za to področje in jih lahko uporabimo za določevanje vplivov, račun notranjih sil, pomikov in določevanje varnosti. Na začetku drugega dela diplomske naloge so predstavljeni nekateri računalniški programi, s katerimi si lahko pomagamo pri načrtovanju. Nato je narejen primer načrtovanja zračno podprte membranske konstrukcije nad nogometnim igriščem. Prikažem proces zasnove oblike, določevanje vplivov, račun notranjih sil in pomikov, dimenzioniranje membrane in detajlov pritrjevanja in krojenje membrane.The graduation thesis deals with air-supported membrane structures. A short historical overview is done and some modern examples are presented. The behavior of air-supported structures is explained, focusing on basic components of such structures, which are air under pressure, source of pressure and air-tight envelope. Materials and their manufacture, joints, typical details, pressure generating units, air locks and structural installation are described. Following this description, the design process is presented. Knowledge on form-finding and cutting patterns is important in this field of civil engineering, as well as loading conditions due to internal pressure, snow loads and wind loadstherefore all this is discussed on a conceptual level. More distinct view on this topic is given by presenting some standards that are regulating this field and applying concepts into practice. At the beginning of second part of the thesis, some computer programs are presented that can be used in the design process. This is followed by an example of design of an air-supported membrane structure over the football field. All important parts of such design are presented in detail, like conceptual design, form-finding process, identification of actions on structure, calculation of internal forces and deformations, dimensioning of membrane and joints and defining of cutting patterns

    Disposal of Poultry Carcasses in Catastrophic Avian Influenza Outbreaks

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    Catastrophic outbreaks of low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) occurred in 1984 and again in 2002 in the USA. Whole poultry operations required complete depopulation. The sudden accumulation of thousands of tons of diseased poultry carcasses necessitated quick, sanitary disposal. In 1984, the diseased carcasses were mainly buried on site; in 2002, they were primarily buried in local landfills. It is the aim of this paper to provide a review of the major methods of mass disposal of diseased poultry carcasses and a framework for establishing the most efficient disposal method. This paper will examine several disposal methods, discussing the cost, and their positive and negative effects on the environment and public perception. The various disposal methods that will be reviewed are onsite burial, landfills, composting, incineration, rendering, alkaline hydrolysis, and in-situ plasma vitrification system. Models were made based on the total tonnage of poultry that was disposed of in the Virginia (VA LPAI) outbreak of 2002. Each disposal method was modeled on its capacity to dispose of 188 tons per day of diseased poultry carcasses daily for a period 90 days. Results indicated that rendering was the method of choice.Master of Public Healt

    Modelling of solid earth tides in 3D positioning points of the combined geodetic network

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    In this diploma thesis, we present the impact of solid Earth tides on the 3D point position modification of the new combined 0. order geodetic network. We described the purpose of point establishing and stabilization as well as the intended equipment to be installed at five points of the combined 0. order geodetic network . We also introduced a basic theoretical background of solid Earth tides, described different models of tides and emphasized the accountability of solid Earth tides in conjunction of terrestrial coordinate system with vertical coordinate system. We modelled the solid Earth tides on the example of two points of the 0. order network, Areh and Prilozje. We have shown the 3D position modification and the modifications of the gravitational acceleration which occurs due to the impact of celestial bodies attraction. The modifications are shown for two different seasons. We found out that the solid Earth tides have greater impact on the position modification during summertime when there\ud are also the amplitudes of up to about 35 cm of the vertical component. It is also important that the area of Slovenia has no effect on modifications due to solid Earth tide or it is minimal