761 research outputs found

    Incomprehension en route to Jerusalem (Mk8:22–10:52)

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    The second part of the Gospel according to Mark (8:22-10:52) is a narration about Jesus and his disciples travelling from the north of the Lake of Galilee to Jerusalem in the south. On the narrated journey, the disciples follow Jesus and he teaches them, but they do not understand his teaching. For the implied audience the story about the incomprehension of the disciples becomes a negative example of how not to react on Jesus’s teaching and the journey itself a macro-metaphor explaining how one should follow Jesus

    Probleme rondom die interpretasie van die 'versoeningsuitsprake' by Paulus

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    Problems on the interpretation of reconciliation dictions in Paul In this essay the Pauline passages on 'reconciliation'/katallage, Romans 5:10f; 2 Corinthians 5;18v, 20 are discussed. It is also argued that Romans 3:25 carmot be used to prove that Paul interpreted Jesus' death hupér hemon/panton as a sacrifice (cf the previous article in HTS 42, 257- 265)

    A best practice guideline for evidence based teaching strategies for nurse educators

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    Evidence based practice (EBP) is a worldwide phenomena defined as the “conscientious explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the patient’s care”. The evidence based practice concept’s aim is to effectively guide health care professionals to build knowledge that will be supported by evidence. Evidence based practice must be supported by evidence based teaching. Nurse educators must be up to date with evidence based teaching as well as the latest evidence based teaching strategies, in order to teach the new millennial nursing students and for the new qualifications structure. Teaching the concept of evidence based practice by implementing evidence based teaching to nursing students will enable them to transform the future of healthcare by delivering high quality care practice. A paucity of evidence is available on evidence based teaching and teaching strategies in the South African context. Therefore the researcher used a systematic review methodology to explore and describe the best available evidence based teaching strategies and to develop a guideline on evidence based teaching strategies for nurse educators. The data bases searched included: MEDLINE, CINAHL, PubMed and Google Scholar. Manual searches were done and completed with the assistance of librarians. A total number of n=50 studies were identified as potentially relevant to the study. The number or articles included for critical appraisal were 20. On completion of the critical appraisal n=17 articles were identified for the review. The included studies for the review were n=7 Level 1, systematic reviews and n=10 Level 2, quasi-experimental studies. Three studies were excluded after critical appraisal from two reviewers, appraisal was done independently, and consensuses were reached between the two reviewers. The Joanna Briggs Institutes critical appraisal and data extraction instruments were used for the study. The descriptive data synthesis was done of the included studies as well as a comparison of teaching strategies to determine which one to better than the other one. Although n = 4 of the teaching strategies (concept mapping, internet-based learning, evidence based interactive strategy and cultural competence) significantly increased knowledge, the overall results found that a variety of teaching strategies to be implemented to increase the knowledge outcomes of the nursing students. The different teaching strategies found were: e-learning, concept mapping, internet-based learning, web-based learning, gaming, problem-based learning, and case studies, evidence based learning and cultural competence. However, more research is needed to investigate the best use of the different teaching strategies and compare the impact of a variety of teaching strategies on increasing knowledge of the nursing student

    Lukas 2:14 vanuit ’n Joods-Christelike perspektief

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    Keynote Address: Modernities & our inner Africas

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    “You say the act of writing produces its own illegibility? That it goes nowhere, but cannot help going?“Well then: run, baby, run!”— Blackface, A Veil of Footsteps“… essentially, there is no one at home, but the stories we tell ourselves.”— Guy de Lancey, Light as Thought and the Binding Proble

    How deep is the rabbit hole? – a deeper exploration of the position of interior design in South Africa

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    In this paper the movie, The Matrix, is used as a reference to the current situation experienced by the interior design profession in South Africa. In particular, reference is made to the scene where the reaction leader Morpheus presents the hero, a computer hacker Neo, with two options. He needs to choose between taking a red or a blue pill. The blue pill will allow him to continue the existence that he knows within the computer simulated world; whilst the red pill will take him on a journey of discovery beyond the world he knows and enable him to explore – how deep is the rabbit hole? The paper commences with an explanation into the current debates around the identity and position of interior design in South Africa and thereafter attempts to explore a deeper understanding into the role of interior designers in the design sector in South Africa. Through this deeper exploration, the paper attempts to identify the gaps that exist in industry which require the attention of the interior design profession as they undergo a process of professionalization. With this discussion two main research questions are presented. Firstly, what is the matrix which determines the current position of interior design in South Africa? Secondly, what will the interior design profession gain if it explores deeper into the real needs that exist within the industry in South Africa? The paper is positioned within the context of the interior design profession in South Africa that has undergone drastic change over the past 10 years. This context is briefly explained and contributes to the main theme of searching and constructing identify within a profession that is in a state of flux


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    Throughout the centuries a number of truly remarkable women emerged to awe the world. One of these is a charismatic warrior queen of antiquity, Zenobia, last ruler of the once wealthy and exotic city-state of Palmyra in Syria, that flourished in the late Roman Empire of the third century AD. She rose to power upon the death of her husband Odenathus, a client-king of Rome, when she acted as regent for their son Vaballathus2 born in 260 AD. The queen was just and capable, a patron of artists and philosophers, learned, strong-willed and dynamic, and reputed to be one of the great beauties of history. She fought alongside her troops and astounded the ancient world by carving out a large territory beyond Palmyra, even subjugating Egypt, before being overthrown by the formidable Emperor Aurelian who came to power in 270 AD. At his triumph in Rome, Aurelian displayed the Palmyrene queen weighed down by gold chains and jewels, but so great was his respect for her that according to one tradition he settled her in Rome where she lived out the rest of her life

    Hosea 12:1 — 14

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    In this article it is shown that Hosea 12:1—14 is a literary unit which comprises four parts ( 1 - 3 , 4 - 7 , 8 -1 0 , 1 2 -1 4 ). The first three units deal with the falseness and fraud of Israel/Efraim against God and men. The last unit states that God speaks by means of similes. Three prophecies in simile-form follow, stating that Israel like Gilead will not be able to avert the impending disaster even if they sacrificed bulls (vs 12), that Israel like Jacob will go into exile (vs 13), and that Israel as in the time of the exodus will be redeemed (vs 14)

    Die redaksionele geskiedenis van die boek Hosea

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    The editorial history of the book Hosea It is the suggestion of this essay that the book of Hosea, was supplied with an introduction and ending by an editor from the wisdom circles. This thesis is based on the fact that Hosea 1; 2a and 14: 10 correspondremarkably with the introductions and endings of Egyptian wisdom instructions (for instance that of Amenemopet). The absence of this kind of introductions and endings in other books of the Old Testament leads to the conclusion that the prophecies of Hosea found their way to Judah in the form of a complete book

    Pentateugtradisies in die boek Hosea

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    Pentateuchal traditions in the book HoseaThis article is concerned with the much debated topic of references to Israel’s historical traditions in the book Hosea. The study is mainly directed at the question of the function of Pentateuchal traditions within the context of the book. The higher occurrence of these traditions from Hosea 9 onwards is also looked at, and a possible explanation of this feature is offered in conclusion
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