161 research outputs found

    Right limits and reflectionless measures for CMV matrices

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    We study CMV matrices by focusing on their right-limit sets. We prove a CMV version of a recent result of Remling dealing with the implications of the existence of absolutely continuous spectrum, and we study some of its consequences. We further demonstrate the usefulness of right limits in the study of weak asymptotic convergence of spectral measures and ratio asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials by extending and refining earlier results of Khrushchev. To demonstrate the analogy with the Jacobi case, we recover corresponding previous results of Simon using the same approach

    Optimal weighing schemes

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    We study the problem of determining the masses of a set of weights, given one standard weight, based on comparing two disjoint subsets of those weights with approximately equal mass. The question is how to choose a weighing scheme, i.e., different pairs of subsets, such that the masses can be determined as accurately as possible within a given number of measurements. In this paper we discuss a new way of using the so-called STS method of comparing two approximately equal masses, and we will give optimal weighing schemes which turn out to outperform schemes that are currently used by national metrology institutes

    Nonequilibrium entropy production for open quantum systems

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    We consider open quantum systems weakly coupled to a heat reservoir and driven by arbitrary time-dependent parameters. We derive exact microscopic expressions for the nonequilibrium entropy production and entropy production rate, valid arbitrarily far from equilibrium. By using the two-point energy measurement statistics for system and reservoir, we further obtain a quantum generalization of the integrated fluctuation theorem put forward by Seifert [PRL 95, 040602 (2005)].Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Shift in the velocity of a front due to a cut-off

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    We consider the effect of a small cut-off epsilon on the velocity of a traveling wave in one dimension. Simulations done over more than ten orders of magnitude as well as a simple theoretical argument indicate that the effect of the cut-off epsilon is to select a single velocity which converges when epsilon tends to 0 to the one predicted by the marginal stability argument. For small epsilon, the shift in velocity has the form K(log epsilon)^(-2) and our prediction for the constant K agrees very well with the results of our simulations. A very similar logarithmic shift appears in more complicated situations, in particular in finite size effects of some microscopic stochastic systems. Our theoretical approach can also be extended to give a simple way of deriving the shift in position due to initial conditions in the Fisher-Kolmogorov or similar equations.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Isotopic Effect and Temperature Dependent Intramolecular Excitation Energy Transfer in a Model Donor-Acceptor Dyad

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    We consider here the non-adiabatic energy transfer dynamics for a model bi-chromophore system consisting of a perylenediimide unit linked to a ladder-type poly-(para-phenylene) oligomer. Starting from a semi-empirical parameterization of a model electron/phonon Hamiltonian, we compute the golden-rule rate for energy transfer from the LPPP5 donor to the PDI acceptor. Our results indicate that the non-adiabatic transfer is promoted by the out-of-plane wagging modes of the C-H bonds even though theses modes give little or no contribution to the Franck Condon factors in this system. We also predict a kinetic isotope effect of k(H)/k(D)=1.72.5k^{(H)}/k^{(D)} = 1.7 - 2.5 depending upon the temperature

    Psychosis Recovery Orientation in Malawi by Improving Services and Engagement (PROMISE) protocol

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    Malawi has a population of around 20 million people and is one of the world's most economically deprived nations. Severe mental illness (largely comprising psychoses and severe mood disorders) is managed by a very small number of staff in four tertiary facilities, aided by clinical officers and nurses in general hospitals and clinics. Given these constraints, psychosis is largely undetected and untreated, with a median duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) of around six years. Our aim is to work with people with lived experience (PWLE), caregivers, local communities and health leaders to develop acceptable and sustainable psychosis detection and management systems to increase psychosis awareness, reduce DUP, and to improve the health and lives of people with psychosis in Malawi. We will use the UK Medical Research Council guidance for developing and evaluating complex interventions, including qualitative work to explore diverse perspectives around psychosis detection, management, and outcomes, augmented by co-design with PWLE, and underpinned by a Theory of Change. Planned deliverables include a readily usable management blueprint encompassing education and community supports, with an integrated care pathway that includes Primary Health Centre clinics and District Mental Health Teams. PWLE and caregivers will be closely involved throughout to ensure that the interventions are shaped by the communities concerned. The effect of the interventions will be assessed with a quasi-experimental sequential implementation in three regions, in terms of DUP reduction, symptom remission, functional recovery and PWLE / caregiver impact, with quality of life as the primary outcome. As the study team is focused on long-term impact, we recognise the importance of having embedded, robust evaluation of the programme as a whole. We will therefore evaluate implementation processes and outcomes, and cost-effectiveness, to demonstrate the value of this approach to the Ministry of Health, and to encourage longer-term adoption across Malawi.</p

    Автоматизированная система управления бизнес-процессами на базе малого предприятия

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    Проектирование системы автоматизированного управления бизнес-процессами на базе малого предприятия по производству пластика для 3D-печати. Объектом исследования является бизнес-процессы, протекающие на предприятии по производству пластика для 3D-печати Целью работы является разработка системы управления бизнес-процессами.Designing an automated business process management system based on a small plastic manufacturing enterprise for 3D printin

    Crystal Structure of the PIM2 Kinase in Complex with an Organoruthenium Inhibitor

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    BACKGROUND: The serine/threonine kinase PIM2 is highly expressed in human leukemia and lymphomas and has been shown to positively regulate survival and proliferation of tumor cells. Its diverse ATP site makes PIM2 a promising target for the development of anticancer agents. To date our knowledge of catalytic domain structures of the PIM kinase family is limited to PIM1 which has been extensively studied and which shares about 50% sequence identity with PIM2. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we determined the crystal structure of PIM2 in complex with an organoruthenium complex (inhibition in sub-nanomolar level). Due to its extraordinary shape complementarity this stable organometallic compound is a highly potent inhibitor of PIM kinases. SIGNIFICANCE: The structure of PIM2 revealed several differences to PIM1 which may be explored further to generate isoform selective inhibitors. It has also demonstrated how an organometallic inhibitor can be adapted to the binding site of protein kinases to generate highly potent inhibitors. ENHANCED VERSION: This article can also be viewed as an enhanced version in which the text of the article is integrated with interactive 3D representations and animated transitions. Please note that a web plugin is required to access this enhanced functionality. Instructions for the installation and use of the web plugin are available in Text S1