312 research outputs found

    Using Parasite’s Scholar’s Stone (水石) in a Critical Race Decoding of Racism and Class

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    The ‘Scholar’s Stone’ (Suseok수석 水石) which is used as an extensive and pervasive motif in Bong Joon-ho’s 2019 film reveals a good deal of what the concept of ‘intersectionality’ in Critical Race Theory (CRT) seeks to uncover. The Scholar’s Stone functions also as a prism to see refracted through the movie the various hues and colors of Confucian culture still present in contemporary Korea, and these in turn can be further analyzed using aspects of CRT. To ground this thesis, I employ the established cultural anthropology concepts of ‘fundamental values and root paradigms’ along with ‘excess of meaning’ and ‘fusion of horizons’ from hermeneutical theory. These considerations can broaden our cross-cultural perspectives in both directions and facilitate some helpful cross-fertilization that may nurture both inter-disciplinary and cross-cultural analysis and synthesis

    Comparison of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes turbulence models for simulating boundary layers in hypersonic flows

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    “This study describes the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes to simulate hypersonic boundary layers using several different turbulent closure models and comparing Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations against Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of similar test cases. The test cases in this study consist of a flat plate in a Mach 8 freestream with a zero pressure gradient and wall recovery ratio of 0.48, as well as a Mach 8 axisymmetric nozzle also with a cold wall. The RANS models used in this study are the Spalart-Allmaras model, Baldwin-Lomax model, Menter K-Omega Baseline and Menter K-Omega Shear Stress Transport models. For verification purposes, two different CFD codes were used: NASA CFL3D version 6, and ANSYS Fluent 2019. It was found that in the flat plate case, all of the models matched fairly well with the DNS data in both codes. In the nozzle case, the Baldwin-Lomax, Splalart-Allmaras, and the K-Omega Shear Stress Transport models performed well, while the K-Omega Baseline model was not consistent between solvers. From the findings of this document, the recommended models for this use case are the Spalart-Allmaras and the k-m Shear Stress Transport models due to the robustness of the Spalart-Allmaras model and the accuracy of the k-m Shear Stress Transport model”--Abstract, page iii

    Assessment of Turbulence Models in a Hypersonic Cold-Wall Turbulent Boundary Layer

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    In this study, the ability of standard one- or two-equation turbulence models to predict mean and turbulence profiles, the Reynolds stress, and the turbulent heat flux in hypersonic cold-wall boundary-layer applications is investigated. The turbulence models under investigation include the one-equation model of Spalart-Allmaras, the baseline k-ω model by Menter, as well as the shear-stress transport k-ω model by Menter. Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations with the different turbulence models are conducted for a flat-plate, zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer with a nominal free-stream Mach number of 8 and wall-to-recovery temperature ratio of 0.48, and the RANS results are compared with those of direct numerical simulations (DNS) under similar conditions. The study shows that the selected eddy-viscosity turbulence models, in combination with a constant Prandtl number model for turbulent heat flux, give good predictions of the skin friction, wall heat flux, and boundary-layer mean profiles. The Boussinesq assumption leads to essentially correct predictions of the Reynolds shear stress, but gives wrong predictions of the Reynolds normal stresses. The constant Prandtl number model gives an adequate prediction of the normal turbulent heat flux, while it fails to predict transverse turbulent heat fluxes. The discrepancy in model predictions among the three eddy-viscosity models under investigation is small

    Lokalisierung funktioneller Marker im Rosengenom unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Si-Systems

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    Zum Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Finanzierbarkeit des deutschen Gesundheitswesens und ärztlichem Behandlungsstandard

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    Die vorliegende Abhandlung befasst sich mit dem Einfluss von Kostensteigerungen im Gesundheitswesen auf den ärztlichen Behandlungsstandard. Heutzutage ist nicht mehr alles medizinisch Machbare und Wünschenswerte auch für jedermann bezahlbar. Dies liegt vor allem am kostenintensiven medizinischen Fortschritt und an der demographischen Entwicklung. Es stellt sich dann jedoch die Frage, ob der ärztliche Standard als Haftungsmaßstab im zivilen Arztrecht aufgrund des Mangels an finanziellen Ressourcen herabgesenkt werden muss und darf. Diese Frage greift die vorliegende Arbeit auf. Zudem werden Möglichkeiten und Vorschläge untersucht, die das Verhältnis Recht/Medizin/Ökonomie verbessern könnten


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    Extreme psychological and physical traumas cause dramatic symptom patterns which are insufficiently described by the psychiatric diagnostic criteria of post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). Additionally, due to the neurobiological proximity and similarity of processing mechanisms of physical and psychological pain stimulation and extremely negative emotions, the patients often suffer from persistent pains even after the somatic healing process is completed. Epidemiological studies confirm the joint occurrence of pain and PTSD. The close relationship and the etiological and behavioral similarities of both disorders have led to the development of joined vulnerability and mutual maintenance models. The particular suffering of patients with PTSD due to chronic pain necessitates pain-therapeutic interventions. On the other hand, in chronic pain patients, the etiological role of severe traumas should be considered.Extreme psychische und körperliche Traumatisierungen bewirken dramatische Symptommuster, die durch die psychiatrischen Diagnosekriterien der Posttraumatischen Belastungstörung (PTBS) nur unzureichend beschrieben werden. Aufgrund ähnlicher neurophysiologischer Verarbeitungen von psychischer und körperlicher Schmerzen und intensiver, negativer Emotionen leiden Menschen nach Traumatisierungen oft unter persistierenden Schmerzen – auch wenn die körperlichen Folgen der Traumata geheilt sind. Die vorliegenden epidemiologischen Studien bestätigen das simultane Auftreten von PTBS und chronischen Schmerzen. Die enge Beziehung zwischen Schmerzen und Symptomen der PTBS führten zu gemeinsamen Krankheitsmodellen zur Vulnerabilität und gegenseitigen Aufrechterhaltung der Symptome (vulnerability and mutual maintenance models). Daraus folgt die Notwendigkeit das Schmerzleiden von Patienten mit PTBS spezifisch schmerztherapeutisches zu behandeln. Andererseits sollte der ätiologischen Bedeutung von traumatischen Ereignissen für die Schmerzentstehung und – aufrechterhaltung bei Schmerzpatienten beachtet werden

    Where have they gone? – A discussion on the balancing act of female doctors between work and family

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    Goals: The increasing number of vacant positions for doctors increasingly puts the issue of reconciling work and family into the spotlight in companies, hospitals and universities, as increased expectations of a better work-life balance are seen as one of the reasons for these vacancies. Highly qualified professionals are trained, but not available to the labour market. The aim is to summarise what difficulties doctors who want to have a family and their potential employers must face

    User- and Community-Adaptive Rewards Mechanism for Sustainable Online Community

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    Abstract. Abundance of user contributions does not necessarily indicate sustainability of an online community. On the contrary, excessive contributions in the systems may result in “information overload ” and user withdrawal. We propose an adaptive rewards mechanism aiming to restrict the quantity of the contributions, elicit contributions with higher quality and simultaneously inhibit inferior ones. The mechanism adapts to the users preferences with respect to types of contributions and to the current needs of the community depending on the time and the number of existing contributions.