25 research outputs found

    Étude moléculaire de la formation de complexes protéiques impliqués dans la signalisation des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G

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    La communication cellulaire est un phénomène important pour le maintien de l’homéostasie des cellules. Au court des dernières années, cette sphère de recherche sur la signalisation cellulaire a connue des avancées importantes au niveau de l’identification des acteurs principaux impliqués dans la reconnaissance extracellulaire des signaux, ainsi que la compréhension des voies de signalisation engagées par les cellules pour répondre aux facteurs extracellulaires. Malgré ces nouvelles informations, les diverses interrelations moléculaires entre les acteurs ainsi que les voies de signalisation cellulaire, demeurent mal comprises. Le transfert d’énergie de résonance de bioluminescence (BRET) permet la mesure d’interactions protéiques et peut être utilisé dans deux configurations, le BRET480-YFP (connu aussi comme le BRET1) et le BRET400-GFP (connu aussi en tant que BRET2). Suite à l’oxydation de son substrat, la luciférase de renilla peut transférer son énergie à une protéine fluorescente, uniquement si elles sont à proximité l’une de l’autre (≤100Å). La combinaison dans un seul essai des BRET480-YFP et BRET400-GFP, a permis de suivre trois paires d’interactions, sur une même population cellulaire. Par contre, l’utilisation de deux substrats pour la réaction de bioluminescence rend impossible la mesure simultanée des différents signaux de BRET, pour ce trois nouvelles configurations de BRET ont été mises au point en utilisant des nouvelles protéines fluorescentes. Ainsi deux des nouvelles couleurs de BRET ayant des émissions résolues, le BRET400-BFP et le BRET400mAmetrine ont pu être combinées pour mesurer l’engagement par un RCPG d’une protéine G, ainsi que l’accumulation du second messager. La combinaison de ces BRET a également permis de révéler la formation d’un complexe entre le récepteur α2A adrénergique (α2AAR), Gαi1, le dimère Gβγ ainsi que la kinase des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (GRK2), suite à l’activation du récepteur. De plus, seule l’entrée de GRK2 semble être en mesure de causer la désensibilisation du α2AAR, en s’intercalant entre Gαi1 et Gβγ. Par contre, la stabilisation de l’interaction entre α2AAR et la β-arrestine2 semble nécessiter l’activité kinase de GRK2. Une autre étude a révélé l’importance de différentes Gα pour la mobilisation du calcium, suite à l’activation du récepteur aux opioïdes de type delta (DOR). Suite à la surexpression de Gα de la famille Gαq, il a été possible de mesurer une influence de ces Gα sur la mobilisation du calcium. Toutefois, cette réponse calcique mesurée en présence des Gαq demeure sensible aux prétraitements à la toxine de Bordetella pertussis, qui inhibe sélectivement l’activité des Gαi. De plus, la co-expression de Gαi et Gαq permet de potentialiser la mobilisation de calcium, démontrant une interrelation entre ces deux familles de protéine Gα, pour la signalisation du DOR. Afin de démontrer l’interrelation directe, des expériences de BRET ont été réalisées entre différentes Gα. En plus de montrer la formation de complexes sélectifs entre les Gα, les expériences de BRET réalisées en parallèle d’analyses de séquences de Gα, ont également mis à jour un site de sélectivité d’interaction entre les Gα, l’hélice α4. Suite à la transposition de cette hélice α4 de Gα12 sur Gαi1, qui normalement n’interagissent pas, il a été possible de forcer l’interaction entre Gα12 et Gαi1, confirmant ainsi que cette hélice α contient l’information permettant une sélectivité d’interaction. Au cours de cette thèse, il a été possible de générer de nouvelles méthodes de mesure d’interactions protéiques qui permettent de multiplexer différents signaux, ce qui a permis de mettre à jour de nouvelles interactions entre divers effecteurs de la signalisation de RCGPCellular communication is an important phenomenon for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Recently, important progress has been made in the cell signalling research field concerning the identification of the major actors and the cellular pathways engaged in response to these extracellular factors. However, in spite of this new information, the interrelationships at the molecular level between the various cellular actors and the different signalling pathways remain badly understood. Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) monitors interactions between proteins and can be used in two configurations, the BRET480-YFP (also known as BRET1) and the BRET400-GFP (also known as BRET2). Following oxidation of its substrate, renilla luciferase transfers its energy to a fluorescent protein, only if they are in close proximity (≤100Å). By combining the BRET480-YFP and BRET400-GFP in one assay, it is possible to follow three pair-wise interactions in the same cellular population. However, using two bioluminescence reaction substrates limits the possibility of measuring the different BRET signals simultaneously. In order to measure multiple BRET signals simultaneously, three new BRET configurations, based on the BRET400-GFP, were developed using fluorescent proteins with different emission wavelengths. Two of the new BRET colors which have resolved emission wavelengths, the BRET400-BFP and BRET400mAmetrine, were combined for measuring the heterotrimeric G protein engagement by the vasopressin V2 receptor, as well as the accumulation of the second messenger. Combining these new BRET techniques reveals for the first time the formation of a complex between the α2A adrenergic receptor (α2AAR), Gαi1, the Gβγ dimer and G protein-receptor kinase (GRK2) following receptor activation. Moreover, only the entry of GRK2 into the receptor complex is required for the α2AAR desensitization, by inserting between Gαi1 and Gβγ. On the other hand, the stabilization of the interaction between α2AAR and β-arrestin2 requires the kinase activity of GRK2. Another study revealed the importance of multiple Gα subunits for calcium mobilization induced upon activation of the delta opioid receptor (DOR). Gαq subfamily member overexpression altered the DOR-induced calcium mobilization, but this Gαq calcium mobilization remained sensitive to pre-treatement pertussis toxin, through selective inhibition of the activity of Gαi members. Moreover, Gαi and Gαq co-expression potentiated calcium mobilization, suggesting an interrelationship between these two Gα families in DOR signaling. This Gαi and Gαq interrelationship could result from the formation of a complex close to the receptor. In order to test this hypothesis, BRET experiments were performed, with the aim of measuring the presence of complexes between different Gα. In addition to demonstrating complex formation between Gα subunits, the BRET experiments in parallel with sequence analysis, also revealed a selective interaction site between the Gα, the α4 helix. By swapping the a4 helix of Gαi with the α4 helix of Gα12, which doesn’t normally interact with Gα12, it was possible to force the interaction between Gα12 and Gαi to confirm that this α helix contains information concerning the selectivity of interactions between Gα subunits. During this thesis, new methods were to detect protein interactions and multiplexing these methods allowed the detection of novel interactions between signalling effectors of GPCRs

    Approche biophysique à l'étude des interactions allostériques entre les récepteurs et les protéines G

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Digital holographic microscopy: a quantitative label-free microscopy technique for phenotypic screening

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    Digital Holographic Microscopy (DHM) is a label-free imaging technique allowing visualization of transparent cells with classical imaging cell culture plates. The quantitative DHM phase contrast image provided is related both to the intracellular refractive index and to cell thickness. DHM is able to distinguish cellular morphological changes on two representative cell lines (HeLa and H9c2) when treated with doxorubicin and chloroquine, two cytotoxic compounds yielding distinct phenotypes. We analyzed parameters linked to cell morphology and to the intracellular content in endpoint measurements and further investigated them with timelapse recording. The results obtained by DHM were compared with other optical label-free microscopy techniques, namely Phase Contrast, Differential Interference Contrast and Transport of Intensity Equation (reconstructed from three bright-field images). For comparative purposes, images were acquired in a common 96-well plate format on the different motorized microscopes. In contrast to the other microscopies assayed, images generated with DHM can be easily quantified using a simple automatized on-the-fly analysis method for discriminating the different phenotypes generated in each cell line. The DHM technology is suitable for the development of robust and unbiased image-based assays

    Digital Holographic Imaging for Label-Free Phenotypic Profiling, Cytotoxicity, and Chloride Channels Target Screening

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    Cellular assays using label-free Digital Holographic Microscopy (DHM) have been previously validated for cell viability assays in a drug screening context. Our automated DHM system allows performing fast and cost-effective screening assays for a wide range of applications for monitoring cell morphological changes and cell movements upon interaction with interfering compounds. In addition to these classic phenotypic assays, it has been demonstrated that target-based cellular assays can also be addressed by DHM for therapeutically relevant chloride channel receptors. Our DH-imaging (DHI) technology, potentially scalable for screening by imaging approaches in a high-throughput manner can also deliver highly informative data through long term experiments. Three examples of phenotypic screens are detailed in the present chapter: a label-free profiling approach, a cell proliferation assay, and methods for monitoring the activity of the GABAA chloride channel receptor

    Homogeneous Assays for Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Typing Using AlphaScreen

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    AlphaScreen technology allows the development of high-throughput homogeneous proximity assays. In these assays, signal is generated when 680 nm laser light irradiates a donor bead in close proximity to an acceptor bead. For the detection of nucleic acids, donor and acceptor beads are brought into proximity by two bridging probes that hybridize simultaneously to a common target and to the generic oligonucleotides attached covalently to the beads. This method allows the detection of as little as 10 amole of a single-stranded DNA target. The combination of AlphaScreen with allele-specific amplification (ASA) and allele-specific hybridization (ASH) has allowed the development of two homogenous single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping platforms. Both types of assay are very robust, routinely giving accurate genotyping results with < 2 ng of genomic DNA per genotype. An AlphaScreen validation study was performed for 12 SNPs by using ASA assays and seven SNPs by using ASH assays. More than 580 samples were genotyped with accuracy >99%. The two assays are remarkably simple, requiring no post-PCR manipulations. Genotyping has been performed successfully in 96- and 384-well formats with volumes as small as 2 μL, allowing a considerable reduction in the amount of reagents and genomic DNA necessary for genotyping. These results show that the AlphaScreen technology can be successfully adapted to high-throughput genotyping

    Quantification of Ligand Bias for Clinically Relevant β

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    Mechanistic insights into dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission - concerted interactions with helices 5 and 6 drive the functional outcome

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    Brain functions rely on neurotransmitters that mediate communication between billions of neurons. Disruption of this communication can result in a plethora of psychiatric and neurological disorders. In this work, we combine molecular dynamics simulations, live-cell biosensor and electrophysiological assays to investigate the action of the neurotransmitter dopamine at the dopaminergic D2 receptor (D2R). The study of dopamine and closely related chemical probes reveals how neurotransmitter binding translates into the activation of distinct subsets of D2R effectors (i.e.: Gi2, GoB, Gz and β-arrestin 2). Ligand interactions with key residues in TM5 (S5.42) and TM6 (H6.55) in the D2R binding pocket yield a dopamine-like coupling signature, whereas exclusive TM5 interaction is typically linked to preferential G protein coupling (in particular GoB) over β-arrestin. Further experiments for serotonin receptors indicate that the reported molecular mechanism is shared by other monoaminergic neurotransmitter receptors. Ultimately, our study highlights how sequence variation in position 6.55 is used by nature to fine-tune β-arrestin recruitment and in turn receptor signaling and internalization of neurotransmitter receptors

    EGFR signaling and pharmacology in oncology revealed with innovative BRET-based biosensors

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    Abstract Mutations of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are associated with the development of many cancers by modifying receptor signaling and contributing to drug resistance in clinical settings. We present enhanced bystander bioluminescence resonance energy transfer-based biosensors providing new insights into RTK biology and pharmacology critical for the development of more effective RTK-targeting drugs. Distinct SH2-specific effector biosensors allow for real-time and spatiotemporal monitoring of signal transduction pathways engaged upon RTK activation. Using EGFR as a model, we demonstrate the capacity of these biosensors to differentiate unique signaling signatures, with EGF and Epiregulin ligands displaying differences in efficacy, potency, and responses within different cellular compartments. We further demonstrate that EGFR single point mutations found in Glioblastoma or non-small cell lung cancer, impact the constitutive activity of EGFR and response to tyrosine kinase inhibitor. The BRET-based biosensors are compatible with microscopy, and more importantly characterize the next generation of therapeutics directed against RTKs