158 research outputs found


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    Obiettivi: valutare la partecipazione e il gradimento delle matricole che aderiscono al “Progetto Accoglienza”, un percorso di accoglienza e accompagnamento psicologico, attivo da quattro anni, presso il Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Brescia. Metodo: il percorso si fonda sull’implementazione della figura di studenti senior (tutor), adeguatamente formati e supervisionati da docenti della Sezione di Psicologia Clinica, attraverso l’utilizzo di modalità gruppali, in accordo con specifiche metodologie utilizzate da tempo in psicologia clinica. I tutor fungono da riferimenti rassicuranti e identificatori per le matricole, che a loro volta aderiscono al progetto in modo volontario e ricevono crediti opzionali, al fine di riconoscere il valore formativo dello scambio fra studenti del primo anno e studenti senior. Per la valutazione del livello di gradimento è stato predisposto un questionario ad hoc, elaborato in parte sulla base di strumenti utilizzati nei corsi professionali in cui è previsto l’accreditamento e in parte sulla base di proposte e riflessioni fra i docenti di psicologia dell’Ateneo, che non hanno preso parte al progetto. Risultati: il numero di studenti che partecipa con regolarità al percorso di accoglienza è cresciuto nei quattro anni: da 125 a 164. Gli studenti hanno in media un’età di 19.3 anni (±1.7) e sono in prevalenza femmine. Il questionario di gradimento viene compilato in media dall’85% delle matricole coinvolte. Quasi la totalità di esse riferisce che ripeterebbe l’esperienza, anche senza crediti formativi; il 98% la consiglierebbe ad una nuova matricola. Per quanto riguarda rilevanza, efficacia e utilità del percorso rispetto alle proprie esigenze formative, anche in questo caso la maggior parte degli studenti riporta una valutazione positiva. Conclusioni: i dati raccolti mostrano un gradimento medio-alto, che si mantiene costante negli anni. Si ritiene che tale percorso possa fornire un aiuto concreto per fronteggiare le difficoltà associate all’ingresso nell’Università. Fra gli indicatori di efficacia di consimili interventi nel lungo periodo, riteniamo utile la ricaduta in termini di prevenzione del drop out e dell’ allungamento temporale del corso di studi

    The influence of motivations to share knowledge in preventing knowledge sabotage occurrences: An empirically tested motivational model

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    The purpose of this research is to assess the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations to share knowledge on knowledge sabotage, in order to shape a motivational model designed to reduce sabotage incidents in practice. It contributes to knowledge management literature broadening our understanding of knowledge sabotage, which has been highlighted as the most extreme counterproductive knowledge behaviour due to its deliberate nature of harming others for personal gain. In fact, even though knowledge sabotage has been widely identified in organizations, we still know too little about such a potentially dangerous phenomenon. In our empirical investigation, data collection took place through online questionnaires addressed to 329 employees and managers of heterogeneous companies from Europe. Data has been analysed employing a structural equation modelling (SEM) technique, whose results confirmed the relevance of this phenomenon and identified a negative relationship between intrinsic motivations to share knowledge and the phenomenon of knowledge sabotage. In the end, our conclusions can be useful to expand researchers' and practitioners' awareness of the most extreme counterproductive workplace behaviour that threatens the process of intra-organizational knowledge sharing

    Denitrification, Nitrogen Uptake, and Organic Matter Quality Undergo Different Seasonality in Sandy and Muddy Sediments of a Turbid Estuary

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    The interaction between microbial communities and benthic algae as nitrogen (N) regulators in poorly illuminated sediments is scarcely investigated in the literature. The role of sediments as sources or sinks of N was analyzed in spring and summer in sandy and muddy sediments in a turbid freshwater estuary, the Curonian Lagoon, Lithuania. Seasonality in this ecosystem is strongly marked by phytoplankton community succession with diatoms dominating in spring and cyanobacteria dominating in summer. Fluxes of dissolved gas and inorganic N and rates of denitrification of water column nitrate (Dw) and of nitrate produced by nitrification (Dn) and sedimentary features, including the macromolecular quality of organic matter (OM), were measured. Shallow/sandy sites had benthic diatoms, while at deep/muddy sites, settled pelagic microalgae were found. The OM in surface sediments was always higher at muddy than at sandy sites, and biochemical analyses revealed that at muddy sites the OM nutritional value changed seasonally. In spring, sandy sediments were net autotrophic and retained N, while muddy sediments were net heterotrophic and displayed higher rates of denitrification, mostly sustained by Dw. In summer, benthic oxygen demand increased dramatically, whereas denitrification, mostly sustained by Dn, decreased in muddy and remained unchanged in sandy sediments. The ratio between denitrification and oxygen demand was significantly lower in sandy compared with muddy sediments and in summer compared with spring. Muddy sediments displayed seasonally distinct biochemical composition with a larger fraction of lipids coinciding with cyanobacteria blooms and a seasonal switch from inorganic N sink to source. Sandy sediments had similar composition in both seasons and retained inorganic N also in summer. Nitrogen uptake by microphytobenthos at sandy sites always exceeded the amount loss via denitrification, and benthic diatoms appeared to inhibit denitrification, even in the dark and under conditions of elevated N availability. In spring, denitrification attenuated N delivery from the estuary to the coastal area by nearly 35%. In summer, denitrification was comparable (~100%) with the much lower N export from the watershed, but N loss was probably offset by large rates of N-fixation

    STIM Proteins and Orai Ca2+ Channels Are Involved in the Intracellular Pathways Activated by TLQP-21 in RAW264.7 Macrophages

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    TLQP-21 is a neuropeptide which has been implicated in regulation of nociception and other relevant physiologic functions. Although recent studies identified C3a and gC1q receptors as targets for TLQP-21, its intracellular molecular mechanisms of action remain largely unidentified. Our aim was (i) to explore the intracellular signaling pathway(s) activated by JMV5656, a novel derivative of TLQP-21, in RAW264.7 macrophages, and (ii) to assess linkages of these pathways with its purported receptors. JMV5656 stimulated, in a dose-dependent fashion, a rapid and transient increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations in RAW264.7 cells; repeated exposure to the peptide resulted in a lower response, suggesting a possible desensitization mechanism of the receptor. In particular, JMV5656 increased cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels by a PLC-dependent release of Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum. STIM proteins and Orai Ca2+ channels were activated and played a crucial role. In fact, treatment of the cells with U73122 and thapsigargin modulated the increase of intracellular Ca2+ levels stimulated by JMV5656. Moreover, in RAW264.7 cells intracellular Ca2+ increases did not occur through the binding of JMV5656 to the C3a receptor, since the increase of intracellular Ca2+ levels induced by JMV5656 was not affected by specific siRNA against C3aR. In summary, our study provides new indications for the downstream effects of JMV5656 in macrophages, suggesting that it could activate receptors different from the C3aR

    Monitoring biological and psychological measures throughout an entire season in male handball players

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to monitor biological markers of inflammation and oxidative stress, mood states, and recoverystress states throughout an entire season in male handball players. Fourteen handball players (age 20.192.5 years) with a regular training and competitive background in handball (11.093.7 years) from the same club volunteered to participate. All participants completed 40 weeks of training. The training load was increased progressively throughout the season. Blood samples were collected and questionnaires were administered during preparatory, competitive, and recovery periods. Blood C-reactive protein and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) concentrations increased during periods of high load, while the reduced/oxidized glutathione ratio (GSH/GSSG) decreased. These changes were accompanied by a significant increase in total leukocyte count. Positive correlations were found between C-reactive protein, GSSG, GSH/GSSG ratio, and training load. No changes were observed in the Total Mood Disturbance score of the Profile of Mood States (POMS). However, scores on some Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes subscales, such as Injury, Physical Recovery, and Being in Shape, correlated with training load. Findings indicate that during periods of high training load, handball players developed a low grade of inflammation and oxidative state. Results support the usefulness of monitoring psychological and biological markers of inflammation, oxidative stress, and training load during season.SIThis work was supported by the Acción Estratégica Sobre el Deporte, Spain (grant #2006-56141-C03- 01 to J.G. and grant #2006-56141-C03-02 to S.M.)

    Signs of Overload After an Intensified Training

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    [EN] This study investigated eff ects of a 9-week intensified aerobic training and 3-weeks of recovery on signs of overload in 9 healthy active young males. Blood and saliva samples were collected and psychological questionnaires were administered during baseline (T1), intermediate load (T2), maximal load (T3), and recovery (T4) periods. Maximal oxygen uptake increased and blood lactate concentration decreased in T3, while running time in a 3 000 m track fi eld test was significantly shorter. No signifi cant changes were found in hematocrit, haemoglobin concentration, white blood cell count, lactate dehydrogenase, transaminases, interleukin-6, tumour necrosis factor- α , myeloperoxidase and markers of oxidative stress in plasma, or salivary cortisol and testosterone. Increases in diff erent negative aff ectscales and in the total mood disturbance score of the Profi le of Mood States were observed during T3. Scores in the stress scales of the Recovery- Stress Questionnaire for Athletes and in the State Anxiety Scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory also showed signifi cant increases during T3. The lack of eff ects in biomarkers together with the changes observed in psychological assessment indicates that an intensifi ed training can produce psychological disturbances prone to early overreaching development. Additionally, it seems that psychological parameters are sensitive markers to detect stress produced by load increases.SIThis work was supported by the Acción Estratégica Sobre el Deporte, Spain (grants n ° 2006-56141-C03-01 to J. G., n ° 2006- 56141-C03-02 to S.M., and n ° 2006-56141-C03-03 to F.S.


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    A vasta utilização do cromo e seus compostos pelas indústrias modernas resulta na descarga degrandes quantidades desse elemento no ambiente. As tecnologias convencionais de tratamento deresíduos têm estado, tradicionalmente, centradas na destruição dos contaminantes contidos nosmesmos, nas chamadas “tecnologias fim de tubo”. Este trabalho tem por objetivo geral a purificaçãodos banhos de cromo contaminados com Cr(III) e Al pela técnica de eletrodiálise. Foram testadassete membranas catiônicas de diferentes marcas (Nafion, Selemion, Ultrex, Ionics, Ionac e PCA). Foiutilizada uma célula de teflon de dois compartimentos, na qual o compartimento anódico continha80 ml do banho contaminado com alumínio e o catódico 80 ml de H2SO4 20%. A corrente aplicadafoi de 100 mA. O tempo de ensaio foi de 6 horas e foram coletadas amostras no período de 1 horano compartimento catódico. O Cr(VI) foi analisado porque durante os ensaios se notou coloraçãoamarelada da solução no compartimento catódico, evidenciando a difusão do Cr(VI) através dasmembranas. Os resultados indicam que há difusão de Cr(VI) através das membranas utilizadas, come sem aplicação de corrente. A passagem de Cr(III) e Al é influenciada pela corrente aplicada e pelotipo de membrana utilizada