29 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to develop and implement curriculum of non-formal physical education in school and assess its effectiveness for health related physical fitness of 11-13 year old children. The research was conducted in two stages. In the first stage 51 11-13 year old children participated in a quasi-experiment for two years. Pupils were organized into E (experimental) and C (control) groups. Both groups shared the duration (1 hour) and frequency (twice a week) but were different in their education curriculum. In the second stage 72 pupils (groups A and B) attended in the research from the same schools. The curriculum of the group A was modified and differed from group E, group B - the same as group C. In both stages the focus groups performed four physical fitness tests and BMI was calculated. Group E girls’ indices of three tests and boys’ indices of all four tests were significantly (p0.05) higher than young adolescents’ from group C. Group A girls’ flexibility and aerobic endurance as well as boys aerobic endurance were higher (p 0.05) than pupils from group B. Results suggest that the individualized, diverse, 11‒13 years old children hobbies, needs, abilities, physical and functional powers answering non-formal curriculum, which expands knowledge and develops new skills and when various child-activating teaching methods and forms are used, positively influence their health related physical fitness.

    N-Acetylcysteine Nanocarriers Protect against Oxidative Stress in a Cellular Model of Parkinson's Disease.

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    Oxidative stress is a key mediator in the development and progression of Parkinson's disease (PD). The antioxidant n-acetylcysteine (NAC) has generated interest as a disease-modifying therapy for PD but is limited due to poor bioavailability, a short half-life, and limited access to the brain. The aim of this study was to formulate and utilise mitochondria-targeted nanocarriers for delivery of NAC alone and in combination with the iron chelator deferoxamine (DFO), and assess their ability to protect against oxidative stress in a cellular rotenone PD model. Pluronic F68 (P68) and dequalinium (DQA) nanocarriers were prepared by a modified thin-film hydration method. An MTT assay assessed cell viability and iron status was measured using a ferrozine assay and ferritin immunoassay. For oxidative stress, a modified cellular antioxidant activity assay and the thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances assay and mitochondrial hydroxyl assay were utilised. Overall, this study demonstrates, for the first time, successful formulation of NAC and NAC + DFO into P68 + DQA nanocarriers for neuronal delivery. The results indicate that NAC and NAC + DFO nanocarriers have the potential characteristics to access the brain and that 1000 μM P68 + DQA NAC exhibited the strongest ability to protect against reduced cell viability ( = 0.0001), increased iron ( = 0.0033) and oxidative stress ( ≤ 0.0003). These NAC nanocarriers therefore demonstrate significant potential to be transitioned for further preclinical testing for PD

    Compartmentalized megakaryocyte death generates functional platelets committed to caspase-independent death

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    Caspase-directed apoptosis usually fragments cells, releasing nonfunctional, prothrombogenic, membrane-bound apoptotic bodies marked for rapid engulfment by macrophages. Blood platelets are functional anucleate cells generated by specialized fragmentation of their progenitors, megakaryocytes (MKs), but committed to a constitutive caspase-independent death. Constitutive formation of the proplatelet-bearing MK was recently reported to be caspase-dependent, apparently involving mitochondrial release of cytochrome c, a known pro-apoptogenic factor. We extend those studies and report that activation of caspases in MKs, either constitutively or after Fas ligation, yields platelets that are functionally responsive and evade immediate phagocytic clearance, and retain mitochondrial transmembrane potential until constitutive platelet death ensues. Furthermore, the exclusion from the platelet progeny of caspase-9 present in the progenitor accounts for failure of mitochondrial release of cytochrome c to activate caspase-3 during platelet death. Thus, progenitor cell death by apoptosis can result in birth of multiple functional anucleate daughter cells

    Enhanced production of biobased, biodegradable, Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) using an unexplored marine bacterium Pseudohalocynthiibacter aestuariivivens, isolated from highly polluted coastal environment.

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    The production and disposal of plastics from limited fossil reserves, has prompted research for greener and sustainable alternatives. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are biocompatible, biodegradable, and thermoprocessable polyester produced by microbes. PHAs found several applications but their use is limited due to high production cost and low yields. Herein, for the first time, the isolation and characterization of Pseudohalocynthiibacter aestuariivivens P96, a marine bacterium able to produce surprising amount of PHAs is reported. In the best growth condition P96 was able to reach a maximum production of 4.73 g/L, corresponding to the 87 % of total cell dry-weight. Using scanning and transmission microscopy, lab-scale fermentation, spectroscopic techniques, and genome analysis, the production of thermoprocessable polymer Polyhydroxybutyrate P(3HB), a PHAs class, endowed with mechanical and thermal properties comparable to that of petroleum-based plastics was confirmed. This study represents a milestone toward the use of this unexplored marine bacterium for P(3HB) production. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

    Dual production of polyhydroxyalkanoates and antibacterial/antiviral gold nanoparticles

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    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been explored for their use in medicine. Here, we report a sustainable, and cost-effective method to produce AuNPs using a bacterial strain such as Pseudomonas mendocina CH50 which is also known to be a polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) producer. A cell-free bacterial supernatant, which is typically discarded after PHA extraction, was used to produce spherical AuNPs of 3.5 ± 1.5 nm in size as determined by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analysis. The AuNPs/PHA composite coating demonstrated antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus 6538P, and antiviral activity, with a 75% reduction in viral infectivity against SARS-CoV-2 pseudotype virus

    Dual production of polyhydroxyalkanoates and antibacterial/antiviral gold nanoparticles

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    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been explored for their use in medicine. Here, we report a sustainable, and cost-effective method to produce AuNPs using a bacterial strain such as Pseudomonas mendocina CH50 which is also known to be a polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) producer. A cell-free bacterial supernatant, which is typically discarded after PHA extraction, was used to produce spherical AuNPs of 3.5 ± 1.5 nm in size as determined by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analysis. The AuNPs/PHA composite coating demonstrated antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus 6538P, and antiviral activity, with a 75% reduction in viral infectivity against SARS-CoV-2 pseudotype virus

    Ar didelio meistriškumo sportas skatina medicinos pažangą?

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    In an era where the discovery and development of new medicine have hit its peak, areas of study that generate new thinking and related opportunity for medicine development are of great value. Society requires new medicine as an expanding ageing population in the developed world and the emergence of Western world diseases in the developing world place pressure on our global healthcare capability. Here we explore the possible meaning of elite sport to global, cutting edge medical advance. Why the elite sports industry might drive such advance? We believe that there are two broad areas to do this: 1. Discovery of bioactive molecules with medicine development potential based upon the exploration of the molecular basis of responses to exercise and physical activity and area of research endeavor known as mechanotransduction. This area of study has revealed the incredible potential for a range of naturally occurring molecules to maintain musculoskeletal health and has identified some of the key cell types responsible for orchestrating the beneficial responses. In particular, the bone resident osteocyte has been transformed from a little studies quiescent cell type into the foreman in charge of bone shape, size, and strength and also distant kidney function. 2. The clinical need generated by sport injuries in the elite competing population. Injury in this professional group has greater meaning then in the amateur sports person in terms of both earnings and career progression. The generation of novel medicine and therapies is of great value and includes the emerging clinical specialty of regenerative medicine. This specialty includes the use of cell-based therapies and is emerging fast. At its best, a cellbased therapy will not just treat a clinical condition; rather, it will cure it. Instead of requiring multiple doses over extended periods to control a clinical condition, one dose will cure the condition through the establishment of live cells in the tissues of need. The future holds medical promise and a little acknowledged role that elite sport plays important role in the realization of that promise might well represent a legitimate area for clinical therapy discovery.Šiame medicinos pažangos ir atradimų proveržio amžiuje ypač didelę vertę turi naują požiūrį skatinantys tyrimai medicinos srityje. Daugėjant vyresnio amžiaus žmonių išsivysčiusiose šalyse, o besivystančiose šalyse vis labiau plintant Vakarų šalims būdingoms ligoms, kyla poreikis naujų medicinos atradimų, kurie savo ruožtu skatina ieškoti globalių sprendimų sveikatos priežiūros srityje. Šiame straipsnyje tirtas didelio meistriškumo sporto galimas poveikis globaliai, toli pažengusiai medicinai ir nagrinėtos jo priežastys. Galima būtų išskirti dvi sritis, kuriose vyksta minėti procesai: 1. Medicininį potencialą turinčių bioaktyvių molekulių atradimas, grindžiamas molekuliniu atsaku į judėjimą bei fizinį aktyvumą, ir tyrimų sritis, žinoma kaip mechaninė transdukcija. Šioje mokslinėje srityje atskleista daug informacijos apie natūralias molekules, palaikančias gerą griaučių raumenų būklę. Taip pat nustatyti keli už teigiamų atsakų suaktyvinimą atsakingi ląstelių tipai, būtent kaulinio audinio ląstelė – osteocitas iš mažai tirtos, ramios būsenos ląstelės tapo aktyvia ląstele, atsakinga už kaulo formą, dydį ir stiprumą, taip pat iš dalies ir už inkstų funkciją. 2. Gydymo poreikis, atsiradęs dėl sporto traumų didelio meistriškumo sporte. Traumos sportininkams profesionalams turi didesnę reikšmę nei asmenims, vadinamiems sportuotojais, – tiek karjeros, tiek atlyginimo prasme. Naujų vaistų ir gydymo būdų atradimai yra ypač vertingi: atsirado nauja klinikinė specialybė – regeneracinė medicina. Šioje sparčiai besivystančioje šakoje taikomas vertingas, ląstelės tyrimais paremtas gydymas: užuot ilgą laiką klinikinei paciento būklei kontroliuoti vartojus didelėmis dozėmis vaistus, negalavimas gali būti pagydytas į atitinkamus audinius įkeldinus reikiamas gyvas ląsteles. Dėl išvardytų priežasčių didelio meistriškumo sportas gali paskatinti medicinos vystymąsi darant naujus atradimus klinikinės terapijos srityje

    Scaffolds for bone repair using computer aided design and manufacture

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    Defects in bone are a constant and serious problem. They occur as a result of high energy trauma, congenital conditions or are created surgically to treat bone tumours or infection. Currently the treatment for these conditions is awkward for the patient, takes a long time and has a high complication rate. An elegant solution would be to mend the bone defect using the patient own cells; osteoblasts or mesenchymal stem cells seeded onto a supportive material scaffold. For successful regeneration of bone structures, a scaffold production technique has to be adopted that can precisely control porosity, internal pore architecture and fibre thickness, as well as maximising media diffusion and optimising scaffold mechanical properties so that the scaffold can withstand bone bearing pressures. It would also be beneficial if the scaffold uniformly distributed surface strain along the fibres throughout the entire scaffold as this would encourage more even cell proliferation/differentiation in the structure. This was addressed by performing a series of finite element analyses on the computer aided design model where the mechanical properties of the natural or synthetic polymer used have been incorporated to yield an accurate strain profile of the entire scaffold. The process used here to generate the scaffolds is a Rapid Prototyping method that creates a three-dimensional object through the repetitive deposition of fibres in layers via extrusion. Due to the high accuracy and versatility of the extruder, the diameter of the pores can be precisely controlled to an accuracy of 10μm, in the manufactured scaffolds the pore size ranges from 100 to 300μm as that is what is found in trabecular bone. Natural and synthetic polymers were plotted which altered the biodegradability properties of the scaffold and the degrees of cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation in the structure. Scaffolds were manufactured that demonstrated compatibility with cell adhesion, proliferation and osteogenic differentiation. On completion of the scaffolds, the latter were seeded with osteoblasts or marrow stromal cells and put into a mechanically stimulating bioreactor machine to induce a small strain in the scaffold; this was performed to encourage cell proliferation/differentiation. The structure was left until the osteoblasts or marrow stromal cells modified the scaffold through bone deposition. In-vivo experiments were then undertaken. Preliminary data indicated an effect of mechanical stimulation of the cell/scaffold construct on the degree of mineralization of cell matrix generated by human osteogenic cells.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo