13 research outputs found

    Design of schematic and of printed circuit board for Workswell SMARTIS gen 2.

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem elektrického schématu a následným návrhem desek plošných spojů pro prototyp termokamery. Popisuje fungování komunikací využitých v navrženém zařízení. Následně popisuje navrhnuté schéma a kritéria výběru použitých komponent. V závěrečné části se práce zabýva návrhem desek plošných spojů na základě již navrženého schématu.This thesis focuses on design schematic and subsequent desing of printed circuit boards for a prototype of thermocamera. It describes the functionality of communications used in the designed device. Later it describes the designed schematic and the criteria for the selection of components used in the design. Lastly it outlines the process of the PCB design

    Design of conception of data loss prevention

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    This work deals with the making of conception of implementation of processes and software tools designed to ensure sensitive data leakage prevention from the organization infrastructure. The structure consists of three key parts. The first one describes theoretical basis of the work. It explains what is the data loss prevention, what it comes from, why it is necessary to deal with it and what its goals are. It also describes how this fits into the whole area of corporate ICT security environment. There are defined all the risks associated with leakage of sensitive data and there are also defined possible solutions and problems that are associated with these solutions. The first part also analyzes the current state of data loss prevention in organizations. They are divided according to their size and for each group there is a list of the most common weaknesses and risks. It is evaluated how the organizations currently solve prevention of data loss and how they cover this issue from both a procedural point of view and in terms of software tools. The second part focuses directly on the software tools. It is characterized the principle of operation of these systems and it is explained their network architecture. There are described and evaluated current trends in the development of the data loss prevention tools and it is outlined possible further development. They are divided into different categories depending on what features they offer and how these categories cover the needs of organizations. At the end of the second part there are compared the software solutions from leading vendors in the market against actual experience, focusing on their strengths and weaknesses. The third part presents the core content. IT joins two previous sections and the result is the creation of the overall concept of the implementation of data loss prevention with focus on breakdown by several different levels -- processes, time and size of the company. At the beginning of this third section it is described what precedes the implementation of data loss prevention, and what the organizations should be careful of. It is defined by how and what the organizations should set their own expectations for the project could be manageable. The main point is the creation of a procedure of data loss prevention implementation by creating a strategy, choice of solutions, to the implementation of this solution and related processes. The end of the third part deals with the legal and personnel issues which are with the implementation of DLP very closely related. There are made recommendations based on analysis of the law standards and these recommendations are added to the framework approach of HR staff. At the very end there are named benefits of implementing data loss prevention, and the created concept is summarized as a list of best practices

    Word of God in the Pastoral Care of the Sick

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    The aim of this bacherol's thesis is to map God's Word in pastoral care of the sick. And getting these questions to be answered: By which methods is the God's Word utilized in the pastoral care of the sick? In an introduction of this thesis I will look into the usage of the Word of God in a pastoral care, defining the Word of God's source, its main effect on the pastoral care and the difference between The Spoken Word of God and The Incarnated Word. In addition, the thesis will focused on the Spoken Word - in the Testament and how to work with it. It determines a dissimilarity of the Word of God's impact on a everyday life and in a disease. In the second preparatory chapter I will deal with the pastoral care defined by a pastoral conversation and its principles. I will also describe theological aspects of illness, an overview on death and sickness seeing with eyes of Faith. In an analytical chapter I will examine literature sources related to exact topics later to be thoroughly analyzed. In the final synthetic analyse I will emphasize particular crucial topics. A methodology of work: by an analytical-critical method I will analyse effective pastoral care of the sick noticed in literature sources. It will also classify individual segments to be further Keywords: the word of God, the sacramenta, a..

    Corporate style in the view of expansion of corporations on the internet

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    This work is about corporate style, especially about corporate style of internet corporations. In a first part of the work, the corporate style is analyzed from theoretical point of view. It's described the fundamentals of corporate style, its dimensions, differences between corporate style of small and big corporations. Then is described the principle of a creation of corporate style from international point of view, which means the rules, which need to be respected when the corporate style is used in many countries and cultures. In the work are also introduced and compared the suppliers of corporate style from today's point of view, which means what are the possibilities of big suppliers and what are the possibilities of individuals. In the end of the first part there are briefly introduced elements of corporate style, fundamentals of every good corporate style, and trends which could be seen in their design today. The second part of the work is about corporate style of corporations on the Internet. As first are introduced the marketing principles of the Internet, which means types of the corporations and their reasons and possibilities of presentation on the Internet. Than is described the different principle of corporate style on the Internet and than is made an analysis of every single element of corporate style on the Internet (alike as it was made in the first part of the work). It describes different principles of creation of these elements and there are described today's trendy again. In the end of the work is make assessment of different principles in the creation of the projects of corporate style on the Internet and out of Internet. It's also told a very light solution of the optimal situation. The whole work is full of picture samples, which should help the reader to make an image about the things described in the text

    Healing miracles in the Gospel of Matthew as a foreshadowing of Jesus' soteriology

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    The thesis "Healing Miracles in the Gospel of Matthew, the Preface of Jesus' Soteriology" sets the task of briefly and clearly presenting Jesus' miracles of healing in the perspective of the post-Evangelical Jesus, as the evangelist Matthew writes about them. The introductory chapters are devoted to the individual miracles, which will be explained by a descriptive method, assess their technical side, their classification and storage within the framework of the Gospel as well as their content. The work then analyzes the individual miracles by the exegetic method, with an emphasis on the context of Jesus' forthcoming messianism. Jesus, through his miracles, presents the authority of the divine being, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has power over the laws of nature, but also over the diseases of death. The acts of healing are the messianic signs of the coming of the expected Jewish Messiah, the "wealthy king," who will deliver Israel from oppression. They attract the attention of John the Baptist, and Jesus presents to him the miracles of healing as proof of the fulfillment of the messianic expectation. In a separate chapter, the thesis analyzes the quote of the prophet Isaiah as presented by Matthew in Matthew 8,17. The evangelist sees the miracles here as a foreword to Jesus' soteriology, a..

    Healing miracles in the Gospel of Matthew as a foreshadowing of Jesus' soteriology

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    Diplomová práce "Uzdravovací zázraky v Matoušově evangeliu, předzvěst Ježíšovy soteriologie" si klade za úkol stručně a přehledně představit Ježíšovy zázraky uzdravení v perspektivě povelikonočního Ježíše, jak o nich píše evangelista Matouš. Úvodní kapitoly se věnují jednotlivým zázrakům, které deskriptivní metodou ozřejmí, posoudí jejich technickou stránku, jejich řazení a uložení v rámci evangelia a jejich obsah. Práce pak exegetickou metodou jednotlivé zázraky analyzuje, s důrazem na kontext nadcházejícího Ježíšova mesiášství. Ježíš svými zázraky prezentuje autoritu Božské bytosti, Stvořitele nebe i země, který má moc nad přírodními zákony, ale i nad nemocemi smrtí. Skutky uzdravování jsou mesiášskými znameními příchodu očekávaného židovského mesiáše, "pomazaného krále", který Izrael vysvobodí od útlaku. Upoutají pozornost Jana Křtitele a Ježíš mu zázraky uzdravení předkládá jako důkaz naplnění mesiášského očekávání. V samostatné kapitole diplomová práce analyzuje citaci proroka Izajáše, jak jí Matouš prezentuje v Mt 8,17. Zázraky zde evangelista spatřuje jako předzvěst Ježíšovy soteriologie, náhled na povelikonočního Ježíše, přesah SZ do NZ jako završení proroctví v Ježíšově smrti. Klíčová slova: Zázraky uzdravení, Ježíšova soteriologie, evangelium pod MatoušeThe thesis "Healing Miracles in the Gospel of Matthew, the Preface of Jesus' Soteriology" sets the task of briefly and clearly presenting Jesus' miracles of healing in the perspective of the post-Evangelical Jesus, as the evangelist Matthew writes about them. The introductory chapters are devoted to the individual miracles, which will be explained by a descriptive method, assess their technical side, their classification and storage within the framework of the Gospel as well as their content. The work then analyzes the individual miracles by the exegetic method, with an emphasis on the context of Jesus' forthcoming messianism. Jesus, through his miracles, presents the authority of the divine being, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has power over the laws of nature, but also over the diseases of death. The acts of healing are the messianic signs of the coming of the expected Jewish Messiah, the "wealthy king," who will deliver Israel from oppression. They attract the attention of John the Baptist, and Jesus presents to him the miracles of healing as proof of the fulfillment of the messianic expectation. In a separate chapter, the thesis analyzes the quote of the prophet Isaiah as presented by Matthew in Matthew 8,17. The evangelist sees the miracles here as a foreword to Jesus' soteriology, a...Katedra biblických věd a starých jazykůDepartment of Biblical Sciences and ancient languagesKatolická teologická fakultaCatholic Theological Facult

    Port hierarchy and concentration: Insights from the Mediterranean cruise market

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    The cruise industry provides a tourism service that is performed entirely by means of transportation: the vessel. Although different characteristics of the cruise industry are well documented in the related academic literature, the role and influence of ports (and port cities) in defining cruise organisation is relatively understudied. Using public official data collected from all the major cruise groups operating in the Mediterranean Sea, we investigate the role of the different ports (and cities) within different itineraries. The analysis highlights that although there is some sort of hierarchical structure among some main ports included in the Mediterranean cruise routes, the majority of the ports of call are in a somewhat vulnerable position within the cruise transport network. Moreover, the study discusses how ports\u2019 characterising elements, such as excursion packages, have a strategic role in ensuring the inclusion of peripheral ports within the cruise network