10 research outputs found
Parallelization of Integer Factorization from the View of RSA Breaking
Práce se zabývá faktorizací celých čísel. Faktorizace je nejznámější a nejpoužívanější metodou kryptoanalýzy RSA. V rámci této práce byla vybrána a implementována faktorizační metoda zvaná SIQS. I když se jedná o nejrychlejší metodu (do 100 dekadických číslic), není možné ji efektivně počítat v polynomiálním čase, a tak se hledají různé možnosti, jak tuto metodu co nejvíce urychlit. Jako první se nabízí paralelizace. K tomuto účelu bylo využito OpenMP. Další možností je optimalizace kódu. Cílem této práce je také ukázat, jak jednoduše lze v mnoha případech využít paralelizace kódu a dále, jak díky podrobné analýze kódu lze dosáhnout poměrně velkého urychlení. Použitá metodika iteračního provádění optimalizací se ukázala jako velmi účinná. Touto metodikou byla implementace SIQS vylepšena tak, že faktorizace byla urychlena až 100-krát, v některých částech kódu dokonce ještě více.This paper follows up the factorization of integers. Factorization is the most popular and used method for RSA cryptoanalysis. The SIQS was chosen as a factorization method that will be used in this paper. Although SIQS is the fastest method (up to 100 digits), it can't be effectively computed at polynomial time, so it's needed to look up for options, how to speed up the method as much as possible. One of the possible ways is paralelization. In this case OpenMP was used. Other possible way is optimalization. The goal of this paper is also to show, how easily is possible to use paralelizion and thanks to detailed analyzation the source codes one can reach relatively large speed up. Used method of iterative optimalization showed itself as a very effective tool. Using this method the implementation of SIQS achieved almost 100 multiplied speed up and at some parts of the code even more.
Acceleration of Data Compression Algorithms on Sony PS3 Platform
Tato práce představuje použití zařízení PlayStationu 3 pro akceleraci kompresního algoritmu a snaží se tak prezentovat potenciál PlayStationu 3 pro použití na tyto úlohy. Pro demonstraci byla vybrána kompresní metoda založená na Burrows-Wheelerově transformaci. Výstup transformace je dále transformován pomocí Move-To-Front transformace a následně zakódován pomocí statického Huffmanova kódování. Kompresní algoritmus byl nazván PS3BWT. Ten vykonává kompresi po jednotlivých úlohách a snaží se vždy využít maximální počet dostupných procesorových jednotek tak, aby komprese byla provedena co nejrychleji.This paper presents the use of PlayStation 3 device for accelerating compression algorithms and tries to show the potencial of PlayStation 3 for use on these tasks. For a demonstration was selected compression method based on the Burrows-Wheeler transformation. The output of the transformation is further transformed by using the Move-To-Front transformation and subsequently encoded by the static Huffman encoding. The compression algorithm has been called PS3BWT. It performs compression by using each of tasks and tries to always use the maximum number of avaible processor units, so the compression is carried out as quickly as possible.
HADES-IoT: A Practical Host-Based Anomaly Detection System for IoT Devices
Internet of Things (IoT) devices have become ubiquitous and spread across many application domains including the industry, transportation, healthcare, and households.
However, the proliferation of the IoT devices has raised the concerns about their security - many manufacturers focus only on the core functionality of their products due to short time to market and low cost pressures, while neglecting security aspects.
Moreover, there is no established or standardized method for measuring and ensuring the security of IoT devices.
Consequently, vulnerabilities are left untreated, allowing attackers to exploit IoT devices for various purposes, such as compromising privacy, recruiting devices into a botnet, or misusing devices to perform cryptocurrency mining.
In this paper, we present a practical Host-based Anomaly DEtection System for IoT (HADES-IoT) as a novel last line of defense.
HADES-IoT has proactive detection capabilities, provides tamper-proof resistance, and can be deployed on a wide range of Linux-based IoT devices.
The main advantage of HADES-IoT is its low performance overhead, which makes it suitable for the IoT domain, where state-of-the-art approaches cannot be applied due to their high-performance demands.
We deployed HADES-IoT on seven IoT devices and demonstrated 100% effectiveness in the detection of current IoT malware such as VPNFilter and IoTReaper; while on average, requiring only 5.5% of available memory and causing only a low CPU load
Acceleration of Data Compression Algorithms on Sony PS3 Platform
This paper presents the use of PlayStation 3 device for accelerating compression algorithms and tries to show the potencial of PlayStation 3 for use on these tasks. For a demonstration was selected compression method based on the Burrows-Wheeler transformation. The output of the transformation is further transformed by using the Move-To-Front transformation and subsequently encoded by the static Huffman encoding. The compression algorithm has been called PS3BWT. It performs compression by using each of tasks and tries to always use the maximum number of avaible processor units, so the compression is carried out as quickly as possible
Impact of Optimization and Parallelism on Factorization Speed of SIQS
This paper examines optimization possibilities of Self-Initialization Quadratic Sieve (SIQS), which is enhanced version of Quadratic Sieve factorization method. SIQS is considered the second fastest factorization method at all and the fastest one for numbers shorter than 100 decimal digits, respectively. Although, SIQS is the fastest method up to 100 decimal digits, it cannot be effectively utilized to work in polynomial time. Therefore, it is desirable to look for options how to speed up the method as much as possible. Two feasible ways of achieving it are code optimization and parallelism. Both of them are utilized in this paper. The goal of this paper is to show how it is possible to take advantage of parallelism in SIQS as well as reach a large speed-up thanks to detailed source code analysis with optimization. Our implementation process consists of two phases. In the first phase, the complete serial algorithm is implemented in the simplest way which does not consider any requirements for execution speed. The solution from the first phase serves as the reference implementation for further experiments. An improvement of factorization speed is performed in the second phase of the SIQS implementation, where we use the method of iterative modifications in order to examine contribution of each proposed step. The final optimized version of the SIQS implementation has achieved over 200x speed-up