25 research outputs found

    The role of fault zones on structure, operation and prospects of geothermal reservoirs - A case study in Lahendong, Indonesia

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    Der weltweit steigende Energiebedarf stellt die Menschheit vor immer größere Herausforderungen. Im Angesicht des Klimawandels und der begrenzten Verfügbarkeit von fossilen Energieträgern liegt eine besondere Verantwortung bei der Entwicklung von erneuerbaren Energieressourcen. Dabei spielt die Geothermie eine besondere Rolle, da sie zur Deckung der Grundlast geeignet ist. Zu der Bewertung von geothermischen Potentialen leisten die Geowissenschaften einen großen Beitrag. Das geothermische Potential eines Standorts hängt vor allem von der Art und Ausbreitung von Störungszonen ab, da sie wesentlich den Grundwasserfluss kontrollieren. In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene geowissenschaftliche Methoden miteinander kombiniert, um die Wirksamkeit von Störungszonen zu bewerten. Strukturgeologische Kartierungen und hydrogeologische Felduntersuchungen erklären die Ausbreitung und hydraulische Funktion von Störungszonen im Untersuchungsgebiet. Geohydrochemische Untersuchungen geben Auskunft über Fluid- und Gesteinszusammensetzung und deren Wechselwirkungen. Numerische Simulationen des Gebietes zeigen, dass sowohl Störungszonen als auch Fluideigenschaften wichtig für die Verteilung von Druck und Temperatur im Reservoir sind. Das Untersuchungsgebiet ist das Hochenthalpy-Geothermiefeld Lahendong in Sulawesi (Indonesien). Ein Kraftwerk produziert hier 80 MW Elektrizität. Die ersten Untersuchungen im Gebiet starteten in den 1970er Jahren. Jedoch sind Genese und Verteilung der thermalen Wässer noch nicht komplett verstanden. Das aktuelle konzeptionelle Modell zeigt eine Aufteilung in mehrere Reservoirbereiche. Die verschiedenen Bereiche sind durch horizontal impermeable Störungszonen voneinander getrennt. Den nördlichen Bereich kennzeichnen saure Wässer und den südlichen Teil pH-neutrale Wässer. Auch die Produktivität variiert stark zwischen den beiden Reservoirbereichen. In vertikaler Richtung sind Störungszonen jedoch durchlässig, was dazu führt, dass heiße Quellen entlang von Störungen oder deren Kreuzungspunkten auftreten. Die Reservoirgesteine in Lahendong sind basaltische Andesite, Tuffe und vulkanische Brekkzien. Die Permeabilitätsverteilung der Störungszonen wird durch die Ausbreitung von Rissen kontrolliert. Risse sind vor allem in der Bruchzone der Störung verbreitet, was zu einer hydraulischen Durchlässigkeit parallel zur Störung führt. Die Unterteilung des Reservoirs in Lahendong wird durch diese Rissverteilung bestimmt. Der nördliche saure Teil des Reservoirs ist durch höhere Produktivitätsraten, Gasaustritte an der Oberfläche und stark alterierte und geklüftete Gesteine im Untergrund charakterisiert. Der südliche Abschnitt ist heißer und hat weniger stark alterierte Gesteine. Die beobachteten Reservoireigenschaften wurden von hydrochemischen und hydraulischen Modellierungen bestätigt. Der Grundwasserfluss mit Neubildung und Austritten aus dem Reservoir ist im Gelände und im Modell vor allem durch Störungszonen kontrolliert. Jedoch ist der Grundwasserfluss auch durch den Aggregatzustand des Wassers beeinflusst. Für die Modellierung von 2-Phasen-Ausbreitung müssen die Permeabilitäten angepasst werden, um gleiche Temperatur- und Druckbedingungen zu modellieren. Der Hauptbeitrag dieser Arbeit liegt in der Demonstration, dass eine systematische strukturgeologische Analyse für das Verständnis von Grundwasserfluss in geothermischen Reservoiren unentbehrlich ist. Es wurde bestätigt, dass die Kombination von tektonischen, hydrogeologischen und geohydrochemischen Informationen den wichtigsten Beitrag für das Verständnis von Grundwasserströmungen leistet. Die Grundwasserströmung ist der wichtigste Faktor für die Wahl des richtigen Standortes für Produktion und Injektion in geothermischen Feldern. Eine detaillierte Analyse gewährleistet eine nachhaltige Nutzung des Feldes und verringert Risiken, wie schwach produzierende Bohrungen oder die Produktion von stark korrosiven Wässern. Auf dieser Grundlage kann eine Felderweiterung geplant werden, wie es in Lahendong angedacht ist

    Injection related issues of a doublet system in a sandstone aquifer - A generalized concept to understand and avoid problem sources in geothermal systems

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    This study proposes a concept and presents a workflow to examine potential reasons for low injectivity of sandstone aquifers. Injection related problems are a major challenge for the sustainable utilization of geothermal waters. In order to completely understand and avoid the geothermal reinjection problems, potential problem sources acting on different scales should be taken into consideration. Thus, in the workflow, possible problem sources are considered on regional, reservoir and local scale and categorized into 1) effect of regional hydraulics (potential presence of overpressure and upward flow) 2) inadequate reservoir performance (limited extent, low permeability and performance) and 3) local clogging processes (particle migration, mineral precipitation, microbial activity). Hydraulic conditions are characterized by defining the pressure regime and the direction of vertical driving forces. The reservoir properties are given by determining the grain size and the size of the reservoir layers, as well as the permeability and the transmissivity of the reservoir and the capacity of the injector. Physical, chemical, and biological clogging processes are investigated by specifying the rock properties and determining particle content of the fluid; by analysing the type, probability and amount of the scaling and estimating the potential for corrosion; and by evaluating the possibility of biofilm formation. The concept and the workflow were first tested on a geothermal site (Mezőberény, SE Hungary, installed in 2012) that had to stop operation because of unsuccessful reinjection. The low injectivity of the well is a consequence of several separate problems and their interaction: Reservoir properties are insufficient due to low permeability and transmissivity of the reservoir and the limited vertical and horizontal extension of the sandstone bodies. Precipitation of carbonates, iron and manganese minerals is predicted in hydrogeochemical models and observed in solid phase analysis. Microbial material is produced from the particularly high organic content of the produced thermal water. Injection problems due to hydraulic effects are not expected since the regional pressure regime is slightly subhydrostatic. In summary, reservoir properties determine a low injectivity, which is further decreased to a critical level by the clogging processes. The proposed generalized concept guides a detailed reservoir and geothermal system analysis which is essential for a sustainable geothermal operation.Petroleum Engineerin

    The dynamic evolution of the Lahendong geothermal system in North-Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    This study uses an integrated approach to characterize the dynamic evolution of the power-producing highenthalpy geothermal system of Lahendong, North-Sulawesi, Indonesia. Lahendong has two primary reservoirs, the southern and the northern, which have been utilised for electricity production for more than twenty years. The main focus of this study is the characterisation of heat and mass flows in the system with respect to geological structures and permeability distribution. Also, it delineates how the geothermal system has evolved and the spatial variation of the response resulting from prolonged utilization of the reservoirs. This research implemented geological structure analysis on recent surface fault mapping and pre-existing fault studies from literature. Further, the study analysed well data comprising well pressure, enthalpy, drilling program reviews and tracer tests. Hydrochemical investigation compiled new and old surface and subsurface hydrochemical evolution in both the temporal and spatial domain. The results confirm several fault trends in the study area: NESW and NW-SE are the major striking directions, while E-W and N-S are less dominant. The most apparent trends are NE-SW striking strike-slip faults, NW-SE thrust faults and N-S and E-W striking normal faults. The faults compartmentalize the reservoir. A comparison of the southern and the northern reservoir shows that the southern one is more controlled by faults; both reservoirs rely on fractures as permeability provider and are controlled by shallow hydrogeology, as derived from the integrated analysis of transient well data. Geochemical analysis shows that the reservoir fluids have generally a higher eelectrical conductivity and are closer to fluidrock equilibrium, probably due to boiling, compared to spring waters. Spring waters have generally become more acidic, which is an expected result of reservoir boiling and increased steam input to near-surface waters. The spatial distribution of changes shows a permeability evolution over time and also the role of structural permeability in response to changing reservoir conditions. Observing and recording reservoir data is highly important to understand the reservoir response to production and ensure the long-term sustainability of the system. Additionally, the data is critical for making a major difference in the reservoir management strategy.ISSN:0375-650

    Refine Conceptual Models in A High Enthalpy Geothermal Field

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    The primary goal of this study is to build new and integrated conceptual models for a high temperature field in Indonesia. Providing new data, combining models, visualizing them in 3D is significant to refine previous 2D traditional models, which are limited for reservoir characterization and wellplacement. During field utilization, constantly updating conceptual models helps to verify the pre-existing models and to renew spatial description of the geothermal system. The new geology models aim to refine the description of subsurface units, the fault models help to renew outdated knowledge on structures, temperature and hydrothermal models aim to eludicate new spatial temperature distribution, and geochemistry models serve to link structures with fluid chemistry. New and pre-exisiting subsurface datasets are investigated, processed in Leapfrog and interpreted integratively. The current geology model confirmed the dominant rock types in the Lahendong reservoir: breccia and andesite with a minor fraction of tuff. Also, it shows the spatial distribution of feed-zones with respect to the geological units. The new fault model revealed that the southern reservoir is more structurally controlled than the northern reservoir. A major thrust fault in the south has a vital role as a fluid pathway because the surrounding rocks have low porosity. The updated temperature models show no changes with respect to the temperature range of 250-350 oC compared to previous studies. However, the current model revealed that the southern reservoir still contains higher temperatures than the northern as evidently manifested by the dome-shape of temperature lines. Recent studies suggested local cooling in the southern reservoir, as suggested by the decline of temperatures around faults. The geochemistry model unveils barrier and conductor structures based on electrical conductivity of fluids The current models significantly improve the former subsurface knowledge/studies. They also support a better reservoir characterization and visualization in 3D. The models will be a proper basis for the onward numerical models to identify reservoir behavior in future production scenarios/ operation

    Mechanisms causing injectivity decline and enhancement in geothermal projects

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    In geothermal projects, reinjection of produced water has been widely applied for disposing wastewater, supplying heat exchange media and maintaining reservoir pressure. Accordingly, it is a key process for environmental and well performance assessment, which partly controls the success of projects. However, the injectivity, a measure of how easily fluids can be reinjected into reservoirs, is influenced by various processes throughout installation and operation. Both injectivity decline and enhancement have been reported during reinjection operations, while most current studies tend to only focus on one aspect. This review aims to provide a comprehensive discussion on how the injectivity can be influenced during reinjection, both positively and negatively. This includes a detailed overview of the different clogging mechanisms, in which decreasing reservoir temperature plays a major role, leading to injectivity decline. Strategies to avoid and recover from injectivity reduction are also introduced. Followed is an overview of mechanisms underlying injectivity enhancement during reinjection, wherein re-opening/shearing of pre-existing fractures and thermal cracking have been identified as the main contributors. In practice, nevertheless, mixed-mechanism processes play a key role during reinjection. Finally, this review provides an outlook on future research directions that can enhance the understanding of injectivity-related issues.ISSN:1364-032

    Injection Triggered Occlusion of Flow Pathways in a Sedimentary Aquifer in Hungary

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    Reasons for injectivity decline were investigated at a geothermal site located in Mezőberény, SE Hungary. Due to low injectivities, production rates must be reduced, and the site faces negative commercial implications. In addition to historical operation data, fluid and rock samples were investigated in the laboratory. Analysis and experiments focus on physical, chemical and biological processes and their interaction. Results show different processes being responsible for injection-triggered occlusion of flow pathways. Fines migration is caused by washouts in loosely cemented rocks, from where fine sand or clay particles are transported and injected into lower aquifer layers. Precipitation of minerals is caused by cooling or oxygen exposure. Biological activity is seen at production and injection site. In order to fully understand the processes taking place in the injection well, borehole measurements will be run in summer 2019. After evaluating the results, a specially tailored stimulation concept will be applied in the injection well. A combined chemical-mechanical treatment takes place at different depth. Borehole measurements and hydraulic tests will be done again after the stimulation to show the effect of the stimulation. A multiple monitoring and sampling program came along with activities onsite. Activities are taking place in the frame of the DESTRESS project. The DESTRESS project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 691728

    Refine Conceptual Models in A High Enthalpy Geothermal Field

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    The primary goal of this study is to build new and integrated conceptual models for a high temperature field in Indonesia. Providing new data, combining models, visualizing them in 3D is significant to refine previous 2D traditional models, which are limited for reservoir characterization and wellplacement. During field utilization, constantly updating conceptual models helps to verify the pre-existing models and to renew spatial description of the geothermal system. The new geology models aim to refine the description of subsurface units, the fault models help to renew outdated knowledge on structures, temperature and hydrothermal models aim to eludicate new spatial temperature distribution, and geochemistry models serve to link structures with fluid chemistry. New and pre-exisiting subsurface datasets are investigated, processed in Leapfrog and interpreted integratively. The current geology model confirmed the dominant rock types in the Lahendong reservoir: breccia and andesite with a minor fraction of tuff. Also, it shows the spatial distribution of feed-zones with respect to the geological units. The new fault model revealed that the southern reservoir is more structurally controlled than the northern reservoir. A major thrust fault in the south has a vital role as a fluid pathway because the surrounding rocks have low porosity. The updated temperature models show no changes with respect to the temperature range of 250-350 oC compared to previous studies. However, the current model revealed that the southern reservoir still contains higher temperatures than the northern as evidently manifested by the dome-shape of temperature lines. Recent studies suggested local cooling in the southern reservoir, as suggested by the decline of temperatures around faults. The geochemistry model unveils barrier and conductor structures based on electrical conductivity of fluids The current models significantly improve the former subsurface knowledge/studies. They also support a better reservoir characterization and visualization in 3D. The models will be a proper basis for the onward numerical models to identify reservoir behavior in future production scenarios/ operation.Reservoir Engineerin