28 research outputs found

    Nippur Bibliography

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    The Nippur Bibliography which follows is divided into two parts. The first part, Text Publications and Interpretations, includes all primary publications of Nippur tablets and all studies that make significant use of tablets from Nippur. The secondary studies are included in order to highlight the contribution of the Nippur tablets to the reconstruction and interpretation of ancient Near Eastern literature, history, mythology, economy, law, and lexicography. The second part of the bibliography, Excavation Reports and Secondary Archaeological Publications, includes all publications relating to the Nippur excavations, as well as studies of major archaeological finds. At the end of the section is a list of the Nippur field seasons, 1889-1990

    Análisis del INBioparque como un espacio educativo y recreativo para la conservación de la biodiversidad de Costa Rica

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    Tesis doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Ecología. Fecha de lectura: 17-01-201

    Seal use in fifth century B.C. Nippur, Iraq: A study of seal selection and sealing practices in the Murasu Archive

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    This dissertation presents an analysis of seal use in the Murasu Archive, excavated by the University of Pennsylvania at Nippur (Iraq) in 1893. The more than 800 tablets of the archive are all private, legal documents relating to the business dealings of the Murasu firm that date from the middle of the reign of Artaxerxes I through the reign of Darius II (454-404 B.C.). There are 657 different seal impressions, made from roughly equal numbers of cylinder seals, stamp seals and metal finger-rings. The compositional and iconographic groups into which the seal impressions are divided include contest, narrative, and worship scenes, scenes with animals, winged animals and composite monsters, and rings that feature non-Near Eastern imagery that originates in the Hellenized West. The first aspect of seal use considered is whether the seals people selected reflected any personal information about their office, title, socio-economic status, ethnic background, family relations, or professional association. The captions written beside the seal impressions provide the information about the name, patronym, and title or office of each sealer that is necessary for such an examination. In general, although certain groups were predisposed toward particular motifs or seal types, the motifs selected by the seal owners could not be connected to the type of personal information recorded in the texts. A notable exception was the use of stamp seals featuring the image of a particular composite monster by witnesses attached to the Murasu firm. The second aspect of seal use, sealing practices, includes a study of the ways in which witnesses, authorizing officials, and principal parties sealed--or otherwise marked--legal contracts. Principal parties regularly marked certain transaction types (specifically, debts) by the impression of their fingernails rather than their seals, for fingernail impressions conveyed a specific juridical nuance relating to a debtor\u27s personal obligation to his creditor. In general, on the Murasu tablets, seal impressions did not function as markers of personal identity; rather their function was to demonstrate that principal parties agreed to the terms of the contract, that witnesses were present, and that the tablet was authentic and legally valid

    De Hoge Raad en nadeelcompensatie

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    Item does not contain fulltextVerschenen bij gelegenheid van het 70-jarig bestaan van de VAR Vereniging voor Bestuursrech

    Amsterdam: The Portuguese Synagogue and Jewish Community

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    De Hoge Raad en nadeelcompensatie

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    Verzamelde Geschriften van Prof. Mr. Paul Scholten

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