121 research outputs found

    Decomposed description of Ramsey spectra under atomic interactions

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    We introduce a description of Ramsey spectra under atomic interactions as a sum of decomposed components with differing dependence on interaction parameters. This description enables intuitive understanding of the loss of contrast and asymmetry of Ramsey spectra. We derive a quantitative relationship between the asymmetry and atomic interaction parameters, which enables their characterization without changing atom density. The model is confirmed through experiments with a Yb optical lattice clock

    Yb-171 optical frequency standards towards the redefinition of the second

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    Modeling light shifts in optical lattice clocks

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    We present an extended model for the lattice-induced light shifts of the clock frequency in optical lattice clocks, applicable to a wide range of operating conditions. The model extensions cover radial motional states with sufficient energies to invalidate the harmonic approximation of the confining potential. We reevaluate lattice-induced light shifts in our Yb optical lattice clock with an uncertainty of 6.1E-18 under typical clock operating conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    The influence of Arginine and counter-ions: Antibody stability during freeze-drying.

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    Amino acids, for example L-arginine, are used in lyophilisation as crystalline bulking, buffering, viscosity reducing or stabilising excipients. In this study, arginine was formulated with different counter ions (hydrochloride, citrate, lactobionate, phosphate, and succinate). A monoclonal antibody was investigated in sugar-free arginine formulations and mixtures with sucrose regarding to cake appearance and protein stability with respect to protein aggregation and fragmentation. Arginine hydrochloride formulations collapsed during the selected lyophilisation process, and partially crystallised during storage, but provided the best protein stability at low antibody concentration, followed by arginine succinate formulations. Arginine citrate/ phosphate/ lactobionate formulations resulted in amorphous elegant cakes, but lacked in protein stability. Increasing pH from 5.0 to 7.0 resulted in decreased protein stability. Addition of sucrose to the arginine formulations improved cake appearance and protein stability. Arginine phosphate with sucrose resulted in similar protein stability to the sucrose reference. At 2 mg/ml antibody, arginine hydrochloride (± sucrose) provided very good protein stabilising characteristics. Mixing sucrose with arginine hydrochloride/ lactobionate/ succinate were superior to pure sucrose. While 50 mg/ml antibody improved cake appearance, only arginine lactobionate provided sufficient protein stability next to sucrose. So, sugar-freearginine formulations were able to stabilise the antibody in lyophilisates in a comparable or better way than sucrose formulations depending on counter ion, specifically the hydrochloride and the lactobionate, and antibody concentration. Best protein stability was found for mixtures of arginine hydrochloride/ lactobionate/ succinate with sucrose

    Análise da viabilidade econômico-financeira da implantação de uma indústria de confecção de lingeries no município de Putinga/RS

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    O presente trabalho apresenta a análise de viabilidade econômico-financeira, da implantação de uma indústria de confecção de lingerie, no município de Putinga/RS. A análise de viabilidade se faz necessária pela importância do planejamento na busca da melhor alternativa de investimento, com o menor risco. O estudo tem como objetivo apurar o valor necessário para o investimento inicial, elaborar a projeção do fluxo de caixa, estimar a capacidade de geração de renda do empreendimento e analisar a viabilidade do projeto através do cálculo da TIR, VPL e payback. A metodologia empregada possui abordagem quantitativa, por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Serão elaborados alguns cenários que visam futuras incertezas quanto às variáveis internas e externas do empreendimento. Os resultados obtidos através do levantamento de dados e posteriores análises realizadas foram considerados satisfatórios pelo empreendedor, e conclui-se que o projeto é econômica e financeiramente viável

    Absolute frequency measurement of the 1S0 - 3P0 transition of 171Yb

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    We report the absolute frequency measurement of the unperturbed transition 1S0 - 3P0 at 578 nm in 171Yb realized in an optical lattice frequency standard. The absolute frequency is measured 518 295 836 590 863.55(28) Hz relative to a cryogenic caesium fountain with a fractional uncertainty of 5.4x10-16 . This value is in agreement with the ytterbium frequency recommended as a secondary representation of the second in the International System of Units.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication/published in Metrologia. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1681-7575/aa4e62. It is published under a CC BY licenc

    Análise sobre a conceituação e o tratamento da usura ao longo da história

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    O debate em relação à usura tem permeado o ambiente público há, literalmente, milhares de anos. O objetivo do trabalho é analisar como esse polêmico assunto foi conceituado ao longo da história, de que maneira foi confrontado (ou defendido) e o motivo de ser objurgado com mais ênfase em períodos específicos, além de conjecturar a maneira em que essa discussão se insere no contexto econômico atual. A análise se iniciará nos primórdios civilizacionais, avançando no tempo, a fim de cobrir os principais eventos e argumentos relacionados ao assunto em cada era. A continuidade desse debate e sua presença constante em diferentes civilizações dá à usura um caráter quase arquetípico, indicando a complexidade do assunto. Por sua vez, essa complexidade sinaliza que, se por um lado jamais conseguiremos extirpar a usura por completo, por outro lado deixa-la impune é arriscar de maneira insensata nosso bem-estar como sociedade.The usury debate have been permeating the public space for, literally, thousands of years. This academic work aims to analyse how this polemic subject was conceptualized throughout history, by which ways it was confronted (or defended), and the reason of being objurgated with more emphasis in some specific times, besides to conjecture the way in which this discussion fits into the current economic context. The analysis will begin at the civilization’s roots, advancing to more recent times in order to cover the main events and arguments related to the topic in each era. The continuity of this debate and its almost constant presence in different civilizations gives to usury an almost archetypal character, indicating the complexity of the theme. This complexity, in turn, signalizes that even if we will never be able to extirpate usury completely, to let it unpunished is to risk our welfare in an unreasonable way
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