398 research outputs found

    Block synchronization for quantum information

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    Locating the boundaries of consecutive blocks of quantum information is a fundamental building block for advanced quantum computation and quantum communication systems. We develop a coding theoretic method for properly locating boundaries of quantum information without relying on external synchronization when block synchronization is lost. The method also protects qubits from decoherence in a manner similar to conventional quantum error-correcting codes, seamlessly achieving synchronization recovery and error correction. A family of quantum codes that are simultaneously synchronizable and error-correcting is given through this approach.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, final accepted version for publication in Physical Review

    Nanotecnología en la terapia farmacológica

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    Fil: Carlucci, Adriana M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; ArgentinaFil: Bregni, Carlos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; ArgentinaLa humanidad está frente a un momento histórico en el desarrollo de la ciencia. Muchos autores afirman que la Nanotecnología es la tecnología más importante que va a desarrollar el ser humano en los próximos años, particularmente en la medicina del futuro. Actualmente, en la Farmacoterapia ya tiene aplicaciones en los protocolos clínicos actuales, especialmente en Oncología. Su desarrollo exige que se convierta en un tema de discusión entre toda la comunidad relacionada con la salud

    Rifampicina y biodisponibilidad en productos combinados

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    The drug rifampicin (R) is used as a first line antibiotic treatment for tuberculosis (TB), together withIsoniazide (H), Pyrazinamide (Z) and Ethambutol (E). According to recent statistics, there has been anincrease in TB on a worldwide scale, with the main causes being: monotherapies, the appearance ofresistant microorganisms, the lack of effective preventative programs, non-compliance to treatment andmistaken dosage schedules. The world health organisation (WHO) and the International Union AgainstTuberculosis and Lung Diseases(IUTALD) declared a state of emergency with respect to the disease andestablished programs to increase compliance to therapy and to reduce the incidence of problems arisingfrom such. Along these lines, a list of first line drug therapy treatments were established, whichincluded R, Z, H & E combinations at fixed dosage combinations (FDC), permitting safe combinedadministrations of the drugs at correct dosage levels. These fixed dose combinations have been officiallyrecommended by the WHO in the treatment of TB. However, as has been widely recognised in numerousscientific publications, in such formulations, there are factors that alter the bioavailability of R. Theobjective of this work has been to study the most relevant aspects concerning R bioavailability alterationsand to consider possible solutions to the problem.La rifampicina (R) es un antibiótico de primera elección en el tratamiento de la tuberculosis (TB) juntoa la Isoniazida (H), Pirazinamida (Z) y Etambutol (E). De acuerdo a las últimas estadísticas, la TBaumentó a nivel mundial y entre las causas más citadas figuran: las monoterapias, la aparición demicroorganismos resistentes, la carencia de programas efectivos, el incumplimiento en el tratamiento ylas dosis erróneas. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y la Unión Internacional Contra laTuberculosis y Enfermedades de Pulmón (IUATLD) declararon a la enfermedad en emergencia mundialy establecieron programas terapéuticos para asegurar el cumplimiento y disminuir los problemas relacionadosa la terapia. Sobre esta base, figura en la lista oficial la asociación de los cuatro fármacos deprimera línea R, Z, H y E combinados en dosis fijas (FDC) que permiten la administración conjunta delos mismos y, en las dosis correctas. Los productos FDC son recomendados oficialmente por la OMSpara el tratamiento de la TB. No obstante existen factores que alteran la biodisponibilidad de la R enestas formulaciones, hecho ampliamente reconocido en publicaciones científicas. El objetivo de estetrabajo es estudiar los aspectos más relevantes que alteran la biodisponibilidad de la R en los productosFDC y plantear posibles soluciones al problema

    Rifampicina y biodisponibilidad en productos combinados

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    The drug rifampicin (R) is used as a first line antibiotic treatment for tuberculosis (TB), together withIsoniazide (H), Pyrazinamide (Z) and Ethambutol (E). According to recent statistics, there has been anincrease in TB on a worldwide scale, with the main causes being: monotherapies, the appearance ofresistant microorganisms, the lack of effective preventative programs, non-compliance to treatment andmistaken dosage schedules. The world health organisation (WHO) and the International Union AgainstTuberculosis and Lung Diseases(IUTALD) declared a state of emergency with respect to the disease andestablished programs to increase compliance to therapy and to reduce the incidence of problems arisingfrom such. Along these lines, a list of first line drug therapy treatments were established, whichincluded R, Z, H & E combinations at fixed dosage combinations (FDC), permitting safe combinedadministrations of the drugs at correct dosage levels. These fixed dose combinations have been officiallyrecommended by the WHO in the treatment of TB. However, as has been widely recognised in numerousscientific publications, in such formulations, there are factors that alter the bioavailability of R. Theobjective of this work has been to study the most relevant aspects concerning R bioavailability alterationsand to consider possible solutions to the problem.La rifampicina (R) es un antibiótico de primera elección en el tratamiento de la tuberculosis (TB) juntoa la Isoniazida (H), Pirazinamida (Z) y Etambutol (E). De acuerdo a las últimas estadísticas, la TBaumentó a nivel mundial y entre las causas más citadas figuran: las monoterapias, la aparición demicroorganismos resistentes, la carencia de programas efectivos, el incumplimiento en el tratamiento ylas dosis erróneas. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y la Unión Internacional Contra laTuberculosis y Enfermedades de Pulmón (IUATLD) declararon a la enfermedad en emergencia mundialy establecieron programas terapéuticos para asegurar el cumplimiento y disminuir los problemas relacionadosa la terapia. Sobre esta base, figura en la lista oficial la asociación de los cuatro fármacos deprimera línea R, Z, H y E combinados en dosis fijas (FDC) que permiten la administración conjunta delos mismos y, en las dosis correctas. Los productos FDC son recomendados oficialmente por la OMSpara el tratamiento de la TB. No obstante existen factores que alteran la biodisponibilidad de la R enestas formulaciones, hecho ampliamente reconocido en publicaciones científicas. El objetivo de estetrabajo es estudiar los aspectos más relevantes que alteran la biodisponibilidad de la R en los productosFDC y plantear posibles soluciones al problema

    formulas of revised mrp

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    Information sharing among supply chain echelons is now an acquired result. As a consequence, most of the traditional techniques and procedures in production management must be revised and updated, exploiting the opportunities provided by new technologies. This paper presents an improved version of Material Requirement Planning procedure, which assumes information sharing capabilities and permits the creation of new business opportunities. In Orlickyʹs MRP, orders are computed considering the parent items gross requirements. On the contrary, here the order release procedure related to a certain item is computed both by exploiting all the information sharing advantages and by introducing a drastic innovation to the main process functioning. As a result, the proposed algorithm copes better with demand uncertainty, lowers the system nervousness and also removes the need for continuous forecast adjustments, thereby improving the ease in managing the material flow, allowing the development of new forms of collaboration among different supply chain partners and the creation of new business networks. The algorithm is presented in formulas to describe in detail each procedure step and calculations

    Development, Characterization, and In Vitro Evaluation of Tamoxifen Microemulsions

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    Microemulsions (MEs) were designed by an innovative rational development, characterized, and used to load up to 20 mM of Tamoxifen citrate (TMX). They were made with acceptable and well-characterized excipients for all the routes of administration. Some of their properties, such as nanometric mean size and long stability shelf life, make them interesting drug delivery systems. The results obtained after the in vitro inhibition of estradiol-induced proliferation in MCF-7 breast cancer cells demonstrated a significant effect in cell growth. A decreasing of at least 90% in viable cells was shown after the incubation with MEs containing 20 mM of TMX. Besides, two compositions which loaded 10 mM of drug showed a cytotoxic effect higher than 70%. These results encourage the evaluation of alternative protocols for this drug administration, not only for estrogen receptor (ER) positive tumors, but also for ER negative

    Alginate microspheres of Bacillus subtilis

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    La microencapsulación de organismos ha sido considerada como una alternativa de inmovilización de células, a finde que éstas puedan ejercer sus funciones en forma gradual. El objetivo del presente estudio fue elaborar microesferasde Bacillus subtilis ya sea en forma esporulada como vegetativa.Microesferas de Bacillus subtilis son preparadas utilizando alginato de sodio. Algunas propiedades típicas del sistemamicroencapsulado, tales como contenido de microorganismos, tamaño de partícula y tiempo de germinación han sidoestudiados. Las microesferas se prepararon mediante el método de coaservación-separación de fases, utilizando unaetapa intermedia de emulsión múltiple. Las condiciones de preparación han sido lo suficientemente benignas parano producir cambios en las propiedades biológicas generales del sistema, pero con la protección que le otorga lamatriz del hidrogel, la cual evita la directa comunicación con el medio externo.La viabilidad demostrada por las microesferas con las formas esporuladas fue significativamente superior a las delas formas vegetativas

    Availability Evaluation of Service Function Chains Under Different Protection Schemes

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    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) calls for a new resource management approach where virtualized network functions (VNFs) replace traditional network hardware appliances. Thanks to NFV, operators are given a much greater flexibility, as these VNFs can be deployed as virtual nodes and chained together to form Service Function Chains (SFCs). An SFC represents a set of dedicated virtualized resources deployed to provide a certain service to the consumer. One of its most important performance requirements is availability. In this paper, the availability achieved by SFCs is evaluated analytically, by modelling several protection schemes and given different availability values for the network components. The cost of each protection scheme, based on its network resource consumption, is also taken into account. Extensive numerical results are reported, considering various SFC characteristics, such as availability requirements, number of NFV nodes and availability values of network components. The lowest-cost protection strategy, in terms of number of occupied network components, which meets availability requirement, is identified. Our analysis demonstrates that, in most cases, resource-greedy protection schemes, such as end-to-end protection, can be replaced by less aggressive schemes, even when availability requirements are in the order of five or six nines, depending on the number of elements in the service function chain

    BER evaluation of post-meter PLC services in CENELEC-C band

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    Low voltage, in-home power-line communications (PLC) networks allow direct communication between smart meters (SM) and in-home devices (IHD). In order to minimize security issues, in many deployment scenarios transmission takes place only towards the IHD to display consumption data, with no backwards channel. As a result, channel estimation is difficult and it is necessary to use robust transmission techniques to mitigate the effect of the impulsive noise within the PLC channel. Performance of such system must be evaluated by taking into account realistic interference and channel models for a broad range of configurations. In this work we focus on performance in terms of bit error rate (BER) of a narrowband PLC (NB-PLC) operating in the CENELEC-C band (125–140 kHz) taking into account realistic noise models. Our system is based on binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation