130 research outputs found

    Understanding the Double Doping of Organic Semiconductors Via State Energy Renormalization upon Charging

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    The double ionization of molecular dopants enables the doping efficiency (free charges per dopant molecule) to rise above 100%. However, the current models of doped organic semiconductors based on Fermi–Dirac statistics fail to explain the double ionization of dopants and also the analogous situation of bipolaron formation on a host polymer. Here, we address this shortcoming by considering the renormalization of the state energies upon electron transfer between host and p-dopant. We vary the model parameters─the reorganization energy and evolutions of ionization energies and electron affinities upon charging─and plot the fractions of doubly ionized, singly ionized, and neutral species. The model shows good agreement with experimental measurements of doubly ionized p-dopants and bipolarons on a p-doped polymer. With these insights, we suggest that the state energy renormalization upon charging is the key parameter to be minimized for double ionization of dopants or maximized to avoid formation of bipolarons on the host.Peer Reviewe

    Frontier Orbital Degeneracy: A new Concept for Tailoring the Magnetic State in Organic Semiconductor Adsorbates

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    Kondo resonances in molecular adsorbates are an important building block for applications in the field of molecular spintronics. Here, we introduce the novel concept of using frontier orbital degeneracy for tailoring the magnetic state, which is demonstrated for the case of the organic semiconductor 1,4,5,8,9,11-Hexaazatriphenylenehexacarbonitrile (HATCN, C18N12) on Ag(111). Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (LT-STM/STS) measurements reveal the existence of two types of adsorbed HATCN molecules with distinctly different appearances and magnetic states, as evident from the presence or absence of an Abrikosov-Suhl-Kondo resonance. Our DFT results show that HATCN on Ag(111) supports two almost isoenergetic states, both with one excess electron transferred from the Ag surface, but with magnetic moments of either 0 or 0.65 uB. Therefore, even though all molecules undergo charge transfer of one electron from the Ag substrate, they exist in two different molecular magnetic states that resemble a free doublet or an entangled spin state. We explain how the origin of this behavior lies in the twofold degeneracy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals of gas phase HATCN, lifted upon adsorption and charge-transfer from Ag(111). Our combined STM and DFT study introduces a new pathway to tailoring the magnetic state of molecular adsorbates on surfaces, with significant potential for spintronics and quantum information science

    Impact of morphology on polaron delocalization in a semicrystalline conjugated polymer

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    We investigate the delocalization of holes in the semicrystalline conjugated polymer poly(2,5-bis(3-alkylthiophene-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene) (PBTTT) by directly measuring the hyperfine coupling between photogenerated polarons and bound nuclear spins using electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy. An extrapolation of the corresponding oligomer spectra reveals that charges tend to delocalize over 4.0–4.8 nm with delocalization strongly dependent on molecular order and crystallinity of the PBTTT polymer thin films. Density functional theory calculations of hyperfine couplings confirm that long-range corrected functionals appropriately describe the change in coupling strength with increasing oligomer size and agree well with the experimentally measured polymer limit. Our discussion presents general guidelines illustrating the various pitfalls and opportunities when deducing polaron localization lengths from hyperfine coupling spectra of conjugated polymers

    Interplay Between Mixed and Pure Exciton States Controls Singlet Fission in Rubrene Single Crystals

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    Singlet fission (SF) is a multielectron process in which one singlet exciton S converts into a pair of triplet excitons T+T. SF is widely studied as it may help overcome the Shockley-Queisser efficiency limit for semiconductor photovoltaic cells. To elucidate and control the SF mechanism, great attention has been given to the identification of intermediate states in SF materials, which often appear elusive due to the complexity and fast timescales of the SF process. Here, we apply 10fs-1ms transient absorption techniques to high-purity rubrene single crystals to disentangle the intrinsic fission dynamics from the effects of defects and grain boundaries and to identify reliably the fission intermediates. We show that above-gap excitation directly generates a hybrid vibronically assisted mixture of singlet state and triplet-pair multiexciton [S:TT], which rapidly (<100fs) and coherently branches into pure singlet or triplet excitations. The relaxation of [S:TT] to S is followed by a relatively slow and temperature-activated (48 meV activation energy) incoherent fission process. The SF competing pathways and intermediates revealed here unify the observations and models presented in previous studies of SF in rubrene and propose alternative strategies for the development of SF-enhanced photovoltaic materials

    Intermolecular CT excitons enable nanosecond excited-state lifetimes in NIR-absorbing non-fullerene acceptors for efficient organic solar cells

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    State-of-the-art Y6-type molecular acceptors exhibit nanosecond excited-state lifetimes despite their low optical gaps (~1.4 eV), thus allowing organic solar cells (OSCs) to achieve highly efficient charge generation with extended near-infrared (NIR) absorption range (up to ~1000 nm). However, the precise molecular-level mechanism that enables low-energy excited states in Y6-type acceptors to achieve nanosecond lifetimes has remained elusive. Here, we demonstrate that the distinct packing of Y6 molecules in film leads to a strong intermolecular charge-transfer (iCT) character of the lowest excited state in Y6 aggregates, which is absent in other low-gap acceptors such as ITIC. Due to strong electronic couplings between the adjacent Y6 molecules, the iCT-exciton energies are greatly reduced by up to ~0.25 eV with respect to excitons formed in separated molecules. Importantly, despite their low energies, the iCT excitons have reduced non-adiabatic electron-vibration couplings with the electronic ground state, thus suppressing non-radiative recombination and allowing Y6 to overcome the well-known energy gap law. Our results reveal the fundamental relationship between molecular packing and nanosecond excited-state lifetimes in NIR-absorbing Y6-type acceptors underlying the outstanding performance of Y6-based OSCs

    High operational and environmental stability of high-mobility conjugated polymer field-effect transistors through the use of molecular additives.

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    Due to their low-temperature processing properties and inherent mechanical flexibility, conjugated polymer field-effect transistors (FETs) are promising candidates for enabling flexible electronic circuits and displays. Much progress has been made on materials performance; however, there remain significant concerns about operational and environmental stability, particularly in the context of applications that require a very high level of threshold voltage stability, such as active-matrix addressing of organic light-emitting diode displays. Here, we investigate the physical mechanisms behind operational and environmental degradation of high-mobility, p-type polymer FETs and demonstrate an effective route to improve device stability. We show that water incorporated in nanometre-sized voids within the polymer microstructure is the key factor in charge trapping and device degradation. By inserting molecular additives that displace water from these voids, it is possible to increase the stability as well as uniformity to a high level sufficient for demanding industrial applications.We gratefully acknowledge financial support from Innovate UK (PORSCHED project) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council though a Programme Grant (EP/M005141/1). I.N. acknowledges studentship support from FlexEnable Ltd. K.B. gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (BR 4869/1-1). B.R., M.K.R., and J.L.B. thank the financial support from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), the KAUST Competitive Research Grant program, and the Office of Naval Research Global (Award N62909-15-1-2003 );This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via https://doi.org/10.1038/nmat478
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