292 research outputs found

    Experience in treatment of colorectal liver metastases

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    Optical coherence tomography and fundus autofluorescence in children with infantile nystagmus syndrome and early-onset retinal dystrophy

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    Background: The purpose of the study was to compare morphological retinal differences in children with infantile nystagmus syndrome (INS) and early-onset retinal dystrophies (EORD) with healthy controls in order to evaluate the diagnostic value of optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fundus autofluorescence (FAF). Material and methods: Twenty-six children (mean age 10.0 years) were ophthalmologically and electrophysiologically diagnosed as INS and EORD. Their SD-OCT and FAF imaging was prospectively performed and compared with 36 controls (mean age 7.2 years). Results: Optical coherence tomography imaging was successfully completed in 17/26 (mean age 9.7 years) and FAF in 15/26 (mean age 11.1 years) children with EORD. OCT imaging was completed in 29/36 (mean age 8.9 years) and FAF in 15/19 (mean age 8.7 years) control children. In all six children with Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) photoreceptor layer abnormalities were seen in the peripheral retina using SD-OCT, but macular images could not be obtained. In 5/5 children with congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) retinal thinning was found in all regions except the fovea. 2/6 children with achromatopsia showed ellipsoid zone disruption with macula thinning. In 1/1 child with blue cone monochromatism reduced macular thickness was observed. In 5/5 children with cone-rod dystrophy the outer retinal signal intensity was decreased. In 2/3 children with complete CSNB, slight foveal hypoautofluorescence was indicated. 1/4 children with achromatopsia showed a central hyperautofluorescent ring. In 1/1 child with blue cone monochromatism slight foveal hypoautofluorescence was observed. 2/7 children with cone-rod dystrophy showed a central hyperautofluorescent ring, and additionally in 1/7 a macular hypoautofluorescence in one eye and an additional patch of hyperautofluorescence centrally in the other eye were found. Conclusion: The study demonstrated OCT and FAF as a non-invasive and fast diagnostic tool that defines morphological changes in early-onset retinal dystrophies in young children with nystagmus

    Ortopedija prve življenjske dobe

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    Paliativna kirurgija pri bolnikih z rakom

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    Palliative surgical treatment has a substantial role in the comprehensive palliative care of patients with incurable cancer. It is primarily aimed at alleviating the symptoms and not at prolonging the survival of patients. The data obtained by prospective studies on palliative surgical treatment are scarce; therefore, the decision to apply such treatment may not be easy and it definitely requires a multidisciplinary approach to each patient.Paliativno kirurško zdravljene je pomemben del celostne paliativne oskrbe bolnikov z neozdravljivim malignim obolenjem. Z njim želimo predvsem omiliti simptome, ne pa podaljšati preživetja. Podatkov iz prospektivnih študij, na podlagi katerih bi kirurško zdravili paliativne bolnike, je v literaturi razmeroma malo, kar še otežuje odločanje o takem zdravljenju. Pri odločitvah je pomemben multidisciplinaren pristop

    Slovenski etnični tisk v Argentini do druge svetovne vojne

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    The Slovenes began settling in Argentina as early as the second half of the 19th century. The main wave came in the 1920s and '30s and by the early 1930s, there were over 20.000 Slovene immigrants in Argentina. The author surveys the Slovene periodicals in Argentina which were of leftist, liberal and Catholic tendencies. Gospodarstvobegan publication in 1926 as Argentina's first Slovene language newspaper. Slovenski tednik appeared in the late 1920s, followed by Slovenski dom and Novi list which began publication in the early 1930s. In 1937, Slovenski tednik and Novi list merged to form Slovenski list and in 1933 Duhovno življenje began publication.Slovenci so se začeli naseljevati v Argentini že v drugi polovici 19. stoletja, zlasti pa v 20. in 30. letih 20. stoletja. V začetku 30. let jih je bilo preko 20.000. Avtor predstavlja Slovensko časopisje v Argentini, ki je bilo levičarske liberalne in katoliške usmeritve. Najstarejši slovenski časopis v Argentini Gospodarstvo je začel izhajati leta 1926, konec dvajsetih let Slovenski tednik, v začetku tridesetih let pa Slovenski dom in Novi list. Leta 1937 sta se Slovenski tednik in Novi list združila v Slovenski list. Leta 1933 je začelo izhajati Duhovno življenje

    Modern treatment of locally advanced and recurrent rectal cancer

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    Zdravljenje lokalno napredovalega in recidivnega raka danke je zahtevno. Z uvedbo boljše diagnostike, novih načinov predoperativnega zdravljenja na eni strani in z bolj agresivno kirurško terapijo na drugi strani dosegamo več R0 resekcij, ki edine omogočajo potencialno ozdravitev. Še vedno pa so ti posegi za bolnike neredko mutilantni. Z ustreznimi tehnikami rekonstrukcije dosegamo večjo možnost resektabilnosti, hkrati pa so posledice kirurškega zdravljenja manjše. Pomembna pri vrnitvi bolnika v normalno življenje sta prehranska podpora in rehabilitacija. Tako kompleksno zdravljenje je možno samo v multidisciplinarnem timu.Treatment of locally advanced and recurrent rectal cancer is challenging. By introducing better diagnostics, new methods of preoperative treatment on the one hand, and with more aggressive surgical therapy on the other hand, we are achieving more R0 resections, which are the only ones that allow a potential cure. Still, these interventions are often mutilating for patients. With appropriate reconstruction techniques, we achieve a greater chance of resectability, while at the same time the consequences of surgical treatment are reduced. Nutritional support and rehabilitation are important in returning the patient to a normal life. Such complex treatment is possible only in a multidisciplinary team

    Posledice po kirurškem zdravljenju rakave bolezni

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    Ortopedija prve življenjske dobe

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    Longitudinally stiffened plate girders subjected to bending moments

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    This diploma thesis deals with resistance of plate girders subjected to stresses due to bending according to four proposed methods. Two of them are introduced in SIST EN 1993-1-5 standard. These are reduced stress method and effective width method. The other two proposed methods are effective width method derivates. The first part of thessis introduces rules for determinig bending resistance in respect of plate buckling due to direct stresses.\ud In the second part of the thesis the comparison between elastic critical plate-like buckling stresses calculated according to simplifyed analytical methods from SIST EN 1993-1-5 and elastic critical plate-like buckling stresses calculated with EBPlate software.\ud The final two parts of this diploma thesis contain comparison of sugessted methods at the level of different geometric parameters and comparison of sugessted methods with results of numerical simulations. Calculations were made with software developed with Matlab. Calculated and analyzed were more than 5000 cases of different plate girders. Parameters that we varied are: location of stiffener, web slenderness, ratio between width and height of web, stiffenes of the stiffener, ratio between section area of web and section area of flange, ratio between section area of compression and tension flange, number of stiffeners. Numerical simulations were made with Abaqus software