160 research outputs found

    dtorsin, the Drosophila Ortholog of the Early-Onset Dystonia TOR1A (DYT1), Plays a Novel Role in Dopamine Metabolism

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    Dystonia represents the third most common movement disorder in humans. At least 15 genetic loci (DYT1-15) have been identified and some of these genes have been cloned. TOR1A (formally DYT1), the gene responsible for the most common primary hereditary dystonia, encodes torsinA, an AAA ATPase family protein. However, the function of torsinA has yet to be fully understood. Here, we have generated and characterized a complete loss-of-function mutant for dtorsin, the only Drosophila ortholog of TOR1A. Null mutation of the X-linked dtorsin was semi-lethal with most male flies dying by the pre-pupal stage and the few surviving adults being sterile and slow moving, with reduced cuticle pigmentation and thin, short bristles. Third instar male larvae exhibited locomotion defects that were rescued by feeding dopamine. Moreover, biochemical analysis revealed that the brains of third instar larvae and adults heterozygous for the loss-of-function dtorsin mutation had significantly reduced dopamine levels. The dtorsin mutant showed a very strong genetic interaction with Pu (Punch: GTP cyclohydrolase), the ortholog of the human gene underlying DYT14 dystonia. Biochemical analyses revealed a severe reduction of GTP cyclohydrolase protein and activity, suggesting that dtorsin plays a novel role in dopamine metabolism as a positive-regulator of GTP cyclohydrolase protein. This dtorsin mutant line will be valuable for understanding this relationship and potentially other novel torsin functions that could play a role in human dystonia

    Roles of extracellular vesicles in glioblastoma: foes, friends and informers

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    Glioblastoma (GB) tumors are one of the most insidious cancers which take over the brain and defy therapy. Over time and in response to treatment the tumor and the brain cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME) undergo many genetic/epigenetic driven changes in their phenotypes and this is reflected in the cellular contents within the extracellular vesicles (EVs) they produce. With the result that some EVs try to subdue the tumor (friends of the brain), while others participate in the glioblastoma takeover (foes of the brain) in a dynamic and ever changing process. Monitoring the contents of these EVs in biofluids can inform decisions based on GB status to guide therapeutic intervention. This review covers primarily recent research describing the different cell types in the brain, as well as the tumor cells, which participate in this EV deluge. This includes EVs produced by the tumor which manipulate the transcriptome of normal cells in their environment in support of tumor growth (foes), as well as responses of normal cells which try to restrict tumor growth and invasion, including traveling to cervical lymph nodes to present tumor neo-antigens to dendritic cells (DCs). In addition EVs released by tumors into biofluids can report on the status of living tumor cells via their cargo and thus serving as biomarkers. However, EVs released by tumor cells and their influence on normal cells in the tumor microenvironment is a major factor in immune suppression and coercion of normal brain cells to join the GB “band wagon”. Efforts are being made to deploy EVs as therapeutic vehicles for drugs and small inhibitory RNAs. Increasing knowledge about EVs in the TME is being utilized to track tumor progression and response to therapy and even to weaponize EVs to fight the tumor

    Heparin interferes with the uptake of liposomes in glioma

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    In glioblastoma, a malignant primary brain tumor, liposomes have shown promise in pre-clinical and early phase clinical trials as delivery vehicles for therapeutics. However, external factors influencing cellular uptake of liposomes in glioma cells are poorly understood. Heparin and heparin analogues are commonly used in glioma patients to decrease the risk of thrombo-embolic events. Our results show that heparin inhibits pegylated liposome uptake by U87 glioma and GL261 cells in a dose dependent manner in vitro, and that heparin-mediated inhibition of uptake required presence of fetal bovine serum in the media. In a subcutaneous model of glioma , Cy5.5 labeled liposomes could be detected with in vivo imaging after direct intra-tumoral injection. Ex-vivo analysis with flow cytometry showed a decreased uptake of liposomes into tumor cells in mice treated systemically with heparin compared to those treated with vehicle only

    Mutant torsinA in the heterozygous DYT1 state compromises HSV propagation in infected neurons and fibroblasts

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    Most cases of early onset torsion dystonia (DYT1) are caused by a 3-base pair deletion in one allele of the TOR1A gene causing loss of a glutamate in torsinA, a luminal protein in the nuclear envelope. This dominantly inherited neurologic disease has reduced penetrance and no other medical manifestations. It has been challenging to understand the neuronal abnormalities as cells and mouse models which are heterozygous (Het) for the mutant allele are quite similar to wild-type (WT) controls. Here we found that patient fibroblasts and mouse neurons Het for this mutation showed significant differences from WT cells in several parameters revealed by infection with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV) which replicates in the nucleus and egresses out through the nuclear envelope. Using a red fluorescent protein capsid to monitor HSV infection, patient fibroblasts showed decreased viral plaque formation as compared to controls. Mouse Het neurons had a decrease in cytoplasmic, but not nuclear HSV fluorescence, and reduced numbers of capsids entering axons as compared to infected WT neurons. These findings point to altered dynamics of the nuclear envelope in cells with the patient genotype, which can provide assays to screen for therapeutic agents that can normalize these cells

    Health Educ Behav

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    UL1 TR000433/TR/NCATS NIH HHS/United States5U01CE001957-02/CE/NCIPC CDC HHS/United StatesDA07484/DA/NIDA NIH HHS/United StatesUL1TR000433/TR/NCATS NIH HHS/United StatesR01 DA007484/DA/NIDA NIH HHS/United StatesU01 CE001957/CE/NCIPC CDC HHS/United States2014-03-26T00:00:00Z23863911PMC396656
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