3 research outputs found

    A time-space window between Eocene karst bauxite genesis and the first molasse deposition in the Dinaric Foreland Basin in the North Dalmatia, Croatia

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    Karst bauxite deposits in the North Dalmatian piggyback basin (NDPGB) are a part of the Mediterranean bauxite belt, which is the largest European bauxite deposit zone; however, there is a general lack of information regarding the genesis, age, and precursor of the bauxite deposits in this region. In this study, we combined detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology with compositional, mineralogical, and morphological data from four bauxite locations in the NDPGB to provide a new palaeogeographical and palaeoenvironmental evolution model for the Lutetian–Rupelian timeframe of the NDPGB. The Eocene climatic conditions began with the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum event (∼56 Ma), followed by the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (∼49 Ma) and Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (∼40 Ma), and were completed as a cooling trend culminating around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary (∼34 Ma), with a shift towards an icehouse climate. These events were coeval with the continuous drift of the African continent towards Eurasia and the subsequent closure of the western part of the former Neo-Tethys Ocean associated with massive volcanic activity. Based on the bauxite deposits of the NDPGB, Early Eocene limestones formed in the last phase of the long-lasting Adriatic Carbonate Platform. The Middle Eocene orogenic activity resulted in an elevation in this area. High average temperatures, accelerated hydrological cycles and precipitation, and intensive continental weathering with increased volcanic carbon input resulted in favourable conditions for the development of karst bauxites at this time. Further Upper Eocene tectonic deformation of the NDPGB area resulted in the development of bauxite traps and enabled redeposition of the initial bauxite material. Subsequently, the bauxite deposits were covered with clastic carbonate molasse derived from the intensive erosion of the young Dinaric orogeny. The implications of this study are as follows. First, it provides new information on the timing of bauxitisation in the area by providing the first radiometric zircon geochronology, which refined and restricted the time window for bauxite formation in this region. Additionally, our results provide a new perspective on the possibility of aeolian precursors in karst bauxite formation and provide new constraints on the first tectonic marks of the initial Dinaric orogeny

    Miocene syn-rift evolution of the North Croatian Basin (Carpathian–Pannonian Region): new constraints from Mts. Kalnik and Požeška gora volcaniclastic record with regional implications

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    Mts. Kalnik and Požeška gora volcaniclastic sequences hold valuable information concerning the Miocene syn-rift evolution of the North Croatian Basin, and the evolution of the Carpathian–Pannonian Region and the Central Paratethys. We present volcanological, high-precision geochronological, and compositional data of volcanic glass to constrain their tephrochronology, magmatic provenance, and timing of the initial Central Paratethys flooding of the North Croatian Basin. Based on CA-ID-TIMS U–Pb zircon ages (18.060 ± 0.023 Ma for Mt. Kalnik and 15.345 ± 0.020 Ma for Mt. Požeška gora) and coeval 40Ar/39Ar sanidine ages (18.14 ± 0.38 Ma and 18.25 ± 0.38 Ma for Mt. Kalnik and 15.34 ± 0.32 Ma and 15.43 ± 0.32 Ma for Mt. Požeška gora), Mt. Kalnik rhyolitic massive ignimbrites and Mt. Požeška gora rhyolitic primary volcaniclastic turbidites are coeval with Carpathian–Pannonian Region Miocene post-collisional silicic volcanism, which was caused by lithospheric thinning of the Pannonian Basin. Their affiliation to Carpathian–Pannonian Region magmatic activity is supported by their subduction-related geochemical signatures. Although Mts. Kalnik and Požeška gora volcaniclastics are coeval with the Bükkalja Volcanic Field Csv-2 rhyolitic ignimbrites, North Alpine Foreland Basin, Styrian Basin, Vienna Basin, and Dinaride Lake System bentonites and volcaniclastic deposits, reliable tephrochronological interpretations based on comparison of volcanic glass geochemical composition are not possible due to a lack of data and/or methodological discrepancies. Our new high-precision geochronology data prove that the initial Middle Miocene (Badenian) marine flooding of parts of the North Croatian Basin occurred at least ~ 0.35 Ma (during the NN4 Zone) before the generally accepted ~ 15 Ma maximum flooding age at the basin scale, calibrating the timing of the onset of the widespread “mid-Langhian” Central Paratethys flooding

    Provenance and depositional environment of Middle Miocene silicic volcaniclastic deposits from Mt. Medvednica (North Croatian Basin, Carpathian-Pannonian Region)

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    Extensive and protracted volcanism in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region climaxed during the Early to Middle Miocene with series of major ignimbrite-forming eruptions with their products dispersed across the Alpine-Mediterranean Region. The spatial and temporal dispersion of these volcanic horizons make them potentially important stratigraphic markers throughout the region, allowing better understanding of temporal and spatial changes in depositional environments and paleoclimate. Several of these Middle Miocene volcaniclastic layers are preserved in stratigraphically and environmentally variable sedimentary facies on Mt. Medvednica, located in the North Croatian Basin. In order to decipher the age, depositional environment and provenance of two volcaniclastic horizons intercalated within Central Paratethys marine sediments on Mt. Medvednica, we applied an integrated approach of volcanological, geochronological, and paleontological analyses. New high-precision zircon geochronology and volcanic glass geochemistry data allow to distinguish two primary rhyolitic volcaniclastic horizons derived from distinct eruptions, “Plaz“, and the “Bidrovec“, dated at 14.937 ± 0.012 Ma and 14.835 ± 0.012 Ma. Distinguished mineralogical and geochemical data enabled the correlation of the older (“Plaz”) horizon on Mt. Medvednica with the Demjén eruption, one of the six major Early–Middle Miocene ignimbrite-forming eruptions of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region. However, a correlation of the younger (“Bidrovec“) horizon and assignment to a specific eruption could not be established due to a lack of compositional data from coeval eruption products throughout the region. The newly gathered data establishes both “Plaz” and “Bidrovec” pyroclastic deposits as valuable marker horizons for regional reconstructions, and enable a better understanding of the eruption chronology and tephrostratigraphy of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region