31 research outputs found

    Validation of an extended foot-ankle musculoskeletal model using in vivo 4D CT data

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    openPer simulare il movimento del corpo umano, è necessario creare dei modelli che rappresentino le strutture anatomiche. In questo elaborato ci si concentrerà su un modello biomeccanico del complesso piede-caviglia implementato in un software per la modellazione muscoloscheletrica, nella fattispecie OpenSim. OpenSim è un software che consente di sviluppare modelli di strutture muscoloscheletriche e creare simulazioni dinamiche in grado di stimare i parametri interni delle strutture anatomiche (come le forze muscolari e di contatto tra le ossa), attraverso la simulazione della cinematica e la cinetica del movimento delle varie strutture coinvolte. Nel presente elaborato, si è partiti dallo studio di un dataset, acquisito da Boey et al. (2020) tramite scansione 4D CT in combinazione con un dispositivo di manipolazione del piede su soggetti sani e pazienti affetti da instabilità cronica di caviglia. In questo modo è stata valutata la cinematica dell’osso del piede durante il cammino simulato. Lo scopo di questo elaborato è quindi validare un modello del complesso piede-caviglia sviluppato da Malaquias et al. (2016), partendo dai dati acquisiti affinché, imponendo il movimento della pedana, la simulazione restituisca delle variabili comparabili a quelle reali. Il modello muscoloscheletrico esteso del complesso piede-caviglia è composto da sei segmenti rigidi e cinque articolazioni anatomiche (caviglia, sottoastragalica, mediotarsica, tarsometatrsale e metatarsofalangea) per un totale di otto gradi di libertà. A questo modello è stata aggiunto una pedana (per simulare il dispositivo di manipolazione utilizzato nella sperimentazione) e sono stati incrementati i gradi di libertà delle articolazioni di caviglia e sottoastragalica, per ottenere tre gradi di libertà ciascuna. Dopodiché, è stato imposto un movimento combinato di inversione\eversione ed ab-adduzione alla pedana ed è stato valutato il movimento del modello del piede rispetto al dataset.To simulate the movement of the human body, it is necessary to create models that represent anatomical structures. In this thesis the focus will be placed on a biomechanical model of the complex foot-ankle implemented in a software for musculoskeletal modeling, in particular OpenSim. OpenSim is software that allows to develop models of musculoskeletal structures and create dynamic simulations capable of estimating the internal parameters of anatomical structures (such as muscle and contact forces between bones), through the simulation of the kinematics and kinetics of the movement of the various anatomical structures involved. In this paper, the starting point was the study of a dataset, acquired by Boey et al. (2020) with 4D CT scan in combination with a foot manipulator device. The study was run on healthy subjects as well as patients with chronic ankle instability. In this way, the kinematics of the movement of the foot bones during simulated gait was evaluated. The aim of this project was to validate a model of the foot-ankle complex, developed by Malaquias et al. (2016), starting from the acquired data, so that, by imposing the movement of the platform, the simulation would return variables comparable to the dataset. This extended musculoskeletal model of the foot-ankle complex is composed of six rigid segments and five anatomical joints (ankle, subtalar, midtarsal, tarsometatarsal, and metatarsophalangeal) for a total of eight degrees of freedom. A footplate was added to this model (to simulate the foot manipulator device utilized in the experiment) and the degrees of freedom of the ankle and subtalar joints were increased, to obtain three degrees of freedom each. After that, a combined inversion\eversion and plantar\dorsiflexion movement was imposed on the footplate and the movement of the foot model was evaluated against the dataset

    \u201cSulle ali di una risata belante\u2026\u201d Il Vangelo secondo Venedikt Erofeev e altri scritti

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    Il presente lavoro intende indagare il laboratorio creativo di Venedikt Vasil\u2019evi\u10d Erofeev (1938-1990), uno dei maggiori autori del secondo Novecento russo noto in tutto il mondo per il suo romanzo Moskva-Petu\u161ki. Nella prima parte della tesi viene tracciato un profilo biografico dello scrittore e ricostruito il contesto storico e culturale di cui egli \ue8 parte. Vagabondo senza fissa dimora, vissuto ai margini dell\u2019ufficialit\ue0 negli anni della stagnazione bre\u17eneviana, Erofeev incarna nella sua persona tratti di figure tipiche della tradizione nazionale, dallo jurodivyj (il folle in Cristo della cultura cristiano-ortodossa) allo strannik (il pellegrino alla ricerca di s\ue9), sorta di \u201carchetipi\u201d della storia russa che egli attualizza in un originale percorso di \u17eiznetvor\u10destvo, di creazione esistenziale nel quale finzione e realt\ue0, arte e vita risultano indistinguibili. Oggetto d\u2019attenzione della seconda parte del lavoro sono le letture attraverso le quali lo scrittore (eclettico lettore) recupera fonti e modelli a lui congeniali; di tutte queste molteplici suggestioni si trova traccia nei zapisnye kni\u17eki, i quaderni d\u2019appunti che Erofeev compil\uf2 quasi quotidianamente e che costituiscono una raccolta all\u2019apparenza confusa di frammenti e idee sugli argomenti pi\uf9 disparati. Questa tendenza quasi maniacale alla catalogazione ricorda l\u2019approccio all\u2019organizzazione del sapere tipico della cultura barocca. Nella terza sezione della tesi vengono analizzati tre testi ancora oggi poco noti a pubblico e critica: Blagaja vest\u2019 (La buona novella, 1962), narrazione in prosa ritmica rimasta incompleta, il racconto Vasilij Rozanov glazami \u117kscentrika (Vasilij Rozanov visto da un eccentrico, 1973) e Moja malen\u2019kaja leniniana (La mia piccola leniniana, 1988), un collage di citazioni leniniane. In queste opere Erofeev recupera modelli di riferimento che si diverte a sovvertire: l\u2019analisi delle tecniche stilistiche, delle soluzioni compositive e delle immagini adottate consente di individuare i procedimenti che ricorrono con pi\uf9 frequenza nella scrittura dell\u2019autore, basata sul capovolgimento delle fonti, l\u2019abbattimento di miti e tab\uf9 e il rovesciamento insieme giocoso e serio di logiche ordinarie e stereotipi

    L’idiota Puškin e il saggio Stalin. Aneddotica e strategie di demitizzazione in Charms e Prigov

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    The avant-garde literary group OBERIU, with its poetics of the absurd, alogism and grotesque, had a great infuence on later Soviet Russian literature and on neo-avant-garde movements as well. This paper investigates the connection between OBERIU and the neo-avant-garde of the 1970s and 1980s, especially by comparing two representatives of these different `ages' of avant-garde - Daniil Kharms and Dmitrii Prigov. The analysis will focus particularly on the genre of the anecdote, with which they both experimented. After tracing the heritage of OBERIU poetics in Conceptualism and in the work of Prigov, who was interested in the form of Kharmsian prose miniatures, the paper will compare the well-known "Anecdotes from the Life of Pushkin" by Kharms (1937) with a series of quasi-hagiographical texts, "Stories about Stalin", by Prigov (1975-1989). These bizarre sketches have several common features related to the genre, the formal structure, and the stylistic devices employed. Despite some striking parallels, however, the analysis will demonstrate that Kharms and Prigov have two different approaches to understanding deconstruction of myths, the grotesque, and the absurd

    Forms of Intertextuality. From Quotation to Allusion

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    This contribution is a report on the Slavic Studies Conference held at the University of Udine from 28th to 30th November 2018, directed at doctoral students and recent PhDs in Slavic studies and devoted to the topic Forms of Intertextuality. From Quotation to Allusion. The aim of the conference was to investigate intertextuality in all its vastness, and to further the discussion among young scholars by exploring the various forms and functions of intertextuality (from quotation to allusion to imitation, rewriting or translation) in a broad interdisciplinary exchange with contributions relating to literature, philology, linguistics, cinema, music and dance. This report summarizes some papers presented at the conference and examines the main ideas that emerged during the discussion.This contribution is a report on the Slavic Studies Conference held at the University of Udine from 28th to 30th November 2018, directed at doctoral students and recent PhDs in Slavic studies and devoted to the topic Forms of Intertextuality. From Quotation to Allusion. The aim of the conference was to investigate intertextuality in all its vastness, and to further the discussion among young scholars by exploring the various forms and functions of intertextuality (from quotation to allusion to imitation, rewriting or translation) in a broad interdisciplinary exchange with contributions relating to literature, philology, linguistics, cinema, music and dance. This report summarizes some papers presented at the conference and examines the main ideas that emerged during the discussion

    El’ Lisickij Constructivist Graphic Designer. The Journal “Vešč’-Gegenstand-Objet”

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    This paper analyzes the graphic design of the international art journal “Vešč’-Gegenstand-Objet”, published in Berlin in 1922 by the Russian architect, painter, photographer and designer Lazar’ Markovič Lisickij (1890-1941), better known as El’ Lisickij, together with the Russian writer Il’ja Grigor’evič Èrenburg (1891-1967).Although it lasted only three issues (issues one and two were combined in a single volume which appeared in March/April 1922, while the last number appeared in May 1922), “Vešč’” had a strong influence on contemporary art. It was published in German, French and Russian and was meant both as a bridge between Russia and Europe after the years of war and revolution and as a symbol of the beginning of a new creative era. Mainly focusing on new Suprematist and Constructivist works, the journal included essays on several fields of art such as literature, cinema, theatre, painting, sculpture, architecture and music.In this paper I focus on the innovative graphic design of the two volumes of “Vešč’” entirely realized by El’ Lisickij. Referring to his own theories about book design, Lisickij created a functional and innovative layout and a striking cover, challenging the traditional graphic design practice by using exclusively standard typographic elements such as punctuation marks, typographic lines, geometric forms and typesetting.This paper analyzes the graphic design of the international art journal “Vešč’-Gegenstand-Objet”, published in Berlin in 1922 by the Russian architect, painter, photographer and designer Lazar’ Markovič Lisickij (1890-1941), better known as El’ Lisickij, together with the Russian writer Il’ja Grigor’evič Èrenburg (1891-1967).Although it lasted only three issues (issues one and two were combined in a single volume which appeared in March/April 1922, while the last number appeared in May 1922), “Vešč’” had a strong influence on contemporary art. It was published in German, French and Russian and was meant both as a bridge between Russia and Europe after the years of war and revolution and as a symbol of the beginning of a new creative era. Mainly focusing on new Suprematist and Constructivist works, the journal included essays on several fields of art such as literature, cinema, theatre, painting, sculpture, architecture and music.In this paper I focus on the innovative graphic design of the two volumes of “Vešč’” entirely realized by El’ Lisickij. Referring to his own theories about book design, Lisickij created a functional and innovative layout and a striking cover, challenging the traditional graphic design practice by using exclusively standard typographic elements such as punctuation marks, typographic lines, geometric forms and typesetting

    A prevalência de casos da doença de Crohn na população brasileira no período entre 2013 a 2017 / The prevalence of Crohn's disease cases in the brazilian population from 2013 to 2017

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    A doença de Crohn (DC) é uma alteração do trato gastrointestinal (TGI), de causa indeterminada, podendo acometer qualquer porção do trato digestório, sendo o íleo, cólon e região perianal as regiões mais comuns de ocorrer. É uma doença particularizada de qualquer outra doença digestiva, pelo local da lesão, distribuição e infiltração no epitélio intestinal. Sabe-se que mesmo tendo origem indeterminada, apresenta uma variação do equilíbrio dos microrganismos intestinais que levam ao aparecimento de autoanticorpo que provocam lesões e ulcerações. Por ser uma doença autoimune a DC é uma enfermidade que não apresenta cura, sendo seu tratamento dividido em primário, secundário, cirúrgico e nutricional. Objetivou-se descrever a situação epidemiológica de óbitos decorrentes da DC nos estados brasileiros, apresentando o número de mortes por DC, comparando os dados por sexo e por região do país no período de 2013 a 2017. Os dados foram obtidos por análise de informações no DATASUS do Ministério da Saúde. A partir das informações colhidas observou-se que o sexo influencia minimamente, mas as regiões mais desenvolvidas apresentam maiores índices de óbitos em função dos fatores externos, como presença de ambiente mais estressante, poluição, alimentação industrializada e presença de transgênicos, que desencadeiam a DC. Os dados coletados são condizentes apontando maior incidência da enfermidade na Região Sudeste. Em contrapartida observou-se que a região Norte é a que apresenta menor índice da DC, sendo esta a região menos industrializada do país. Com base neste estudo é possível identificar a influências de fatores externos no desenvolvimento da DC e permite determinar medidas para direcionar a promoção de saúde , reduzindo assim incidência e prevalência da comorbidade , por meio de fatores que influenciam

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Germetizm i alchimija: proekt “Dmitrij Aleksandrovič Prigov”

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    This paper deals with the role of hermeticism and alchemy in the works of conceptual poet Dmitry Prigov. Among the different cultural traditions that characterize his project, hermeticism, and especially alchemy, play a very important role, which provided Prigov with material at varying points throughout his artistic career. Through several examples taken both from Prigov’s verbal and visual works and from his theoretical texts, the aim of this article is to illustrate not only how the artist managed to use and modify motifs and themes relevant to the alchemical tradition, but also how he retrieved certain philosophical and aesthetic ideas of this hermetic doctrine. As a result, Prigov’s project should be considered a sort of alchemical “Great Work”, which responds to the need for a renewal of culture, the creation of a new concept of art and for a transformation of the artist’s role itself

    La "Piccola Leniniana" di Venedikt Erofeev. La riscrittura di un mito

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    The present article focuses on "My Little Leniniana", one of the last publications of Venedikt Erofeev written in 1988. The work is a small compendium of quotations culled verbatim from Vladimir Lenin’s essays, speeches and letters, in particular from his collected writings. The quotations are taken out of their historical and verbal contexts and strategically arranged by Erofeev, who ironically combines apparently illogical or ridiculous excerpts, selects citations which reveal an almost obsessive use of terms relating to violence and intimidation, and appends to these quotations his own brief, wry commentaries. The very particular concatenation of quotations as well as the use of commentaries create an unusual and bizarre image of the leader