77 research outputs found

    Double Taxation Treaties’ Impact on Intermediate Trade

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate double taxation treaties impact on intermediate trade. Based on a panel data sample of five partner countries and 39 reporter countries over the period 1990-2012, the impact of signing DTTs on imports of intermediate trade in goods between two countries is analysed through a Gravity model. The main results show that DTT signing is associated with an increase in imports of intermediate goods. The baseline regression is estimated with OLS using fixed effects with logged values of intermediate trade as dependent variable, a bilateral mass variable of countries’ GDP, a dummy variable with unity 1 when signing a DTT and a distance variable, as explanatory ones. However, due to a large fraction of zero trade flows in the sample, the magnitude of the effect is hard to determine. To check for robustness when dealing with zero trade flows, methods for sample selection bias have been estimated. Despite this, signing DTTs appears to have a positive impact on intermediate trade. The findings further reveal the importance for future research to investigate how DTTs are affecting intermediate trade in the presents of selection bias

    Das Dimethylbismut-Kation: Zugang zu dativen Bi-Bi-Bindungen und unkonventionellem Methylaustausch

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    Die Isolierung einfacher, hochreaktiver metallorganischer Verbindungen von grundlegendem Interesse gehört nach wie vor zu den schwierigsten Aufgaben in der Synthesechemie. Die detaillierte Charakterisierung solcher Verbindungen ist der SchlĂŒssel zum VerstĂ€ndnis neuer Bindungsszenarien und ReaktivitĂ€ten. Das Dimethylbismut-Kation, [BiMe2(SbF6)] (1), wurde isoliert und charakterisiert. Seine Reaktion mit BiMe3 ermöglicht den Zugang zu einer bislang unbekannten dativen Bindung, der Bi→Bi-Donor/Akzeptor-Wechselwirkung. Der Austausch von Methylgruppen (der wohl einfachsten Kohlenwasserstoffeinheit) zwischen verschiedenen Metallatomen gehört zu den wichtigsten Reaktionstypen in der metallorganischen Chemie. Die Reaktion von 1 mit BiMe3 ermöglicht einen Methylaustausch ĂŒber eine RĂŒckseiten-SE2-Reaktion, welche zum ersten Mal im Detail fĂŒr isolierbare, (pseudo-)homoleptische Hauptgruppenverbindungen untersucht wird

    Highly colored boron-doped thiazolothiazoles from the reductive dimerization of boron isothiocyanates

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    Reduction of (CAAC)BBr2(NCS) (CAAC=cyclic alkyl(amino)carbene) in the presence of a Lewis base L yields tricoordinate (CAAC)LB(NCS) borylenes which undergo reversible E/Z‐isomerization. The same reduction in the absence of L yields deep blue, bis(CAAC)‐stabilized, boron‐doped, aromatic thiazolothiazoles resulting from the dimerization of dicoordinate (CAAC)B(NCS) borylene intermediates

    Intensiv farbige Bor-dotierte Thiazolthiazole durch reduktive Dimerisierung von Borisothiocyanaten

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    Die Reduktion von (CAAC)BBr2(NCS) (CAAC=cyclisches Alkyl(amino)carben) in der Gegenwart einer Lewis-Base L liefert dreifach koordinierte (CAAC)LB(NCS)-Borylene, die eine reversible (E)/(Z)-Isomerisierung eingehen. Die gleiche Reduktion in Abwesenheit von L fĂŒhrt zu intensiv blauen, bis(CAAC)-stabilisierten, Bor-dotierten, aromatischen Thiazolthiazolen, die aus der Dimerisierung zweifach koordinierter (CAAC)B(NCS)-Borylenintermediate resultieren

    Functionalization of N2 via Formal 1,3-Haloboration of a Tungsten(0) σ-Dinitrogen Complex

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    Boron tribromide and aryldihaloboranes were found to undergo 1,3-haloboration across one W−N≡N moiety of a group 6 end-on dinitrogen complex (i.e. trans-[W(N2)2(dppe)2]). The N-borylated products consist of a reduced diazenido unit sandwiched between a WII center and a trivalent boron substituent (W−N=N−BXAr), and have all been fully characterized by NMR and IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Both the terminal N atom and boron center in the W−N=N−BXAr unit can be further derivatized using electrophiles and nucleophiles/Lewis bases, respectively. This mild reduction and functionalization of a weakly activated N2 ligand with boron halides is unprecedented, and hints at the possibility of generating value-added nitrogen compounds directly from molecular dinitrogen

    29. Folge (20.01.2022): JTalks 02: Chinesische Mega-City-Regions und deutsche Metropolregionen – ein Vergleich von Äpfeln und Birnen?

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    In der zweiten Folge der Audioversion der Jena Talks in Economic Geography (JTalks) ist Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anna Growe von der UniversitĂ€t Heidelberg zu Gast und unterhĂ€lt sich mit Björn Braunschweig ĂŒber Steuerung und Governance von Metropolregionen sowie die Frage, inwiefern chinesische Mega-City-Regions und deutsche Metropolregionen voneinander lernen können. Dabei es unter anderem darum, wie ein Vergleich dieser Regionstypen ĂŒberhaupt möglich ist, inwiefern politischer Wille und lange Traditionen fĂŒr die Governance von Regionen entscheidend sind, wie FlĂ€chenmanagement neben ökologischer, auch soziale und wirtschaftliche Regionalentwicklung fördert, wie Wissenstransfer in globalen Forschungsprojekten ganz praktisch wird und fast „nebenher“ passiert und warum die Idee eines Vergleichs dieser unterschiedlichen Regionen eben keine schlechte ist

    Synthesis and reactivity of diborane(4)yl complexes

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    Spontaneous humeral torsion deformity correction after displaced supracondylar fractures in children

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    Background!#!After displaced supracondylar humerus fractures (SCHF) in children, residual deformities are common with cubitus varus (CV) being the clinically most visible. Distal fragment malrotation may lead to instability, fragment tilt and subsequent CV. Detection and assessment of malrotation is difficult and the fate of post-traumatic humeral torsion deformity is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of humeral torsion differences in children with surgically treated SCHF and to observe spontaneous changes over time.!##!Methods!#!A cohort of 27 children with displaced and surgically treated SCHF were followed prospectively from the diagnosis until twelve months after trauma. Clinical, photographic, sonographic and radiological data were obtained regularly. Differences in shoulder and elbow motion, elbow axis, sonographic humeral torsion measurement and radiological evaluation focusing on rotational spur were administered.!##!Results!#!Six weeks after trauma, 67% of SCHF children had a sonographically detected humeral torsion difference of > 5° (average 14.0 ± 7.6°). Of those, 44% showed a rotational spur, slight valgus or varus on radiographs. During follow-up, an average decrease of the difference from 14° (six weeks) to 7.8° (four months) to 6.5° (six months) and to 4.9° (twelve months) was observed. The most significant correction of posttraumatic humeral torsion occurred in children < 5 years and with internal malrotation > 20°.!##!Conclusion!#!After displaced and surgically treated SCHF, most children had humeral torsion differences of both arms. This difference decreased within one year after trauma due to changes on the healthy side or correction in younger children with severe deformity.!##!Level of evidence/clinical relevance!#!Therapeutic Level IV

    Psalmus XX. Seren. mo Principe ac Domino, Domino Friderico Ulrico, Duci Brunsvicensi & Lunaeb. ... Iam vero pro placida gubernatione, & auspicatis nuptiis cum illustrissima & augustissima nympha, Anna Sophia Brandenburgica eodem mense Sept. septimo anno post, in arce Gvielphica celebrandis, iteraro voto repetitus Psal. XX. ... a M. Theodoro Berckelmano ...

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    PSALMUS XX. SEREN. MO PRINCIPE AC DOMINO, DOMINO FRIDERICO ULRICO, DUCI BRUNSVICENSI & LUNAEB. ... IAM VERO PRO PLACIDA GUBERNATIONE, & AUSPICATIS NUPTIIS CUM ILLUSTRISSIMA & AUGUSTISSIMA NYMPHA, ANNA SOPHIA BRANDENBURGICA EODEM MENSE SEPT. SEPTIMO ANNO POST, IN ARCE GVIELPHICA CELEBRANDIS, ITERARO VOTO REPETITUS PSAL. XX. ... A M. THEODORO BERCKELMANO ... Psalmus XX. Seren. mo Principe ac Domino, Domino Friderico Ulrico, Duci Brunsvicensi & Lunaeb. ... Iam vero pro placida gubernatione, & auspicatis nuptiis cum illustrissima & augustissima nympha, Anna Sophia Brandenburgica eodem mense Sept. septimo anno post, in arce Gvielphica celebrandis, iteraro voto repetitus Psal. XX. ... a M. Theodoro Berckelmano ... ([1]) Text ([1]
