15,978 research outputs found

    Modelling of hydrological response to climate change in glacierized Central Asian catchments

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    The arid lowlands of Central Asia are highly dependent on the water supplied by the Tien Shan mountains. Snow and ice storage make large contributions to current runoff, particularly in summer. Two runoff models with different temporal resolutions, HBV-ETH and OEZ, were applied in three glaciated catchments of the Tien Shan mountains. Scenario runs were produced for a climate change caused by the doubling of atmospheric CO2 as predicted by the GISS global circulation model and assuming a 50% reduction of glaciation extent, as well as a complete loss of glaciation. Agreement of the results was best for runs based on 50% glaciation loss, where both models predict an increase in spring and summer runoff compared to current levels. Scenarios for complete loss of glaciation predict an increase in spring runoff levels, followed by lower runoff levels for July and August. Model predictions differ concerning the degree of reduction of late summer runoff. These scenarios are sensitive to model simulation of basin precipitation, as well as to reduction of glaciation extent

    Periodically driven stochastic un- and refolding transitions of biopolymers

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    Mechanical single molecule experiments probe the energy profile of biomolecules. We show that in the case of a profile with two minima (like folded/unfolded) periodic driving leads to a stochastic resonance-like phenomenon. We demonstrate that the analysis of such data can be used to extract four basic parameters of such a transition and discuss the statistical requirements of the data acquisition. As advantages of the proposed scheme, a polymeric linker is explicitly included and thermal fluctuations within each well need not to be resolved.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to EP

    Bloch-Nordsieck cancellations beyond logarithms in heavy particle decays

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    We investigate the one-loop radiative corrections to the semileptonic decay of a charged particle at finite gauge boson mass. Extending the Bloch-Nordsieck cancellation of infrared logarithms, the subsequent non-analytic terms are also found to vanish after eliminating the pole mass in favor of a mass defined at short distances. This observation justifies the operator product expansion for inclusive decays of heavy mesons and implies that infrared effects associated with the summation of the radiative corrections are suppressed by at least three powers of the mass of the heavy decaying particle.Comment: LATEX, 7 pages, one figure appended as uu-encoded ps-file, MPI-PhT/94-1

    On Free Quotients of Complete Intersection Calabi-Yau Manifolds

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    In order to find novel examples of non-simply connected Calabi-Yau threefolds, free quotients of complete intersections in products of projective spaces are classified by means of a computer search. More precisely, all automorphisms of the product of projective spaces that descend to a free action on the Calabi-Yau manifold are identified.Comment: 39 pages, 3 tables, LaTe

    Multiqubit symmetric states with high geometric entanglement

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    We propose a detailed study of the geometric entanglement properties of pure symmetric N-qubit states, focusing more particularly on the identification of symmetric states with a high geometric entanglement and how their entanglement behaves asymptotically for large N. We show that much higher geometric entanglement with improved asymptotical behavior can be obtained in comparison with the highly entangled balanced Dicke states studied previously. We also derive an upper bound for the geometric measure of entanglement of symmetric states. The connection with the quantumness of a state is discussed

    Improved approach to the heavy-to-light form factors in the light-cone QCD sum

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    A systematic analysis shows that the main uncertainties in the form factors are due to the twist-3 wave functions of the light mesons in the light-cone QCD sum rules. We propose an improved approach, in which the twist-3 wave functions doesn't make any contribution and therefore the possible pollution by them can be avoided, to re-examine BπB \to \pi semileptonic form factors. Also, a comparison between the previous and our results from the light-cone QCD sum rules is made. Our method will be beneficial to the precise extracting of Vub\mid{V_{ub}}\mid from the experimental data on the processes Bπν~B \to \pi \ell \widetilde{\nu_\ell}.Comment: New version to appear in PR

    Comprehensive characterization of molecular interactions based on nanomechanics

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    Molecular interaction is a key concept in our understanding of the biological mechanisms of life. Two physical properties change when one molecular partner binds to another. Firstly, the masses combine and secondly, the structure of at least one binding partner is altered, mechanically transducing the binding into subsequent biological reactions. Here we present a nanomechanical micro-array technique for bio-medical research, which not only monitors the binding of effector molecules to their target but also the subsequent effect on a biological system in vitro. This label-free and real-time method directly and simultaneously tracks mass and nanomechanical changes at the sensor interface using micro-cantilever technology. To prove the concept we measured lipid vesicle (approximately 748*10(6) Da) adsorption on the sensor interface followed by subsequent binding of the bee venom peptide melittin (2840 Da) to the vesicles. The results show the high dynamic range of the instrument and that measuring the mass and structural changes simultaneously allow a comprehensive discussion of molecular interactions

    Pion Propagation near the QCD Chiral Phase Transition

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    We point out that, in analogy with spin waves in antiferromagnets, all parameters describing the real-time propagation of soft pions at temperatures below the QCD chiral phase transition can be expressed in terms of static correlators. This allows, in principle, the determination of the soft pion dispersion relation on the lattice. Using scaling and universality arguments, we determine the critical behavior of the parameters of pion propagation. We predict that when the critical temperature is approached from below, the pole mass of the pion drops despite the growth of the pion screening mass. This fact is attributed to the decrease of the pion velocity near the phase transition.Comment: 8 pages (single column), RevTeX; added references, version to be published in PR

    Mode-locking of incommensurate phase by quantum zero point energy in the Frenkel-Kontorova model

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    In this paper, it is shown that a configuration modulated system described by the Frenkel-Kontorova model can be locked at an incommensurate phase when the quantum zero point energy is taken into account. It is also found that the specific heat for an incommensurate phase shows different parameter-dependence in sliding phase and pinning phase. These findings provide a possible way for experimentalists to verify the phase transition by breaking of analyticity.Comment: 6 pages in Europhys style, 3 eps figure