301 research outputs found

    The 3-phase-model of dyadic adaptation to dementia: why it might sometimes be better to be worse

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    In the next years and decades, the number of old spousal dyads having to deal with the onset and progression of dementia in one partner will increase significantly. Existing research indicates that caregiving for an ill spouse is related to decreased caregiver well-being and high levels of caregiver stress. In this theoretical paper, we argue that three aspects deserve additional theoretical and empirical attention: (a) Some spousal caregivers seem to exhibit stable pattern of individual well-being, (b) dyads may be able to adapt their ways of supporting each other to maintain a maximum of dyadic autonomy, and (c) the progression of the dementia increasingly compromising the individual autonomy is likely to require different behaviors and skills of the dyad to achieve high levels of dyadic well-being. We suggest a 3-phase-model of dyadic adaptation to dementia-related losses of patients' individual autonomy and discuss adaptive processes in three phases of dementia that may allow stable levels of well-being in caregivers over time. Thereby, our model can integrate existing findings and theories and allows deriving areas of future researc

    The influence of 30 years outdoor weathering on the durability of hydrophobic agents applied on Obernkirchener Sandstones

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    The durability of eleven different water repellents applied on one sandstone type was studied after a long-term weathering at seven different locations in Germany. By measuring colour changes, it could be shown that the formation of black crusts, the deposition of particles and biogenic growth caused a gradual darkening as well as significant changes in total colour over time. Additionally, the water absorption behaviour was investigated with two different methods: applying a low pressure using the pipe method and capillary water absorption measurements from a wet underlay. Afterwards, the test results were analysed with four different evaluation methods: calculation of the protection degree from pipe method and capillary water absorption, determination of the velocity of water uptake during capillary water absorption and calculation of the damaged depth of the stone surface using single-sided NMR technique. The growing damaged depth leads to an increase of the water uptake velocity and to a decrease of the protection degree of the applied hydrophobing agents. Three protective agents based on isobutyltrimethoxysilane showed already after two years of outdoor weathering a clear loss of performance, which significantly increased after 30 years of exposure

    About the effectiveness of a hydrophobic surface treatment of Baumberger Sandstones

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    The Baumberger Sandstone, a sandy limestone, is used since the Middle Ages as a building material not only in the surrounding Münster region of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany), where it is quarried since to date. To prevent the ingress of water and reduce weathering processes conservation methods, mostly in form of organosilicon compounds, were used. This study deals with the performance of applied hydrophobing agents on Baumberger Sandstone samples and their influence on the weathering processes during long-term exposure. The samples were exposed at several locations in Germany to different climatic conditions for up to 24 years. Afterwards, investigations concerning the water absorption behaviour and the degree of superficial damages were carried out. With an evaluation method on basis of NMR measurements, a very low and uneven distributed effective hydrophobic zone could be detected. This caused an ingress of water in the uppermost part and a progressive weathering of investigated natural stones. Thus the hydrophobic surface treatment did not lead to a significant decrease of weathering or damaging processes. Based on these results a hydrophobic surface treatment of Baumberger Sandstone seems not to be suitable

    Entwicklung eines Interfaces zur privacy-friendly Cookie-Einstellung

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    Bisherige Interfaces der Cookie-Einstellungen sind unzureichend um dem Nutzer eine informierte Entscheidung zu ermöglichen. Ziel der Studie war es ein neues Konfigurationsinterface zu entwickeln, welches die Nutzer über die Wirkweisen von verschiedenen Cookies aufklärt und die Möglichkeiten einer Einstellungs-Änderung bietet. Bestehende Meldungen wurden mit Fokusgruppen weiterentwickelt und das finale Interface in einer Online-Studie mit 37 Teilnehmern evaluiert. Es wurden für das Interface 3 Einstellungs-Optionen herausgearbeitet, die unterschiedliche Kompromisse zwischen kurz- und langfristigem Schutz sowie möglichen Funktionalitätseinschränkungen darstellen. Die Auswertung zeigte, dass über 75% der Teilnehmer die Einstellungen hinzu einem langfristigen Schutz ändern würde. Ein Großteil derer, die sich gegen einen langfristigen Schutz entschieden, haben dies bewusst getan, um ihren Komfort nicht einschränken zu müssen

    Dynamic changes on the Wilkins Ice Shelf during the 2006–2009 retreat derived from satellite observations

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    The vast ice shelves around Antarctica provide significant restraint to the outflow from adjacent tributary glaciers. This important buttressing effect became apparent in the last decades, when outlet glaciers accelerated considerably after several ice shelves were lost around the Antarctic Peninsula (AP). The present study aims to assess dynamic changes on the Wilkins Ice Shelf (WIS) during different stages of ice-front retreat and partial collapse between early 2008 and 2009. The total ice-shelf area lost in these events was 2135 ± 75 km2 ( ∼  15 % of the ice-shelf area relative to 2007). Here, we use time series of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite observations (1994–1996, 2006–2010) in order to derive variations in surface-flow speed from intensity-offset tracking. Spatial patterns of horizontal strain-rate, stress and stress-flow angle distributions are determined during different ice-front retreat stages. Prior to the final break up of an ice bridge in 2008, a strong speed up is observed, which is also discernible from other derived quantities. We identify areas that are important for buttressing and areas prone to fracturing using in-flow and first principal strain rates as well as principal stress components. Further propagation of fractures can be explained as the first principal components of strain rates and stresses exceed documented threshold values. Positive second principal stresses are another scale-free indicator for ice-shelf areas, where fractures preferentially open. Second principal strain rates are found to be insensitive to ice-front retreat or fracturing. Changes in stress-flow angles highlight similar areas as the in-flow strain rates but are difficult to interpret. Our study reveals the large potential of modern SAR satellite time series to better understand dynamic and structural changes during ice-shelf retreat but also points to uncertainties introduced by the methods applied

    Salinity-independent dissipation of antibiotics from flooded tropical soil: a microcosm study

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    River deltas are frequently facing salinity intrusion, thus challenging agricultural production in these areas. One adaption strategy to increasing salinity is shrimp production, which however, heavily relies on antibiotic usage. This study was performed to evaluate the effect of increasing salinity on the dissipation rates of antibiotics in tropical flooded soil systems. For this purpose, paddy top soil from a coastal Vietnamese delta was spiked with selected frequently used antibiotics (sulfadiazine, sulfamethazine, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim) and incubated with flood water of different salt concentrations (0, 10, 20 g L−1). Antibiotic concentrations were monitored in water and soil phases over a period of 112 days using liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. We found that sulfamethazine was the most persistent antibiotic in the flooded soil system (DT50 = 77 days), followed by sulfadiazine (DT50 = 53 days), trimethoprim (DT50 = 3 days) and sulfamethoxazole (DT50 = 1 days). With the exception of sulfamethoxazole, the apparent distribution coefficient increased significantly (p < 0.05) for all antibiotics in course of the incubation, which indicates an accumulation of antibiotics in soil. On a whole system basis, including soil and water into the assessment, there was no overall salinity effect on the dissipation rates of antibiotics, suggesting that common e-fate models remain valid under varying salinity

    I (don\u27t) see what you typed there! Shoulder-surfing resistant password entry on gamepads

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    Using gamepad-driven devices like games consoles is an activity frequently shared with others. Thus, shoulder-surfing is a serious threat. To address this threat, we present the first investigation of shoulder-surfing resistant text password entry on gamepads by (1) identifying the requirements of this context; (2) assessing whether shoulder-surfing resistant authentication schemes proposed in non-gamepad contexts can be viably adapted to meet these requirements; (3) proposing ``Colorwheels\u27\u27, a novel shoulder-surfing resistant authentication scheme specifically geared towards this context; (4) using two different methodologies proposed in the literature for evaluating shoulder-surfing resistance to compare ``Colorwheels\u27\u27, on-screen keyboards (the de facto standard in this context), and an existing shoulder-surfing resistant scheme which we identified during our assessment and adapted for the gamepad context; (5) evaluating all three schemes regarding their usability. Having applied different methodologies to measure shoulder-surfing resistance, we discuss their strengths and pitfalls and derive recommendations for future research

    Selected human rights indicators in the context of current EU regulation: Towards more social sustainability in the financial and economic system. Part II: Substantial Contribution

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    In March 2018, the European Commission published its Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth. Part of the plan calls for the EU to develop classification systems for environmentally and socially sustainable activities to help direct private sector financing to such activities. This is the second briefing paper of a research project aimed at discussing and developing concepts and indicators for the standardised measurement of socially sustainable activities in alignment with international human rights
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