6 research outputs found

    Cultura e desenvolvimento sustentável no pantanal mato-grossense: entre a tradição e a modernidade

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    Apesar de estarem ocupados por diferentes grupos sociais há centenas de anos, algumas parcelas das áreas rurais dos pantanais mato-grossenses ainda mantêm parte das suas características naturais preservadas. A pecuária, principal atividade econômica, desenvolveu-se sem praticamente alterar a dinâmica da paisagem. Como correlato, a imagem construída sobre os seus habitantes é mencionada como exemplo de uso sustentável dos elementos naturais. Apesar deste estereótipo positivo, pouco se sabe ainda sobre esses conhecimentos que, devido à modernidade, muitas vezes se perdem ou assumem outras formas. O presente texto inscreve-se nessa perspectiva. Seu principal objetivo é investigar os saberes pantaneiros, que resultaram em formas peculiares de organização da paisagem e em aspectos específicos da cultura material. Concluiu-se que, com a modernização e as alterações na cultura material, principalmente a substituição do pasto nativo pelo exótico, o equilíbrio da paisagem natural encontra-se ameaçado. A sustentabilidade cultural, entendida como um sistema aberto, passível de alterações, é um indicador de grande relevância na busca do desenvolvimento sustentável.Despite of being occupied by different social groups since hundreds of years, some parts of rural areas of Mato-Grosso wetlands still preserve a part of their natural characteristics. Cattle raising, the main economic activity, was developed without really changing the basic (pattern) landscapes, and related to it the image of their inhabitants is mentioned as an example of sustainable use of natural elements. Despite this positive stereotype, little is still known concerning such knowledge which often get lost or take other forms due to modernity. The present text is inserted in such perspective, its main objective is to research on Pantanal knowing, which resulted in peculiar forms of mark-landscapes organization and in specific aspects of material culture. The conclusion is that with modernization and transformations on material culture, particularly the substitution of native grass by exotic ones, the balance of pattern landscapes is under threat. The cultural sustainability, understood as an open system, subject to transformations, is an indicator of great relevance to the searching of sustainable development.Malgré l'occupation centenaire du Pantanal Brésilien par des diferents groupes sociaux la plupart de son territoire conserve les characteristiques naturelles. L'elevage, principale activité economique de la region, a pu mantenir la dynamique originale de la paysage, et l'image de la population pantaneira est toujours consideré comme un example de utilization durable des resources naturels. C'est une vision positive qui n'est pas tenue en compte pendant le processus de transformation economique de la région, qui privilegie un approche de modernité de la production. Cet article s'insere dans cette perspective, et son objective pricipal c'est de proposer une discussion sur la organization de la paysage et quelques aspects especifiques sur la culture materielle au Pantanal brésilien. On propose une reflexion sur la modernisation de la production, qu'utilise des especes exotiques pour l'élevage et représente une ménace sur la paysage naturelle. Le composant culturel du dévelopment durable, au niveau local, est consideré un des aspectes le plus important pour garder la qualité de l'enviroment et la qualité de vie locales

    Extreme precipitation-streamflow event in the river Araguari basin, Amapá / Brazil

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    O objetivo da investigação foi analisar vazões extremas ocorridas entre 9 e 14 de abril de 2011 na bacia do Rio Araguari-AP. A metodologia consistiu de três etapas principais: 1) re-análise da precipitação estimada pelo Modelo BRAMS (Brazilian in Development Regional Atmospheric Model System),utilizando como suporte a sinótica do mesmo período; 2) análise de vazão nas seções de monitoramento hidrológico em Porto Platon, Capivara e Serra do Navio (ADCP-Accustic Doppler Profiller Current); 3) análise estatística da série histórica de vazões máximas em Porto Platon utilizando distribuição de Gumbel. Observou-se que o modelo BRAMS capturou parcialmente o padrão do sistema de precipitação quando comparado com a análise sinótica e com os dados da literatura, mas demandando ainda otimização na representação de respostas hidrológicas extremas. Em Porto Platon foi registrada uma vazão recorde de 4036 m3/s, cujo comportamento foi analisado sob a ótica dos mecanismos disponíveis de monitoramento no Estado. Concluiu-se que tais eventos extremos são pouco detectáveis e oferecem riscos consideráveis aos usuários da bacia. A previsão de vazão, baseada na série hidrológica disponível, era de 100 anos de retorno, mas as análises revelaram que este período seria de 360 anos, indicando significativa fragilidade do sistema de previsão de eventos extremos no Estado.The objective of this investigation was to analyse the extreme river flows which have occurred between 9 and 14 April 2011 in the Rio Araguari-AP. The methodology consisted of three main steps: 1) re-analysis of precipitation estimated by the BRAMS (Brazilian Development in Regional Atmospheric Model System) model using the synoptic of the same period as support, 2) analysis of streamflow in sections of hydrological monitoring in Porto Platon, Capivari and Serra do Navio (ADCP-Accustic Profiller Doppler Current); 3) statistic analysis of the time series of maximum river flows in Porto Platon using Gumbel distribution. It was observed that the BRAMS system partially captured the standard precipitation when compared with the synoptic analysis and literature data, but the extreme hydrological responses representation still needs an optimization. In Porto Platon a flow record of 4036 m3 /s was recorded, whose behavior was analyzed from the perspective of the available monitoring mechanisms in the State. It was concluded that such extreme events are poorly detectable and offer considerable risks to users of the basin. The stream flow prediction based on available hydrological series was 100 years recurrence, but the analysis have revealed that this period would be 360 years, indicating significant deficiency of the prediction system of extreme events in the State

    Impact of electric vehicle emissions in the Brazilian scenario of energy transition and use of bioethanol

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    The transport sector stands out on the world stage due to its significant share of greenhouse gas emissions, which currently equate to 25% of global emissions. In the global context of energy transition, the electrification of mobility is shown as one of the alternatives to mitigate the impacts of global warming. In Brazil, the conjuncture is of extensive use of renewable energy sources, in which bioethanol accounts for about 35% of the primary source in flex-fuel vehicles and the electricity generation matrix comprises about 83% of renewable sources. This study aims to evaluate the global warming potential (GWP) resulting from the insertion of electric vehicles in the long term (2023–2050), in scenarios of the Brazilian light vehicle fleet, considering the transition of the electric generation matrix and the use of bioethanol. In this sense, statistical methodologies applied to historical data series and regression algorithms were used to estimate the fleet. This is in addition to the life cycle assessment approach applied to the manufacture and use of vehicles, and also fuel production in order to estimate the global warming potential. The results of the comparative evaluation showed that the ICE and HEV vehicles fueled by bioethanol had the lowest emissions per kilometer driven, compared to purely electric vehicles. In the long term, the scenario with a greater share of bioethanol proved to be more favorable for reducing annual emissions, presenting annual emissions of 69 Mt CO2eq/year in 2050 compared to 81 Mt CO2eq/year in 2020. The results of this study will provide fundamental information for planning to mitigate the environmental impacts of the transportation sector

    Microbiologic water quality in urban and periurban rivers on low Amazon river - study of case : Amapá State

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    O presente estudo versa sobre a variação espacial-temporal de parâmetros da qualidade da água e foi realizado em quatro rios estuarinos próximos às cidades de Macapá e Santana (AP) – Brasil, e trata especialmente de poluição microbiológica (coliformes fecais – CF), delineada em pesquisa de campo ocorrida entre o período de setembro de 1999 a setembro de 2002. A análise espacial-temporal dos parâmetros bacteriológicos mostrou um significativo grau de comprometimento e degradação ambiental em algumas seções de coleta. A obtenção de faixas de concentração mostrou-se importante para avaliar as freqüências e distribuições estatísticas de parâmetros da qualidade da água, principalmente para indicar riscos à saúde pública e aos ecossistemas aquáticos. Finalmente, devido a quase completa ausência de informações hidrodinâmica e climática sistematizada, a abordagem fundamentou-se na utilização de análise estatística. Contudo, verificou-se uma tendência de aderência dos dados a uma distribuição normal e um grau de deterioração da qualidade da água já presente nas seções estudadas. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study presents the spatial and temporal variability of water quality parameters in rivers of Macapá and Santana region, State of Amapá, Brazil, especially faecal coliforms (FC), being used as indicators. Laboratory and field experiments were conducted in four estuarine rivers. The experiment included five sampling locations and the research was conducted from September 1999 to September 2002. Samples were collected once a monthly. The results of analysis provided us useful information for sanitary and public health planning. In addiction, a socio-economic study of several critical areas in the watershed was carried out. The results showed high faecal coliform concentrations. The complexity of space-temporal variability of the water quality was affected by various factors, such as climatic conditions, tidal variation and human activities. This information can be used in forecasting environmental and public health risks