6 research outputs found

    Digital Game-Based Support for Learning the Phlebotomy Procedure in the Biomedical Laboratory Scientist Education

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    Practice-based training in education is important, expensive, and resource-demanding. Digital games can provide complementary training opportunities for practicing procedural skills and increase the value of the limited laboratory training time in biomedical laboratory science (BLS) education. This paper presents how a serious game can be integrated in a BLS course and supplement traditional learning and teaching with accessible learning material for phlebotomy. To gather information on challenges relevant to integrating Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL), a case was carried out using mixed methods. Through a semester-long study, following a longitudinal, interventional cohort study, data and information were obtained from teachers and students about the learning impact of the current application. The game motivated students to train more, and teachers were positive towards using it in education. The results provide increased insights into how DGBL can be integrated into education and give rise to a discussion of the current challenges of DGBL for practice-based learning.Digital Game-Based Support for Learning the Phlebotomy Procedure in the Biomedical Laboratory Scientist EducationpublishedVersio

    TPS-grupper i praksis (Tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring i praksisstudier) Delprosjekt 1b i OPERASJON BACHELORPRAKSIS, FHS

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    I denne rapporten presenteres modeller for tverrprofesjonell praksis-læring som benyttes både i primærhelsetjenester (TVEPS) og i spesialisthelsetjenesten (TPS i sykehuspraksis). I tillegg presenteres en mal for informasjonsskriv til ledere og veiledere i helseforetak og kommuner, der det oppfordres til å legge til rette for tverrprofesjonelt studentsamarbeid når studenter fra flere profesjonsutdanninger har samtidig praksis i samme institusjon. Utvikling av modellene som beskrives har pågått gjennom flere år. Som del av prosjekt Operasjon Bachelorpraksis er modellene presentert samlet og er prøvd ut på nye praksis-arenaer og på flere HVL-campus. Modeller og mal for informasjonsskriv er også presentert i «Ressursemne for TPS i teori og praksis, opprettet i læringsplattformen Canvas (se rapport fra TPSgruppens oppdrag fra punktene 1 og 3)

    Hemochromatosis and blood donation

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    The voluntary, unpaid, altruistic blood donor is a cornerstone of current transfusion medicine. The complexity of medical and ethical issues related to blood donation and hemochromatosis has led to a large number of studies related to the safety of the hemochromatosis donor and the quality of the blood components produced from these donations. The issue of accepting persons with HC as blood donors is diverting, both in Europe and worldwide and without joint guidelines. A questionnaire-based study was performed and mailed to all 25 blood bank leaders in Norway. Descriptive analysis was used to evaluate the data. Eight of 22 blood banks strictly followed national guidelines concerning persons with hemochromatosis. Other blood banks make local adjustments. 16 of 22 responding blood banks accept hemochromatosis donors and five do not, and one answered partly yes. The reasons the blood bank leaders supported the acceptance of hemochromatosis donors differ. Based on published papers and the present questionnaire, we believe that a clear definition of the “hemochromatosis donor” and guidelines with more detailed information on an acceptable donation regime would be important to overcome the weak points in blood donor eligibility criteria

    Digital Game-Based Support for Learning the Phlebotomy Procedure in the Biomedical Laboratory Scientist Education

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    Practice-based training in education is important, expensive, and resource-demanding. Digital games can provide complementary training opportunities for practicing procedural skills and increase the value of the limited laboratory training time in biomedical laboratory science (BLS) education. This paper presents how a serious game can be integrated in a BLS course and supplement traditional learning and teaching with accessible learning material for phlebotomy. To gather information on challenges relevant to integrating Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL), a case was carried out using mixed methods. Through a semester-long study, following a longitudinal, interventional cohort study, data and information were obtained from teachers and students about the learning impact of the current application. The game motivated students to train more, and teachers were positive towards using it in education. The results provide increased insights into how DGBL can be integrated into education and give rise to a discussion of the current challenges of DGBL for practice-based learning

    Digital Game-Based Support for Learning the Phlebotomy Procedure in the Biomedical Laboratory Scientist Education

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    Practice-based training in education is important, expensive, and resource-demanding. Digital games can provide complementary training opportunities for practicing procedural skills and increase the value of the limited laboratory training time in biomedical laboratory science (BLS) education. This paper presents how a serious game can be integrated in a BLS course and supplement traditional learning and teaching with accessible learning material for phlebotomy. To gather information on challenges relevant to integrating Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL), a case was carried out using mixed methods. Through a semester-long study, following a longitudinal, interventional cohort study, data and information were obtained from teachers and students about the learning impact of the current application. The game motivated students to train more, and teachers were positive towards using it in education. The results provide increased insights into how DGBL can be integrated into education and give rise to a discussion of the current challenges of DGBL for practice-based learning