77 research outputs found

    Changes in innervation of lumbar motoneurons and organization of premotor network following training of transected adult rats

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    International audienceRats with complete spinal cord transection (SCT) can recover hindlimb locomotor function under strategies combining exercise training and 5-HT agonist treatment. This recovery is expected to result from structural and functional reorganization within the spinal cord below the lesion. To begin to understand the nature of this reorganization, we examined synaptic changes to identified gastrocnemius (GS) or tibialis anterior (TA) moto-neurons (MNs) in SCT rats after a schedule of early exercise training and delayed 5-HT agonist treatment. In addition, we analyzed changes in distribution and number of lumbar interneurons (INs) presynaptic to GS MNs using retrograde transneuronal transport of rabies virus. In SCT-untrained rats, we found few changes in the density and size of inhibitory and excitatory inputs impinging on cell bodies of TA and GS MNs compared to intact rats, whereas there was a marked trend for a reduction in the number of premotor INs connected to GS MNs. In contrast, after training of SCT rats, a significant increase of the density of GABAergic and glycinergic axon terminals was observed on both GS and TA motoneuronal cell bodies, as well as of presynaptic P-boutons on VGLUT1 afferents. Despite these changes in innervation the number of premotor INs connected to GS MNs was similar to control values although some new connections to MNs were observed. These results suggest that adaptation of gait patterns in SCT-trained rats was accompanied by changes in the innervation of lumbar MNs while the distribution of the spinal premotor circuitry was relatively preserved

    Co-inhibition par les récepteurs du GABA et de la glycine sur les motoneurones abducens : étude immunohistochimique et électrophysiologique (Michaël Russier)

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    Les récepteurs de la glycine (RGly) et les récepteurs GABA A (RGABA A)sont co-localisés sur la membrane des neurones dans de nombreux systèmes. D'autre part, le GABA et la glycine peuvent être co-libérés par les mêmes vésicules présynaptiques. Par une approche en immunohistochimie quantitative, nous avons analysé la distribution et l'organisation des RGABA A et des RGly sur les motoneurones abducens. Par une approche en électrophysiologie in vitro, nous avons déterminé le rôle de l'inhibition mixte GABA-glycine sur le fonctionnement des motoneurones abducens. Chez le rat adulte, les Rgly et les RGABA A sont présents en proportion variable sur les motoneurones abducens. La proportion de RGly est supérieure à celle des RGABA A. La moitié des RGABA A sont colocalisés avec des RGly. La majorité des RGly détectés ne sont pas localisés au niveau de synapses inhibitrices immunoréactives pour le VIAAT. Inversement, la majorité des RGABA A sont localisés en face de ce type de terminaisons. Chez le jeune rat (P3-P13), le GABA et la glycine sont co-libérés à partir de ~30% des vésicules présynaptiques inhibitrices, notamment dans la voie vestibulo-oculaire, et cette co-libération persiste au moins jusqu'à P13...AIX-MARSEILLE3-BU Sc.St Jérô (130552102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Early movement restriction leads to enduring disorders in muscle and locomotion.

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    International audienceMotor control and body representation in the central nervous system (CNS) as well as musculoskeletal architecture and physiology are shaped during development by sensorimotor experience and feedback, but the emergence of locomotor disorders during maturation and their persistence over time remain a matter of debate in the absence of brain damage. By using transient immobilization of the hind limbs, we investigated the enduring impact of postnatal sensorimotor restriction (SMR) on gait and posture on treadmill, age-related changes in locomotion, musculoskeletal histopathology and Hoffmann reflex in adult rats without brain damage. SMR degrades most gait parameters and induces overextended knees and ankles, leading to digitigrade locomotion that resembles equinus. Based on variations in gait parameters, SMR appears to alter age-dependent plasticity of treadmill locomotion. SMR also leads to small but significantly decreased tibial bone length, chondromalacia, degenerative changes in the knee joint, gastrocnemius myofiber atrophy and muscle hyperreflexia, suggestive of spasticity. We showed that reduced and atypical patterns of motor outputs, and somatosensory inputs and feedback to the immature CNS, even in the absence of perinatal brain damage, play a pivotal role in the emergence of movement disorders and musculoskeletal pathologies, and in their persistence over time. Understanding how atypical sensorimotor development likely contributes to these degradations may guide effective rehabilitation treatments in children with either acquired (ie, with brain damage) or developmental (ie, without brain injury) motor disabilities

    Early postnatal maturation in vestibulospinal pathways involved in neck and forelimb motor control

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    International audienceTo assess the organization and functional development of vestibulospinal inputs to cervical motoneurons (MNs), we have used electrophysiology (ventral root and electromyographic [EMG] recording), calcium imaging, trans-synaptic rabies virus (RV) and conventional retrograde tracing and immunohistochemistry in the neonatal mouse. By stimulating the VIIIth nerve electrically while recording synaptically mediated calcium responses in MNs, we characterized the inputs from the three vestibulospinal tracts, the separate ipsilateral and contralateral medial vestibulospinal tracts (iMVST/cMVST) and the lateral vestibulospinal tract (LVST), to MNs in the medial and lateral motor columns (MMC and LMC) of cervical segments. We found that ipsilateral inputs from the iMVST and LVST were differentially distributed to the MMC and LMC in the different segments, and that all contralateral inputs to MMC and LMC MNs in each segment derive from the cMVST. Using trans-synaptic RV retrograde tracing as well as pharmacological manipulation of VIIIth nerve-elicited synaptic responses, we found that a substantial proportion of inputs to both neck and forelimb extensor MNs was mediated monosynaptically, but that polysynaptic inputs were also significant. By recording EMG responses evoked by natural stimulation of the vestibular apparatus, we found that vestibular-mediated motor output to the neck and forelimb musculature became more robust during the first 10 postnatal days, concurrently with a decrease in the latency of MN discharge evoked by VIIIth nerve electrical stimulation. Together, these results provide insight into the complexity of vestibulospinal connectivity in the cervical spinal cord and a cogent demonstration of the functional maturation that vestibulospinal connections undergo postnatally. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 1061-1077, 2016

    Alteration of glycinergic receptor expression in lumbar spinal motoneurons is involved in the mechanisms underlying spasticity after spinal cord injury

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    International audienceSpasticity is a disabling motor disorder affecting 70% of people with brain and spinal cord injury. The rate-dependent depression (RDD) of the H reflex is the only electrophysiological measurement correlated with the degree of spasticity assessed clinically in spastic patients. Several lines of evidence suggest that the mechanism underlying the H reflex RDD depends on the strength of synaptic inhibition through GABAA (GABAAR) and glycine receptors (GlyR). In adult rats with spinal cord transection (SCT), we studied the time course of the expression of GABAAR and GlyR at the membrane of retrogradely identified Gastrocnemius and Tibialis anterior motoneurons (MNs) 3, 8 and 16 weeks after injury, and measured the RDD of the H reflex at similar post lesion times. Three weeks after SCT, a significant decrease in the expression of GABAA and GlyR was observed compared to intact rats, and the H-reflex RDD was much less pronounced than in controls. Eight weeks after SCT, GlyR values returned to normal. Simultaneously, we observed a tendency to recover normal RDD of the H reflex at higher frequencies. We tested whether an anti-inflammatory treatment using methylprednisolone performed immediately after SCT could prevent alterations in GABAA/glycine receptors and/or the development of spasticity observed 3 weeks after injury. This treatment restored control levels of GlyR but not the expression of GABAAR, and it completely prevented the attenuation of RDD. These data strongly suggest that alteration of glycinergic inhibition of lumbar MNs is involved in the mechanisms underlying spasticity after SCI

    L'altération de l'expression des récepteurs glycinergiques dans les motoneurones spinaux lombaires est impliquée dans les mécanismes qui sous-tendent la spasticité après une lésion de la moelle épinière.

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    International audienceSpasticity is a disabling motor disorder affecting 70% of people with brain and spinal cord injury. The rate-dependent depression (RDD) of the H reflex is the only electrophysiological measurement correlated with the degree of spasticity assessed clinically in spastic patients. Several lines of evidence suggest that the mechanism underlying the H reflex RDD depends on the strength of synaptic inhibition through GABAA (GABAAR) and glycine receptors (GlyR). In adult rats with spinal cord transection (SCT), we studied the time course of the expression of GABAAR and GlyR at the membrane of retrogradely identified Gastrocnemius and Tibialis anterior motoneurons (MNs) 3, 8 and 16 weeks after injury, and measured the RDD of the H reflex at similar post lesion times. Three weeks after SCT, a significant decrease in the expression of GABAA and GlyR was observed compared to intact rats, and the H-reflex RDD was much less pronounced than in controls. Eight weeks after SCT, GlyR values returned to normal. Simultaneously, we observed a tendency to recover normal RDD of the H reflex at higher frequencies. We tested whether an anti-inflammatory treatment using methylprednisolone performed immediately after SCT could prevent alterations in GABAA/glycine receptors and/or the development of spasticity observed 3 weeks after injury. This treatment restored control levels of GlyR but not the expression of GABAAR, and it completely prevented the attenuation of RDD. These data strongly suggest that alteration of glycinergic inhibition of lumbar MNs is involved in the mechanisms underlying spasticity after SCI

    Differential organization of Îł-aminobutyric acid type A and glycine receptors in the somatic and dendritic compartments of rat abducens motoneurons

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    Premotor inhibitory neurons responsible for the decrease in the firing discharge during fast or slow eye movements selectively target the cell bodies and the dendrites of abducens motoneurons. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine, the main inhibitory synaptic neurotransmitters in the central nervous system, act via glycine and GABAA receptors, assembled from various types of subunits, which determine the kinetics of the currents mediated. Therefore, our hypothesis was that the expression of the inhibitory receptors on the somatic and the dendritic compartments, involved in different functions, may differ. In this study, we compared the subcellular patterns of expression of the main GABAA receptor subunits (GABAARalpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha5), glycine receptors (GlyRalpha1), and gephyrin in the somatic and dendritic compartments of rat abducens motoneurons, using double or triple immunocytochemical experiments with confocal microscopy. Significant differences exist in the patterns of organization and the synaptic expression of the GlyR and GABAAR subunits in the cell bodies and dendrites of abducens motoneurons. In the somata, only the GABAARalpha1 subunit was expressed, whereas both GABAARalpha1 and GABAARalpha3 were present in the dendrites. The GlyRalpha1 to GABAARalpha1 density ratio was reversed in the somatic and dendritic compartments (0.9 vs. 2.3). A quantitative electron microscopy study showed that the modes whereby gephyrin reaches its postsynaptic inhibitory synaptic target differ between the somata and the dendrites. Therefore, our results support the idea that a structure-function adaptation occurs at the single-neuron level

    Early movement restriction leads to enduring disorders in muscle and locomotion

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    Motor control and body representation in the central nervous system (CNS) as well as musculoskeletal architecture and physiology are shaped during development by sensorimotor experience and feedback, but the emergence of locomotor disorders during maturation and their persistence over time remain a matter of debate in the absence of brain damage. By using transient immobilization of the hind limbs, we investigated the enduring impact of postnatal sensorimotor restriction (SMR) on gait and posture on treadmill, age-related changes in locomotion, musculoskeletal histopathology and Hoffmann reflex in adult rats without brain damage. SMR degrades most gait parameters and induces overextended knees and ankles, leading to digitigrade locomotion that resembles equinus. Based on variations in gait parameters, SMR appears to alter age-dependent plasticity of treadmill locomotion. SMR also leads to small but significantly decreased tibial bone length, chondromalacia, degenerative changes in the knee joint, gastrocnemius myofiber atrophy and muscle hyperreflexia, suggestive of spasticity. We showed that reduced and atypical patterns of motor outputs, and somatosensory inputs and feedback to the immature CNS, even in the absence of perinatal brain damage, play a pivotal role in the emergence of movement disorders and musculoskeletal pathologies, and in their persistence over time. Understanding how atypical sensorimotor development likely contributes to these degradations may guide effective rehabilitation treatments in children with either acquired (ie, with brain damage) or developmental (ie, without brain injury) motor disabilities
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