9 research outputs found


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    The geotechnical, electrometric and magnetometric investigation data, correlated with the technological data from the horizontal directional drillings made for the undercrossing of the Danube River with gas pipelines, showed that in the Giurgiu-Ruse section, under a clastic sequence of 14-19 m thickness, consisting of layers of sandy clays, sands and white-grey, alluvial gravels, are developed Cretaceous grey altered limestones, yellowish-brown lumachelle limestones and grey-pink, compact limestones. The altered, eroded, and karstified limestones seems to be the explanation of drastic circulation loss of mud in the technological process of digging through horizontal directional drillings. In the studied section, on the Giurgiu-Ruse alignment in the southern area of the Moesian Platform (Wallachian sector), there are several relevant papers occasioned by the construction of the Saint Gheorghe harbour channel related to the Giurgiu harbour, at the time of the 19th century (1888-1890), as well as the papers related to the investigations occasioned by the construction of the Giurgiu-Ruse Bridge in 1959. Older or newer papers are added, relating to the carbonate deposits of different ages of the Cretaceous in the outcrops of the Bulgarian bank of the Danube, as well as descriptions from drillings adjacent to the studied section

    Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology (ISSN 2734–5319)

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    Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology (ISSN 2734–5319) is an open access, peer-reviewed, international scientific journal in the field of petroleum and gas, published two times a year. The topic of the published papers covers all the fields linked to the petroleum and gas industry: Geological, Drilling and Production Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Electrotechnics, Electronics and Automation Engineering; Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering; Renewable Energies and Environmental Protection. The journal follows an open access model, and the articles published here are accepted after a double blind peer-review

    Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology (ISSN 2734–5319)

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    Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology (ISSN 2734–5319) is an open access, peer-reviewed, international scientific journal in the field of petroleum and gas, published two times a year. The topic of the published papers covers all the fields linked to the petroleum and gas industry: Geological, Drilling and Production Engineering;Mechanical Engineering; Electrotechnics, Electronics and Automation Engineering; Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering; Renewable Energies and Environmental Protection

    Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology (ISSN 2734–5319)

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    Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology (ISSN 2734–5319) is an open access, peer-reviewed, international scientific journal in the field of petroleum and gas, published two times a year. The topic of the published papers covers all the fields linked to the petroleum and gas industry: Geological, Drilling and Production Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Electrotechnics, Electronics and Automation Engineering; Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering; Renewable Energies and Environmental Protection. The journal follows an open access model, and the articles published here are accepted after a double blind peer-review.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology (ISSN 2734–5319)

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    Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology (ISSN 2734–5319) is an open access, peer-reviewed, international scientific journal in the field of petroleum and gas, published two times a year. The topic of the published papers covers all the fields linked to the petroleum and gas industry: Geological, Drilling and Production Engineering;Mechanical Engineering; Electrotechnics, Electronics and Automation Engineering; Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering; Renewable Energies and Environmental Protection.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology (ISSN 2734–5319)

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    Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology (ISSN 2734–5319) is an open access, peer-reviewed, international scientific journal in the field of petroleum and gas, published two times a year. The topic of the published papers covers all the fields linked to the petroleum and gas industry: Geological, Drilling and Production Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Electrotechnics, Electronics and Automation Engineering; Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering; Renewable Energies and Environmental Protection. The journal follows an open access model, and the articles published here are accepted after a double blind peer-review.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Half a century of continuous oil production by in-situ combustion in Romania – case study Suplacu de Barcau field

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    Thermal oil recovery is a special technique belonging to Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods and includes steam flooding, cyclic steam stimulation, and in-situ combustion (fire flooding) applied especially in the heavy oil reservoirs. Starting 1970 in-situ combustion (ISC) process has been successfully applied continuously in the Suplacu de Barcau oil field, currently this one representing the most important reservoir operated by ISC in the world. Suplacu de Barcau field is a shallow clastic Pliocene, heavy oil reservoir, located in the North-Western Romania and geologically belonging to Eastern Pannonian Basin. The ISC process are operated using a linear combustion front propagated downstructure. The maximum oil production was recorded in 1985 when the total air injection rate has reached maximum values. Cyclic steam stimulation has been continuously applied as support for the ISC process and it had a significant contribution in the oil production rates. Nowadays the oil recovery factor it’s over 55 percent but significant potential has left. In the paper are presented the important moments in the life-time production of the oil field, such as production history, monitoring of the combustion process, technical challenges and their solving solutions, and scientific achievements revealed by many studies performed on the impact of the ISC process in the oil reservoir

    Deciphering the Reservoir Rocks Lithology by Mineralogical Investigations Techniques for an Oilfield in South-West Romania

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    An important element of the geological modeling of oil reservoirs is represented by determining of the mineralogical composition and rock types as part of the reservoir characterization process. In the paper we provide a comprehensive mineralogo-petrographic study based on petrographic observations and X-rays diffraction investigations made on several Miocene rock samples collected in the wells spudded in an oil field belonging to the Getic Basin. Getic Basin is a prolific petroleum province in Romania and belongs to petroleum systems of the Carpathian Foredeep. The oil exploration in the Getic Basin started more than 100 years ago and resulted in thousands of wells drilled and tens of fields discovered. The oil field is located in the Gorj County, geologically belongs to the internal zone of the Getic Basin, and is a faulted anticline with hydrocarbon accumulations in Burdigalian and Sarmatian deposits. The petrographic study led to the interpreting of the rock samples analyzed as epiclastic sedimentary rocks represented by conglomerates, breccias, sands, sandstones, claystones and marlstones, and carbonate rocks (limestones). X-rays diffraction investigations indicated the phyllosilicates (smectite and illite) as main minerals in the Sarmatian samples, while in the Burdigalian samples were found as main minerals: quartz, feldspars and carbonate minerals. The paper provides detailed information (like petrographic types, composition and microtexture) on the Miocene reservoir rocks belonging to the Getic Basin. Also the data obtained may be used as basis for future reservoir modeling studies in the region