209 research outputs found

    Industrial applications of safety programmable logic controllers

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    V nalogi je predstavljena problematika varnosti v industrijskih obratih in standardi (IEC 61508, IEC61511), ki to problematiko obravnavajo. Predstavljeni so tudi koraki za izboljšanje varnosti z uvedbo varnostnih (SIS) sistemov v skladu z veljavnimi standardi na tem področju. V okviru teh korakov je v nalogi poseben poudarek pri analizi tveganja in izbiri ter implementaciji varnostnih krmilnikov. Podan je pregled najbolj razširjenih varnostnih krmilnikov in primerjava s klasičnimi krmilniki. Predstavljeni so trije primeri iz prakse: - sistem zasilne zaustavitve obrata v procesni industriji (proizvodnja peroksida), ki je izveden še z ožičenim sistemom SIL 4. - v drugem primeru gre za uporabo programirljivega varnostnega releja podjetja Reer, ki je vgrajen na lesno obdelovalnem stroju. - v tretjem primeru gre za Siemens S7 315 F varnostni krmilnik, ki skrbi za hlajenje peči. Za drugi in tretji primer je prikazano in opisano tudi programersko okolje ReeR Mosaic in Step 7. Ob posameznih primerih sledi tudi osnovna razlaga parametrov in prikaz programiranja v konkretnem primeru. V zaključku so opisane tudi pozitivne in negativne izkušnje pri izvedbi predstavljenih projektov. Poskušali smo tudi opozoriti na določene probleme s katerimi se srečujemo inženirji ob izvedbi varnostno kritičnih projektov.This thesis presents safety problems in industrial plants, and standards (IEC 61508, IEC61511) that address safety issues. In addition the steps to improve safety by using safety systems (SIS) according to standards in this area are introduced. In the context of these steps special attention is focused on risk analysis, and selection and implementation of fail-safe systems. This is followed by an overview of the most common fail-safe controllers and their comparison with standard controllers. Three practical examples are introduced: 1. emergency shutdown systems (ESD) of the plant in the process industry (production of peroxide). Safety functions are »programmed« with wired system (SIL 4) 2. the use of programmable safety relay »Reer« that is built on woodworking machine 3. description of Siemens S7-315F safety controller that is responsible for furnace cooling The second and third example also include the description of their programming environments ReeR Mosaic and Step 7. Each individual example is followed by a basic explanation of its parameters and programming presentation. Thesis concludes with the description of positive and negative experiences during the implementation of the three projects (examples) that are presented in the thesis. The conclusion also points out some of the problems that engineers are facing with when working on safety-critical projects

    Slika tijela kao klinički entitet i opći faktor latentne somatopsihičke anksioznosti u bolesnica s rakom dojke

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    Body image, and the impact of treatment on body image in women with breast cancer, remains an important issue for researchers and clinicians in the interdisciplinary fields of psychosocial oncology and rehabilitation. The paper presents a comparative analysis of research papers published in relevant research publications - European Journal of Cancer, Psycho-Oncology, Psychosomatic Medicine, Journal of Chronic Diseases, etc. – focusing on the issues of body image in women with breast cancer. The sample consisted of 25 research papers. The clinical entity of body image was analyzed on the basis of connection among dominant variables (breast cancer, quality of life, psychosocial adjustment, sexuality, body image) and different categories of complementary variables such as psycho-emotional determinants, psychosocial determinants, body experience, therapeutic approaches, and scientific evaluation. Based on the analysis of correlations among dominant and complementary variables which defined quasi-canonical factors, it seemed appropriate to call them an overall factor of latent somatopsychic anxiety. This factor might represent one of important components in consideration of the clinical entity of body image in diagnostics and therapy. The presented results arise from a scientific research project on “Complementary Supportive Therapies and Development of Life Potentials”, supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.Slika tijela i utjecaj različitih oblika liječenja na doživljaj slike tijela u žena s rakom dojke važan je predmet znanstvenih i kliničkih istraživanja u interdisciplinarnom području psihosocijalne onkologije i rehabilitacije. U radu je prikazana komparativna analiza znanstvenih radova objavljenih u relevantnim znanstvenim časopisima: European Journal of Cancer, Psycho-Oncology, Psychosomatic Medicine, Journal of Chronic Diseases, itd. u kojima su se autori bavili problemskim područjem slike tijela u žena s rakom dojke. Obuhvaćen je uzorak od 25 znanstvenih radova. Klinički entitet slike tijela razmatran je na osnovi povezanosti između dominantnih varijabli (rak dojke, kvaliteta života, psihosocijalna adaptacija, seksualnost, slika tijela) i različitih kategorija komplementarnih varijabla kao što su psihoemocionalne determinante, psihosocijalne determinante, tjelesno iskustvo, terapijski pristupi i znanstvena evaluacija. Prikazani rezultati istraživanja proizašli su iz znanstvenog projekta „Komplementarne suportivne terapije i razvoj životnih potencijala pod potporom Ministarstva znanosti, prosvjete i športa Republike Hrvatske

    Slika tijela kao klinički entitet i opći faktor latentne somatopsihičke anksioznosti u bolesnica s rakom dojke

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    Body image, and the impact of treatment on body image in women with breast cancer, remains an important issue for researchers and clinicians in the interdisciplinary fields of psychosocial oncology and rehabilitation. The paper presents a comparative analysis of research papers published in relevant research publications - European Journal of Cancer, Psycho-Oncology, Psychosomatic Medicine, Journal of Chronic Diseases, etc. – focusing on the issues of body image in women with breast cancer. The sample consisted of 25 research papers. The clinical entity of body image was analyzed on the basis of connection among dominant variables (breast cancer, quality of life, psychosocial adjustment, sexuality, body image) and different categories of complementary variables such as psycho-emotional determinants, psychosocial determinants, body experience, therapeutic approaches, and scientific evaluation. Based on the analysis of correlations among dominant and complementary variables which defined quasi-canonical factors, it seemed appropriate to call them an overall factor of latent somatopsychic anxiety. This factor might represent one of important components in consideration of the clinical entity of body image in diagnostics and therapy. The presented results arise from a scientific research project on “Complementary Supportive Therapies and Development of Life Potentials”, supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.Slika tijela i utjecaj različitih oblika liječenja na doživljaj slike tijela u žena s rakom dojke važan je predmet znanstvenih i kliničkih istraživanja u interdisciplinarnom području psihosocijalne onkologije i rehabilitacije. U radu je prikazana komparativna analiza znanstvenih radova objavljenih u relevantnim znanstvenim časopisima: European Journal of Cancer, Psycho-Oncology, Psychosomatic Medicine, Journal of Chronic Diseases, itd. u kojima su se autori bavili problemskim područjem slike tijela u žena s rakom dojke. Obuhvaćen je uzorak od 25 znanstvenih radova. Klinički entitet slike tijela razmatran je na osnovi povezanosti između dominantnih varijabli (rak dojke, kvaliteta života, psihosocijalna adaptacija, seksualnost, slika tijela) i različitih kategorija komplementarnih varijabla kao što su psihoemocionalne determinante, psihosocijalne determinante, tjelesno iskustvo, terapijski pristupi i znanstvena evaluacija. Prikazani rezultati istraživanja proizašli su iz znanstvenog projekta „Komplementarne suportivne terapije i razvoj životnih potencijala pod potporom Ministarstva znanosti, prosvjete i športa Republike Hrvatske


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    People with epilepsy (PWE) face numerous difficulties. Because of the complicity of the disease, a thorough treatment of those patients requires a multidisciplinary approach. One of the important aspects such approach should take into account is the quality of life of PWE. Apart from the pharmacological solutions, it is necessary to further search for non-pharmacological ones. In addition to raising education and level of awareness this means dealing with physical activity due to numerous benefits. Sometimes doctors themselves do not know how to assess risks and benefits, and in order to protect the patients, advise that it is best not to engage in any sport, thereby contributing to the vicious circle - fear - stigma - poor quality of life. The aim of this paper is to unify the experiences of various researchers on this topic, to point out the many difficulties that PWE meet, and to define guidelines in the workplace. We will try to answer a commonly posed question which sometimes in practice remain unclarified, that is - whether epilepsy patients should be involved in sports, if so - which sport, and what intensity of physical activity would be allowed, can they participate in the competitions. In order to provide patients with a decent life quality it is necessary to work on the education of patients and doctors, and the society as well. While giving recommendations, it is necessary to follow the guidelines, among which are the most comprehensive ones were created by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) in 2016