30 research outputs found

    Sustainable refurbishment for an adaptable built environment

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    The reconsideration of the existing building stock is motivated by society’s efforts towards sustainability and resilience. The building sector has a considerable role to play in doing so. The process of refurbishment is complex, since aspects such as design decisions, existing construction, energy efficiency, and user behaviour need to be considered. The motivation for refurbishing existing buildings is related to environmental, social, and economic aspects of their use or reuse, which are the three core aspects of sustainability. The key environmental motivation is to reduce energy consumption from fossil fuels and related greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, and to include energy generation from renewables; the key economic motivation is to lessen the cost of energy used for heating, and the key social motivation is to reduce fuel poverty and improve the quality of life and well-being of the occupants.This chapter aims to explain the role of refurbishment of the building stock for sustainability and resilience. Firstly, definitions of the levels of building upgrades are given, and the motivations for refurbishment are discussed. Furthermore, the ecological, economic, and social aspects of refurbishment are deliberated on, together with the importance of the building stock for resilience. Finally, case studies of refurbishment projects are presented, providing insights into different aspects of refurbishment for sustainability and resilience

    integrated urban planning:

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    The purpose of this book is to present ongoing research from the universities involved in the project Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments (KLABS). The papers published in this book show that the recent and current research in those institutions focuses on the directions of development of IUP, the processes that support sustainable use of natural resources and their application in the Western Balkan and some other European countries. Each essay aims to provide an overview of key aspects of the research topic. Over the first two decades of the 21st century, some significant changes have been taking place in the natural environment (climate change, loss of biodiversity), societies (increased migrations, population growth and aging, increasing gap between poor and rich), and economy (globalisation, financial crash, digital revolution and increasing automatisation), new directions are emerging for sustainable human development with the aim to overcome those problems. Some novel research directions are reviewed by Maura Benagiamo whose chapter provides an overview of the critiques of the resilience paradigm, the recurrent concept of de-growth, as well as of the political ecology approaches towards the potential resolutions related to the problems of implementing IUP. When a significant and not yet fully functional political restructuring takes place, as in the case of Republic of Srpska within Bosnia and Herzegovina, a certain situation arises: the barriers to implementing IUP and the directions for their removal by improving the IUP methodology, the related professional education, and the training, as well as strengthening of the institutional and socioeconomic capacities, are analysed by Brankica Milojevic. Following an outline of the concept of a new urban governance model required for IUP and the application of IUP as an instrument for creating sustainable public policies on urban development, the chapter by Marija Maruna, Danijela Milovanovic Rodic, and Ratka Colic provides information on the implementation of the IUP principles in the teaching of master students at the University of Belgrade. The key issues in the use of natural resources in order to plan efficient and productive cities are explored by investigating the relationship between the concepts of resource efficiency and resilience in the chapter by Antonio Girardi. One of the aspects of resource efficiency, that of waste reduction, reuse, and recycling in Serbia, is analysed in the chapter by Marina Nenković-Riznić and demonstrated by presenting innovative approaches to waste management in the municipality of New Belgrade. As natural resources and the built environment made of those resources need to be protected from natural disasters such as flooding, two chapters by Žana Topalović and Đurica Marković provide an overview of integrated flood management approaches and flood risk management procedures, policies, and practice. The final group of chapters focuses on how territories are affected by economic, political, and social pressures and what governance instruments should be improved to address them. The negative impacts on cities of neo-liberal economy through market-driven global investments are investigated by Dan Narita who proposes ecologically driven urban development approaches that increase the resilience of natural and built environments. The pressure of informal city growth and how to resolve this challenge through responsive master planning are key issues explored in the chapter by Biserka Mitrovic, Jelena Maric, and Tamara Vukovic. Participatory approaches instead of state-led land use planning are proposed as a way forward for IUP of urban-rural communities in the chapter by Martin Broz, who discusses how they can support a balanced agricultural production and strengthen relationships between urban and rural areas. The above essays provide evidence of the research on some of the key problems that must be solved when applying IUP. The need for improving governance systems and instruments that will enable the application of IUP principles to emerge as a cross-sectional theme. The researchers’ engagement in real-life case studies demonstrates that their proposals for improvements in policies, practice, and professional education are founded on valuable insights. We believe that the presented research outputs will be an important source of knowledge for the students at various new MSc courses that focus on sustainable and resilient built environments in Western Balkan countries, as well as for policymakers, urban planners, and other researchers in this field


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    The paper analyzes cost effectiveness of invested funds for apple orchard establishment on the family farm located in Rasina District in Central Serbia. It is assumed that the apple orchard establishment on the family farm can contribute to reducing unemployment in rural areas and increasing income of individual farms. As a primary source of information accounting calculations were used, technological table of apple orchard establishment, internal records and the pilot version of the business plan of apple producers at the family farm. For more accurate view and better monitoring of data domestic and foreign literature, internet web sites, available statistical data on the production of apples and publications related to apples production has been used. Methods used for the paper preparation were: calculation of plantation establishment, cash inflows and outflows for the period planned for orchard exploitation, and indicators of economic efficiency. Total cost of planting of apple orchard on the family farm amounts to € 16,080 for one hectare. All economic indicators show positive results. The production is efficient, since the ratio is greater than zero. Planned production is profitable, because profits participate with 71% in total production value. Calculating productivity, it was found that production of one tonne of apples required 822 hours of workers’ labour. Establishing apple orchard is certainly high-budget investment, but it can be concluded that the economic effects of raising apple orchards on the farm was economically justified and cost-effective, based on the analyzed result


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    The aim of this paper is to determine the economic viability of plum production on an individual agricultural holding located in rural area of the South Banat district of the Republic of Serbia. Several methods were used for this research: content analysis, interview, description method, calculation method, and some static methods for economic evaluation of production. The analysis was carried out on the basis of the data from the family farm. Publications and databases of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, as well as scientific and professional literature relevant to the research topic were also used as data sources. The analysis showed that the production of plums on an individual agricultural holding could be economically viable and justified

    Oranizacija i troškovi otkupa, transporta, skladištenja i čuvanja plodova maline

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    Due to its characteristic, apart from nutritive and medical significance, raspberry is particularly important for our country in social and economic terms, since its export attracts foreign currency inflow. Since the quality of raspberry decreases rapidly after picking, it is utterly important that the whole process, from picking to cold storage of fruit, should be rationally organized, thus finally reducing the costs and increasing the production value. For these reasons precisely the research deals with organization of the entire process, from repurchase to cold storage of raspberry fruits, as well as the analysis of pertaining costs. Necessary information for the preparation of the paper has been obtained from cold storage plants engaged in raspberry storage and preservation. Necessary information has been gathered using several methods, viz: observation, interview and content analysis methods. Furthermore, analysis, comparison and calculation methods have also been used in the preparation of the paper. The raspberry fruit repurchase, transport and storage costs range from 1,6 to 1,8 EUR per kg, exclusive of storage (store-housing). To this one should add store-housing costs ranging from 0,009 to 0,013 EUR per kg on a monthly basis. Modern organization of production and communication between producers, repurchasers, processors and exporters is essential in order to decrease fluctuations in repurchase and sales price of fresh raspberry and its products and the improvement of overall financial effect of all links within the chain of this economy activity. Cold storage plants, even if of minor capacities, are beneficial not only for the immediate participants in the producer-buyer chain, but it also makes an important stimulating factor for rural development and economy of the country.Malina, zahvaljujući osobina kojima se odlikuje, pored nutritivnog i zdravstvenog, kroz devizni priliv koji se ostvaruje njenim izvozom, za našu zemlju ima i naročit društveni i ekonomski značaj. S obzirom na činjenicu da kvalitet maline rapidno opada nakon berbe, od izuzetnog je značaja da čitav proces od berbe do skladištenja voća u hladnjačama bude racionalno organizovan, što bi u krajnjoj liniji trebalo da se odrazi i na smanjenje troškova i povećanje vrednosti proizvodnje. Iz tih razloga je predmet istraživanja u radu upravo organizacija čitavog procesa, od otkupa do čuvanja plodova malina u hladnjačama, kao i analiza troškova koji nastaju prilikom realizacije istog. Podaci za izradu rada dobijeni su iz hladnjača koje se bave skladištenjem i čuvanjem maline. Za prikupljanje podataka potrebnih za izradu rada korišćeno je nekoliko metoda i to: metod posmatranja, metod intervjua i metod analize sadržaja. Pored njih, u izradi rada, korišćene su još i metod analize, metod poređenja i metod kalkulacije. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da se troškovi otkupa, transporta i skladištenja plodova maline kreću se od od 1,6 do 1,8 evra po kg, bez čuvanja. Na to se dodaju troškovi lagerovanja koji se kreću od 0,009 do 0,013 evra po kg na mesečnom nivou. Savremena organizacija proizvodnje, kao i komunikacija između proizvođača, otkupljivača, prerađivača i izvoznika, od presudnog je značaja za smanjenje fluktuacije otkupnih i prodajnih cena sveže maline i njenih proizvoda i poboljšanje opšteg finansijskog efekta svih karika koje čine lanac ove privredne aktivnosti. Hladnjače za čuvanje maline, čak i one manjeg kapaciteta, nisu od koristi samo neposrednim učesnicima u lancu od proizvođača do kupca, već predstavljaju i značajan faktor podsticanja ruralnog razvoja i ekonomije zemlje u celini

    A validated framework for characterising informal settlements : two cases from greater Cairo, Egypt

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    There have been significant research studies on informal settlements within various disciplines including sociology, economy, politics, governance, and urbanism. However, little is known about the complexity and dynamism of informal settlements. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for understanding the multiplicity of factors influencing the formation and transformation of informal settlements. It examines and validates various intricacies characterising informal settlements in three ways. First, informal settlement characteristics and their relationships are explored. Second, growth and transformation variables are examined. Third, qualities of the informal urban form and those that relate to sustainability are juxtaposed. Utilising two case studies from Greater Cairo, a qualitative approach is adopted including a critical analysis of the literature, interviews with experts and academics, and field observations. Through a comprehensive investigation of informal settlements, two deductions were made: First, the critical physical, social, and economic characteristics that influence their growth were identified. Second, the unique correlations between these characteristics were established and verified by the two case studies. The correlations assist in establishing the logic and dynamics of the informal settlements that can then be applied to develop intervention strategies. In addition, the inferred informal urban form can be considered as a sustainable urban form tailored for further analyses of informal settlements of cities of the global south

    Spontaneous locomotor activity of Drosophila subobscura under controlled laboratory conditions

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    The aim of this research was to examine the temporal patterns of spontaneous locomotor activity in Drosophila subobscura virgin females and males from isofemale lines collected from beech and oak forests and maintained in controlled laboratory conditions for five full-sib inbreeding generations. The flies were monitored in a circular open field arena for 30 min in the morning (8:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM). The distance travelled and the mobility of the flies decreased along with the registration time, whereby the slowest decreasing was observed at 8:00 AM. Females showed a greater range of variability in both parameters compared to males. In addition, there was a greater range of variability in the locomotor activities of flies from the oak forest compared to the beech. These findings could be attributed to their specific genetic background.Projekat ministarstva br. 17301


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    Cilj rada je utvrđivanje ekonomske isplativosti podizanja 1ha zasada kupine sorte loh nes na porodičnom poljoprivrednom gazdinstvu, namenjene za potrošnju u svežem stanju, kao i utvrđivanje roka povraćaja uloženog novca u ovu investiciju. U radu je korišćeno više naučnih metoda, i to metod analize sadržaja, metod intervjua, metod deskripcije, metod kalkulacije, kao i pojedine dinamičke i statičke metode za ekonomsku ocenu investicija. Kao izvori podataka korišćena je baza podataka i publikacije Republičkog zavoda za statistiku Srbije, kao i naučna i stručna literatura relevantna za predmetno istraživanje. Podaci za izradu kalkulacija prikupljeni su na tržištu poljoprivrednih inputa, kao i iz intervjua sa nosiocem porodičnog poljoprivrednog gazdinstva. Analiza je pokazala da se investicija u podizanje zasada kupine sorte loh nes na porodičnom poljoprivrednom gazdinstvu može smatrati ekonomski isplativom i opravdanom i da je proizvodnja kupine rentabilna i ekonomična

    Spontaneous locomotor activity of Drosophila subobscura under controlled laboratory conditions

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    The aim of this research was to examine the temporal patterns of spontaneous locomotor activity in Drosophila subobscura virgin females and males from isofemale lines collected from beech and oak forests and maintained in controlled laboratory conditions for five full-sib inbreeding generations. The flies were monitored in a circular open field arena for 30 min in the morning (8:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM). The distance travelled and the mobility of the flies decreased along with the registration time, whereby the slowest decreasing was observed at 8:00 AM. Females showed a greater range of variability in both parameters compared to males. In addition, there was a greater range of variability in the locomotor activities of flies from the oak forest compared to the beech. These findings could be attributed to their specific genetic background.Projekat ministarstva br. 17301