23 research outputs found

    Percepcija prostornog obuhvata Zagore u odabranim kartografskim izvorima

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    The dynamism of sociogeographic and historical processes and trends represents a key factor in the creation and uniformity of regions, and in their image and perception in the eyes of the public and scholars. As a basic geographic concept, a region is the result of all preceding and actual spatial relations arising from natural conditions, and those arising from political, administrative and economic changes. Non-formal regions such as Dalmatinska zagora, which exists solely in the consciousness of its inhabitants, owe their traditional presence in spatial perceptions and identities to a combination of all these factors. The uniformity and identity of such a region are articulated through explicit and implicit symbols, definitions and terms, and the most important among these is a geographic name or toponym. As an indicator of basic spatial relations at the time of its making, a map can be used as a source of information on spatial identities, their extent and distribution. In that sense, the presence and positioning of a toponym are the keys to discovering facts about the territoriality and contemporary perceptions of a region that it denotes. The aim of this paper is to monitor changes in the dynamics of perception of Zagora, a region in the Dalmatian hinterland, by detecting the positioning of the toponym Zagora and its variants on several maps created at different periods in history.Dinamicnost sociogeografskih i historijskogeografskih procesa i trendova kljucan je cimbenik koji oblikuje uniformnost pojedinih prostornih cjelina, te njihovo poimanje i percepciju u ocima stanovništva i strucnjaka. Pritom je regija kao temeljna geografska koncepcija u svakom trenutku ishod svih prethodnih i aktualnih prostornih odnosa, kako onih koji proizlaze iz prirodne datosti, tako i onih vezanih uz politicke, upravne i gospodarske promjene. Neformalne regije poput Dalmatinske zagore, koje unatoc postojanju u svijesti stanovništva nisu dio aktualnih upravno-teritorijalnih ustroja, svoju tradicijsku prisutnost u prostornom poimanju i identifikaciji najcešce duguju upravo zbroju svih navedenih cimbenika. Uniformnost i identitet regije pritom su zastupljeni eksplicitnim i implicitnim simbolima, znacenjima i pojmovima od kojih je najvažniji geografsko ime ili toponim. Karta kao pokazatelj temeljnih prostornih odnosa u trenutku izrade može poslužiti kao izvor informacije o prostornim identitetima, njihovom obuhvatu i distribuciji. Pritom su prisutnost toponima i njegovo pozicioniranje kljucevi za spoznavanje cinjenica o teritorijalnosti i percepcije pojedine regije. U tom smislu, cilj je ovoga rada pratiti i prepoznati razvoj i dinamiku prostornog obuhvata Zagore, regije u unutrašnjosti Dalmacije, detekcijom pozicioniranja toponima Zagora i njegovih inacica u nizu kartografskih prikaza iz pojedinih razdoblja

    Spatial differentiation of Vrgorac area based on the natural-geographic and the socio-geographic features of karst

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    Vrgorački kraj obilježen je kontrastom između visokih brdsko-planinskih područja na sjeverozapadu, te niskih i zaravnjenih krških polja na samom jugoistoku. Na relativno maloj površini koju administrativno obuhvaća, javlja se širok raspon različitih prirodno-geografskih i društveno-geografskih elemenata karakterističnih za krajeve izrazitog krša u vapnencima, te se u tom smislu vrgoračko područje može raščlaniti na nekoliko prostornih cjelina nižeg reda. Specifičniprirodno-geografski uvjeti rezultirali su krajobrazima karakterističnoga dinarskog sociogeografskog areala koji su i dandanas tipični za pojedine zone ovoga kraja, te daju važan pečat ovom području unatoč rastućoj modernizaciji i efektima globalizacije koji nezaustavljivo mijenjaju čovjekovu djelatnost i njegov utjecaj na okoliš.The area of Vrgorac is defined by a contrast between the high mountainous zones in the southwest and the low karst poljes in the southeastern part of the municipality. It is a relatively small area which includes a wide range of different natural-geographic and socio-geographic elements usually featured in karst zones with limestone basis. Considering the above mentioned features, the area of Vrgorac can be divided into several spatial zones. Specific natural geographic conditions have resulted in landscapes of distinctive Dinaric socio-geographical area which are still typical in some zones of Vrgorac, representing the dominant feature in the area in spite of the ever-increasing process of modernization and globalization with their impact on human activities and the environment

    Spatial identities of Pag Island and the southern parts of the Velebit littoral

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    Prostorni identitet koncept je koji ponajprije podrazumijeva posljedice percepcije prostora, svijesti o prostoru i poistovjećivanja s prostorom, odnosno doživljaj kolektivne pripadnosti određenom području ili mjestu. Najčešće je rezultat niza historijsko-geografskih, ekonomskih, prirodnih i drugih čimbenika, specifičnosti i trendova. Svi ovi čimbenici uzrokuju kod stanovništva specifično kolektivno iskustvo (doživljaj) prostora. S obzirom na raznolikost prirodno-geografskih obilježja i turbulentnost historijsko-geografskih zbivanja, može se pretpostaviti da je na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske stvorena osnova za razvoj heterogene slike prostornih identiteta koja se, među ostalim, očituje u međuodnosu njihovih pojedinih razina. U radu se proučava i analizira prostorna identifikacija stanovništva otoka Paga i južnoga dijela podvelebitskog primorja. Budući da se prema upravno-teritorijalnom ustroju radi o području razgraničenom županijskim granicama koje je i kroz povijest nerijetko bilo granično područje, u spomenutom prostoru pokušava se utvrditi izraženost pojedinih razina identiteta (lokalni, regionalni, nacionalni, itd.).The concept of spatial identity is a direct result of spatial perception, spatial conscience and identification with space, or rather an individual experience of a collective affiliation to a certain area or place. It is usually a consequence of a variety of historical-geographical, economic, natural and other factors, features and trends. All these factors create a unique collective experience of space in population that inhabits it. Considering the diversity of natural-geographic features and the turbulence of historical-geographic events, it can be assumed that within the territory of the Republic of Croatia there is a basis of development of a heterogenous network of spatial identities which manifests as an interrelation of their individual levels. The paper studies and analyzes spatial identification of Pag Island population and the one of the Southern parts of the Velebit Littoral. Due to the fact that the researched area is administratively divided by county borders and, through history, was often a bordering area, the goal is to determin the degree of individual levels of itentity (local, regional, national, etc.)

    Jadran – suvremena geografska problematika, Zadar, 10–12. rujna 2009.

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    From September 10 to 12, the Department of Geography of the University of Zadar and the Croatian Geographical Society – Zadar organized a scientific conference as a part of the Department's 15th anniversary celebration. Another important anniversary 20 years of the Croatian Geographic Society Zadar was also celebrated at the conference named The Adriatic – Contemporary Geographic Issues. About 50 Croatian and foreign geographers, as well as other scientists concerned with spatial issues participated in the conference. During the two-day program, a variety of interesting subjects were presented and discussed, mostly related to issues related to the broader Adriatic area.Od 10. do 12. rujna 2009. Odjel za geografiju Sveučilišta u Zadru i Hrvatsko geografsko društvo – Zadar (HGD-Zadar) organizirali su u Zadru prigodno znanstveno savjetovanje u sklopu proslave petnaeste obljetnice osnutka Odjela. Savjetovanjem pod nazivom Jadran – suvremena geografska problematika ujedno je obilježeno i 20 godina postojanja HGD-a Zadar, a skup je u Multimedijskoj dvorani Sveučilišta u Zadru okupio pedesetak domaćih i stranih geografa te drugih znanstvenika koji se bave prostornom problematikom. Tijekom dvodnevnoga programa izložen je niz zanimljivih predavanja tematski vezanih uglavnom za širi jadranski prostor

    Geografsko ime "zagora" i njegova pojavnost na područjima dalmatinskoga zaleđa u odabranom novinskom mediju

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    In the Croatian language, the word "zagora" or "zagorje" refers to an area "on the other side of a mountain or a hill". Throughout history, this term has been widely used to describe places physically detached from some other, economically or politically more prominent areas; and has thus been adopted as a geographic name (toponym) for places which were "in contrast" to such areas and separated from them by an element of terrain. The term zagora is therefore a geographic name which denotes an area observed from an outside point of view, and which is later on accepted by the domicile population, becoming an endonym. In the context of the Croatian national territory, the most prominent usage of this toponym has been present in specific traditional regions in northern and southern Croatia; namely, Hrvatsko zagorje in northern Croatia, and a rather undefined area in the Dalmatian hinterland in southern Croatia. The extent and the degree of identification of the areas in southern Croatia bearing that particular geographic name have not been precisely defined, although there are many obvious indications of the existence of such a region in many contemporary sources. The aim of this paper is to research the perceptual character of an area in the Dalmatian hinterland in relation to geographic names Zagora and Dalmatinska zagora by means of content analysis. The final conclusions are drawn on the basis of informal geographic data retrieval from a chosen contemporary medium source (Slobodna Dalmacija newspaper). The observed extent of perception provides provisional maps which serve as approximations of collective cognitive maps and represents a starting point for a more extensive research on vernacular aspects of the Dalmatian hinterland.U hrvatskom jeziku riječi "zagora" i "zagorje" odnose se na područje "s onu stranu gore". Tijekom povijesti ti su termini često korišteni prilikom određivanja mjesta i područja koja su fizički (reljefno) odvojena od drugih, gospodarski i politički važnijih područja te su kao takvi postupno usvojeni i kao geografska imena (toponimi) za reljefno odvojena mjesta i zone koje su u kontrastu prema takvim područjima. Stoga danas termin Zagora predstavlja često geografsko ime koje označava područje nekoć percipirano i razmatrano s neke izvanjske točke gledišta, a koje je kasnije usvojeno od strane domicilnog stanovništva postavši u određenoj mjeri endonim. U kontekstu hrvatskoga državnog teritorija, najznakovitije korištenje varijacija ovoga toponima prisutno je u posebnim tradicijskim regijama na sjeveru i jugu države, u nazivima Hrvatsko zagorje i Dalmatinska zagora. Za razliku od Hrvatskog zagorja, prostorni obuhvat i razmjeri identifikacije s nazivom Zagora u dalmatinskom zaleđu nisu preciznije generalno definirani, iako postoje mnogi jasni pokazatelji percipiranja takve prostorne jedinice u mnogim suvremenim izvorima. Cilj ovoga rada je istražiti perceptivne značajke područja dalmatinskog zaleđa u kontekstu geografskog imena Zagora/Dalmatinska zagora putem analize sadržaja. Analizira se i zaključuje na temelju neformalnih geografskih podataka izoliranih u odabranom suvremenom mediju (dnevni list Slobodna Dalmacija). Zamijećeni prostorni obuhvat percepcije omogućuje izradu karata koje predstavljaju aproksimacije kolektivnih kognitivnih karata i pružaju temelj za daljnje opsežnije istraživanje vernakularnih aspekata dalmatinskoga zaleđa

    Perception of the Spatial Extent of the Zagora Region in Selected Cartographic Sources

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    Dinamicnost sociogeografskih i historijskogeografskih procesa i trendova kljucan je cimbenik koji oblikuje uniformnost pojedinih prostornih cjelina, te njihovo poimanje i percepciju u ocima stanovništva i strucnjaka. Pritom je regija kao temeljna geografska koncepcija u svakom trenutku ishod svih prethodnih i aktualnih prostornih odnosa, kako onih koji proizlaze iz prirodne datosti, tako i onih vezanih uz politicke, upravne i gospodarske promjene. Neformalne regije poput Dalmatinske zagore, koje unatoc postojanju u svijesti stanovništva nisu dio aktualnih upravno-teritorijalnih ustroja, svoju tradicijsku prisutnost u prostornom poimanju i identifikaciji najcešce duguju upravo zbroju svih navedenih cimbenika. Uniformnost i identitet regije pritom su zastupljeni eksplicitnim i implicitnim simbolima, znacenjima i pojmovima od kojih je najvažniji geografsko ime ili toponim. Karta kao pokazatelj temeljnih prostornih odnosa u trenutku izrade može poslužiti kao izvor informacije o prostornim identitetima, njihovom obuhvatu i distribuciji. Pritom su prisutnost toponima i njegovo pozicioniranje kljucevi za spoznavanje cinjenica o teritorijalnosti i percepcije pojedine regije. U tom smislu, cilj je ovoga rada pratiti i prepoznati razvoj i dinamiku prostornog obuhvata Zagore, regije u unutrašnjosti Dalmacije, detekcijom pozicioniranja toponima Zagora i njegovih inacica u nizu kartografskih prikaza iz pojedinih razdoblja.The dynamism of sociogeographic and historical processes and trends represents a key factor in the creation and uniformity of regions, and in their image and perception in the eyes of the public and scholars. As a basic geographic concept, a region is the result of all preceding and actual spatial relations arising from natural conditions, and those arising from political, administrative and economic changes. Non-formal regions such as Dalmatinska zagora, which exists solely in the consciousness of its inhabitants, owe their traditional presence in spatial perceptions and identities to a combination of all these factors. The uniformity and identity of such a region are articulated through explicit and implicit symbols, definitions and terms, and the most important among these is a geographic name or toponym. As an indicator of basic spatial relations at the time of its making, a map can be used as a source of information on spatial identities, their extent and distribution. In that sense, the presence and positioning of a toponym are the keys to discovering facts about the territoriality and contemporary perceptions of a region that it denotes. The aim of this paper is to monitor changes in the dynamics of perception of Zagora, a region in the Dalmatian hinterland, by detecting the positioning of the toponym Zagora and its variants on several maps created at different periods in history

    The Adriatic – Contemporary Geographic Issues, Zadar, September 10-12, 2009

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    From September 10 to 12, the Department of Geography of the University of Zadar and the Croatian Geographical Society – Zadar organized a scientific conference as a part of the Department's 15th anniversary celebration. Another important anniversary 20 years of the Croatian Geographic Society Zadar was also celebrated at the conference named The Adriatic – Contemporary Geographic Issues. About 50 Croatian and foreign geographers, as well as other scientists concerned with spatial issues participated in the conference. During the two-day program, a variety of interesting subjects were presented and discussed, mostly related to issues related to the broader Adriatic area

    Landscape of identities in shared spaces of the borderlands

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    The Early Modern Croatian borderlands area reflects many social and cultural divides, shared spaces and intersecting identities. It represents an area of multiple contacts of three different imperial traditions in the Early Modern period; Ottoman, Habsburg and Venetian. That was a meeting place of East and West, Christianity and Islam and maritime and continental traditions. Frequent border changes throughout several centuries were followed by migrations and introduction of new (other) social and cultural communities, building and rebuilding the landscapes of multiple identities. Research into past spatial perceptions and images from historical maps is of particular interest in contact and shared spaces, where diverse cultures, religious systems and complex ethnic structures meet. Investigating regional identities in the contact spaces of the borderlands was based primarily on deconstructing maps of the time; tracing a map rhetoric and its symbolic meaning. The westernmost border of the Ottoman Empire with the Habsburg Monarchy was primarily a border between Islam and Christianity. That fact notwithstanding, the Orthodox Christians were also perceived as Others among the dominant population of Roman Catholic affiliation in (Habsburgian) Croatia. The borderlands were more likely a shared space and not so much a divide of different intersecting cultural (religious) identities, that were appreciated and recognized. Landscapes of diverse identities were analyzed and discussed through a number of historical regional examples i.e. Morlacca, Minor Wallachia and Turkish Croatia.Das frühneuzeitliche kroatische Grenzgebiet weist zahlreiche soziale und kulturelle Trennlinien, gemeinsam genutzte Räume und sich überschneidende Identitäten auf. Es ist ein Gebiet vielfältiger Kontakte dreier verschiedener imperialer Traditionen der frühen Neuzeit: des Osmanischen Reichs, der Habsburger Monarchie und Venedigs. Es war ein Treffpunkt von Ost und West, Christentum und Islam und maritimen und kontinentalen Traditionen. Häufige Grenzverschiebungen waren über mehrere Jahrhunderte hinweg begleitet von Migration und der Einführung neuer (anderer) sozialer und kultureller Gemeinschaften sowie der Entstehung und Veränderung von Landschaften vielfältiger Identitäten. Die Erforschung von früheren Raumwahrnehmungen und von Bildern historischer Karten ist von besonderem Interesse in angrenzenden und gemeinsamen Gebieten, in denen verschiedene Kulturen, religiöse Systeme und komplexe ethnische Strukturen aufeinandertreffen. Die Erforschung regionaler Identitäten in den Kontakträumen von Grenzgebieten wurde vor allem auf der Dekonstruktion zeitgenössischer Landkarten sowie der Analyse der Aussagen von Landkarten und ihrer symbolischen Bedeutung aufgebaut. Die westlichste Grenze zwischen dem Osmanischen Reich und der Habsburger Monarchie war vor allem eine Grenze zwischen Islam und Christentum. Gleichwohl wurden die orthodoxen Christen ebenfalls als Andere innerhalb der dominanten römisch-katholischen (Habsb urg ischen) Bevölkerung in Kroatien betrachtet. Die Grenzgebiete waren wahrscheinlich eher ein gemeinsam genutzter Raum als eine Trennlinie zwischen verschiedenen einander überlagernden kulturellen (religiösen) Identitäten, die geschätzt und anerkannt wurden. Landschaften unterschiedlicher Identitäten wurden anhand einer Reihe historischer Beispiele analysiert und diskutiert, z.B. Morlacca, Walachia Minor und Türkisch-Kroatien