Jadran – suvremena geografska problematika, Zadar, 10–12. rujna 2009.


From September 10 to 12, the Department of Geography of the University of Zadar and the Croatian Geographical Society – Zadar organized a scientific conference as a part of the Department's 15th anniversary celebration. Another important anniversary 20 years of the Croatian Geographic Society Zadar was also celebrated at the conference named The Adriatic – Contemporary Geographic Issues. About 50 Croatian and foreign geographers, as well as other scientists concerned with spatial issues participated in the conference. During the two-day program, a variety of interesting subjects were presented and discussed, mostly related to issues related to the broader Adriatic area.Od 10. do 12. rujna 2009. Odjel za geografiju Sveučilišta u Zadru i Hrvatsko geografsko društvo – Zadar (HGD-Zadar) organizirali su u Zadru prigodno znanstveno savjetovanje u sklopu proslave petnaeste obljetnice osnutka Odjela. Savjetovanjem pod nazivom Jadran – suvremena geografska problematika ujedno je obilježeno i 20 godina postojanja HGD-a Zadar, a skup je u Multimedijskoj dvorani Sveučilišta u Zadru okupio pedesetak domaćih i stranih geografa te drugih znanstvenika koji se bave prostornom problematikom. Tijekom dvodnevnoga programa izložen je niz zanimljivih predavanja tematski vezanih uglavnom za širi jadranski prostor

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