24 research outputs found

    Photon counting statistics of a microwave cavity

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    The development of microwave photon detectors is paving the way for a wide range of quantum technologies and fundamental discoveries involving single photons. Here, we investigate the photon emission from a microwave cavity and find that distribution of photon waiting times contains information about few-photon processes, which cannot easily be extracted from standard correlation measurements. The factorial cumulants of the photon counting statistics are positive at all times, which may be intimately linked with the bosonic quantum nature of the photons. We obtain a simple expression for the rare fluctuations of the photon current, which is helpful in understanding earlier results on heat transport statistics and measurements of work distributions. Under non-equilibrium conditions, where a small temperature gradient drives a heat current through the cavity, we formulate a fluctuation-dissipation relation for the heat noise spectra. Our work suggests a number of experiments for the near future, and it offers theoretical questions for further investigation.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, final version as published in Phys. Rev.

    Energy and temperature fluctuations in the single electron box

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    In mesoscopic and nanoscale systems at low temperatures, charge carriers are typically not in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding lattice. The resulting, non-equilibrium dynamics of electrons has only begun to be explored. Experimentally the time-dependence of the electron temperature (deviating from the lattice temperature) has been investigated in small metallic islands. Motivated by these experiments we investigate theoretically the electronic energy and temperature fluctuations in a metallic island in the Coulomb blockade regime, tunnel coupled to an electronic reservoir, i.e. a single electron box. We show that electronic quantum tunnelling between the island and the reservoir, in the absence of any net charge or energy transport, induces fluctuations of the island electron temperature. The full distribution of the energy transfer as well as the island temperature is derived within the framework of full counting statistics. In particular, the low-frequency temperature fluctuations are analysed, fully accounting for charging effects and non-zero reservoir temperature. The experimental requirements for measuring the predicted temperature fluctuations are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, submitted to NJP special issue on Quantum Thermodynamic

    Adiabatic Cooper pair splitter

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    Recent experiments have observed Cooper pair splitting in quantum dots coupled to superconductors, and efficient schemes for controlling and timing the splitting process are now called for. Here, we propose and analyze an adiabatic Cooper pair splitter that can produce a regular flow of spin-entangled electrons in response to a time-dependent and periodic gate voltage. The splitting process is controlled by moving adiabatically back and forth along an avoided crossing between the empty state and the singlet state of two quantum dots that are coupled to a superconductor, followed by the emission of the split Cooper pairs into two normal-state drains. The scheme does not rely on fine-tuned resonance conditions and is therefore robust against experimental imperfections in the driving signal. We identify a range of driving frequencies, where the output currents are quantized and proportional to the driving frequency combined with suppressed low-frequency noise. We also discuss the main sources of cycle-missing events and evaluate the statistics of electrons emitted within a period of the drive as well as the distribution of waiting times between them. Realistic parameter estimates indicate that the Cooper pair splitter can be operated in the gigahertz regime.Comment: 6+2 pages, 4 figure

    Heat Pulses in Electron Quantum Optics

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    Electron quantum optics aims to realize ideas from the quantum theory of light with the role of photons being played by charge pulses in electronic conductors. Experimentally, the charge pulses are excited by time-dependent voltages, however, one could also generate heat pulses by heating and cooling an electrode. Here, we explore this intriguing idea by formulating a Floquet scattering theory of heat pulses in mesoscopic conductors. The adiabatic emission of heat pulses leads to a heat current that in linear response is given by the thermal conductance quantum. However, we also find a high-frequency component, which ensures that the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for heat currents, whose validity has been debated, is fulfilled. The heat pulses are uncharged, and we probe their electron-hole content by evaluating the partition noise in the outputs of a quantum point contact. We also employ a Hong--Ou--Mandel setup to examine if the pulses bunch or antibunch. Finally, to generate an electric current, we use a Mach--Zehnder interferometer that breaks the electron-hole symmetry and thereby enables a thermoelectric effect. Our work paves the way for systematic investigations of heat pulses in mesoscopic conductors, and it may stimulate future experiments.Comment: 6+5 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical quantum phase transitions in strongly correlated two-dimensional spin lattices following a quench

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    Dynamical quantum phase transitions are at the forefront of current efforts to understand quantum matter out of equilibrium. Except for a few exactly solvable models, predictions of these critical phenomena typically rely on advanced numerical methods. However, those approaches are mostly restricted to one dimension, making investigations of two-dimensional systems highly challenging. Here, we present evidence of dynamical quantum phase transitions in strongly correlated spin lattices in two dimensions. To this end, we apply our recently developed cumulant method [Phys. Rev. X11, 041018 (2021)] to determine the zeros of the Loschmidt amplitude in the complex plane of time, and we predict the crossing points of the thermodynamic lines of zeros with the real-time axis, where dynamical quantum phase transitions occur. We find the critical times of a two-dimensional quantum Ising lattice and the XYZ model with ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic couplings. We also show how dynamical quantum phase transitions can be predicted by measuring the initial energy fluctuations, for example in quantum simulators or other engineered quantum systems.Peer reviewe

    Determination of Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in Strongly Correlated Many-Body Systems Using Loschmidt Cumulants

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    Dynamical phase transitions extend the notion of criticality to nonstationary settings and are characterized by sudden changes in the macroscopic properties of time-evolving quantum systems. Investigations of dynamical phase transitions combine aspects of symmetry, topology, and nonequilibrium physics; however, progress has been hindered by the notorious difficulties of predicting the time evolution of large, interacting quantum systems. Here, we tackle this outstanding problem by determining the critical times of interacting many-body systems after a quench using Loschmidt cumulants. Specifically, we investigate dynamical topological phase transitions in the interacting Kitaev chain and in the spin-1 Heisenberg chain. To this end, we map out the thermodynamic lines of complex times, where the Loschmidt amplitude vanishes, and identify the intersections with the imaginary axis, which yield the real critical times after a quench. For the Kitaev chain, we can accurately predict how the critical behavior is affected by strong interactions, which gradually shift the time at which a dynamical phase transition occurs. We also discuss the experimental perspectives of predicting the first critical time of a quantum many-body system by measuring the energy fluctuations in the initial state, and we describe the prospects of implementing our method on a near-term quantum computer with a limited number of qubits. Our work demonstrates that Loschmidt cumulants are a powerful tool to unravel the far-from-equilibrium dynamics of strongly correlated many-body systems, and our approach can immediately be applied in higher dimensions.Dynamical phase transitions extend the notion of criticality to nonstationary settings and are characterized by sudden changes in the macroscopic properties of time-evolving quantum systems. Investigations of dynamical phase transitions combine aspects of symmetry, topology, and nonequilibrium physics; however, progress has been hindered by the notorious difficulties of predicting the time evolution of large, interacting quantum systems. Here, we tackle this outstanding problem by determining the critical times of interacting many-body systems after a quench using Loschmidt cumulants. Specifically, we investigate dynamical topological phase transitions in the interacting Kitaev chain and in the spin-1 Heisenberg chain. To this end, we map out the thermodynamic lines of complex times, where the Loschmidt amplitude vanishes, and identify the intersections with the imaginary axis, which yield the real critical times after a quench. For the Kitaev chain, we can accurately predict how the critical behavior is affected by strong interactions, which gradually shift the time at which a dynamical phase transition occurs. We also discuss the experimental perspectives of predicting the first critical time of a quantum many-body system by measuring the energy fluctuations in the initial state, and we describe the prospects of implementing our method on a near-term quantum computer with a limited number of qubits. Our work demonstrates that Loschmidt cumulants are a powerful tool to unravel the far-from-equilibrium dynamics of strongly correlated many-body systems, and our approach can immediately be applied in higher dimensions.Peer reviewe

    Lee-Yang theory of Bose-Einstein condensation

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    Bose-Einstein condensation happens as a gas of bosons is cooled below its transition temperature, and the ground state becomes macroscopically occupied. The phase transition occurs in the thermodynamic limit of many particles. However, recent experimental progress has made it possible to assemble quantum many-body systems from bottom up, for example, by adding single atoms to an optical lattice one at a time. Here, we show how one can predict the condensation temperature of a Bose gas from the energy fluctuations of a small number of bosons. To this end, we make use of recent advances in Lee-Yang theories of phase transitions, which allow us to determine the zeros and the poles of the partition function in the complex plane of the inverse temperature from the high cumulants of the energy fluctuations. By increasing the number of bosons in the trapping potential, we can predict the convergence point of the partition function zeros in the thermodynamic limit, where they reach the inverse critical temperature on the real axis. Using less than 100 bosons, we can estimate the condensation temperature for a Bose gas in a harmonic potential in two and three dimensions, and we also find that there is no phase transition in one dimension as one would expect.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Photon emission statistics of a driven microwave cavity

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    Recent experimental advances have made it possible to detect individual quantum jumps in open quantum systems, such as the tunneling of single electrons in nanoscale conductors or the emission of photons from non-classical light sources. Here, we investigate theoretically the statistics of photons emitted from a microwave cavity that is driven resonantly by an external field. We focus on the differences between a parametric and a coherent drive, which either squeezes or displaces the cavity field. We employ a Lindblad master equation dressed with counting fields to obtain the generating function of the photon emission statistics using a theoretical framework based on Gaussian states. We then compare the distribution of photon waiting times for the two drives as well as the g(2)g^{(2)}-functions of the outgoing light, and we identify important differences between these observables. In the long-time limit, we analyze the factorial cumulants of the photon emission statistics and the large-deviation statistics of the emission currents, which are markedly different for the two drives. Our theoretical framework can readily be extended to more complicated systems, for instance, with several coupled microwave cavities, and our predictions may be tested in future experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum Correlations and Temperature Fluctuations in Nanoscale Systems

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    This thesis addresses two different topics related to the physics of nanoscale systems. The first topic concerns quantum correlations and entanglement between electrons in solid-state systems, with a focus on how to generate electronic orbital entanglement on a sub-decoherence time scale and how to achieve experimentally more feasible entanglement detection schemes. The second topic concerns heat transport and temperature fluctuations in nanoscale systems, with a focus on how to utilize temperature fluctuations for calorimetric detection of single particles. The thesis comprises five papers.In Paper I, we propose a quantum dot system to generate and detect, using cotunneling processes, orbitally entangled pairs of electrons on a sub-decoherence time scale.In Paper II, we investigate, by applying an entanglement witness, the minimal number of zero-frequency current cross-correlation measurements needed to detect bipartite entanglement between two flying qubits.In Paper III, we consider energy and temperature fluctuations, and the influence of charging effects, in a metallic island tunnel coupled to a normal metallic lead, the so-called single electron box.In Paper IV, we investigate nanoscale quantum calorimetry and propose a setup consisting of a metallic island and a superconducting lead to realize a nanoscale calorimeter that may probe the energies of tunneling electrons.In Paper V, we investigate photon transport statistics of a microwave cavity, including the short-time statistics of single photon emissions and the long-time statistics of heat transport through the cavity