116 research outputs found

    Supersonic Retro-Propulsion Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis Applied to Future Mars Mission

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    Supersonic Retro-Propulsion is one of the most promising emerging technologies being considered by NASA for use in future Mars missions. This new form of Entry Descent Landing has the potential to help increase the allowable payload mass currently constraining many science instruments and operations. Computational Fluid Dynamics was used to show the feasibility of supersonic retro - propulsion in Mars atmospheric conditions. The results presented show the SRP will be able to perform satisfactory using the same conditions that the Curiosity Rover was exposed to during its landing sequence. The plume expansion was analyzed for various cases, moving from free stream to supersonic conditions. Several computational methods were also examined to prove the model\u27s accuracy. The mesh, physics models, and boundary conditions were ultimately selected based the on data obtained. The model was originally tested using a novel 1 dimensional software vetted and used by NASA. The bipropellant motor chosen has been flight proven and supported by data not presentable due to ITAR restrictions. The free stream and subsonic conditions analyses were primarily used to compare the supersonic results. The feasibility of supersonic retro - propulsion was proven in showing that even at the highest opposite flow Mach number analyzed, the effects the main jet plume were negligible

    Gracilaria parva sp. nov. (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) a Diminutive Species from the Tropical Eastern Pacific

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    DNA sequencing of the plastid encoded rbcL gene supported by morpho-anatomical features reveals Gracilaria parva sp. nov. from Panama and Ecuador in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean. In the rbcL phylogram, G. parva occurs in a clade sister to the western Atlantic species G. galatensis. Morphologically and anatomically, G. parva is distinguished from two similar, described tropical eastern Pacific species, G. brevis and G. veleroae by its small size, to 2.5 cm tall with branch widths mostly <2 mm occasionally to 4 mm, and by its two to three cell layered cortex. Gracilaria brevis and G. veleroae are taller, have wider branches, and a one cell layered cortex. DNA sequencing is needed to resolve the many diminutive species in the tropical eastern Pacific, particularly those occurring in turf communities. DNA sequencing of historical type specimens from the 19th and 20th centuries is also needed to correctly apply names in this region

    STROBE-X: X-Ray Timing and Spectroscopy on Dynamical Timescales from Microseconds to Years

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    The Spectroscopic Time-Resolving Observatory for Broadband Energy X-rays (STROBE-X) probes strong gravity for stellar mass to supermassive black holes and ultradense matter with unprecedented effective area, high time-resolution, and good spectral resolution, while providing a powerful time-domain X-ray observatory.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Results in Physic

    Top-Down and Bottom-Up Control in the Galápagos Upwelling System

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    Increased standing macroalgal biomass in upwelling zones is generally assumed to be the result of higher nutrient flux due to upwelled waters. However, other factors can strongly impact macroalgal communities. For example, herbivory and temperature, via their effects on primary producers and the metabolic demands of consumers, can also influence macroalgal biomass and productivity, respectively. We assessed the effects of nutrient availability, temperature, and herbivory on macroalgal biomass on a subtidal nearshore rocky reef in the Galápagos Islands. We manipulated nutrient availability and herbivory in field experiments performed in two seasons: the first during a cool, upwelling season, and the second during a warm, non-upwelling season. Excluding macro-herbivores had a clear effect on standing macroalgal biomass, independent of season or nutrient availability. However, we found different interactive effects of nutrients and macro-herbivores between the two seasons. During the cool season, macroalgal biomass was significantly higher in herbivore exclusions than in open areas under ambient nutrient conditions. However, when nutrients were added, macroalgal biomass was not significantly different across all herbivore treatments, which suggests reduced top-down control of herbivores (hence a greater standing algal biomass) in open areas. In the warm season, macroalgal biomass was significantly higher in herbivore exclusions compared to open treatments, both with and without nutrient addition. Furthermore, biomass reached 2X in herbivore exclusions with nutrient additions, which hints nutrient limitation only during warm, low-upwelling conditions. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that macro-herbivores reduce macroalgal biomass in this system and suggest that nutrient availability, but not temperature, modulate herbivory

    Statistical Characterization of the Chandra Source Catalog

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    The first release of the Chandra Source Catalog (CSC) contains ~95,000 X-ray sources in a total area of ~0.75% of the entire sky, using data from ~3,900 separate ACIS observations of a multitude of different types of X-ray sources. In order to maximize the scientific benefit of such a large, heterogeneous data-set, careful characterization of the statistical properties of the catalog, i.e., completeness, sensitivity, false source rate, and accuracy of source properties, is required. Characterization efforts of other, large Chandra catalogs, such as the ChaMP Point Source Catalog (Kim et al. 2007) or the 2 Mega-second Deep Field Surveys (Alexander et al. 2003), while informative, cannot serve this purpose, since the CSC analysis procedures are significantly different and the range of allowable data is much less restrictive. We describe here the characterization process for the CSC. This process includes both a comparison of real CSC results with those of other, deeper Chandra catalogs of the same targets and extensive simulations of blank-sky and point source populations.Comment: To be published in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (Fig. 52 replaced with a version which astro-ph can convert to PDF without issues.

    Large Observatory for x-ray Timing (LOFT-P): a Probe-class mission concept study

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    LOFT-P is a concept for a NASA Astrophysics Probe-Class (<$1B) X-ray timing mission, based on the LOFT concept originally proposed to ESAs M3 and M4 calls. LOFT-P requires very large collecting area (>6 m^2, >10x RXTE), high time resolution, good spectral resolution, broad-band spectral coverage (2-30 keV), highly flexible scheduling, and an ability to detect and respond promptly to time-critical targets of opportunity. It addresses science questions such as: What is the equation of state of ultra dense matter? What are the effects of strong gravity on matter spiraling into black holes? It would be optimized for sub-millisecond timing to study phenomena at the natural timescales of neutron star surfaces and black hole event horizons and to measure mass and spin of black holes. These measurements are synergistic to imaging and high-resolution spectroscopy instruments, addressing much smaller distance scales than are possible without very long baseline X-ray interferometry, and using complementary techniques to address the geometry and dynamics of emission regions. A sky monitor (2-50 keV) acts as a trigger for pointed observations, providing high duty cycle, high time resolution monitoring of the X-ray sky with ~20 times the sensitivity of the RXTE All-Sky Monitor, enabling multi-wavelength and multi-messenger studies. A probe-class mission concept would employ lightweight collimator technology and large-area solid-state detectors, technologies which have been recently greatly advanced during the ESA M3 study. Given the large community interested in LOFT (>800 supporters, the scientific productivity of this mission is expected to be very high, similar to or greater than RXTE (~2000 refereed publications). We describe the results of a study, recently completed by the MSFC Advanced Concepts Office, that demonstrates that LOFT-P is feasible within a NASA probe-class mission budget.Comment: Proc. SPIE 9905, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 99054Y (July 18, 2016

    Catching Element Formation In The Act

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    Gamma-ray astronomy explores the most energetic photons in nature to address some of the most pressing puzzles in contemporary astrophysics. It encompasses a wide range of objects and phenomena: stars, supernovae, novae, neutron stars, stellar-mass black holes, nucleosynthesis, the interstellar medium, cosmic rays and relativistic-particle acceleration, and the evolution of galaxies. MeV gamma-rays provide a unique probe of nuclear processes in astronomy, directly measuring radioactive decay, nuclear de-excitation, and positron annihilation. The substantial information carried by gamma-ray photons allows us to see deeper into these objects, the bulk of the power is often emitted at gamma-ray energies, and radioactivity provides a natural physical clock that adds unique information. New science will be driven by time-domain population studies at gamma-ray energies. This science is enabled by next-generation gamma-ray instruments with one to two orders of magnitude better sensitivity, larger sky coverage, and faster cadence than all previous gamma-ray instruments. This transformative capability permits: (a) the accurate identification of the gamma-ray emitting objects and correlations with observations taken at other wavelengths and with other messengers; (b) construction of new gamma-ray maps of the Milky Way and other nearby galaxies where extended regions are distinguished from point sources; and (c) considerable serendipitous science of scarce events -- nearby neutron star mergers, for example. Advances in technology push the performance of new gamma-ray instruments to address a wide set of astrophysical questions.Comment: 14 pages including 3 figure
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