581 research outputs found

    Operations management system

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    The objective of an operations management system is to provide an orderly and efficient method to operate and maintain aerospace vehicles. Concepts are described for an operations management system and the key technologies are highlighted which will be required if this capability is brought to fruition. Without this automation and decision aiding capability, the growing complexity of avionics will result in an unmanageable workload for the operator, ultimately threatening mission success or survivability of the aircraft or space system. The key technologies include expert system application to operational tasks such as replanning, equipment diagnostics and checkout, global system management, and advanced man machine interfaces. The economical development of operations management systems, which are largely software, will require advancements in other technological areas such as software engineering and computer hardware

    Transcytosis in MDCK cells: identification of glycoproteins transported bidirectionally between both plasma membrane domains.

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    MDCK cells display fluid-phase transcytosis in both directions across the cell. Transcytosis of cell surface molecules was estimated by electron microscopic analysis of streptavidin-gold-labeled frozen sections of biotinylated cells. Within 3 h, approximately 10% of the surface molecules, biotinylated on the starting membrane domain, were detected on the opposite surface domain irrespective of the direction of transcytosis. This suggests that the transcytosis rates for surface molecules are equal in both directions across the cell as shown previously for fluid-phase markers

    On Electrostriction of a Granular Superconductor

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    Zero-temperature field-induced polarization, supercurrent density, and the related electrostriction (ES) of a granular superconductor are calculated within a model of 3D Josephson junction arrays. Both the "bulk-modulus-driven ES" (the change of the sample's volume in the free energy upon the applied stress) and the "change-of-phase ES" (due to the stress dependence of the weak-links-induced polarization) are considered. In contrast to magnetostriction of a granular superconductor, its electroelastic behavior is predicted to be dominated by the former contribution for all applied fields.Comment: REVTEX (epsf style), 3 EPS figure

    The Politics of Prison Abolition: An Organizer's Guide to Effective Abolition Research and Activism

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    A thorough sociological, political, and historical analysis of the prison abolition movement. This paper examines social movement theory by identifying, analyzing, and synthesizing various definitions, political principles, and historical circumstances which serve as a praxis and rational for this movement

    G. Andro, Une génération au service de l’État. Les procureurs généraux syndics de la Révolution française (1780-1830)

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    À la fois inefficace et menaçant l’unité nationale, contesté par de nombreux acteurs de la Révolution avant d’être négligé par l’historiographie, le procureur général syndic a trouvé dans le livre de Gaïd Andro le lieu d’une réhabilitation qui ne tient pas du plaidoyer naïf. Résultat d’une thèse soutenue sous la direction de Michel Biard, l’ouvrage déploie une réflexion qui excède en réalité ce que le titre suggère. À travers la figure singulière du procureur général syndic, l’auteure propose..

    Le personnel diplomatique de la résidence de France à Genève : profil social et culture politique (1679-1798)

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    Entre 1679 et 1798, la résidence de France à Genève détient le monopole de la représentation diplomatique officielle auprès de la République. Les résidents, les secrétaires et les aumôniers occupent les échelons les plus modestes au sein du corps diplomatique français à l’étranger en même temps qu’ils participent, d’une manière plus ou moins prononcée, à la sociabilité éclairée des élites politiques genevoises. En reconstituant le parcours du personnel diplomatique français à Genève, il s’agit de mesurer la corrélation entre les stratégies d’ascension sociale d’agents secondaires et leur adhésion aux normes culturelles dominantes de la France des Lumières et de la Révolution. En admettant la diplomatie comme un ensemble de pratiques sociales de l’altérité, cette adhésion s’exprime notamment à travers l’interaction entre des cultures politiques différentes au sein de laquelle les agents diplomatiques produisent des représentations destinées à identifier leurs interlocuteurs – ici, les Genevois – sur un mode qui n’échappe pas au registre de la disqualification

    Assessoria em Gestão como Vetor de Desenvolvimento das MPMEs da Região Noroeste Colonial do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Este resumo relata os resultados parciais do Programa Extensão Empresarial, que é uma ação articulada entre o Governo do Estado do RS, através da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento e Assuntos Internacionais - SEDAI e a Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUÍ junto às micro, pequenas e médias empresas – MPMEs, do Noroeste Colonial, no período de março a agosto de 2004. O programa é um sistema de resolução de problemas que oportuniza às micro, pequenas e médias empresas industriais, comerciais e de serviços acesso a formas inovadoras de gestão administrativa, de produtos e de processos, através de assistência técnica gratuita nas áreas gerenciais e tecnológicas. As fases do trabalho nas empresas atendem as etapas de inscrição, aplicação do diagnóstico, implantação de melhorias e avaliação, atuando na gestão estratégica das áreas de administração organizacional, gestão de pessoas, finanças e custos, vendas e marketing, produto e manufatura e serviços. O programa, após seis meses, inscreveu 229 empresas, diagnosticou 163 destas e implantou ações em 110. Das ações implantadas 92,2% eram problemas de gestão; 3,2% de processo e 4,6% de produto. Foram inscritas 60 indústrias, 133 comércio e 36 serviços. O programa fornece uma base rica em casos para pesquisa e ensino

    Expansion Of Meteorological Satellite Potential

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    Meteorological satellites in polar and geostationary orbit are presented in this paper along with examples and limitations. NOAA and NASA satellite programs, present and future in the meteorological field, are discussed along with spectral interval, ground resolution and operational applications. The USAF/AWS Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) is scheduled for operation at the Air Force Eastern Test Range (AFETR) in the Spring of 1974. The DMSP acquisition system is described with respect to sensor type and satellite orbital parameters. Two satellites are in orbit at any given time providing real time, visual and infrared, imagery every six hours. Imagery examples depicting meteorological, geophysical, oceanographic, and earth resources applications are presented. Some added benefits with regard to the energy crisis are a possibility with the DMSP system or similar sensor use

    Essays in Public Finance

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    Chapter one presents a novel approach for analyzing spatially differentiated impacts of a variety of large, geographically anchored entertainment attractions, including professional sports venues, convention centers, destination retail, and mega-events. Public investments in such projects are often justified based on the potential to stimulate economic growth. The literature, however, fails to substantiate the existence of net aggregate benefits which are typically evaluated at the MSA level. I extend the literature by developing a spatial panel estimation approach which considers differential impacts across geographic locations as well as industry types. I demonstrate the method by investigating the relocation of the National Basketball Association Seattle team (Supersonics) to Oklahoma City (OKC Thunder). The franchise impacts are measured in terms of establishment-level sales using a unique micro dataset, the National Establishment Times series (NETs). The results highlight spatially differentiated impacts across the metro area: the franchise relocation attracted retail sales to the downtown area of OKC but may have decreased sales outside of downtown. Chapter two designs and implements a field experiment in Norman, Oklahoma to analyze the effect of norm-based messages on residential water use. The analysis finds evidence that the conservation message and the peer comparison messages encourage water conservation. The estimated response to receiving a social comparison message is a 5 to 8.7% reduction in monthly water consumption. I find notable heterogeneity in response to social messages. Customers who consume more water than the median water utility user respond more to social messages than those who use less than median. The findings suggest that social messages can be a cost effective option for municipalities looking to reduce residential water use through non-pecuniary mechanisms. Chapter three investigates approaches for estimating water demand and responses to water rate changes. Water utility pricing generally involves different rates for different levels of consumption. Such block rate structures complicate demand estimation. I challenge the long standing implicit assumption that a city’s demand can be represented by a single city-wide (or region-wide) demand curve in the presence of rate block pricing schemes. We employ the longest and most detailed panel dataset of household level water consumption, weather records, and housing characteristics available in empirical studies. This allows us to estimate demand curves for separate user groups in an increasing block rate scheme. We analyze two water utility rate changes implemented in Norman, Oklahoma and find downward sloping demand curves in all but one case. I estimate price elasticity to be between -0.13 and -0.53. Our estimates suggest that, in general, the more water a customer consumes, the more price sensitive she is