430 research outputs found

    Proof of principle of a high-spatial-resolution, resonant-response gamma-ray detector for Gamma Resonance Absorption in 14N

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    The development of a mm-spatial-resolution, resonant-response detector based on a micrometric glass capillary array filled with liquid scintillator is described. This detector was developed for Gamma Resonance Absorption (GRA) in 14N. GRA is an automatic-decision radiographic screening technique that combines high radiation penetration (the probe is a 9.17 MeV gamma ray) with very good sensitivity and specificity to nitrogenous explosives. Detailed simulation of the detector response to electrons and protons generated by the 9.17 MeV gamma-rays was followed by a proof-of-principle experiment, using a mixed gamma-ray and neutron source. Towards this, a prototype capillary detector was assembled, including the associated filling and readout systems. Simulations and experimental results indeed show that proton tracks are distinguishable from electron tracks at relevant energies, on the basis of a criterion that combines track length and light intensity per unit length.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figure

    Novel detection of provenance in the illegal wildlife trade using elemental data

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    © 2018, The Author(s). Despite being the fourth largest criminal market in the world, no forensic tools have been sufficiently developed to accurately determine the legal status of seized animals and their parts. Although legal trading is permissible for farmed or captive-bred animals, many animals are illegally removed from the wild and laundered by masquerading them as captive bred. Here we present high-resolution x-ray fluorescence (XRF) as a non-invasive and cost-effective tool for forensic classification. We tested the efficacy of this technique by using machine learning on a training set of zoo specimens and wild-caught individuals of short-beaked echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus), a small insectivorous monotreme in Australia. XRF outperformed stable isotope analysis (δ13C, δ15N), reducing overall classification error below 4%. XRF has the added advantage of providing samples every 200 μm on a single quill, enabling 100% classification accuracy by taking the consensus of votes per quill. This accurate and cost-effective forensic technique could provide a much needed in situ solution for combating the illegal laundering of wildlife, and conversely, assist with certification of legally bred animals

    Reconstruction of Schiaparelli and Comars Flight Data

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    ESA recently flew an entry, descent, and landing demonstrator module called Schiaparelli that entered the atmosphere of Mars on the 19th of October, 2016. The instrumentation suite included heatshield and backshell pressure transducers and thermocouples (known as AMELIA) and backshell radiation and direct heatflux-sensing sensors (known as COMARS and ICOTOM). Due to the failed landing of Schiaparelli, only a subset of the flight data was transmitted before and after plasma black-out. The goal of this paper is to present comparisons of the flight data with calculations from NASA simulation tools, DPLR/NEQAIR and LAURA/HARA. DPLR and LAURA are used to calculate the flowfield around the vehicle and surface properties, such as pressure and convective heating. The flowfield data are passed to NEQAIR and HARA to calculate the radiative heat flux. Comparisons will be made to the COMARS total heat flux, radiative heat flux and pressure measurements. Results will also be shown against the reconstructed heat flux which was calculated from an inverse analysis of the AMELIA thermocouple data performed by Astrium. Preliminary calculations are presented in this abstract. The aerodynamics of the vehicle and certain as yet unexplained features of the inverse analysis and forebody data will be investigated

    Movement and predation: a catch-and-release study on the acoustic tracking of bonefish in the Indian Ocean

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    Tourism generated through bonefish (Albula spp.) fishing contributes to the economies of many isolated tropical islands and atolls. However, little research has been conducted on bonefish in the Indian Ocean. This study aimed to contribute to the understanding of bonefish ecology in the Indian Ocean by quantifying the spatial and temporal movements of Albula glossodonta at a near-pristine and predator-rich atoll in the Seychelles; however, to achieve this, an analysis to identify the occurrence of possible post-release predation bias was first necessary. An acoustic telemetry study was initiated at the remote St. Joseph Atoll, within an array of 88 automated data-logging acoustic receivers. Thirty bonefish were surgically implanted with Vemco V13 acoustic transmitters and tracked for one year. Only 10% of the tagged bonefish were detected for longer than two weeks. A comparison of the final 100 h of movement data from fish detected for less than two weeks to the movement data of the fish detected for longer periods revealed distinct differences in area use and significant differences in the average daily distance moved, speed of movement and frequency of detections. This suggested that mortality in the form of post-release predation was at least 43% of tagged fish. The three surviving bonefish were tracked for 210 to 367 days. These individuals remained in the atoll and showed high use of the marginal habitats between the shallow sand flats and the lagoon. A generalised linear mixed model identified that water temperature, diel cycle and tide were significant predictors of bonefish presence in the lagoon. The high post-release mortality highlights that catch-and-release is likely not as benign as previously believed and management and policy should be adjusted accordingly

    Simulation Schiaparelli's Entry and Comparison to Aerothermal Flight Data

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    The European Space Agency recently flew an entry, descent, and landing demonstrator module called Schiaparelli that entered the atmosphere of Mars on the 19th of October, 2016. The instrumentation suite included heatshield and backshell pressure transducers and thermocouples (known as AMELIA - Atmospheric Mars Entry and Landing Investigations and Analysis) and backshell radiation and direct heat flux-sensing sensors (known as COMARS (Combined Aerothermal and Radiometer Sensors Instrument Package) and ICOTOM (narrow band radiometers)). Due to the failed landing of Schiaparelli, only a subset of the flight data was transmitted before and after plasma black-out. The goal of this paper is to present comparisons of the flight data with calculations from NASA simulation tools, DPLR (Data Parallel Line Relaxation) / NEQAIR (NonEQuilibrium AIr Radiation) and LAURA (Langley Aerothermodynamic Upwind Relaxation Algorithm) / HARA (High-temperature Aerothermodynamic RAdiation ). DPLR and LAURA are used to calculate the flowfield around the vehicle and surface properties, such as pressure and convective heating. The flowfield data are passed to NEQAIR and HARA to calculate the radiative heat flux. Comparisons will be made to the COMARS total heat flux, radiative heat flux and pressure measurements. Results will also be shown against the reconstructed heat flux which was calculated from an inverse analysis of the AMELIA thermocouple data performed by Astrium. Preliminary calculations are presented in this abstract

    Recent Advancements in Modeling and Simulation of Entry Systems at NASA

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    This paper describes recent development of modeling and simulation technologies for entry systems in support of NASA's exploration missions. Mission-tailored research and development in modeling of entry systems occurs across the Agency (e.g., within the Orion and Mars 2020 Programs), however the aim of this paper is to discuss the broad, cross-mission research conducted by NASA's Entry Systems Modeling (ESM) Project, which serves as the Agency's only concerted effort toward advancing entry systems across a range of technical disciplines. Technology development in ESM is organized and prioritized from a system-level perspective, resulting in four broad technical areas of investment: (1) Predictive material modeling, (2) Shock layer kinetics and radiation, (3) Computational and experimental aerosciences, and (4) Guidance, navigation, and control. Investments in thermal protection material modeling are geared toward high-fidelity, predictive models capable of handling complex structures, with an eye toward optimizing design performance and quantifying thermal protection system reliability. New computational tools have been developed to characterize material properties and behavior at the microstructural level, and experimental techniques (molecular beam scattering, micro-computed tomography, among others) have been developed to measure material kinetics, morphology, and other parameters needed to inform and validate detailed simulations. Advancements have also been made in macrostructural simulation capability to enable 3-D system-scale calculations of material response with complex topological features, including differential recession of tile gaps. Research and development in the area of shock layer kinetics has focused on air and CO2-based atmospheres. Capacity and capability of the NASA Ames Electric Arc Shock Tube (EAST) have been expanded in recent years and analysis of resulting data has led to several improvements in kinetic models, while simultaneously reducing uncertainties associated with radiative heat transfer predictions. First-principles calculations of fundamental kinetic, thermodynamic, and transport data, along with state-specific models for non-equilibrium flow regimes, have also yielded new insights and have the potential to vastly improve model fidelity. Aerosciences is a very broad area of interest in entry systems, yet a number of important challenges are being addressed: Coupled fluid-structure simulations of parachute inflation and dynamics; Experimental and computational studies of vehicle dynamics; Multi-phase flow with dust particles to simulate entry environments at Mars during dust storms; Studies of roughness-induced heating augmentation relevant to tiled and woven thermal protection systems; and Advanced numerical methods to optimize computational analyses for desired accuracy versus cost. Guidance and control in the context of entry systems has focused on development of methods for multi-axis control (i.e. pitch and yaw, rather than bank angle alone) of spacecraft during entry and descent. With precision landing requirements driven by Mars human exploration goals, recent efforts have yielded 6-DOF models of multi-axis control with propulsive descent of both inflatable and rigid ellipsled-like architectures

    Radiation measurements in a simulated non-terrestrial atmosphere

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    A high-speed wind tunnel has been used to experimentally simulate the flow experienced by a capsule entering a planetary atmosphere. High speed photography showed that a steady test time of approximately 50 μs existed in the facility. Holographic interferometry has been performed to measure the twodimensional density distribution around a cylinder in the flow. A peak density ratio (density normalised by the free-stream density) of about 14 was observed. Emission spectroscopy allowed the characterisation of the conditions along the stagnation streamline in front of the capsule model. The results showed a temperature that varied between 8,500 K and 11,000 K in this region

    Radiative Heating on the After-Body of Martian Entry Vehicles

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    This paper presents simulations of the radiative heat flux imparted on the after-body of vehicles entering the Martian atmosphere. The radiation is dominated by CO2 bands emitting in the mid-wave infrared spectral region. This mechanism has traditionally not been considered in the design of past Mars entry vehicles. However, with recent analysis showing that the CO2 radiation can be greater than convective heating in the wake, and with several upcoming and proposed missions to Mars potentially affected, an investigation of the impact of this radiation is warranted. The focus of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the impact to aerothermal heating predictions and to provide comparisons between NASA's two main radiation codes, NEQAIR and HARA. The tangent slab approximation is shown to be overly conservative, by as much as 58 percent, for most back- shell body point locations compared to using a full angular integration method. However, due to the complexity of the wake flow, it is also shown that tangent slab does not always represent an upper limit for radiative heating. Furthermore, analysis in this paper shows that it is not possible to provide a general knock-down factor from the tangent slab results to those obtained using the more rigorous full integration method. When the radiative heating is accounted for on the after-body, the unmargined total heat flux can be as high as 14 watts per square centimeter