260 research outputs found

    Chromatin state changes during neural development revealed by in vivo cell-type specific profiling.

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    A key question in developmental biology is how cellular differentiation is controlled during development. While transitions between trithorax-group (TrxG) and polycomb-group (PcG) chromatin states are vital for the differentiation of ES cells to multipotent stem cells, little is known regarding the role of chromatin states during development of the brain. Here we show that large-scale chromatin remodelling occurs during Drosophila neural development. We demonstrate that the majority of genes activated during neuronal differentiation are silent in neural stem cells (NSCs) and occupy black chromatin and a TrxG-repressive state. In neurons, almost all key NSC genes are switched off via HP1-mediated repression. PcG-mediated repression does not play a significant role in regulating these genes, but instead regulates lineage-specific transcription factors that control spatial and temporal patterning in the brain. Combined, our data suggest that forms of chromatin other than canonical PcG/TrxG transitions take over key roles during neural development

    damidseq_pipeline: an automated pipeline for processing DamID sequencing datasets.

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    UNLABELLED: DamID is a powerful technique for identifying regions of the genome bound by a DNA-binding (or DNA-associated) protein. Currently, no method exists for automatically processing next-generation sequencing DamID (DamID-seq) data, and the use of DamID-seq datasets with normalization based on read-counts alone can lead to high background and the loss of bound signal. DamID-seq thus presents novel challenges in terms of normalization and background minimization. We describe here damidseq_pipeline, a software pipeline that performs automatic normalization and background reduction on multiple DamID-seq FASTQ datasets. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Open-source and freely available from http://owenjm.github.io/damidseq_pipeline. The damidseq_pipeline is implemented in Perl and is compatible with any Unix-based operating system (e.g. Linux, Mac OSX). CONTACT: [email protected] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.We thank Charles Bradshaw for helpful comments on the software. This work was supported by the BBSRC [BB/L00786X/1] and Wellcome Trust [092545]. The Gurdon Institute is supported by core funding from the Wellcome Trust [092096] and CRUK [C6946/A14492].This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btv38

    Mastermind Acts Downstream of Notch to Specify Neuronal Cell Fates in theDrosophilaCentral Nervous System

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    AbstractIn theDrosophilacentral nervous system, cellular diversity is generated through the asymmetric partitioning of cell fate determinants at cell division. Neural precursors (or neuroblasts) divide in a stem cell lineage to generate a series of ganglion mother cells, each of which divides once to produce a pair of postmitotic neurons or glial cells. An exception to this rule is the MP2 neuroblast, which divides only once to generate two neurons. We screened for genes expressed in the MP2 neuroblast and its progeny as a means of identifying the factors that specify cell fate in the MP2 lineage. We identified a P-element insertion line that expresses the reporter gene, tau-β-galactosidase, in the MP2 precursor and its progeny, the vMP2 and dMP2 neurons. The transposon disrupts the neurogenic gene,mastermind,but does not lead to neural hyperplasia. However, the vMP2 neuron is transformed into its sibling cell, dMP2. By contrast, expression of a dominant activated form of the Notch receptor in the MP2 lineage transforms dMP2 to vMP2. Notch signalling requires Mastermind, suggesting that Mastermind acts downstream of Notch to determine the vMP2 cell fate. We show that Mastermind plays a similar role in the neurons derived from ganglion mother cells 1-1a and 4-2a, where it specifies the pCC and RP2sib fates, respectively. This suggests that Notch signalling through Mastermind plays a wider role in specifying neuronal identity in theDrosophilacentral nervous system

    Neural stem cell transcriptional networks highlight genes essential for nervous system development

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    Neural stem cells must strike a balance between self-renewal and multipotency, and differentiation. Identification of the transcriptional networks regulating stem cell division is an essential step in understanding how this balance is achieved. We have shown that the homeodomain transcription factor, Prospero, acts to repress self-renewal and promote differentiation. Among its targets are three neural stem cell transcription factors, Asense, Deadpan and Snail, of which Asense and Deadpan are repressed by Prospero. Here, we identify the targets of these three factors throughout the genome. We find a large overlap in their target genes, and indeed with the targets of Prospero, with 245 genomic loci bound by all factors. Many of the genes have been implicated in vertebrate stem cell self-renewal, suggesting that this core set of genes is crucial in the switch between self-renewal and differentiation. We also show that multiply bound loci are enriched for genes previously linked to nervous system phenotypes, thereby providing a shortcut to identifying genes important for nervous system development