499 research outputs found

    Universal Magnetic Fluctuations with a Field Induced Length Scale

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    We calculate the probability density function for the order parameter fluctuations in the low temperature phase of the 2D-XY model of magnetism near the line of critical points. A finite correlation length, \xi, is introduced with a small magnetic field, h, and an accurate expression for \xi(h) is developed by treating non-linear contributions to the field energy using a Hartree approximation. We find analytically a series of universal non-Gaussian distributions with a finite size scaling form and present a Gumbel-like function that gives the PDF to an excellent approximation. We propose the Gumbel exponent, a(h), as an indirect measure of the length scale of correlations in a wide range of complex systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Statistics of extremal intensities for Gaussian interfaces

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    The extremal Fourier intensities are studied for stationary Edwards-Wilkinson-type, Gaussian, interfaces with power-law dispersion. We calculate the probability distribution of the maximal intensity and find that, generically, it does not coincide with the distribution of the integrated power spectrum (i.e. roughness of the surface), nor does it obey any of the known extreme statistics limit distributions. The Fisher-Tippett-Gumbel limit distribution is, however, recovered in three cases: (i) in the non-dispersive (white noise) limit, (ii) for high dimensions, and (iii) when only short-wavelength modes are kept. In the last two cases the limit distribution emerges in novel scenarios.Comment: 15 pages, including 7 ps figure

    1/f Noise and Extreme Value Statistics

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    We study the finite-size scaling of the roughness of signals in systems displaying Gaussian 1/f power spectra. It is found that one of the extreme value distributions (Gumbel distribution) emerges as the scaling function when the boundary conditions are periodic. We provide a realistic example of periodic 1/f noise, and demonstrate by simulations that the Gumbel distribution is a good approximation for the case of nonperiodic boundary conditions as well. Experiments on voltage fluctuations in GaAs films are analyzed and excellent agreement is found with the theory.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figures, RevTe

    Low Temperature Spin Freezing in Dy2Ti2O7 Spin Ice

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    We report a study of the low temperature bulk magnetic properties of the spin ice compound Dy2Ti2O7 with particular attention to the (T < 4 K) spin freezing transition. While this transition is superficially similar to that in a spin glass, there are important qualitative differences from spin glass behavior: the freezing temperature increases slightly with applied magnetic field, and the distribution of spin relaxation times remains extremely narrow down to the lowest temperatures. Furthermore, the characteristic spin relaxation time increases faster than exponentially down to the lowest temperatures studied. These results indicate that spin-freezing in spin ice materials represents a novel form of magnetic glassiness associated with the unusual nature of geometrical frustration in these materials.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Models with short and long-range interactions: phase diagram and reentrant phase

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    We study the phase diagram of two different Hamiltonians with competiting local, nearest-neighbour, and mean-field couplings. The first example corresponds to the HMF Hamiltonian with an additional short-range interaction. The second example is a reduced Hamiltonian for dipolar layered spin structures, with a new feature with respect to the first example, the presence of anisotropies. The two examples are solved in both the canonical and the microcanonical ensemble using a combination of the min-max method with the transfer operator method. The phase diagrams present typical features of systems with long-range interactions: ensemble inequivalence, negative specific heat and temperature jumps. Moreover, in a given range of parameters, we report the signature of phase reentrance. This can also be interpreted as the presence of azeotropy with the creation of two first order phase transitions with ensemble inequivalence, as one parameter is varied continuously

    Direct observation of the ice rule in artificial kagome spin ice

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    Recently, significant interest has emerged in fabricated systems that mimic the behavior of geometrically-frustrated materials. We present the full realization of such an artificial spin ice system on a two-dimensional kagome lattice and demonstrate rigid adherence to the local ice rule by directly counting individual pseudo-spins. The resulting spin configurations show not only local ice rules and long-range disorder, but also correlations consistent with spin ice Monte Carlo calculations. Our results suggest that dipolar corrections are significant in this system, as in pyrochlore spin ice, and they open a door to further studies of frustration in general.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Marketing a tourism industry in late stage decline: The case of the Isle of Man

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    Qualitative interviews in the Isle of Man uncovered local perceptions of a tourism industry in late stage decline. Social impacts of decline are pronounced including facilities loss, cultural changes and a heightening of perceived peripherality: which taken together undermine local identity. Tourists are welcomed as they help to affirm the pride residents have in their island in creating a more active atmosphere, provide social interaction opportunities and to combat negative stereotyping. Thus findings emphasise the diverse, unique and persistent benefits of tourism in the Isle of Man, despite its decline. Destination marketing recommendations are therefore made to better address the experiences and desires of communities experiencing decline

    Magnetization distribution in the transverse Ising chain with energy flux

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    The zero-temperature transverse Ising chain carrying an energy flux j_E is studied with the aim of determining the nonequilibrium distribution functions, P(M_z) and P(M_x), of its transverse and longitudinal magnetizations, respectively. An exact calculation reveals that P(M_z) is a Gaussian both at j_E=0 and j_E not equal 0, and the width of the distribution decreases with increasing energy flux. The distribution of the order-parameter fluctuations, P(M_x), is evaluated numerically for spin-chains of up to 20 spins. For the equilibrium case (j_E=0), we find the expected Gaussian fluctuations away from the critical point while the critical order-parameter fluctuations are shown to be non-gaussian with a scaling function Phi(x)=Phi(M_x/)=P(M_x) strongly dependent on the boundary conditions. When j_E not equal 0, the system displays long-range, oscillating correlations but P(M_x) is a Gaussian nevertheless, and the width of the Gaussian decreases with increasing j_E. In particular, we find that, at critical transverse field, the width has a j_E^(-3/8) asymptotic in the j_E -> 0 limit.Comment: 8 pages, 5 ps figure

    Spin fluctuations in the stacked-triangular antiferromagnet YMnO3

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    The spectrum of spin fluctuations in the stacked-triangular antiferromagnet YMnO3 was studied above the Neel temperature using both unpolarized and polarized inelastic neutron scattering. We find an in-plane and an out-of-plane excitation. The in-plane mode has two components just above TN, a resolution-limited central peak and a Debye-like contribution. The quasi-elastic fluctuations have a line-width that increases with q like Dq^z and the dynamical exponent z=2.3. The out-of-plane fluctuations have a gap at the magnetic zone center and do not show any appreciable q-dependence at small wave-vectors.Comment: JETP LETTERS, in pres

    The complex universe: recent observations and theoretical challenges

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    The large scale distribution of galaxies in the universe displays a complex pattern of clusters, super-clusters, filaments and voids with sizes limited only by the boundaries of the available samples. A quantitative statistical characterization of these structures shows that galaxy distribution is inhomogeneous in these samples, being characterized by large-amplitude fluctuations of large spatial extension. Over a large range of scales, both the average conditional density and its variance show a nontrivial scaling behavior: at small scales, r<20 Mpc/h, the average (conditional) density scales as 1/r. At larger scales, the density depends only weakly (logarithmically) on the system size and density fluctuations follow the Gumbel distribution of extreme value statistics. These complex behaviors are different from what is expected in a homogeneous distribution with Gaussian fluctuations. The observed density inhomogeneities pose a fundamental challenge to the standard picture of cosmology but it also represent an important opportunity which points to new directions with respect to many cosmological puzzles. Indeed, the fact that matter distribution is not uniform, in the limited range of scales sampled by observations, rises the question of understanding how inhomogeneities affect the large-scale dynamics of the universe. We discuss several attempts which try to model inhomogeneities in cosmology, considering their effects with respect to the role and abundance of dark energy and dark matter.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure
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