117 research outputs found

    A gradient-forming MipZ protein mediating the control of cell division in the magnetotactic bacterium Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense

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    Cell division needs to be tightly regulated and closely coordinated with other cellular processes to ensure the generation of fully viable offspring. Here, we investigate division site placement by the cell division regulator MipZ in the alphaproteobacterium Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense, a species that forms linear chains of magnetosomes to navigate within the geomagnetic field. We show that M. gryphiswaldense contains two MipZ homologs, termed MipZ1 and MipZ2. MipZ2 localizes to the division site, but its absence does not cause any obvious phenotype. MipZ1, by contrast, forms a dynamic bipolar gradient, and its deletion or overproduction cause cell filamentation, suggesting an important role in cell division. The monomeric form of MipZ1 interacts with the chromosome partitioning protein ParB, whereas its ATP-dependent dimeric form shows non-specific DNA-binding activity. Notably, both the dimeric and, to a lesser extent, the monomeric form inhibit FtsZ polymerization in vitro. MipZ1 thus represents a canonical gradient-forming MipZ homolog that critically contributes to the spatiotemporal control of FtsZ ring formation. Collectively, our findings add to the view that the regulatory role of MipZ proteins in cell division is conserved among many alphaproteobacteria. However, their number and biochemical properties may have adapted to the specific needs of the host organism

    Kosten-Nutzen-Effektivität von Clopidogrel bei akutem Koronarsyndrom: Langzeitbehandlung, sekundäre Prophylaxe, Koronarintervention

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    Clopidogrel, a thienopyridine antiplatelet agent, is an adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptor antagonist. Clopidogrel inhibits ADP binding to its platelet receptor and subsequent ADP-mediated activation of the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa complex, thus inhibiting platelet aggregation. Clopidogrel irreversibly modifies the ADP receptor so platelets are affected for the remainder of their life span. The treatment of acute coronary syndromes consists of an inpatient diagnosis and inpatient treatment usually done in an emergency room and intensive care unit and a long-term secondary prophylaxis of the underlying condition, coronary artery disease. Therefore, efficacy of different treatments and their implication on costs have to be examined over a long time period. The cost perspective (hospital, society, country) is another important point. In each country different charges for drugs, medical procedures and hospitalization are existing; varying drug costs may result in a more or less cost-effective ratio of a treatment. Furthermore, not only direct medical costs, but also implications on indirect costs should be taken into account when measuring cost-effectiveness of treatments. Worldwide, cardiovascular diseases account for a significant burden of hospital and societal costs. In particular for colleagues running their own private practice, cost-consciousness has become important in recent times. On the other hand, there has to be carried the duty to accord patients the best possible treatment. This – against the background of ethical responsibility, physicians can come into a conflict – continues to require cost-effectiveness studies in the future. By means of the set-forth results configurations can be seen in which clopidogrel has both, a benefit on the medical and on the economic side of view. From most of the quoted analyses application of clopidogrel was warrantable and the scope of costs within the amount of established cardiovascular therapies

    An Stomatin, Prohibitin, Flotillin, and HflK/C-Domain Protein Required to Link the Phage-Shock Protein to the Membrane in Bacillus subtilis

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    Membrane surveillance and repair is of utmost importance to maintain cellular integrity and allow cellular life. Several systems detect cell envelope stress caused by antimicrobial compounds and abiotic stresses such as solvents, pH-changes and temperature in bacteria. Proteins containing an Stomatin, Prohibitin, Flotillin, and HflK/C (SPFH)-domain, including bacterial flotillins have been shown to be involved in membrane protection and membrane fluidity regulation. Here, we characterize a bacterial SPFH-domain protein, YdjI that is part of a stress induced complex in Bacillus subtilis. We show that YdjI is required to localize the ESCRT-III homolog PspA to the membrane with the help of two membrane integral proteins, YdjG/H. In contrast to classical flotillins, YdjI resides in fluid membrane regions and does not enrich in detergent resistant membrane fractions. However, similarly to FloA and FloT from B. subtilis, deletion of YdjI decreases membrane fluidity. Our data reveal a hardwired connection between phage shock response and SPFH proteins

    A bacterial cytolinker couples positioning of magnetic organelles to cell shape control

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    Magnetotactic bacteria maneuver within the geomagnetic field by means of intracellular magnetic organelles, magnetosomes, which are aligned into a chain and positioned at midcell by a dedicated magnetosome-specific cytoskeleton, the "magnetoskeleton." However, how magnetosome chain organization and resulting magnetotaxis is linked to cell shape has remained elusive. Here, we describe the cytoskeletal determinant CcfM (curvature-inducing coiled-coil filament interacting with the magnetoskeleton), which links the magneto-skeleton to cell morphology regulation in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense. Membrane-anchored CcfM localizes in a filamentous pattern along regions of inner positive-cell curvature by its coiled-coil motifs, and independent of the magnetoskeleton. CcfM overexpression causes additional circumferential localization patterns, associated with a dramatic increase in cell curvature, and magnetosome chain mislocalization or complete chain disruption. In contrast, deletion of ccfM results in decreased cell curvature, impaired cell division, and predominant formation of shorter, doubled chains of magnetosomes. Pleiotropic effects of CcfM on magnetosome chain organization and cell morphology are supported by the finding that CcfM interacts with the magnetoskeleton-related MamY and the actin-like MamK via distinct motifs, and with the cell shape-related cytoskeleton via MreB. We further demonstrate that CcfM promotes motility and magnetic alignment in structured environments, and thus likely confers a selective advantage in natural habitats of magnetotactic bacteria, such as aquatic sediments. Overall, we unravel the function of a prokaryotic cytoskeletal constituent that is widespread in magnetic and nonmagnetic spirilla-shaped Alphaproteobacteria

    Bacteroides muris sp. nov. isolated from the cecum of wild-derived house mice

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    Two bacterial strains, KH365_2T and KH569_7, were isolated from the cecum contents of wild-derived house mice. The strains were characterized as Gram-negative, rod-shaped, strictly anaerobic, and non-motile. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that both strains were most closely related to Bacteroides uniformis ATCC 8492T. Whole genome sequences of KH365_2T and KH569_7 strains have a DNA G + C content of 46.02% and 46.03% mol, respectively. Most morphological and biochemical characteristics did not differ between the newly isolated strains and classified Bacteroides strains. However, the average nucleotide identity (ANI) and dDNA–DNA hybridization (dDDH) values clearly distinguished the two strains from described members of the genus Bacteroides. Here, we present the phylogeny, morphology, and physiology of a novel species of the genus Bacteroides and propose the name Bacteroides muris sp. nov., with KH365_2T (DSM 114231T = CCUG 76277T) as type strain

    Optimization of sample preparation and green color imaging using the mNeonGreen fluorescent protein in bacterial cells for photoactivated localization microscopy.

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    mNeonGreen fluorescent protein is capable of photo-switching, hence in principle applicable for super-resolution imaging. However, difficult-to-control blinking kinetics that lead to simultaneous emission of multiple nearby mNeonGreen molecules impedes its use for PALM. Here, we determined the on- and off- switching rate and the influence of illumination power on the simultaneous emission. Increasing illumination power reduces the probability of simultaneous emission, but not enough to generate high quality PALM images. Therefore, we introduce a simple data post-processing step that uses temporal and spatial information of molecule localizations to further reduce artifacts arising from simultaneous emission of nearby emitters. We also systematically evaluated various sample preparation steps to establish an optimized protocol to preserve cellular morphology and fluorescence signal. In summary, we propose a workflow for super-resolution imaging with mNeonGreen based on optimization of sample preparation, data acquisition and simple post-acquisition data processing. Application of our protocol enabled us to resolve the expected double band of bacterial cell division protein DivIVA, and to visualize that the chromosome organization protein ParB organized into sub-clusters instead of the typically observed diffraction-limited foci. We expect that our workflow allows a broad use of mNeonGreen for super-resolution microscopy, which is so far difficult to achieve

    An open and parallel multiresolution framework using block-based adaptive grids

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    A numerical approach for solving evolutionary partial differential equations in two and three space dimensions on block-based adaptive grids is presented. The numerical discretization is based on high-order, central finite-differences and explicit time integration. Grid refinement and coarsening are triggered by multiresolution analysis, i.e. thresholding of wavelet coefficients, which allow controlling the precision of the adaptive approximation of the solution with respect to uniform grid computations. The implementation of the scheme is fully parallel using MPI with a hybrid data structure. Load balancing relies on space filling curves techniques. Validation tests for 2D advection equations allow to assess the precision and performance of the developed code. Computations of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations for a temporally developing 2D mixing layer illustrate the properties of the code for nonlinear multi-scale problems. The code is open source

    Determinants of costs and the length of stay in acute coronary syndromes : a real life analysis of more than 10 000 patients

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate inpatient costs of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) in Switzerland and to assess the main cost drivers associated with this disease. Methods and Results: We used the national multicenter registry AMIS (acute myocardial infarction in Switzerland) which includes a representative number of 65 hospitals and a total of 11.623 patient records. The following cost modules were analyzed: hospital stay, percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) and thrombolysis. Expenses were assessed using data from official Swiss national statistical sources. Mean total costs per patient were 12.101 Euro (median 10.929 Euro; 95% CI: 1.161–27.722 Euro). The length of stay ranged from one to 129 days with a mean of 9.5 days (median 8.0 days; 95% CI: 1–23). Overall costs were independently influenced by age, gender and existent co-morbidities, e.g. cerebrovascular disease and diabetes (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: Our study determined specific causes for the high costs associated with hospital treatment on a large representative sample. The results should highlight unnecessary expenses and help policy makers to evaluate the base case for a DRG (Diagnosis Related Groups) scenario in Switzerland. Cost weighting of the identified secondary diagnosis should be considered in the calculation and coding of a primary diagnosis for ACS

    Polar Flagellar Biosynthesis and a Regulator of Flagellar Number Influence Spatial Parameters of Cell Division in Campylobacter jejuni

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    Spatial and numerical regulation of flagellar biosynthesis results in different flagellation patterns specific for each bacterial species. Campylobacter jejuni produces amphitrichous (bipolar) flagella to result in a single flagellum at both poles. These flagella confer swimming motility and a distinctive darting motility necessary for infection of humans to cause diarrheal disease and animals to promote commensalism. In addition to flagellation, symmetrical cell division is spatially regulated so that the divisome forms near the cellular midpoint. We have identified an unprecedented system for spatially regulating cell division in C. jejuni composed by FlhG, a regulator of flagellar number in polar flagellates, and components of amphitrichous flagella. Similar to its role in other polarly-flagellated bacteria, we found that FlhG regulates flagellar biosynthesis to limit poles of C. jejuni to one flagellum. Furthermore, we discovered that FlhG negatively influences the ability of FtsZ to initiate cell division. Through analysis of specific flagellar mutants, we discovered that components of the motor and switch complex of amphitrichous flagella are required with FlhG to specifically inhibit division at poles. Without FlhG or specific motor and switch complex proteins, cell division occurs more often at polar regions to form minicells. Our findings suggest a new understanding for the biological requirement of the amphitrichous flagellation pattern in bacteria that extend beyond motility, virulence, and colonization. We propose that amphitrichous bacteria such as Campylobacter species advantageously exploit placement of flagella at both poles to spatially regulate an FlhG-dependent mechanism to inhibit polar cell division, thereby encouraging symmetrical cell division to generate the greatest number of viable offspring. Furthermore, we found that other polarly-flagellated bacteria produce FlhG proteins that influence cell division, suggesting that FlhG and polar flagella may function together in a broad range of bacteria to spatially regulate division