104 research outputs found


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    Phantom Gig i lipat sebagi s a rana edukasi kesehatan gigi yang po rtable , prakt is dan e fe kt i f u n t uk digunakan o leh tenaga me di s ataupun penyuluh kesehatan gig


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    Program Komputer Mother Belief Early Childhood Caries Risk Predictor merupakan program untuk memprediksi peluang gigi karies yang akan dialami oleh anak balita

    Modeling of factors influencing exploration of medical career choices

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    Majority of medical students choose clinical specialties as their career choice, compared to other medical fields. This study aimed to finding an effective model of career exploration behaviour in medical students to construct effective career interventions. This study obtained 1030 students of medical faculties in Indonesia. All data used an online survey questionnaire that was collected starting from October 12th-25th 2015. Data analysis used Partial Least Square-Path Modelling using R statistical software to create a model in order to find correlation and pathway among each variable. The result showed both direct and indirect correlation towards the variables studied. Personal accomplishment had a stronger influence on self-efficacy (β=0.317, p<0.001). This study concluded that verbal persuasion and self-efficacy correlate directly to career exploration. All variables are related to career exploration in medical students. Educators and policymakers are able to construct intervention in this area to encourage medical students to start exploring career options early

    Cleaning Efficacy of Root Canal Irrigation with Positive and Negative Pressure System

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences between irrigant replacement in the positive and negative pressure irrigation systems regarding root canal cleaning efficacy. Methods and Materials: A total of 27 extracted single-root mandibular premolars with 18-20 mm root canal length were decoronated and equally divided into three groups (n=9) based on the irrigation system used: positive irrigation with side-vented needle as the control group (C), positive irrigation with an open-ended needle as the first group (T1) and negative irrigation as the second group (T2). The root canals were irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl between each instrumentation, followed by a final irrigation with 5 mL of sterile distilled water. The irrigation replacements were monitored by means of computational fluid dynamic (CFD), while a scanning electrone microscope (SEM) was used to observe the smear layers and plug evaluations after the teeth had been sectioned longitudinally and buccolingually halves subsequently cut in apical third area. The result was analyzed using the Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney and Spearman correlation tests. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Result: Irrigant replacement in the negative pressure irrigation system tends to produce a greater effect in reaching the apical end compared to in the positive pressure irrigation system. This resulted in significantly superior smear layer removal in the apical third area (P<0.05). Conclusion: The irrigation solution exchange of the negative pressure irrigation system is more capable of reaching the apical end compared to the positive pressure irrigation system, resulting in a higher sanitation level in the apical third of the root canal.Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics; Negative Pressure Irrigation; Positive Pressure Irrigation; Root Canal Irrigants; Smear Laye

    Intention and Oral Health Behavior Perspective of Islamic Traditional Boarding School Students Based on Theory of Planned Behavior

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    Objective: To analyze the correlation of the students in an Islamic boarding school intention toward oral health behavior by means of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) approach. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional analytic study was conducted on 153 students of an Islamic boarding school who fulfilled the criterion. Data were obtained by a questionnaire and clinical examination. Data were presented as mean and standard deviation. Results: The highest score of the variable that affects behavior recorded from both male and female respondents was Subjective Norm (57.288 ± 12.828), followed by Attitude (25.627 ± 4.144). Meanwhile, the lowest score that affects behavior was Oral Health Knowledge (3.179 ± 1.402). All study variables, according to the theory of planned behavior, such as knowledge, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, and intention had significant value to predict and assess behavior with p<0.05. Conclusion: Attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and oral health knowledge in Private Boarding School’s Santris influence the intention to improve oral hygiene behavior

    Suitability of MDA, 8-OHdG and wild-type p53 as genotoxic biomarkers in metal (Co,Ni and Cr) exposed dental technicians: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: High concentrations of Co, Ni, and Cr in the blood serum of dental technicians are strongly associated with free radical formation. It has highly reactive properties that can cause further oxidation of molecule in the vicinity. Purpose: This study intended to investigate whether the Dental Technician occupational exposure of Co, Ni and Cr, could contribute to the high incidence of cancer. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study to dental technicians, performed after acccepting ethical clearance. Blood was sampled in 3 examinations for Co, Ni, Cr using Atomic Absorbance Spectrophotometry (AAS), MDA was examined with TBARS test, also 8 OHdG and wildtype p53 proteins determined by ELISA method. Results: Comparative statistical analysis, showing a significant difference (p < 0.05) between levels of Co, Ni, and Cr in exposed groups to the control group. But, not all variables was proven to be positively correlated, only with Cr, and Co, and negatively correlated with wild-type p53. Conclusion: MDA,8-OHdG and wildtype p53 can be used as genotoxic biomarkers in the metal exposed group, since they can accurately reflect the degree of Oxidative damage

    Perceived parenting style and mother’s behavior in maintaining dental health of children with Down syndrome

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    Background: The number of children with down syndrome in Surabaya has reached 924 children. Prevalence of gingivitis and dental caries (91% and 93.8%, respectively) occurs in children with down syndrome aged 6 to 20 years. Oral and dental health problems are found in children with down syndrome because they have physical and motoric limitation in maintaining oral and dental hygiene, thus require parental care from mother. Perceived parenting style includes responsiveness and demandingness. Perceived parenting is crucial for mother whose children have Down syndrome in order to guide their health behavior, particularly to maintain oral and dental health. Purpose: The study aimed to analyze correlation between perceived parenting style and mother’s behavior in maintaining dental health of children with Down syndrome. Method: This cross sectional analytical study involved 40 mothers of children aged 7-13 years with Down syndrome enrolled in Special Education Elementary Schools Surabaya and Association of Parents of Children with Down syndrome Surabaya. Data of perceived parenting style (responsiveness and demandingness) and mother’s behavior in maintaining dental health were obtained by questionnaire. Composition of each item in questionnaire of perceived parenting style and mother’s behavior in maintaining dental health of children with Down syndrome was passed through validity and reliability test. Data analysis was carried out using multiple linear regression correlation test. Result: This present study showed that perceived parenting style is significantly correlated with mother’s behavior in maintaining dental health of children with Down syndrome (R = 0.630, p = 0.000), with perceived parental responsiveness as a strong predictor. Mean score and standard deviation of perceived parental responsiveness and demandingness were 33.00±2.99 and 15.55±1.99, respectively. Conclusion: Perceived maternal parenting style in children with Down syndrome is closely related to mother’s behavior in maintaining dental health of children with Down syndrome. Keywords: perceived parental responsiveness; perceived parental demandingness; dental health maintenance behavior; children with Down syndrom

    Husband’s Support and Wife’s Decision to Children’s Dental Visit: Is There Any Relationship?

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    Background: Early childhood caries (ECC) is the most common dental caries in children. The 2013 Indonesian basic health survey showed that there were still many children in developmental age affected by dental caries. Parents’ participation is very necessary in guiding, giving understanding, reminding, and providing facilities so that children can maintain their overall oral hygiene. Hence, parents can prevent plaque accumulation and the occurrence of caries in children. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of husbands’ support on the decision of mothers to take their children to the dentist. Subjects and methods: This study used a cross-sectional method. The samples from this study were 95 mothers from 3 kindergartens in Surabaya. Ninety-five mothers were randomly chosen as research respondents and filled out the research questionnaires. The data obtained were processed using statistical analysis to determine the correlation. Results: Research respondents with low husband support (subjective norms) who did not take their children to the dentist had a significant value (p = 0.004) compared to the study respondents with high husband support who did not bring their children to the dentist (p = 0.093). Conclusion: Mothers with low support from husbands tend to have the attitude not to take their children to do routine dental and oral examinations

    Desain Kebijakan Pola Asuh Pemeliharaan Gigi dan Mulut Ibu Balita Prasekolah Untuk Meningkatkan Kesehatan Ibu Dan Anak Berdasarkan Modul Perlikau Terencana (Planned Behaviour)

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    RISKESDAS 2013 menyebutkan prevalensi rata-rata penduduk Indonesia bermasalah gigi dan mulut sebesar 25.9%, dengan rata-rata indeks karies gigi sebesar 4.6%. Prevalensi karies pada anak usia prasekolah (3-5 tahun) di Indonesia dilaporkan sebesar 90.5% di perkotaan dan 95.9% di pedesaan. Early Childhood Caries (ECC) terus menjadi penyakit pandemi di seluruh dunia. Prevalensi ECC antara anak usia 3-5 tahun bervariasi pada masing-masing benua dan negara. Penyakit dan kelainan gigi pada anak usia sekolah merupakan salah satu gangguan dalam proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Pendidikan kesehatan gigi harus diperkenalkan sedini mungkin kepada anak agar mereka tahu dan melakukan cara memelihara kesehatan gigi dan mulut secara baik dan benar. Anak usia prasekolah merupakan salah satu kelompok yang paling rentan terhadap penyakit gigi dan mulut, karena umumnya masih mempunyai perilaku atau kebisaan diri yang kurang menunjang terhadap kesehatan gigi. Dalam hal ini, peran orang tua sangat berpengaruh dalam pemeliharaan kesehatan dan kebersihan gigi dan mulut anak. Sikap dan perilaku orang tua yang merupakan orang terdekat dengan anak dalam pemeliharaan kesehatan memberikan pengaruh yang sangat signifikan terhadap sikap dan perilaku anak. Salah satu model pengambilan keputusan yang telah divalidasi dengan baik untuk menguji sikap dan perilaku manusia adalah Teori Perilaku Terencana (TPB). TPB menyatakan bahwa niat mempengaruhi perilaku. Sedangkan Niat dipengaruhi oleh Attitude toward the behavior, Subjective norm, and Perception of behavioral control yang diinduksi olehBehavioral beliefs, Normative beliefs, Control beliefs. TPB menyatakan perilaku masa lalu juga sering dimasukkan sebagai predictor tambahan dari niat dan perilaku orang. Alasan-alasan tersebut mendasari peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian "Perilaku Pengasuhan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut pada Anak Prasekolah di Surabaya berdasarkan Teori Perilaku Terencana (Theory of Planned Behavior)". Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kotamadya Surabaya dengan 2 tahapan. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk menyusun Modul PNI dan Modul PAUD guna merekomendasikan kebijakan pembelajaran di rumah (tahun 1) dan di PAUD (tahun 2). Luaran penelitian ini adalah 2 Paten Modul dan 4 Publikasi Internasional
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