404 research outputs found

    Security considerations for Galois non-dual RLWE families

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    We explore further the hardness of the non-dual discrete variant of the Ring-LWE problem for various number rings, give improved attacks for certain rings satisfying some additional assumptions, construct a new family of vulnerable Galois number fields, and apply some number theoretic results on Gauss sums to deduce the likely failure of these attacks for 2-power cyclotomic rings and unramified moduli

    Sampling correctors

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    In many situations, sample data is obtained from a noisy or imperfect source. In order to address such corruptions, this paper introduces the concept of a sampling corrector. Such algorithms use structure that the distribution is purported to have, in order to allow one to make "on-the-fly" corrections to samples drawn from probability distributions. These algorithms then act as filters between the noisy data and the end user. We show connections between sampling correctors, distribution learning algorithms, and distribution property testing algorithms. We show that these connections can be utilized to expand the applicability of known distribution learning and property testing algorithms as well as to achieve improved algorithms for those tasks. As a first step, we show how to design sampling correctors using proper learning algorithms. We then focus on the question of whether algorithms for sampling correctors can be more efficient in terms of sample complexity than learning algorithms for the analogous families of distributions. When correcting monotonicity, we show that this is indeed the case when also granted query access to the cumulative distribution function. We also obtain sampling correctors for monotonicity without this stronger type of access, provided that the distribution be originally very close to monotone (namely, at a distance O(1/log2 n)). In addition to that, we consider a restricted error model that aims at capturing "missing data" corruptions. In this model, we show that distributions that are close to monotone have sampling correctors that are significantly more efficient than achievable by the learning approach. We then consider the question of whether an additional source of independent random bits is required by sampling correctors to implement the correction process. We show that for correcting close-to-uniform distributions and close-to-monotone distributions, no additional source of random bits is required, as the samples from the input source itself can be used to produce this randomness

    Multi-key Fully-Homomorphic Encryption in the Plain Model

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    The notion of multi-key fully homomorphic encryption (multi-key FHE) [Löpez-Alt, Tromer, Vaikuntanathan, STOC\u2712] was proposed as a generalization of fully homomorphic encryption to the multiparty setting. In a multi-key FHE scheme for nn parties, each party can individually choose a key pair and use it to encrypt its own private input. Given nn ciphertexts computed in this manner, the parties can homomorphically evaluate a circuit CC over them to obtain a new ciphertext containing the output of CC, which can then be decrypted via a decryption protocol. The key efficiency property is that the size of the (evaluated) ciphertext is independent of the size of the circuit. Multi-key FHE with one-round decryption [Mukherjee and Wichs, Eurocrypt\u2716], has found several powerful applications in cryptography over the past few years. However, an important drawback of all such known schemes is that they require a trusted setup. In this work, we address the problem of constructing multi-key FHE in the plain model. We obtain the following results: - A multi-key FHE scheme with one-round decryption based on the hardness of learning with errors (LWE), ring LWE, and decisional small polynomial ratio (DSPR) problems. - A variant of multi-key FHE where we relax the decryption algorithm to be non-compact -- i.e., where the decryption complexity can depend on the size of CC -- based on the hardness of LWE. We call this variant multi-homomorphic encryption (MHE). We observe that MHE is already sufficient for some applications of multi-key FHE

    ML Confidential: Machine Learning on Encrypted Data

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    We demonstrate that by using a recently proposed somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) scheme it is possible to delegate the execution of a machine learning (ML) algorithm to a compute service while retaining confidentiality of the training and test data. Since the computational complexity of the SHE scheme depends primarily on the number of multiplications to be carried out on the encrypted data, we devise a new class of machine learning algorithms in which the algorithm\u27s predictions viewed as functions of the input data can be expressed as polynomials of bounded degree. We propose confidential ML algorithms for binary classification based on polynomial approximations to least-squares solutions obtained by a small number of gradient descent steps. We present experimental validation of the confidential ML pipeline and discuss the trade-offs regarding computational complexity, prediction accuracy and cryptographic security

    Homomorphic Lower Digits Removal and Improved FHE Bootstrapping

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    Bootstrapping is a crucial operation in Gentry\u27s breakthrough work on fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), where a homomorphic encryption scheme evaluates its own decryption algorithm. There has been a couple of implementations of bootstrapping, among which HElib arguably marks the state-of-the-art in terms of throughput, ciphertext/message size ratio and support for large plaintext moduli. In this work, we apply a family of lowest digit removal polynomials to improve homomorphic digit extraction algorithm which is crucial part in bootstrapping for both FV and BGV schemes. If the secret key has 1-norm h=l1(s)h=l_1(s) and the plaintext modulus is t=prt = p^r, we achieved bootstrapping depth logh+log(logp(ht))\log h + \log( \log_p(ht)) in FV scheme. In case of the BGV scheme, we bring down the depth from logh+2logt\log h + 2 \log t to logh+logt\log h + \log t. We implemented bootstrapping for FV in the SEAL library. Besides the regular mode, we introduce another slim mode\u27 , which restrict the plaintexts to batched vectors in Zpr\mathbb{Z}_{p^r}. The slim mode has similar throughput as the regular mode, while each individual run is much faster and uses much smaller memory. For example, bootstrapping takes 6.756.75 seconds for 7 bit plaintext space with 64 slots and 13811381 seconds for GF(257128)GF(257^{128}) plaintext space with 128 slots. We also implemented our improved digit extraction procedure for the BGV scheme in HElib

    Batched Multi-hop Multi-key FHE from ring-LWE with Compact Ciphertext Extension

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    Traditional fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes support computation on data encrypted under a single key. In STOC 2012, López-Alt et al. introduced the notion of multi-key FHE (MKFHE), which allows homomorphic computation on ciphertexts encrypted under different keys. In this work, we focus on MKFHE constructions from standard assumptions and propose a new construction of ring-LWE-based multi-hop MKFHE scheme. Our work is based on Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV) FHE scheme where, in contrast, all the previous works on multi-key FHE with standard assumptions were based on Gentry-Sahai-Waters (GSW) FHE scheme. Therefore, our construction can encrypt ring elements rather than a single bit and naturally inherits the advantages in aspects of the ciphertext/plaintext ratio and the complexity of homomorphic operations. Moveover, the proposed MKFHE scheme supports the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)-based ciphertexts packing technique, achieves poly(k,L,logn)poly\left(k,L,\log n\right) computation overhead for kk users, circuits with depth at most LL and an nn dimensional lattice, and gives the first batched MKFHE scheme based on standard assumptions to our knowledge. Furthermore, the ciphertext extension algorithms of previous schemes need to perform complex computation on each ciphertext, while our extension algorithm just needs to generate evaluation keys for the extended scheme. So the complexity of ciphertext extension is only dependent on the number of associated parities but not on the number of ciphertexts. Besides, our scheme also admits a threshold decryption protocol from which a generalized two-round MPC protocol can be similarly obtained as prior works

    Secret-Sharing for NP

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    A computational secret-sharing scheme is a method that enables a dealer, that has a secret, to distribute this secret among a set of parties such that a "qualified" subset of parties can efficiently reconstruct the secret while any "unqualified" subset of parties cannot efficiently learn anything about the secret. The collection of "qualified" subsets is defined by a Boolean function. It has been a major open problem to understand which (monotone) functions can be realized by a computational secret-sharing schemes. Yao suggested a method for secret-sharing for any function that has a polynomial-size monotone circuit (a class which is strictly smaller than the class of monotone functions in P). Around 1990 Rudich raised the possibility of obtaining secret-sharing for all monotone functions in NP: In order to reconstruct the secret a set of parties must be "qualified" and provide a witness attesting to this fact. Recently, Garg et al. (STOC 2013) put forward the concept of witness encryption, where the goal is to encrypt a message relative to a statement "x in L" for a language L in NP such that anyone holding a witness to the statement can decrypt the message, however, if x is not in L, then it is computationally hard to decrypt. Garg et al. showed how to construct several cryptographic primitives from witness encryption and gave a candidate construction. One can show that computational secret-sharing implies witness encryption for the same language. Our main result is the converse: we give a construction of a computational secret-sharing scheme for any monotone function in NP assuming witness encryption for NP and one-way functions. As a consequence we get a completeness theorem for secret-sharing: computational secret-sharing scheme for any single monotone NP-complete function implies a computational secret-sharing scheme for every monotone function in NP

    Simpler Statistically Sender Private Oblivious Transfer from Ideals of Cyclotomic Integers

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    We present a two-message oblivious transfer protocol achieving statistical sender privacy and computational receiver privacy based on the RLWE assumption for cyclotomic number fields. This work improves upon prior lattice-based statistically sender-private oblivious transfer protocols by reducing the total communication between parties by a factor O(nlogq)O(n\log q) for transfer of length O(n)O(n) messages. Prior work of Brakerski and Döttling uses transference theorems to show that either a lattice or its dual must have short vectors, the existence of which guarantees lossy encryption for encodings with respect to that lattice, and therefore statistical sender privacy. In the case of ideal lattices from embeddings of cyclotomic integers, the existence of one short vector implies the existence of many, and therefore encryption with respect to either a lattice or its dual is guaranteed to ``lose more information about the message than can be ensured in the case of general lattices. This additional structure of ideals of cyclotomic integers allows for efficiency improvements beyond those that are typical when moving from the generic to ideal lattice setting, resulting in smaller message sizes for sender and receiver, as well as a protocol that is simpler to describe and analyze

    FHE Over the Integers: Decomposed and Batched in the Post-Quantum Regime

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    Fully homomorphic encryption over the integers (FHE-OI) is currently the only alternative to lattice-based FHE. FHE-OI includes a family of schemes whose security is based on the hardness of different variants of the approximate greatest common divisor (AGCD) problem. The majority of these works is based on the noise-free variant of AGCD which is potentially weaker than the general one. In particular, the noise-free variant relies on the hardness of factoring and is thus vulnerable to quantum attacks. A lot of effort was made to port techniques from second generation lattice-based FHE (using tensoring) to FHE-OI. Gentry, Sahai and Waters (Crypto 13) showed that third generation techniques (which were later formalized using the ``gadget matrix\u27\u27) can also be ported. In this work, we propose a comprehensive study of applying third generation FHE techniques to the regime of FHE-OI. We present and analyze a third generation FHE-OI based on decisional AGCD without the noise-free assumption. We proceed to showing a batch version of our scheme where each ciphertext can encode a vector of messages and operations are performed coordinate-wise. We use a similar AGCD variant to Cheon et al.~(Eurocrypt 13) who suggested the batch approach for second generation FHE, but we do not require the noise-free component or a subset sum assumption. However, like Cheon et al., we do require circular security for our scheme, even for bounded homomorphism. Lastly, we discuss some of the obstacles towards efficient implementation of our schemes and discuss a number of possible optimizations