120 research outputs found

    Remote Sensing and Control of Phase Qubits

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    We demonstrate a remote sensing design of phase qubits by separating the control and readout circuits from the qubit loop. This design improves measurement reliability because the control readout chip can be fabricated using more robust materials and can be reused to test different qubit chips. Typical qubit measurements such as Rabi oscillations, spectroscopy, and excited-state energy relaxation are presented.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    A Chandra Proper Motion for PSR J1809-2332

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    We report on a new Chandra exposure of PSR J1809-2332, the recently discovered pulsar powering the bright EGRET source 3EG J1809-2328. By registration of field X-ray sources in an archival exposure, we measure a significant proper motion for the pulsar point source over an ~11 year baseline. The shift of 0.30+/-0.06" (at PA= 153.3+/-18.4) supports an association with proposed SNR parent G7.5-1.7. Spectral analysis of diffuse emission in the region also supports the interpretation as a hard wind nebula trail pointing back toward the SNR.Comment: To Appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Sept 1 (v. 756

    Chandra Imaging of the Gamma-Ray Source GeV J1809-2327

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    We report on Chandra imaging observations of the Galactic Unidentified γ\gamma-ray source GEV J1809-2327, comparing the X-ray images with new VLA 1.46 GHz and 4.86 GHz maps. The X-ray images reveal a point source connected to a non-thermal X-ray/radio nebula, supporting a pulsar/wind model for the γ\gamma-ray emitter. We also detect numerous X-ray sources from the young stellar association in the adjacent HII region S32.Comment: to appear in ApJ letter

    Light Curves of Rapidly Rotating Neutron Stars

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    We consider the effect of rapid rotation on the light curves of neutron stars with hot polar caps. For P3P \approx 3ms spin periods, the pulse fractions can be as much as an order of magnitude larger than with simple slowly-rotating (Schwarzschild) estimates. Doppler boosting, in particular, leads to characteristic distortion and ``soft lags'' in the pulse profiles, which are easily measurable in light curves with moderate energy resolution. With 105\sim 10^5 photons it should also be possible to isolate the more subtle distortions of light travel time variations and frame dragging. Detailed analysis of high quality millisecond pulsar data from upcoming X-ray missions must include these effects

    Emulated nuclear spin gyroscope with 15^{15}NV centers in diamond

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    Nuclear spins in solid-state platforms are promising for building rotation sensors due to their long coherence times. Among these platforms, nitrogen-vacancy centers have attracted considerable attention with ambient operating conditions. However, the current performance of NV gyroscopes remains limited by the degraded coherence when operating with large spin ensembles. Protecting the coherence of these systems requires a systematic study of the coherence decay mechanism. Here we present the use of nitrogen-15 nuclear spins of NV centers in building gyroscopes, benefiting from its simpler energy structure and vanishing nuclear quadrupole term compared with nitrogen-14 nuclear spins, though suffering from different challenges in coherence protection. We systematically reveal the coherence decay mechanism of the nuclear spin in different NV electronic spin manifolds and further develop a robust coherence protection protocol based on controlling the NV electronic spin only, achieving a 15-fold dephasing time improvement. With the developed coherence protection, we demonstrate an emulated gyroscope by measuring a designed rotation rate pattern, showing an order-of-magnitude sensitivity improvement

    Thermal emission from low-field neutron stars

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    We present a new grid of LTE model atmospheres for weakly magnetic (B<=10e10G) neutron stars, using opacity and equation of state data from the OPAL project and employing a fully frequency- and angle-dependent radiation transfer. We discuss the differences from earlier models, including a comparison with a detailed NLTE calculation. We suggest heating of the outer layers of the neutron star atmosphere as an explanation for the featureless X-ray spectra of RX J1856.5-3754 and RX J0720.4-3125 recently observed with Chandra and XMM.Comment: 8 pages A&A(5)-Latex, 6 Figures, A&A in press. The model spectra presented here are available as XSPEC tables at http://www.astro.soton.ac.uk/~btg/outgoing/nsspec