707 research outputs found

    Introduction: How Do Canadian Provinces and U.S. States View the Importance of Their Relationship with Their Cross-Border Counterparts

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    states and provinces--Canada and United State

    Discursos de resistência: do paratexto ao texto. Ou vice-versa?

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    This research aims to discuss the strategies used in discourses of resistance that confront the military dictatorship that ruled Brazil from the 1960s to 1980s and whose effects are still present today. These discourses never cease to surface in different spheres through different genres. Among them we find the literary discourse, which mobilizes individual and collective memory through documents and/or reports and is thus understood as one of the discourses that seek to unveil and make known the devastating consequences of the years of lead. Theoretically based on concepts offered by the dialogical perspective of discourse, K: Relato de uma busca [K: A Search Report] (2012) and Os visitantes [The Visitors] (2016), written by journalist and writer Bernardo Kucinski, are analyzed as an articulated discourse sequence, insofar as the latter resumes the former, establishes a polemic interaction between them and makes it possible to find the values in tension that organize the whole sequence and design an outline of a discursive project and of the subject that utters it. For the purpose of this article, we underscore the dialogical relationship that is established between texts and paratexts, one of the strategies of the literary discourse of resistance that, through the establishment of voices, seeks answers to concealed events and to possible ways of making them present through language.O objetivo desta pesquisa é discutir estratégias de discursos de resistência que tomam como objeto de enfrentamento à ditadura militar vigente no Brasil no período compreendido entre as décadas 1960 e 1980, cujas sequelas se fazem sentir até hoje. Dentre esses discursos, que não cessam de emergir em diversas esferas, por meio de diferentes gêneros, o discurso literário será entendido como um dos que, mobilizando memória individual e coletiva, pela via de documentos e/ou relatos, procura desacobertar e fazer conhecer os efeitos devastadores dos anos de chumbo. Com base em fundamentação teórica oferecida pela perspectiva dialógica do discurso, as narrativas K. Relato de uma busca (KUCINSKI, 2012) e Os visitantes (KUCINSKI, 2016b), do jornalista e escritor Bernardo Kucinski, são consideradas como sequência discursiva articulada, na medida em que a segunda retoma a primeira, instaura uma interação polêmica e possibilita a observação dos valores em tensão que organizam o todo e delineiam faces de um projeto discursivo e do sujeito que o enuncia. Para efeito deste artigo, é destacada a relação dialógica estabelecida entre textos e paratextos, uma das estratégias do discurso literário de resistência que, pela instauração de vozes, busca respostas para acontecimentos escamoteados e para formas possíveis de presentificá-los pela linguagem

    Austrian teachers’ understanding and teaching of historical culture: challenges for the implementation of curriculum reforms in Austria

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    In Austria, there have been repeated reforms of history curricula in recent years. In particular, these reforms have had the goal of implementing competence orientation. However, numerous research studies have shown that history teachers find it difficult to implement the new standards and that they only partially incorporate the central theoretical principles of the curricula into their teaching practice. In addition, the new specifications have not been fully incorporated into textbooks. This article focuses specifically on the inclusion of historical representations in the classroom, and on the opinions of history teachers in relation to this. Since Austrian curricula are committed to a critical approach towards historical culture, in addition to a source-based approach, the inclusion of historical representations is necessary in order to meet state requirements. However, based on 85 qualitative interviews with Austrian history teachers, it is evident that these teachers are only partially familiar with the theories of history didactics. Many history teachers are not informed about the technical terms used in the curricula, and when manifestations of historical culture are considered in history lessons, they are rarely critically examined

    Introduction: How Do Canadian Provinces and U.S. States View the Importance of Their Relationship with Their Cross-Border Counterparts

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    states and provinces--Canada and United State

    Adenoid cystic carcinoma: emerging role of translocations and gene fusions.

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    Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC), the second most common salivary gland malignancy, is notorious for poor prognosis, which reflects the propensity of ACC to progress to clinically advanced metastatic disease. Due to high long-term mortality and lack of effective systemic treatment, the slow-growing but aggressive ACC poses a particular challenge in head and neck oncology. Despite the advancements in cancer genomics, up until recently relatively few genetic alterations critical to the ACC development have been recognized. Although the specific chromosomal translocations resulting in MYB-NFIB fusions provide insight into the ACC pathogenesis and represent attractive diagnostic and therapeutic targets, their clinical significance is unclear, and a substantial subset of ACCs do not harbor the MYB-NFIB translocation. Strategies based on detection of newly described genetic events (such as MYB activating super-enhancer translocations and alterations affecting another member of MYB transcription factor family-MYBL1) offer new hope for improved risk assessment, therapeutic intervention and tumor surveillance. However, the impact of these approaches is still limited by an incomplete understanding of the ACC biology, and the manner by which these alterations initiate and drive ACC remains to be delineated. This manuscript summarizes the current status of gene fusions and other driver genetic alterations in ACC pathogenesis and discusses new therapeutic strategies stemming from the current research

    Long range PCR-based deep sequencing for haplotype determination in mixed HCMV infections

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    BACKGROUND: Short read sequencing has been used extensively to decipher the genome diversity of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) strains, but falls short to reveal individual genomes in mixed HCMV strain populations. Novel third-generation sequencing platforms offer an extended read length and promise to resolve how distant polymorphic sites along individual genomes are linked. In the present study, we established a long amplicon PacBio sequencing workflow to identify the absolute and relative quantities of unique HCMV haplotypes spanning over multiple hypervariable sites in mixtures. Initial validation of this approach was performed with defined HCMV DNA templates derived from cell-culture enriched viruses and was further tested for its suitability on patient samples carrying mixed HCMV infections. RESULTS: Total substitution and indel error rate of mapped reads ranged from 0.17 to 0.43% depending on the stringency of quality trimming. Artificial HCMV DNA mixtures were correctly determined down to 1% abundance of the minor DNA source when the total HCMV DNA input was 4 × 10(4) copies/ml. PCR products of up to 7.7 kb and a GC content < 55% were efficiently generated when DNA was directly isolated from patient samples. In a single sample, up to three distinct haplotypes were identified showing varying relative frequencies. Alignments of distinct haplotype sequences within patient samples showed uneven distribution of sequence diversity, interspersed by long identical stretches. Moreover, diversity estimation at single polymorphic regions as assessed by short amplicon sequencing may markedly underestimate the overall diversity of mixed haplotype populations. CONCLUSIONS: Quantitative haplotype determination by long amplicon sequencing provides a novel approach for HCMV strain characterisation in mixed infected samples which can be scaled up to cover the majority of the genome by multi-amplicon panels. This will substantially improve our understanding of intra-host HCMV strain diversity and its dynamic behaviour. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12864-021-08272-z

    Visualizing Survey Data in a Web Interface and Predicting the Reasons Behind Early Leave from Military Service

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    Eesti Kaitsevägi viib igal aastal ajateenijate seas läbi küsitlusi, mille käigus kogutakse erinevat informatsiooni nii ajateenistuse kui ajateenijate kohta. Kogutud andmestikku on varasemalt juba uuritud, kuid mitte automaatsete meetoditega. Antud töö põhineb 2016. aasta juuli- ja oktoobrikuu kutsealuste peal läbi viidud küsitluste andmetel. Käesoleva töö üheks eesmärgiks oli uurida, milline osa kogutud informatsioonist on oluline määramaks, kas ajateenija arvatakse enne teenistuse normaalaja lõppu reservi. Seda tehti kasutadesmasinõppe meetodeid, mille puhul on võimalik treenitud mudelis kasutatud tunnuste olulisust mõõta. Töö teiseks eesmärgiks oli luua prototüüp veebiliidesest, mis võimaldaks kasutajal mugavalt ja kiirelt saada ülevaade erinevate väeosade probleemidest ja väeosade arengust läbi aja. Töö tulemusena loodi viis erinevat masinõppe mudelit ja analüüsiti nende poolt oluliseks peetud tunnuseid. Samuti loodi kirjeldatud veebiliidese prototüüp ja kirjeldati selle kasutusvõimalusi. Nii mudelite treenimisel kui veebiliidese loomiselpeeti silmas seda, et neid oleks võimalik kasutada Eesti Kaitseväe töös ka tulevikus kui andmeid juurde kogutakse.Estonian Defense Forces regularly carry out surveys among people who are going through military service and collect diverse information about the service as well as the people themselves. The resulting data set has previously already been investigated, but not using automatic methods. This thesis is based on a data set consisting of the answers from people recruited in July and October of 2016. The first purpose of this thesis was to identify which part of the collected information is important in detecting, whether the recruit will be relieved from duty before the standard end date of the service. This was performed using machine learning methods, that have a way of interpreting the importance of a feature used in the created model. Another purpose of this thesis was to create a prototype of a web interface allowing easy and fast overview of potentialproblems in different military units as well as track their developments through time.As a result of this thesis five different machine learning models were designed and their most important features analyzed. Also, the aforementioned prototype of a web interface was created and the utility possibilities were described. In the process of making these models and the web interface, emphasis was put on future compatibility, so that the created tools could be used by the Estonian Defense Forces after additional information has been collected

    Dicible et indicible : positions assumées par le sujet du discours

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    Cet article se propose de travailler la question du dicible et de l’indicible comme des positions assumées par le sujet du discours dans différentes situations d’énonciation. Pour développer quelques points de cette question, on a choisi les conditions de production et de réception des oeuvres d’un écrivain brésilien, Bernardo Guimaraens (1825-1884), connu pour sa prose romantique de caractère nationaliste, nourrie de thèmes historiques, indianistes et régionalistes. Si, en ce qui concerne l’ensemble de son oeuvre, la critique se plaint de son langage naïf, trop soumis aux conventions du citadin par rapport à la campagne, et dilué dans des descriptions romantiques conventionnelles, c’est certainement cette même critique qui, rougissant au langage du chaman, l’écarte des histoires de la littérature, des recueils didactiques et scolaires, des anthologies poétiques. C’est à partir des concepts de sujet, langage et énonciation du théoricien russe Mikhail Bakhtine que l’on a pu faire une réflexion sur les positions discursives, toujours très diverses et polémiques, assumées par le sujet.The purpose of this paper is to address the question of what can be said utterable or unutterable (indicible) based on the roles played by the subject of discourse in utterance situations (situations d’énonciation). In order to develop some points concerning this issue, the conditions of production and reception of the work of a Brazilian writer (Bernardo Guimaraens, 18825-18884), have been chosen.This author is kwnown for his romantic prose with a nationalist quality, characterized by historical, indianist and regionalist themes. Despite the fact that critics resset, about his work as a whole, its naive language, cluttered with the conventions of the city as opposed to the countryside, thes same critics, reacting to the language of his novel Elixir do Paje, include it neither in the histories of literature nor in the didactic and school anthologies. Using concepts of subject, language, and utterance (énonciation) proposed by the Russian theorist Mikhail Bakhtin, the different and polemic discursive roles played by the subject can be discussed