1,596 research outputs found

    Randomized trial of polychromatic blue-enriched light for circadian phase shifting, melatonin suppression, and alerting responses.

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    Wavelength comparisons have indicated that circadian phase-shifting and enhancement of subjective and EEG-correlates of alertness have a higher sensitivity to short wavelength visible light. The aim of the current study was to test whether polychromatic light enriched in the blue portion of the spectrum (17,000 K) has increased efficacy for melatonin suppression, circadian phase-shifting, and alertness as compared to an equal photon density exposure to a standard white polychromatic light (4000 K). Twenty healthy participants were studied in a time-free environment for 7 days. The protocol included two baseline days followed by a 26-h constant routine (CR1) to assess initial circadian phase. Following CR1, participants were exposed to a full-field fluorescent light (1 × 10 14 photons/cm 2 /s, 4000 K or 17,000 K, n = 10/condition) for 6.5 h during the biological night. Following an 8 h recovery sleep, a second 30-h CR was performed. Melatonin suppression was assessed from the difference during the light exposure and the corresponding clock time 24 h earlier during CR1. Phase-shifts were calculated from the clock time difference in dim light melatonin onset time (DLMO) between CR1 and CR2. Blue-enriched light caused significantly greater suppression of melatonin than standard light ((mean ± SD) 70.9 ± 19.6% and 42.8 ± 29.1%, respectively, p \u3c 0.05). There was no significant difference in the magnitude of phase delay shifts. Blue-enriched light significantly improved subjective alertness (p \u3c 0.05) but no differences were found for objective alertness. These data contribute to the optimization of the short wavelength-enriched spectra and intensities needed for circadian, neuroendocrine and neurobehavioral regulation

    Clinical Application of the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ACVECC) Consensus on the Rational use of Antithrombotics in Veterinary Critical Care (CURATIVE) Guidelines to Small Animal Cases

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    Objective To illustrate the application of the Consensus on the Rational Use of Antithrombotics in Veterinary Critical Care (CURATIVE) guidelines to the management of dogs and cats at risk of developing thrombosis using a case‐based approach. Etiology Dogs and cats become at risk of developing thrombosis from a wide range of conditions. These conditions often involve a specific insult followed by an inflammatory response and when combined with other contributing factors (eg, hypercoagulability, vascular endothelial injury, hemodynamic changes) create favorable conditions for thrombosis. Diagnosis Development of thrombosis in small animals remains challenging to demonstrate. Compatible clinical signs, the presence of known risk factors, and supporting diagnostic tests may be highly suggestive of the development of thrombosis. Therapy Therapeutic recommendations in accordance with the CURATIVE guidelines for dogs and cats are described in specific case vignettes presented. Discussion is centered on antithrombotic drug choices and dosing protocols, as outlined in Domains 2 and 3 of the CURATIVE guidelines. Where appropriate, guidelines related to therapeutic monitoring (Domain 4) and discontinuation of antithrombotics (Domain 5) were included. Prognosis In small animals at risk of developing thrombosis, overall prognosis may be improved by following consensus‐based recommendations on the use of antithrombotics as outlined in the CURATIVE guidelines. Whether such interventions have any impact on outcome requires further investigation

    American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ACVECC) Consensus on the Rational use of Antithrombotics in Veterinary Critical Care (CURATIVE) Guidelines: Small Animal

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    Objectives To systematically review available evidence and establish guidelines related to the risk of developing thrombosis and the management of small animals with antithrombotics. Design Standardized, systematic evaluation of the literature (identified by searching Medline via PubMed and CAB abstracts) was carried out in 5 domains (Defining populations at risk; Defining rational therapeutic use; Defining evidence‐based protocols; Refining and monitoring antithrombotic therapies; and Discontinuing antithrombotic therapies). Evidence evaluation was carried out using Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome generated within each domain questions to address specific aims. This was followed by categorization of relevant articles according to level of evidence and quality (Good, Fair, or Poor). Synthesis of these data led to the development of a series of statements. Consensus on the final guidelines was achieved via Delphi‐style surveys. Draft recommendations were presented at 2 international veterinary conferences and made available for community assessment, review, and comment prior to final revisions and publication. Settings Academic and referral veterinary medical centers. Results Over 500 studies were reviewed in detail. Worksheets from all 5 domains generated 59 statements with 83 guideline recommendations that were refined during 3 rounds of Delphi surveys. A high degree of consensus was reached across all guideline recommendations. Conclusions Overall, systematic evidence evaluations yielded more than 80 recommendations for the treatment of small animals with or at risk of developing thrombosis. Numerous significant knowledge gaps were highlighted by the evidence reviews undertaken, indicating the need for substantial additional research in this field

    Differences in reef fish assemblages between populated and remote reefs spanning multiple archipelagos across the central and western Pacific

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    Comparable information on the status of natural resources across large geographic and human impact scales provides invaluable context to ecosystem-based management and insights into processes driving differences among areas. Data on fish assemblages at 39 US flag coral reef-areas distributed across the Pacific are presented. Total reef fish biomass varied by more than an order of magnitude: lowest at densely-populated islands and highest on reefs distant from human populations. Remote reefs (<50 people within 100 km) averaged ~4 times the biomass of “all fishes” and 15 times the biomass of piscivores compared to reefs near populated areas. Greatest within-archipelagic differences were found in Hawaiian and Mariana Archipelagos, where differences were consistent with, but likely not exclusively driven by, higher fishing pressure around populated areas. Results highlight the importance of the extremely remote reefs now contained within the system of Pacific Marine National Monuments as ecological reference areas

    Computational Modeling to Limit the Impact Displays and Indicator Lights Have on Habitable Volume Operational Lighting Constraints

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    Even with no ambient lighting system "on", the International Space Station glows at night. The glow is caused by indicator lamps and displays that are not included with the specification of the ambient lighting system. How does this impact efforts to improve the astronaut's lighting environment to promote more effective sleep patterns? Do the extra indicators and displays add enough light to change the spectrum of light the crew sees during the day as well? If spacecraft environments are specifically engineered to have an ambient lighting system that emits a spectrum promoting a healthy circadian response, is there a way control the impact? The goal of this project is to investigate how additional light sources, such as displays and indicators change the effective light spectrum of the architectural lighting system and how impacts can be mitigated

    Computational Modeling to Limit the Impact Displays and Indicator Lights Have on Habitable Volume Operational Lighting Constraints

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    NASA has demonstrated an interest in improving astronaut health and performance through the installment of a new lighting countermeasure on the International Space Station. The Solid State Lighting Assembly (SSLA) system is designed to positively influence astronaut health by providing a daily change to light spectrum to improve circadian entrainment. Unfortunately, existing NASA standards and requirements define ambient light level requirements for crew sleep and other tasks, yet the number of light-emitting diode (LED) indicators and displays within a habitable volume is currently uncontrolled. Because each of these light sources has its own unique spectral properties, the additive lighting environment ends up becoming something different from what was planned or researched. Restricting the use of displays and indicators is not a solution because these systems provide beneficial crew feedback

    MLP: a MATLAB toolbox for rapid and reliable auditory threshold estimation

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    In this paper, we present MLP, a MATLAB toolbox enabling auditory thresholds estimation via the adaptive Maximum Likelihood procedure proposed by David Green (1990, 1993). This adaptive procedure is particularly appealing for those psychologists that need to estimate thresholds with a good degree of accuracy and in a short time. Together with a description of the toolbox, the current text provides an introduction to the threshold estimation theory and a theoretical explanation of the maximum likelihood adaptive procedure. MLP comes with a graphical interface and it is provided with several built-in, classic psychoacoustics experiments ready to use at a mouse click

    Organization of Multinational Activities and Ownership Structure

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    We develop a model in which multinational investors decide about the modes of organization, the locations of production, and the markets to be served. Foreign investments are driven by market-seeking and cost-reducing motives. We further assume that investors face costs of control that vary among sectors and increase in distance. The results show that (i) production intensive sectors are more likely to operate a foreign business independent of the investment motive, (ii) that distance may have a non-monotonous effect on the likelihood of horizontal investments, and (iii) that globalization, if understood as reducing distance, leads to more integration