7 research outputs found
Main clinical approaches to orthognathic surgery for class II open bite and genioplasty patients: a brief systematic review
Introduction: Orthognathic surgery (OS) is used to improve the patient's facial appearance and to correct maxillary and mandibular deformities resulting from malocclusions, disease, or trauma. In this context, genioplasty is a procedure to correct an aesthetic and functional deformity of the chin region, improving the contour. Moreover, anterior open bite (AOB) is the lack of vertical contact or negative overbite between the anterior teeth of the superior and inferior arches when the posterior teeth are in occlusion. Objective: The present study aimed to perform a brief systematic review with risk of bias analysis by funnel plot to highlight the main clinical approaches of orthognathic surgery in class II patients with open bites and also concerning genioplasty. Methods: The research was carried out from February 2022 to May 2022 and developed based on Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Google Scholar. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results and Conclusion: A total of 115 articles were found. In total, 57 articles were fully evaluated and 34 were included and evaluated in this study. And of the total of 34 articles, only 11 articles were developed as the main clinical results. A total of 32 articles were excluded because they did not meet the GRADE classification, and 16 were excluded because they were at risk of bias. The symmetric funnel plot does not suggest a risk of bias between the small sample size studies. A retrospective observational study compared 57 patient charts on treatment outcomes for anterior occlusion and vertical skeletal stability after maxillary or mandibular surgery to correct Class II malocclusion with a mild to moderate open bite. After surgery, 87% of Le Fort I patients and 63% of patients with bilateral sagittal split osteotomy had a positive overbite, and at the 6-month follow-up, the percentages were 90% and 74%, respectively. Another study showed Class II patients had significantly greater amounts of lateral and lower translation than class III patients. Also, genioplasty represents one of the most common auxiliary procedures and may be associated with corrective surgery for dentofacial dysmorphisms. However, care must be taken with mental nerve injuries, asymmetries, and intraoperative bleeding are the main immediate complications
Pesquisa Etnomusicológica e Contemporaneidade: abordagens e perspectivas outras
O debate que se propõe nesse texto recorte da pesquisa desenvolvida pelo Grupo de Pesquisa Negô trata da discussão sobre os modos e os caminhos que a etnomusicologia tem desenvolvido no Brasil, no que se refere à produção de trabalhos acadêmicos em formato colaborativo, coletivo e participativo. O escopo do debate desse texto recorte aponta para uma descolonização dos processos metodológicos de pesquisa etnomusicológica, na busca por um (afro)futuro possível, para pesquisadores negros e pesquisadoras negras, dentro da academia. Ressaltamos com esse texto, enquanto pesquisadores negros e pesquisadoras negras, a reivindicação por abordagens e perspectivas de pesquisa etnomusicológica com reconhecimento dos negrocídios existentes nas práticas de produção de conhecimento, dados efeitos da Modernidade, rompendo com a colonialidade e buscando promover ações decoloniais, assumindo, assim, o compromisso epistêmico para a erradicação do racismo institucional e estrutural da sociedad
RESUMOO artigo discute perspectivas, caminhos e percursos de uma pesquisaetnomusicológica desenvolvida por jovens negros/as a partir de suas experiênciasestéticas sonoras, imagéticas e corpóreas, enquanto pesquisadores/as epraticantes, a partir de uma das ações da plataforma BATEKOO: a festa. O textodiscute a questão racial que persegue a juventude negra colocando-a em lugar desubalternidade e extermínio por meio da ação necropolítica. Destaca os percursosde pesquisa etnomusicológica desses jovens como abordagens possíveis emdias de destruição. Defende as ações que essa plataforma desenvolve enquantomediações das concepções dos Movimentos Negros. São apontadas possíveismaneiras de realização de um trabalho colaborativo, participativo, engajado epolítico, através de uma abordagem que realiza a etnografa das práticas musicaisda/na festa, por aqueles/as que não são mais objetos de pesquisa, e sim autores/as de seus próprios percursos. Este artigo é uma aposta e se utiliza de perspectivasétnico-crítico-raciais enquanto debate político-metodológico-epistemológicomediado por discussões e abordagens que transgridem o eixo acadêmico brancohetero-patriarcal-burguês por meio de estudos do campo da Etnomusicologia
Training methods aerobic and/or resisted for people with lower amputation: a systematic review
Individuals with lower limb amputations have complications that can cause decreased strength, mobility and balance, which affect walking ability, physical fitness and functionality. Thus, adequate training can reduce imbalances and asymmetries, helping to improve the function and quality of life of these individuals. Objective: Identify which training methods are most used in this population. Methods: This review followed the PRISMA recommendations. The methodological evaluation of the studies was carried out using the PEDro scale. Results: Seven studies were included in the review, four addressed resistance training, two combined training and one aerobic training. The training interventions consisted of strengthening exercises, stretching, balance and coordination, cardiorespiratory fitness and walking. All training was able to improve, especially in mobility and balance. Conclusion: Resistance training is the most used, however, the more dynamic the training, the better the results and the better the adherence. The training should contain resistance exercises for lower limbs, as well as components for the restoration of balance, mobility and cardiorespiratory fitness.Indivíduos com amputação de membros inferiores apresentam complicações que podem provocar diminuição da força, mobilidade e equilíbrio, que afetam a capacidade de deambulação, a aptidão física e a funcionalidade. Assim, o treinamento adequado pode reduzir desequilíbrios e assimetrias, colaborando para a melhora a função e qualidade de vida desses indivíduos. Objetivo: Identificar quais os métodos de treinamento são mais utilizados nessa população. Método: Essa revisão seguiu as recomendações PRISMA. A avaliação metodológica dos estudos foi feita a partir da escala PEDro. Resultados: Sete estudos foram incluídos na revisão, quatro abordaram o treinamento resistido, dois o treinamento combinado e um o treinamento aeróbio. As intervenções de treinamento consistiram em exercícios de fortalecimento, alongamento, equilíbrio e coordenação, aptidão cardiorrespiratória e caminhada. Todos os treinamentos foram capazes de desempenhar melhoras, principalmente na mobilidade e equilíbrio. Conclusão: O treinamento resistido é o mais utilizado, entretanto, quanto mais dinâmico for o treinamento, melhor serão os resultados e melhor será a aderência. O treinamento deve conter exercícios de resistência para MMII, assim como componentes para a restauração de equilíbrio, mobilidade e aptidão cardiorrespiratória
Efeitos de um programa de exercícios físicos baseado no método Pilates solo sobre a atividade física, capacidade locomotora e qualidade de vida em homens com amputação de membro inferior
Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos de um programa de exercícios físicos de 12 semanas baseado no método Pilates Solo sobre atividade física, equilíbrio, capacidade locomotora e qualidade de vida em homens com amputação unilateral de membro inferior. Método: Participaram do estudo 14 pessoas com amputação unilateral de membro inferior, divididos em 2 grupos: Grupo Intervenção – GI (participantes expostos ao protocolo de exercícios baseados no método Pilates Solo) e Grupo Controle – GC (participantes não expostos ao protocolo de exercícios baseados no método Pilates Solo). Foram aplicados os seguintes instrumentos: a) ficha para caracterização dos participantes; b) Physical Activity Scale for Individuals with Physical Disabilities (PASIPD); c) Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg; d) Medida Funcional para Amputados (MFA); e e) Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). Os dados foram analisados por meio da estatística descritiva e inferencial sendo considerados significativos os resultados com p menor ou igual a 0,05. Resultados: Com base nas análises foi possível observar diferença significativa no equilíbrio após o período experimental (p=0,008), a favor do grupo intervenção. Além disso, pode-se observar diferença significativa na média do grupo intervenção para equilíbrio e para aspectos físicos na qualidade de vida (SF-36), assim como o d de Cohen mostrou efeitos de grande magnitude sobre essas variáveis. Conclusão: Logo, os resultados apresentam efeitos positivos na prática do programa de exercícios físicos sobre o equilíbrio dinâmico e estático e na qualidade de vida de pessoas amputadas.Objective: Evaluate the effects of a twelve week physical exercise program based on the Pilates Solo method about physical activity, balance, locomotor capacity, and quality of life in men with unilateral lower limb amputation. Method: The study included 14 people with unilateral lower limb amputation, divided in two groups: Intervention Group - IG (participants exposed to the exercise protocol based on the Pilates Solo method) and Control Group - CG (participants that were not exposed to the exercise protocol based on the Pilates Solo method). The following instruments were applied: a) form to characterize the participants; b) Physical Activity Scale for Individuals with Physical Disabilities (PASIPD); c) Berg's Balance Scale; d) Amputee Functional Measure; and e) Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, with results with p less than or equal to 0.05 being considered significant. Results: Based on the analysis, it was possible to observe a significant difference in balance after the experimental period (p=0.008), in favor of the intervention group. In addition, a significant difference can be observed in the mean of the intervention group for balance and for physical aspects of quality of life (SF-36), as well as Cohen's d showed effects of great magnitude on these variables. Conclusion: Therefore, the results show positive effects in the practice of the physical exercise program on the dynamic and static balance and on the quality of life of amputees
Participatory ethnobotany and conservation : a methodological case study conducted with quilombola communities in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest
Although multiple studies advocate the advantages of participatory research approaches for ethnoscience, few provide solid contributions from case studies that involve residents in all of the project phases. We present a case study of a participatory approach whose aim is to register ethnobotanical knowledge on the use of plants in two quilombola communities (maroon communities), an important biodiversity hotspot in the Atlantic Forest, Southeast Brazil. Our aim is to provide tools that will empower decision-making related to sustainable use and management among residents. In phase I, the objectives and activities were defined in meetings with residents to carry out ethnobotanical surveys between two quilombola communities—the Quilombo da Fazenda (QF) and Quilombo do Cambury (QC). In phase II, we offered community partners training courses on how to collect plants and ethnobotanical data. In coordination with the university team and using ethnobotanical methods, community partners interviewed specialists on plants and their uses. In phase III, using the participatory mapping method, residents indicated plot locations and collected plants to calculate the Conservation Priority Index for native species recorded in phase II. In 178 days of fieldwork, two community partners from the QF and three from the QC selected 8 and 11 respondents who reported 175 and 195 plant species, respectively, corresponding to 9 ethnobotanical categories. Based on requests from the local community, booklets and videos with these data were collaboratively produced. A large percentage of species were found to be of great conservation priority—82.1% in the QC and 62.5% in the QF. Virola bicuhyba, Cedrela fissilis, Plinia edulis, and Tabebuia cassinoides are the species most at risk and will be the focus of phase IV, when a participatory management plan will be carried out. Additionally, we present both challenges and opportunities with the hope that others can learn from our successes and failures. Our experience shows that it is possible to train community members who wish to document their knowledge to support the process of ensuring that local knowledge is highly regarded, further ensuring its perpetuation. In this context, the project may be of great interest to development programs in promoting community-based management strategies for useful plants161CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP400802/2016-32015/ 12046-0The authors would like to thank the interviewed and other inhabitants of the Quilombo da Fazenda and Quilombo do Cambury for their contributions to this work. We thank the support given by FAPESP - BIOTA PROGRAM (process number 2015/ 12046-0) and CNPq - Universal 2016 (process number 400802/2016-3) for making fieldwork possible. We also thank anonymous referees for their helpful suggestions in improving this paper and Dra. Dorothy S. D. de Araujo, for the English revie
Gardnerella vaginalis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Are Effectively Inhibited by Lactobacilli with Probiotic Properties Isolated from Brazilian Cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) Fruit
In recent years, certain Lactobacillus sp. have emerged in health care as an alternative therapy for various diseases. Based on this, this study is aimed at evaluating in vitro the potential probiotics of five lactobacilli strains isolated from pulp of cupuaçu fruit fermentation against Gardnerella vaginalis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Our lactobacilli strains were classified as safe for use in humans, and they were tolerant to heat and pH. Our strains were biofilm producers, while hydrophobicity and autoaggregation varied from 13% to 86% and 13% to 25%, respectively. The coaggregation of lactobacilli used in this study with G. vaginalis and N. gonorrhoeae ranged from 15% to 36% and 32% to 52%, respectively. Antimicrobial activity was present in all tested Lactobacillus strains against both pathogens, and the growth of pathogens in coculture was reduced by the presence of our lactobacilli. Also, all tested lactobacilli reduced the pH of the culture, even in incubation with pathogens after 24 hours. The cell-free culture supernatants (CFCS) of all five lactobacilli demonstrated activity against the two pathogens with a halo presence and CFCS characterization assay together with gas chromatography revealed that lactic acid was the most abundant organic acid in the samples (50% to 62%). Our results demonstrated that the organic acid production profile is strain-specific. This study revealed that cupuaçu is a promising source of microorganisms with probiotic properties against genital pathogens. We demonstrated by in vitro tests that our Lactobacillus strains have probiotic properties. However, the absence of in vivo tests is a limitation of our work due to the need to evaluate the interaction of our lactobacilli with pathogens in the vaginal mucosa. We believe that these findings may be useful in developing a product containing our lactobacilli and their supernatants in order to support with vaginal health