88 research outputs found

    New color-changeable dyes and their use in textiles

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    Effects of pH on the stress-strain properties of wool fabric

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    In wool dyeing and finishing processes, fabric is often treated under conditions of different pHs and is subjected to a variety of physical and chemical environments. This work investigates fabric tensile properties at three different fabric pHs. Wool fabric extensibility under a 5 N/cm load was observed to be greatest at the wool isoelectric point of pH 4.8 and lower at both pH 2.1 and pH 7.2. The impact of pH on fabric extensibility was found to be similar to the variation in fabric hygral expansion previously observed. Fabric stress–strain curves at different pHs showed that for a given fabric extension level, the work required to stretch a fabric was less at pH 2.1 than at pH 4.8. These results suggest that the strength of wool fabric is at maximum when the pH of the fibres is close to the wool isoelectric point and that for consistency, the pH of fabric should be adjusted before standard strength tests are carried out

    Photochromic coloration of wool fabric

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    A method has been developed for producing photochromic wool fabric by applying a layer of hybrid silica containing a photochromic dye onto wool fibres. A number of different hybrid silicas were prepared by the sol-gel technique involving co-hydrolysis and co-condensation of alkyltrialkoxysilanes together with 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane. With the dye Photorome II, it was possible to obtain a photo chromic coating which showed fast optical response. The coating had only a slight effect on the fabric handle. The durability of the coating appeared to be acceptable, at least for fashion wear.<br /

    Towards the Ictalurid Catfish Transcriptome: Generation and Analysis of 31,215 Catfish ESTs.

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    Background EST sequencing is one of the most efficient means for gene discovery and molecular marker development, and can be additionally utilized in both comparative genome analysis and evaluation of gene duplications. While much progress has been made in catfish genomics, large-scale EST resources have been lacking. The objectives of this project were to construct primary cDNA libraries, to conduct initial EST sequencing to generate catfish EST resources, and to obtain baseline information about highly expressed genes in various catfish organs to provide a guide for the production of normalized and subtracted cDNA libraries for large-scale transcriptome analysis in catfish. Results A total of 17 cDNA libraries were constructed including 12 from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) and 5 from blue catfish (I. furcatus). A total of 31,215 ESTs, with average length of 778 bp, were generated including 20,451 from the channel catfish and 10,764 from blue catfish. Cluster analysis indicated that 73% of channel catfish and 67% of blue catfish ESTs were unique within the project. Over 53% and 50% of the channel catfish and blue catfish ESTs, respectively, had significant similarities to known genes. All ESTs have been deposited in GenBank. Evaluation of the catfish EST resources demonstrated their potential for molecular marker development, comparative genome analysis, and evaluation of ancient and recent gene duplications. Subtraction of abundantly expressed genes in a variety of catfish tissues, identified here, will allow the production of low-redundancy libraries for in-depth sequencing. Conclusion The sequencing of 31,215 ESTs from channel catfish and blue catfish has significantly increased the EST resources in catfish. The EST resources should provide the potential for microarray development, polymorphic marker identification, mapping, and comparative genome analysis

    Agglutination of benthic foraminifera in relation to mesoscale bathymetric features in the abyssal NE Atlantic (Porcupine Abyssal Plain)

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    Abyssal hills, small topographic features rising above the abyssal seafloor (< 1000 m altitude), have distinct environmental characteristics compared to abyssal plains, notably the presence of coarser-grained sediments. As a result, they are a major source of habitat heterogeneity in the deep sea. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a link between abyssal hills and the test characteristics of selected agglutinated benthic foraminiferal species. We analysed 1) the overall morphometry, and 2) the granulometric and chemical (elemental) characteristics of the agglutinated tests of ten common foraminiferal species (Adercotryma glomerata, Ammobaculites agglutinans, Cribrostomoides subglobosus, Lagenammina sp.1, Nodulina dentaliniformis, Portatrochammina murrayi, three Reophax sp. and Recurvoides sp. 9) at four sites (two on top of abyssal hills and two on the adjacent plain) in the area of the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory, northeast Atlantic. The foraminiferal test data were compared with the particle size distribution and elemental composition of sediments from the study sites in order to explore possible grain size and mineral selectivity. We found differences in the visual appearance of the tests (i.e. the degree of irregularity in their shape), which was confirmed by morphometric analyses, related to seafloor topography. The agglutinated foraminifera selected different sized particles on hills and plains, reflecting the distinct granulometric characteristics of these settings. These characteristics (incorporation of coarse particles, test morphometry) could provide evidence for the recognition of ancient abyssal hill environments, as well as other palaeoceanographic settings that were characterised by enhanced current flow. Furthermore, analyses of sediment samples from the hill and plain sites using wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WD-XRF) yielded different elemental profiles from the plains, probably a result of winnowing on the hills, although all samples were carbonate-rich. In contrast, the majority of the agglutinated tests were rich in silica, suggesting a preferential selection for quartz

    Aggression, anxiety and vocalizations in animals: GABA A and 5-HT anxiolytics

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    A continuing challenge for preclinical research on anxiolytic drugs is to capture the affective dimension that characterizes anxiety and aggression, either in their adaptive forms or when they become of clinical concern. Experimental protocols for the preclinical study of anxiolytic drugs typically involve the suppression of conditioned or unconditioned social and exploratory behavior (e.g., punished drinking or social interactions) and demonstrate the reversal of this behavioral suppression by drugs acting on the benzodiazepine-GABA A complex. Less frequently, aversive events engender increases in conditioned or unconditioned behavior that are reversed by anxiolytic drugs (e.g., fear-potentiated startle). More recently, putative anxiolytics which target 5-HT receptor subtypes produced effects in these traditional protocols that often are not systematic and robust. We propose ethological studies of vocal expressions in rodents and primates during social confrontations, separation from social companions, or exposure to aversive environmental events as promising sources of information on the affective features of behavior. This approach focusses on vocal and other display behavior with clear functional validity and homology. Drugs with anxiolytic effects that act on the benzodiazepine-GABA A receptor complex and on 5-HT 1A receptors systematically and potently alter specific vocalizations in rodents and primates in a pharmacologically reversible manner; the specificity of these effects on vocalizations is evident due to the effectiveness of low doses that do not compromise other physiological and behavioral processes. Antagonists at the benzodiazepine receptor reverse the effects of full agonists on vocalizations, particularly when these occur in threatening, startling and distressing contexts. With the development of antagonists at 5-HT receptor subtypes, it can be anticipated that similar receptor-specificity can be established for the effects of 5-HT anxiolytics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46351/1/213_2005_Article_BF02245590.pd

    Size distribution of cortical cells in animal fibres

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    Cashmere and wool cortical cells

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    This paper proposes that instead of the expensive and difficult task of examining the morphology of fibre cuticle scales that an alternative approach of examining the internal morphology of cortical cells may be faster and cheaper. Preliminary data were presented and further work is required.<br /

    Dependence of wool fabric dimensions on temperature and pH

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    Through a series of experimental analysis of temperature and pH value on the expansion of wool fiber and wool fabrics size change. In the pH2.1 solution, the wool fabric size declines with increasing temperature, changing the magnitude depends on the fabric and fabric shape rate. isoelectric point of pH4.8 in the wool, the fibers expand to reach the minimum, while the size of the fabric, along with the solution acidity increases.<br /