190 research outputs found

    Discretising the velocity distribution for directional dark matter experiments

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    Dark matter (DM) direct detection experiments which are directionally-sensitive may be the only method of probing the full velocity distribution function (VDF) of the Galactic DM halo. We present an angular basis for the DM VDF which can be used to parametrise the distribution in order to mitigate astrophysical uncertainties in future directional experiments and extract information about the DM halo. This basis consists of discretising the VDF in a series of angular bins, with the VDF being only a function of the DM speed vv within each bin. In contrast to other methods, such as spherical harmonic expansions, the use of this basis allows us to guarantee that the resulting VDF is everywhere positive and therefore physical. We present a recipe for calculating the event rates corresponding to the discrete VDF for an arbitrary number of angular bins NN and investigate the discretisation error which is introduced in this way. For smooth, Standard Halo Model-like distribution functions, only N=3N=3 angular bins are required to achieve an accuracy of around 1030%10-30\% in the number of events in each bin. Shortly after confirmation of the DM origin of the signal with around 50 events, this accuracy should be sufficient to allow the discretised velocity distribution to be employed reliably. For more extreme VDFs (such as streams), the discretisation error is typically much larger, but can be improved with increasing NN. This method paves the way towards an astrophysics-independent analysis framework for the directional detection of dark matter.Comment: 36 pages, 11 figures. Matches version accepted in JCAP. Python code for Radon transform calculation available from the autho

    Earth-Scattering of super-heavy Dark Matter: updated constraints from detectors old and new

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    Direct searches for Dark Matter (DM) are continuously improving, probing down to lower and lower DM-nucleon interaction cross sections. For strongly-interacting massive particle (SIMP) Dark Matter, however, the accessible cross section is bounded from above due to the stopping effect of the atmosphere, Earth and detector shielding. We present a careful calculation of the SIMP signal rate, focusing on super-heavy DM (mχ105GeVm_\chi \gtrsim 10^5 \,\,\mathrm{GeV}) for which the standard nuclear-stopping formalism is applicable, and provide code for implementing this calculation numerically. With recent results from the low-threshold CRESST 2017 surface run, we improve the maximum cross section reach of direct detection searches by a factor of around 5000, for DM masses up to 108GeV10^8 \,\,\mathrm{GeV}. A reanalysis of the longer-exposure, sub-surface CDMS-I results (published in 2002) improves the previous cross section reach by two orders of magnitude, for masses up to 1015GeV10^{15} \,\,\mathrm{GeV}. Along with complementary constraints from SIMP capture and annihilation in the Earth and Sun, these improved limits from direct nuclear scattering searches close a number of windows in the SIMP parameter space in the mass range 10610^6 GeV to 101310^{13} GeV, of particular interest for heavy DM produced gravitationally at the end of inflation.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Code available at https://github.com/bradkav/verne . Comments welcome. v2: Fixed references and minor typos, corrected "ν\nu-cleus" to "CRESST 2017 surface run". v3: Added Appendix A with explicit expressions and coordinate system. v4: Added discussion of variance in final DM speed. Version published in PR

    Re-examining the significance of the 750 GeV diphoton excess at ATLAS

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    The excess seen in the diphoton channel at around 750 GeV by both ATLAS and CMS has caused a great deal of excitement in the particle physics community. However, there has recently been much discussion about uncertainties in the significance of the peak seen by the ATLAS experiment. In this note, we aim to estimate this significance using a range of possible parametrisations for the smooth diphoton background. We obtain a local significance close to that reported by ATLAS and further demonstrate that the significance of the excess is not substantially reduced when more complicated background functions are considered. In particular, the background contribution is strongly constrained by the small numbers of events at large diphoton invariant mass. Future data releases will improve constraints on the diphoton background, as well as clarifying the true nature of the 750 GeV excess.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Code available at https://github.com/bradkav/ATLASfits/releases/latest . Additional references and discussion on impact of using binned data added in v3. Comments very welcom

    You can hide but you have to run: direct detection with vector mediators

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    We study direct detection in simplified models of Dark Matter (DM) in which interactions with Standard Model (SM) fermions are mediated by a heavy vector boson. We consider fully general, gauge-invariant couplings between the SM, the mediator and both scalar and fermion DM. We account for the evolution of the couplings between the energy scale of the mediator mass and the nuclear energy scale. This running arises from virtual effects of SM particles and its inclusion is not optional. We compare bounds on the mediator mass from direct detection experiments with and without accounting for the running. In some cases the inclusion of these effects changes the bounds by several orders of magnitude, as a consequence of operator mixing which generates new interactions at low energy. We also highlight the importance of these effects when translating LHC limits on the mediator mass into bounds on the direct detection cross section. For an axial-vector mediator, the running can alter the derived bounds on the spin-dependent DM-nucleon cross section by a factor of two or more. Finally, we provide tools to facilitate the inclusion of these effects in future studies: general approximate expressions for the low energy couplings and a public code runDM to evolve the couplings between arbitrary energy scales.Comment: 26 pages + appendices, 9 + 2 figures. The runDM code is available at https://github.com/bradkav/runDM/. v2: references added, version published in JHE

    Signatures of Earth-scattering in the direct detection of Dark Matter

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    Direct detection experiments search for the interactions of Dark Matter (DM) particles with nuclei in terrestrial detectors. But if these interactions are sufficiently strong, DM particles may scatter in the Earth, affecting their distribution in the lab. We present a new analytic calculation of this `Earth-scattering' effect in the regime where DM particles scatter at most once before reaching the detector. We perform the calculation self-consistently, taking into account not only those particles which are scattered away from the detector, but also those particles which are deflected towards the detector. Taking into account a realistic model of the Earth and allowing for a range of DM-nucleon interactions, we present the EarthShadow code, which we make publicly available, for calculating the DM velocity distribution after Earth-scattering. Focusing on low-mass DM, we find that Earth-scattering reduces the direct detection rate at certain detector locations while increasing the rate in others. The Earth's rotation induces a daily modulation in the rate, which we find to be highly sensitive to the detector latitude and to the form of the DM-nucleon interaction. These distinctive signatures would allow us to unambiguously detect DM and perhaps even identify its interactions in regions of the parameter space within the reach of current and future experiments.Comment: 27 pages + appendices, 9 figures. Code (and animations) available at https://github.com/bradkav/EarthShadow (Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl:1611.012). v2: added references, matches version published in JCA

    Faint Light from Dark Matter: Classifying and Constraining Dark Matter-Photon Effective Operators

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    Even if Dark Matter (DM) is neutral under electromagnetism, it can still interact with the Standard Model (SM) via photon exchange from higher-dimensional operators. Here we classify the general effective operators coupling DM to photons, distinguishing between Dirac/Majorana fermion and complex/real scalar DM. We provide model-independent constraints on these operators from direct and indirect detection. We also constrain various DM-lepton operators, which induce DM-photon interactions via RG running or which typically arise in sensible UV-completions. This provides a simple way to quickly assess constraints on any DM model that interacts mainly via photon exchange or couples to SM leptons.Comment: 32 pages + appendices, 9 + 1 figures, 2 + 1 tables. v2: some clarifications and references added; conclusions unchanged; version published in JHE

    Primordial Black Holes as Silver Bullets for New Physics at the Weak Scale

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    Observational constraints on gamma rays produced by the annihilation of weakly interacting massive particles around primordial black holes (PBHs) imply that these two classes of Dark Matter candidates cannot coexist. We show here that the successful detection of one or more PBHs by radio searches (with the Square Kilometer Array) and gravitational waves searches (with LIGO/Virgo and the upcoming Einstein Telescope) would set extraordinarily stringent constraints on virtually all weak-scale extensions of the Standard Model with stable relics, including those predicting a WIMP abundance much smaller than that of Dark Matter. Upcoming PBHs searches have in particular the potential to rule out almost the entire parameter space of popular theories such as the minimal supersymmetric standard model and scalar singlet Dark Matter.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Code available at https://github.com/adam-coogan/pbhs_vs_wimps , archived at https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/169754838 . v2: Matches version published in PR