86 research outputs found

    The Detection of Intergalactic Halpha Emission from the Slug Nebula at z~2.3

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    The Slug Nebula is one of the largest and most luminous Lyman-alpha (LyA) nebulae discovered to date, extending over 450 kiloparsecs (kpc) around the bright quasar UM287 at z=2.283. Characterized by high surface brightnesses over intergalactic scales, its LyA emission may either trace high-density ionized gas ("clumps") or large column densities of neutral material. To distinguish between these two possibilities, information from a non-resonant line such as Halpha is crucial. Therefore, we analyzed a deep MOSFIRE observation of one of the brightest LyA emitting regions in the Slug Nebula with the goal of detecting associated Halpha emission. We also obtained a deep, moderate resolution LyA spectrum of the nearby brightest region of the Slug. We detected an Halpha flux of F_(Halpha)= 2.62 +/- 0.47 x 10^-17 erg/cm^2/s (SB_(Halpha)=2.70 +/- 0.48 x 10^-18 erg/cm^2/s/sq") at the expected spatial and spectral location. Combining the Halpha detection with its corresponding LyA flux (determined from the narrow-band imaging) we calculate a flux ratio of F_(LyA_/F_(Halpha)= 5.5 +/- 1.1. The presence of a skyline at the location of the Halpha emission decreases the signal to noise ratio of the detection and our ability to put stringent constraints on the Halpha kinematics. Our measurements argue for the origin of the LyA emission being recombination radiation, suggesting the presence of high-density ionized gas. Finally, our high-resolution spectroscopic study of the LyA emission does not show evidence of a rotating disk pattern and suggest a more complex origin for at least some parts of the Slug Nebula.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, final version including referee's comments after acceptanc

    A Low Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction of <10%<10\% for Extreme [OIII] Emitters in an Overdensity at z3.5\sim3.5

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    Recent work has suggested extreme [OIII] emitting star-forming galaxies are important to reionization. Relatedly, [OIII]/[OII] has been put forward as an indirect estimator of the Lyman Continuum (LyC) escape fraction (fescf_{esc}) at z4.5z\gtrsim4.5 when the opaque IGM renders LyC photons unobservable. Using deep archival U-band (VLT/VIMOS) imaging of a recently confirmed overdensity at z3.5z\sim3.5 we calculate tight constraints on fescf_{esc} for a sample (N=73) dominated by extreme [OIII] emitters. We find no Lyman Continuum signal (fescrel<6.30.7+0.7%f_{esc}^{rel} < 6.3^{+0.7}_{-0.7} \% at 1σ1\sigma) in a deep U-band stack of our sample (31.98 mag at 1σ\sigma). This constraint is in agreement with recent studies of star-forming galaxies spanning z14z\sim1-4 that have found very low average fescf_{esc}. Despite the galaxies in our study having an estimated average rest-frame EW([OIII]λ5007\lambda5007)400A˚\sim400\AA and [OIII]/[OII]4\sim 4 from composite SED-fitting, we find no LyC detection, which brings into question the potential of [OIII]/[OII] as an effective probe of the LyC--a majority of LyC emitters have [OIII]/[OII]>3>3, but we establish here that [OIII]/[OII]>3>3 does not guarantee significant LyC leakage for a population. Since even extreme star-forming galaxies are unable to produce the fesc1015%f_{esc}\sim10-15\% required by most theoretical calculations for star-forming galaxies to drive reionization, there must either be a rapid evolution of fescf_{esc} between z3.5z\sim3.5 and the Epoch of Reionization, or hitherto observationally unstudied sources (e.g. ultra-faint low-mass galaxies with log(M/M)78.5\log(M/M_\odot)\sim7-8.5) must make an outsized contribution to reionization.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures (key result in Figures 7, 8). Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Comments welcom

    The Dependence of Star Formation Rates on Stellar Mass and Environment at z~0.8

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    We examine the star formation rates (SFRs) of galaxies in a redshift slice encompassing the z=0.834 cluster RX J0152.7-1357. We used a low-dispersion prism in the Inamori Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph (IMACS) to identify galaxies with z<23.3 AB mag in diverse environments around the cluster out to projected distances of ~8 Mpc from the cluster center. We utilize a mass-limited sample (M>2x10^{10} M_sun) of 330 galaxies that were imaged by Spitzer MIPS at 24 micron to derive SFRs and study the dependence of specific SFR (SSFR) on stellar mass and environment. We find that the SFR and SSFR show a strong decrease with increasing local density, similar to the relation at z~0. Our result contrasts with other work at z~1 that find the SFR-density trend to reverse for luminosity-limited samples. These other results appear to be driven by star-formation in lower mass systems (M~10^{10} M_sun). Our results imply that the processes that shut down star-formation are present in groups and other dense regions in the field. Our data also suggest that the lower SFRs of galaxies in higher density environments may reflect a change in the ratio of star-forming to non-star-forming galaxies, rather than a change in SFRs. As a consequence, the SFRs of star-forming galaxies, in environments ranging from small groups to clusters, appear to be similar and largely unaffected by the local processes that truncate star-formation at z~0.8.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Three Super-Earths Orbiting HD 7924

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    We report the discovery of two super-Earth mass planets orbiting the nearby K0.5 dwarf HD 7924 which was previously known to host one small planet. The new companions have masses of 7.9 and 6.4 M_\oplus, and orbital periods of 15.3 and 24.5 days. We perform a joint analysis of high-precision radial velocity data from Keck/HIRES and the new Automated Planet Finder Telescope (APF) to robustly detect three total planets in the system. We refine the ephemeris of the previously known planet using five years of new Keck data and high-cadence observations over the last 1.3 years with the APF. With this new ephemeris, we show that a previous transit search for the inner-most planet would have covered 70% of the predicted ingress or egress times. Photometric data collected over the last eight years using the Automated Photometric Telescope shows no evidence for transits of any of the planets, which would be detectable if the planets transit and their compositions are hydrogen-dominated. We detect a long-period signal that we interpret as the stellar magnetic activity cycle since it is strongly correlated with the Ca II H and K activity index. We also detect two additional short-period signals that we attribute to rotationally-modulated starspots and a one month alias. The high-cadence APF data help to distinguish between the true orbital periods and aliases caused by the window function of the Keck data. The planets orbiting HD 7924 are a local example of the compact, multi-planet systems that the Kepler Mission found in great abundance.Comment: Accepted to ApJ on 4/7/201

    A Wide-Field Study of the z~0.8 Cluster RX J0152.7-1357: the Role of Environment in the Formation of the Red-Sequence

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    [ABRIDGED] We present the first results from the largest spectroscopic survey to date of an intermediate redshift galaxy cluster, the z=0.834 cluster RX J0152.7-1357. We use the colors of galaxies, assembled from a D~12 Mpc region centered on the cluster, to investigate the properties of the red-sequence as a function of density and clustercentric radius. Our wide-field multi-slit survey with a low-dispersion prism in the IMACS spectrograph at Magellan allowed us to identify 475 new members of the cluster and its surrounding large scale structure with a redshift accuracy of dz/(1+z)~1% and a contamination rate of ~2% for galaxies with i<23.75 mag. We combine these new members with the 279 previously known spectroscopic members to give a total of 754 galaxies from which we obtain a mass-limited sample of 300 galaxies with stellar masses M>4x10^{10} M_sun. We find that the red galaxy fraction is 93+/-3% in the two merging cores of the cluster and declines to a level of 64+/-3% at projected clustercentric radii R>~3 Mpc. At these large projected distances, the correlation between clustercentric radius and local density is nonexistent. This allows an assessment of the influence of the local environment on galaxy evolution, as opposed to mechanisms that operate on cluster scales. Even beyond R>3 Mpc we find an increasing fraction of red galaxies with increasing local density. The red fraction at the highest local densities in two groups at R>3 Mpc matches the red fraction found in the two cores. Strikingly, galaxies at intermediate densities at R>3 Mpc, that are not group members, also show signs of an enhanced red fraction. Our results point to such intermediate density regions and the groups in the outskirts of the cluster, as sites where the local environment influences the transition of galaxies onto the red-sequence.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ, expanded introduction and additional references adde

    Recent structural evolution of early-type galaxies : size growth from z=1 to z=0

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    Strong size and internal density evolution of early-type galaxies between z similar to 2 and the present has been reported by several authors. Here we analyze samples of nearby and distant (z similar to 1) galaxies with dynamically measured masses in order to confirm the previous, model-dependent results and constrain the uncertainties that may play a role. Velocity dispersion (sigma) measurements are taken from the literature for 50 morphologically selected 0.8 < z < 1.2 field and cluster early-type galaxies with typical masses M-dyn = 2 x 10(11) M-circle dot. Sizes (R-eff) are determined with Advanced Camera for Surveys imaging. We compare the distant sample with a large sample of nearby (0.04 < z < 0.08) early-type galaxies extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey for which we determine sizes, masses, and densities in a consistent manner, using simulations to quantify systematic differences between the size measurements of nearby and distant galaxies. We find a highly significant difference between the sigma-R-eff distributions of the nearby and distant samples, regardless of sample selection effects. The implied evolution in R-eff at fixed mass between z = 1 and the present is a factor of 1.97 +/- 0.15. This is in qualitative agreement with semianalytic models; however, the observed evolution is much faster than the predicted evolution. Our results reinforce and are quantitatively consistent with previous, photometric studies that found size evolution of up to a factor of 5 since z similar to 2. A combination of structural evolution of individual galaxies through the accretion of companions and the continuous formation of early-type galaxies through increasingly gas-poor mergers is one plausible explanation of the observations