391 research outputs found

    Characterization of bacterial lipooligosaccharides by delayed extraction matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry

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    Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) with a time-of-flight analyzer has been used to analyze bacterial lipooligosaccharides (LOS). Crude LOS preparations from pathogenic strains of Haemophilus influenzae and Haemophilus ducreyi and a commercial preparation of lipopolysaccharide from Salmonella typhimurium were treated with hydrazine to remove O-linked fatty acids on the lipid A moiety. The resulting O-deacylated LOS forms were water soluble and more amenable to cocrystallization with standard MALDI matrices such as 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid and 1-hydroxyisoquinoline. Under continuous extraction conditions, O-deacylated LOS yielded broad peaks with abundant salt adducts as well as forming prompt fragments through β-elimination of phosphoric acid, that is, [M-H3PO4-H]. However, when a time delay was used between ionization and extraction (“delayed extraction”) a significant improvement was seen in both mass resolution and the stability of the molecular ions against β-elimination of phosphoric acid, especially in the negative-ion mode. Both an external two-point calibration and an internal single-point calibration were used to assign masses, the latter of which provided the highest degree of accuracy (better than 0.01% in most cases). At higher laser powers, the LOS molecules cleave readily between the oligosaccharide and lipid A moieties yielding a number of prompt fragments. Postsource decay (PSD) analysis of selected molecular ions provided a set of fragments similar to those seen in the linear spectra, although they were more limited in number because they were derived from a single LOS-glycoform. Both the prompt and PSD fragments provided important structural information, especially in assigning the phosphate and phosphoethanolamine substitution pattern of the lipid A and oligosaccharide portions of LOS. Last, with the addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid followed by pulsed sonication, the relatively insoluble (and impure) LOS preparations yielded MALDI spectra similar to the O-deacylated LOS, although these intact LOS preparations required higher laser powers to ionize and were generally more affected by competing impurities

    Comparative analyses of proteins from Haemophilus influenzae biofilm and planktonic populations using metabolic labeling and mass spectrometry

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    BACKGROUND: Non-typeable H. influenzae (NTHi) is a nasopharyngeal commensal that can become an opportunistic pathogen causing infections such as otitis media, pneumonia, and bronchitis. NTHi is known to form biofilms. Resistance of bacterial biofilms to clearance by host defense mechanisms and antibiotic treatments is well-established. In the current study, we used stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) to compare the proteomic profiles of NTHi biofilm and planktonic organisms. Duplicate continuous-flow growth chambers containing defined media with either “light” (L) isoleucine or “heavy” (H) (13)C(6)-labeled isoleucine were used to grow planktonic (L) and biofilm (H) samples, respectively. Bacteria were removed from the chambers, mixed based on weight, and protein extracts were generated. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) was performed on the tryptic peptides and 814 unique proteins were identified with 99% confidence. RESULTS: Comparisons of the NTHi biofilm to planktonic samples demonstrated that 127 proteins showed differential expression with p-values ≤0.05. Pathway analysis demonstrated that proteins involved in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, and purine, pyrimidine, nucleoside, and nucleotide processes showed a general trend of downregulation in the biofilm compared to planktonic organisms. Conversely, proteins involved in transcription, DNA metabolism, and fatty acid and phospholipid metabolism showed a general trend of upregulation under biofilm conditions. Selected reaction monitoring (SRM)-MS was used to validate a subset of these proteins; among these were aerobic respiration control protein ArcA, NAD nucleotidase and heme-binding protein A. CONCLUSIONS: The present proteomic study indicates that the NTHi biofilm exists in a semi-dormant state with decreased energy metabolism and protein synthesis yet is still capable of managing oxidative stress and in acquiring necessary cofactors important for biofilm survival. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12866-014-0329-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Francisella tularensis Schu S4 lipopolysaccharide core sugar and o-antigen mutants are attenuated in a mouse model of tularemia

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    The virulence factors mediating Francisella pathogenesis are being investigated, with an emphasis on understanding how the organism evades innate immunity mechanisms. Francisella tularensis produces a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that is essentially inert and a polysaccharide capsule that helps the organism to evade detection by components of innate immunity. Using an F. tularensis Schu S4 mutant library, we identified strains that are disrupted for capsule and O-antigen production. These serum-sensitive strains lack both capsule production and O-antigen laddering. Analysis of the predicted protein sequences for the disrupted genes (FTT1236 and FTT1238c) revealed similarity to those for waa (rfa) biosynthetic genes in other bacteria. Mass spectrometry further revealed that these proteins are involved in LPS core sugar biosynthesis and the ligation of O antigen to the LPS core sugars. The 50% lethal dose (LD(50)) values of these strains are increased 100- to 1,000-fold for mice. Histopathology revealed that the immune response to the F. tularensis mutant strains was significantly different from that observed with wild-type-infected mice. The lung tissue from mutant-infected mice had widespread necrotic debris, but the spleens lacked necrosis and displayed neutrophilia. In contrast, the lungs of wild-type-infected mice had nominal necrosis, but the spleens had widespread necrosis. These data indicate that murine death caused by wild-type strains occurs by a mechanism different from that by which the mutant strains kill mice. Mice immunized with these mutant strains displayed >10-fold protective effects against virulent type A F. tularensis challenge

    Proteomic analysis of plasma membrane and secretory vesicles from human neutrophils

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) constitute an essential cellular component of innate host defense against microbial invasion and exhibit a wide array of responses both to particulate and soluble stimuli. As the cells recruited earliest during acute inflammation, PMN respond rapidly and release a variety of potent cytotoxic agents within minutes of exposure to microbes or their products. PMN rely on the redistribution of functionally important proteins, from intracellular compartments to the plasma membrane and phagosome, as the means by which to respond quickly. To determine the range of membrane proteins available for rapid recruitment during PMN activation, we analyzed the proteins in subcellular fractions enriched for plasma membrane and secretory vesicles recovered from the light membrane fraction of resting PMN after Percoll gradient centrifugation and free-flow electrophoresis purification using mass spectrometry-based proteomics methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To identify the proteins light membrane fractions enriched for plasma membrane vesicles and secretory vesicles, we employed a proteomic approach, first using MALDI-TOF (peptide mass fingerprinting) and then by HPLC-MS/MS using a 3D ion trap mass spectrometer to analyze the two vesicle populations from resting PMN. We identified several proteins that are functionally important but had not previously been recovered in PMN secretory vesicles. Two such proteins, 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP) and dysferlin were further validated by immunoblot analysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data demonstrate the broad array of proteins present in secretory vesicles that provides the PMN with the capacity for remarkable and rapid reorganization of its plasma membrane after exposure to proinflammatory agents or stimuli.</p

    JNK modifies neuronal metabolism to promote proteostasis and longevity.

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    Aging is associated with a progressive loss of tissue and metabolic homeostasis. This loss can be delayed by single-gene perturbations, increasing lifespan. How such perturbations affect metabolic and proteostatic networks to extend lifespan remains unclear. Here, we address this question by comprehensively characterizing age-related changes in protein turnover rates in the Drosophila brain, as well as changes in the neuronal metabolome, transcriptome, and carbon flux in long-lived animals with elevated Jun-N-terminal Kinase signaling. We find that these animals exhibit a delayed age-related decline in protein turnover rates, as well as decreased steady-state neuronal glucose-6-phosphate levels and elevated carbon flux into the pentose phosphate pathway due to the induction of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). Over-expressing G6PD in neurons is sufficient to phenocopy these metabolic and proteostatic changes, as well as extend lifespan. Our study identifies a link between metabolic changes and improved proteostasis in neurons that contributes to the lifespan extension in long-lived mutants

    RPL24: a potential therapeutic target whose depletion or acetylation inhibits polysome assembly and cancer cell growth.

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    Partial loss of large ribosomal subunit protein 24 (RPL24) function is known to protect mice against Akt or Myc-driven cancers, in part via translational inhibition of a subset of cap(eIF4E)-dependently translated mRNAs. The role of RPL24 in human malignancies is unknown. By analyzing a public dataset of matched human breast cancers and normal mammary tissue, we found that breast cancers express significantly more RPL24 than matched normal breast samples. Depletion of RPL24 in breast cancer cells by \u3e70% reduced cell viability by 80% and decreased protein expression of the eIF4E-dependently translated proteins cyclin D1 (75%), survivin (46%) and NBS1 (30%) without altering GAPDH or beta-tubulin levels. RPL24 knockdown also reduced 80S subunit levels relative to 40S and 60S levels. These effects on expression of eIF4E-dependent proteins and ribosome assembly were mimicked by 2-24 h treatment with the pan-HDACi, trichostatin A (TSA), which induced acetylation of 15 different polysome-associated proteins including RPL24. Furthermore, HDAC6-selective inhibition or HDAC6 knockdown induced ribosomal protein acetylation. Via mass spectrometry, we found that 60S-associated, but not, polysome-associated, RPL24 undergoes HDACi-induced acetylation on K27. Thus, RPL24 K27 acetylation may play a role in ribosome assembly. These findings point toward a novel acetylation-dependent polysome assembly mechanism regulating tumorigenesis

    Mini-magnetospheres above the lunar surface and the formation of lunar swirls

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    In this paper we present in-situ satellite data, theory and laboratory validation that show how small scale collisionless shocks and mini-magnetospheres can form on the electron inertial scale length. The resulting retardation and deflection of the solar wind ions could be responsible for the unusual "lunar swirl" patterns seen on the surface of the Moon.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    A Lectin HPLC Method to Enrich Selectively-glycosylated Peptides from Complex Biological Samples

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    Glycans are an important class of post-translational modifications. Typically found on secreted and extracellular molecules, glycan structures signal the internal status of the cell. Glycans on tumor cells tend to have abundant sialic acid and fucose moieties. We propose that these cancer-associated glycan variants be exploited for biomarker development aimed at diagnosing early-stage disease. Accordingly, we developed a mass spectrometry-based workflow that incorporates chromatography on affinity matrices formed from lectins, proteins that bind specific glycan structures. The lectins Sambucus nigra (SNA) and Aleuria aurantia (AAL), which bind sialic acid and fucose, respectively, were covalently coupled to POROS beads (Applied Biosystems) and packed into PEEK columns for high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Briefly, plasma was depleted of the fourteen most abundant proteins using a multiple affinity removal system (MARS-14; Agilent). Depleted plasma was trypsin-digested and separated into flow-through and bound fractions by SNA or AAL HPLC. The fractions were treated with PNGaseF to remove N-linked glycans, and analyzed by LC-MS/MS on a QStar Elite. Data were analyzed using Mascot software. The experimental design included positive controls—fucosylated and sialylated human lactoferrin glycopeptides—and negative controls—high mannose glycopeptides from Saccharomyces cerevisiae—that were used to monitor the specificity of lectin capture. Key features of this workflow include the reproducibility derived from the HPLC format, the positive identification of the captured and PNGaseF-treated glycopeptides from their deamidated Asn-Xxx-Ser/Thr motifs, and quality assessment using glycoprotein standards. Protocol optimization also included determining the appropriate ratio of starting material to column capacity, identifying the most efficient capture and elution buffers, and monitoring the PNGaseF-treatment to ensure full deglycosylation. Future directions include using this workflow to perform mass spectrometry-based discovery experiments on plasma from breast cancer patients and control individuals
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