37 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the biomarker candidate MFAP4 for non-invasive assessment of hepatic fibrosis in hepatitis C patients

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    Background:\textbf {Background:} The human microfibrillar-associated protein 4 (MFAP4) is located to extracellular matrix fibers and plays a role in disease-related tissue remodeling. Previously, we identified MFAP4 as a serum biomarker candidate for hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis in hepatitis C patients. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the potential of MFAP4 as biomarker for hepatic fibrosis with a focus on the differentiation of no to moderate (F0–F2) and severe fibrosis stages and cirrhosis (F3 and F4, Desmet-Scheuer scoring system). Methods:\textbf {Methods:} MFAP4 levels were measured using an AlphaLISA immunoassay in a retrospective study including n\it n = 542 hepatitis C patients. We applied a univariate logistic regression model based on MFAP4 serum levels and furthermore derived a multivariate model including also age and gender. Youden-optimal cutoffs for binary classification were determined for both models without restrictions and considering a lower limit of 80% sensitivity (correct classification of F3 and F4), respectively. To assess the generalization error, leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV ) was performed. Results:\textbf {Results:} MFAP4 levels were shown to differ between no to moderate fibrosis stages F0–F2 and severe stages (F3 and F4) with high statistical significance (t\it t test on log scale, p\it p value <2.2⋅10−16<2.2·10^{-16}). In the LOOCV, the univariate classification resulted in 85.8% sensitivity and 54.9% specificity while the multivariate model yielded 81.3% sensitivity and 61.5% specificity (restricted approaches). Conclusions:\textbf {Conclusions:} We confirmed the applicability of MFAP4 as a novel serum biomarker for assessment of hepatic fibrosis and identification of high-risk patients with severe fibrosis stages in hepatitis C. The combination of MFAP4 with existing tests might lead to a more accurate non-invasive diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis and allow a cost-effective disease management in the era of new direct acting antivirals

    Eukaryotic elongation factor 2 is a prognostic marker and its kinase a potential therapeutic target in HCC

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma is a cancer with increasing incidence and largely refractory to current anticancer drugs. Since Sorafenib, a multikinase inhibitor has shown modest efficacy in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma additional treatments are highly needed. Protein phosphorylation via kinases is an important post-translational modification to regulate cell homeostasis including proliferation and apoptosis. Therefore kinases are valuable targets in cancer therapy. To this end we performed 2D differential gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry analysis of phosphoprotein-enriched lysates of tumor and corresponding non-tumorous liver samples to detect differentially abundant phosphoproteins to screen for novel kinases as potential drug targets. We identified 34 differentially abundant proteins in phosphoprotein enriched lysates. Expression and distribution of the candidate protein eEF2 and its phosphorylated isoform was validated immunohistochemically on 78 hepatocellular carcinoma and non-tumorous tissue samples. Validation showed that total eEF2 and phosphorylated eEF2 at threonine 56 are prognostic markers for overall survival of HCC-patients. The activity of the regulating eEF2 kinase, compared between tumor and non-tumorous tissue lysates by in vitro kinase assays, is more than four times higher in tumor tissues. Functional analyzes regarding eEF2 kinase were performed in JHH5 cells with CRISPR/Cas9 mediated eEF2 kinase knock out. Proliferation and growth is decreased in eEF2 kinase knock out cells

    Comparative transcriptomic and proteomic signature of lung alveolar macrophages reveals the integrin CD11b as a regulatory hub during pneumococcal pneumonia infection

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    IntroductionStreptococcus pneumoniae is one of the main causes of community-acquired infections in the lung alveoli in children and the elderly. Alveolar macrophages (AM) patrol alveoli in homeostasis and under infectious conditions. However, the molecular adaptations of AM upon infections with Streptococcus pneumoniae are incompletely resolved.MethodsWe used a comparative transcriptomic and proteomic approach to provide novel insights into the cellular mechanism that changes the molecular signature of AM during lung infections. Using a tandem mass spectrometry approach to murine cell-sorted AM, we revealed significant proteomic changes upon lung infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae.ResultsAM showed a strong neutrophil-associated proteomic signature, such as expression of CD11b, MPO, neutrophil gelatinases, and elastases, which was associated with phagocytosis of recruited neutrophils. Transcriptomic analysis indicated intrinsic expression of CD11b by AM. Moreover, comparative transcriptomic and proteomic profiling identified CD11b as the central molecular hub in AM, which influenced neutrophil recruitment, activation, and migration.DiscussionIn conclusion, our study provides novel insights into the intrinsic molecular adaptations of AM upon lung infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae and reveals profound alterations critical for effective antimicrobial immunity

    Structural mechanism of CRL4-instructed STAT2 degradation via a novel cytomegaloviral DCAF receptor

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    Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a ubiquitously distributed pathogen whose rodent counterparts such as mouse and rat CMV serve as common infection models. Here, we conducted global proteome profiling of rat CMV-infected cells and uncovered a pronounced loss of the transcription factor STAT2, which is crucial for antiviral interferon signalling. Via deletion mutagenesis, we found that the viral protein E27 is required for CMV-induced STAT2 depletion. Cellular and in vitro analyses showed that E27 exploits host-cell Cullin4-RING ubiquitin ligase (CRL4) complexes to induce poly-ubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation of STAT2. Cryo-electron microscopy revealed how E27 mimics molecular surface properties of cellular CRL4 substrate receptors called DCAFs (DDB1- and Cullin4-associated factors), thereby displacing them from the catalytic core of CRL4. Moreover, structural analyses showed that E27 recruits STAT2 through a bipartite binding interface, which partially overlaps with the IRF9 binding site. Structure-based mutations in M27, the murine CMV homologue of E27, impair the interferon-suppressing capacity and virus replication in mouse models, supporting the conserved importance of DCAF mimicry for CMV immune evasion

    Proteome profiling of enzalutamide-resistant cell lines and serum analysis identified ALCAM as marker of resistance in castration-resistant prostate cancer

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    Enzalutamide (ENZA) is a frequently used therapy in metastatic castration‐resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). Baseline or acquired resistance to ENZA have been observed, but the molecular mechanisms of resistance are poorly understood. We aimed to identify proteins involved in ENZA resistance and to find therapy‐predictive serum markers. We performed comparative proteome analyses on ENZA‐sensitive parental (LAPC4, DuCaP) and ‐resistant prostate cancer cell lines (LAPC4‐ENZA, DuCaP‐ENZA) using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC‐MS/MS). The top four most promising candidate markers were selected using bioinformatic approaches. Serum concentrations of selected markers (ALCAM, AGR2, NDRG1, IDH1) were measured in pretreatment samples of 72 ENZA‐treated mCRPC patients using ELISA. In addition, ALCAM serum levels were measured in 101 Abiraterone (ABI) and 100 Docetaxel (DOC)‐treated mCRPC patients' baseline samples. Results were correlated with clinical and follow‐up data. The functional role of ALCAM in ENZA resistance was assessed in vitro using siRNA. Our proteome analyses revealed 731 significantly differentially abundant proteins between ENZA‐sensitive and ‐resistant cells and our filtering methods identified four biomarker candidates. Serum analyses of these proteins revealed only ALCAM to be associated with poor patient survival. Furthermore, higher baseline ALCAM levels were associated with poor survival in ABI‐ but not in DOC‐treated patients. In LAPC4‐ENZA resistant cells, ALCAM silencing by siRNA knockdown resulted in significantly enhanced ENZA sensitivity. Our analyses revealed that ALCAM serum levels may help to identify ENZA‐ and ABI‐resistant patients and may thereby help to optimize future clinical decision‐making. Our functional analyses suggest the possible involvement of ALCAM in ENZA resistance

    Comparative proteome analysis identified CD44 as a possible serum marker for docetaxel resistance in castration-resistant prostate cancer

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    Baseline or acquired resistance to docetaxel (DOC) represents a significant risk for patients with metastatic prostate cancer (PC). In the last years, novel therapy regimens have been approved providing reasonable alternatives for DOC‐resistant patients making prediction of DOC resistance of great clinical importance. We aimed to identify serum biomarkers, which are able to select patients who will not benefit from DOC treatment. DOC‐resistant PC3‐DR and DU145‐DR sublines and their sensitive parental cell lines (DU145, PC3) were comparatively analyzed using liquid chromatography‐coupled tandem mass spectrometry (LC‐MS/MS). Results were filtered using bioinformatics approaches to identify promising serum biomarkers. Serum levels of five proteins were determined in serum samples of 66 DOC‐treated metastatic castration‐resistant PC patients (mCRPC) using ELISA. Results were correlated with clinicopathological and survival data. CD44 was subjected to further functional cell culture analyses. We found at least 177 two‐fold significantly overexpressed proteins in DOC‐resistant cell lines. Our bioinformatics method suggested 11/177 proteins to be secreted into the serum. We determined serum levels of five (CD44, MET, GSN, IL13RA2 and LNPEP) proteins in serum samples of DOC‐treated patients and found high CD44 serum levels to be independently associated with poor overall survival (p = 0.001). In accordance, silencing of CD44 in DU145‐DR cells resulted in re‐sensitization to DOC. In conclusion, high serum CD44 levels may help identify DOC‐resistant patients and may thereby help optimize clinical decision‐making regarding type and timing of therapy for mCRPC patients. In addition, our in vitro results imply the possible functional involvement of CD44 in DOC resistance

    Herstellung monoklonaler Antikörper gegen den Integrin-α2ÎČ1-Antagonisten Rhodocetin zur Analyse dessen Eigenschaften in vitro und in vivo

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    Integrin a2ß1 ist ein AdhĂ€sionsrezeptor, der verschiedene Kollagentypen bindet. Als solcher spielt es eine bedeutende Rolle fĂŒr Zellfunktionen wie Migration und die Regulation des Zytoskeletts, Zellteilung, Apoptose und Differenzierung. Integrin a2ß1 ĂŒbernimmt deshalb eine tragende Funktion in Prozessen wie Wundheilung, Angiogenese und der Progression und Metastasierung von Krebs. Rhodocetin ist ein Antagonist des Integrins a2ß1. Es ist ein C-Typ-Lektin-artiges Protein das im Schlangengift der Malaiischen Grubenotter (Calloselasma rhodostoma) entdeckt wurde. Rhodocetin besteht aus vier Untereinheiten a, ß, ? und d, die zwei Dimere formen (aß und ?d), welche wiederum eine kreuzförmige heterotetramere QuartiĂ€rstruktur bilden, die bislang nur fĂŒr Rhodocetin beschrieben wurde. Rhodocetin bindet an die Integrin-a2A-DomĂ€ne der a-Untereinheit des Integrins a2ß1. Rhodocetin unterbindet damit die Bindung von Kollagen und die Aktivierung des Integrins. Der genaue Interaktionsmechanismus von Rhodocetin mit der Integrin-a2A-DomĂ€ne ist noch unbekannt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden mittels Hybridomtechnik monoklonale Antikörper gegen Rhodocetin generiert. Es wurden sechs Fusionen von Lymphozyten mit Myelomazellen durchgefĂŒhrt, fĂŒr die sowohl MĂ€use als auch Ratten mit Rhodocetin immunisiert wurden. Die erzeugten Hybridomaklone wurden zunĂ€chst im ELISA auf ihre FĂ€higkeit getestet, Rhodocetin zu binden. Positiv getestete Klone wurden selektiert und die monoklonalen Antikörper aus den ZellĂŒberstĂ€nden aufgereinigt. Es konnten 14 monoklonale Antikörper etabliert werden. Die Antikörper wurden zunĂ€chst in ihren Bindungseigenschaften charakterisiert. Hierzu wurden verschiedene ELISAs, Immunblot und ImmunprĂ€zipitation genutzt. In der Duchflusszytometrie wurde getestet, ob die Antikörper an Integrin a2ß1 gebundenes Rhodocetin detektieren. Die Antikörper lassen sich hinsichtlich ihr Bindungseigenschaften und der Lage ihrer Bindungsepitope auf den verschiedenen Rhodocetin-Heterodimeren in unterschiedliche Klassen unterteilen. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass Rhodocetin KonformationsĂ€nderungen unterliegt, die durch die Bindung einiger der generierten Antikörper induziert werden. Um den Einfluss divalenter Kationen auf die Konformation von Rhodocetin sowie den Interaktionsmechanismus von Rhodocetin mit der Integrin-a2A-DomĂ€ne zu untersuchen, wurde die analytische Gelfiltrationschromatographie genutzt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Bindung divalenter Kationen die Konformation von Rhodocetin beeinflusst. Um die Interaktionsstudien von Rhodocetin mit der a2A-DomĂ€ne auszuwerten wurde ein Sandwich-ELISA etabliert. Dieser ermöglichte es, im Anschluss an die Gelfiltration, die beiden Rhodocetin-Heterodimere unabhĂ€ngig voneinander im Eluat nachzuweisen und zu quantifizieren. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass das Rhodocetin-Heterotetramer wĂ€hrend der Interaktion mit der Integrin-a2A-DomĂ€ne dissoziiert und nur das ?d-Dimer einen stabilen Komplex mit der a2A-DomĂ€ne bildet, wĂ€hrend das aß-Dimer freigesetzt und unabhĂ€ngig von diesem Komplex eluiert wird. Die pharmakologischen Eigenschaften von Rhodocetin wurden in einem Tumor-Xenograft-Modell untersucht, fĂŒr das immundefizienten MĂ€usen HT1080 Fibrosarkomzellen implantiert wurden. Rhodocetin wurde den MĂ€usen intravenös appliziert und die Auswirkungen auf die Tumoren sowie der Verbleib von Rhodocetin im Körper analysiert. Die Entwicklung der Serumkonzentration von Rhodocetin wurde mit dem etablierten Sandwich-ELISA untersucht, welches hierzu mit einer Standardreihe kalibriert wurde. Die Elimination von Rhodocetin folgt einer Kinetik erster Ordnung. Die Exkretion von Rhodocetin erfolgt ĂŒber die Niere. Es zeigte sich, dass etwa zwei Drittel des applizierten Rhodocetins unmittelbar nach Injektion von Integrin a2ß1-exprimierenden Zellen des Blutes gebunden werden. Die immunhistologische Auswertung von Tumoren und Kontrollgeweben ergab, dass Rhodocetin an Endothelzellen innerhalb der Nierenglomeruli sowie der Leber bindet. Rhodocetin konnte auch auf Endothelzellen der Tumorvaskulatur nachgewiesen werden. Innerhalb der Tumoren wurde Rhodocetin auch außerhalb von BlutgefĂ€ĂŸen gefunden, wo es an HT1080 Tumorzellen bindet. Die Behandlung mit Rhodocetin beeintrĂ€chtigte die IntegritĂ€t der BlutgefĂ€ĂŸe innerhalb der Tumoren und fĂŒhrte zu HĂ€morrhagien. Um die Auswirkungen von Rhodocetin auf die Tumoren genauer zu untersuchen und zu quantifizieren, wurde dynamische Magnetresonanztomographie genutzt. Es zeigte sich, dass Rhodocetin die DurchlĂ€ssigkeit der BlutgefĂ€ĂŸe in Tumoren signifikant erhöht

    Rhodocetin-αÎČ selectively breaks the endothelial barrier of the tumor vasculature in HT1080 fibrosarcoma and A431 epidermoid carcinoma tumor models

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    The tumor vasculature differs from normal blood vessels in morphology, composition and stability. Here, we describe a novel tumor vessel-disrupting mechanism. In an HT1080/mouse xenograft tumor model rhodocetin-αÎČ was highly effective in disrupting the tumor endothelial barrier. Mechanistically, rhodocetin-αÎČ triggered MET signaling via neuropilin-1. As both neuropilin-1 and MET were only lumen-exposed in a subset of abnormal tumor vessels, but not in normal vessels, the prime target of rhodocetin-αÎČ were these abnormal tumor vessels. Consequently, cells lining such tumor vessels became increasingly motile which compromised the vessel wall tightness. After this initial leakage, rhodocetin-αÎČ could leave the bloodstream and reach the as yet inaccessible neuropilin-1 on the basolateral side of endothelial cells and thus disrupt nearby vessels. Due to the specific neuropilin-1/MET co-distribution on cells lining such abnormal tumor vessels in contrast to normal endothelial cells, rhodocetin-αÎČ formed the necessary trimeric signaling complex of rhodocetin-αÎČ-MET-neuropilin-1 only in these abnormal tumor vessels. This selective attack of tumor vessels, sparing endothelial cell-lined vessels of normal tissues, suggests that the neuropilin-1-MET signaling axis may be a promising drugable target for anti-tumor therapy, and that rhodocetin-αÎČ may serve as a lead structure to develop novel anti-tumor drugs that target such vessels